A ._...... _... ...,, a "as a - yU -U1 ; Z.U, a I 43. i 87 C.J M Ja L A I - - -- - --_- -.._._.-'-.............. -__._..- _.---1-_-'___- __ t Fi f ty!0na(r h Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and. every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The- Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication ot all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all othe-r matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Editorial Staff Marion Ford Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Marjorie orradileo Eric Zalenski. Bud Low . Harvey Frank . Mary Anne Olmon Marjorie Rosmarin Hilda Slautterrihck Doris lKuent. . . . . Managlng Editor . . . Editorial iDirector S . . '. City Editor . Associateot Editor * . A . Sports Editor * A~soeit pfirt$ Editor . . . Women's Editor . . Ass't Womn's Editor . m.'. . Culmi'nist . . , Cumni't j iisllPrss Slelff M)lly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion . . . ioinem~ Manager . Aras't 13um. Manager . . A.s't lus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA ROCK Edi/orials published in The Michigan Daily are written by me/ers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. PREJUDl)ICES: McKenzie Questionts CIO (Caiteeinin, Capitol "HOW can anyone be a party to encouraging white girls into the arms of Negro soldiers at a canteen dance while singing 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart'?" That was the interesting question posed by Representative Charles McKenzie of Louisiana which was printed in the Congressional Record yesterday. It came as the result of the open- ing of a CIO-sponsored servicemen's canteen in Washington which permits both white and Negro servicemen to attend and has both white and Negro hostesses. The question shows the hard-to-answer logic of inborn prejudice. It subtley by-passes all in- telligent arguments that demand equal treat- ment of races to facilitate education and devel- opment of peoples who have not been given the chance to improve their intellectual and social status. It is the same old question you have thrown in your face every time you bring up the subject of racial tolerance. Someone is bound to ask with a triumphant expression on his face, "You wouldn't want YOUR sister to marry a colored guy, would ya?" You answer, "probably not," and patiently explain that your plea is for tolerance, equal- ity of opportunity, and has very little, if any- thing to do with mixing the two races. You explain that you are against discrimination and that you believe in that trite but true old phrase, "All men are created equal." But this very rarely satisfies the humbugs and they keep prating on the same old theme, feel- ing that their arguments are unanswerable and refusing even to consider the problem in the cold, undecorated room of moral values and in- telligent discussion. Therefore we answer the gentleman from Louisiana's question with the same sort of emo- tional drivel. "No," we scream, "don't encour- age white girls to dance with Negro soldiers at a canteen dance while singing 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart.' "Make them sing, I Hate You 'Cause Your Feet's Too Big'!" -Ray Dixon SENA TE E PORJ TS: Interim tim ( artes Must Re Destroyed THE SENATE Subcommittee for War Mobili- zation issued a report recently, which dis- closed some startling information about the poli- cies and actions of the Int ernational Cartels. Two of the cotbinaions mentioned by the report include the Aluminum Compa ny of America which is allied with Aluminum Ltd.I of Canada, the American Bosch Corporation and Bendix Aviation Company which are con- bined with the Robert Bosch Company in Germany. The chemical, pet roleum products, aspirin,' electrical and radio equipment industries all are controlled in part by cartels. As a result prices are higher than they would be ordinarily, qu ality is kept down and supplies are restricted. It was the cartels who helped rearm er- many. In fact. American companies such as UP TO CONGRESS: 1'oldiefs Wil Vote Only Witlh'Federal 11(141l! Plan 41 1federal Soldier Vote Bill has been kicked ;around so much in Congress lately that it remains uncertain whether the servicemen and women will have an opportunity to vote at all. In the Senate the Green-Lucas Bill, which provides for a uniform federal ballot, still holds the upper hand. In the House the East- land-Rankin "states' rights" bill still leads the field. To add to further confusion, the house will debate today on amendments writ- ten by Senator Ferguson and submitted by the Senate to a House committee. The Republicans, despite their "constitutional double talk," fear that a majority of servicemen will vote for a fourth term, since the Republican candidate for President will, in all probability, be unknown to most servicemen overseas. The Republicans, however, fail to consider that the American people believe that every- thing possible should be done to permit all the men who are fighting for the preservation of American democracy to vote, and should be permitted to say what they wish for the future. The Republican candidate for President in the coming elections will have a tough time ex- plaiming to the American public, why his party opposed the Federal Soldier Vote Measure. A UNIFORM federal ballot would be the only method that would assure the people of Am- erica and our fighting .men that everyone can vote, and that servicemen will be permitted to ex- ercise the franchise that is rightfully theirs. States ballots would be too complicated, and would in all probability refuse the right to vote to many men, because of poll-tax and registration restrictions. Furthermore, it would be very difficult for the ballots to reach all the men and women overseas, since they are moved so frequently. A federal ballot would disregard all restric- tions; would be simple to understand and easy to handle; and would reach all servicemen through their commanding officers. Congressmen must now realize the issues at stake, and that the people of America want a federal ballot for servicemen. It is hoped that the members of the House of Representa- tives in the debate tomorrow will disregard all their personal grudges against the Soldier Vote Bill, and vote for the bill that would provide for all men, in all parts of the globe, the right to vote by a uniform federal ballot. -Aggie Miller DREW , PEARSON'S MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-There was one tu- multuous press conference with Governor Tom Dewey, recently, which never got into print. It was over the Soldier's Vote Bill and the racket- busting prosecutor, who ha's sent many a gang- ster to jail, skidded all over the plce trying to dodge taking a position. The conference occurred just after Dewey telegraphed Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire that a federal ballot which would not list state, county and other local offices, was not in accordance with New York law. Senator Bridges promptly posted the Dewey telegram on a Senate bulletin board, whereupon Albany newsmen who had been trying unsuc- cessfully for days to get Dewey's views on the Soldier's Vote, immediately pounced on him. When cornered at a press conference in Al- bany, the young governor finally explained that upon the previous Saturday night he had been on the verge of favoring the federal ballot for soldiers. But on Saturday Mrs. Dewey had heard a radio speech by an Illinois Congress- man which she felt was very effective against the federal ballot. At this point newsmen were told that this was all off the record, including even the questions asked of Dewey. They claimed that their own questions should not be off the record, where- upon Governor Dewey replied: "I don't see why not. That's the rule at White House press conferences." "Oh, so you've been studying press confer- ence rules at the White House?" chorused sev- eral newsmen significantly. After about 20 minutes of argument Dewey finally agreed that newsmen could publish the fact that he had been asked a question on the Soldier's Vote and that the reply was "No com- ment." Note-Actually Governor Dewey had his facts twisted on White House press rules. Newsmen always quote questions asked of President Roose- velt, whether he replies or nqt, including recent questions about running for a fourth term. No Comic Strips One thing that troubled State Department Coordinator Jim Landis, during his stay in Cairo, was lack of comic strips. Before going to Cairo; Landis had made a pact with his two daughters, Stella and Ellen, 'd lRarther __B IRligh_ - By SAM UL LGRAFTON NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-If I were asked to be- come a teacher in the German schools after the war, I would insist on using "Mein Kampf" as a text-book. I would make the little Germans in my class memorize the entire volume, page by page. I know they would hate me, as a foreign teacher imposed upon them by force, and so I would try to make them hate "Mein Kampf," too. I would make them sick of it, as well as of me. I exaggerate, I spoof, yet this seems to me at least as practcial as any other scheme for "edu- cating the Germans" I have come across. Who are the golden minds among us, serene, poised, with all problems solved, ready to do the educat- ing? Shall we tell the Germans how capital and labor ought to deal with each other? But we are still in the process of solving that one for our- selves. We haven't found an answer for home use yet, let alone for export. NO ANSWERS FOR EXPORT We are still in a great, frightful rage with each other over so old an American problem as state- federal relationships, yet many of us do not; doubt that we are quite ready to g across and tell the Germans how to live. What shall we teach the Germans about "democracy"? Shall we teach them to believe in collective bargain- ing and the closed shop? But our own minds are not yet made up on these points, and one can imagine the Congressional uproar that would follow any such a t mpi, to indoctrinate Ger- mrany. Shall we teach the Germans that every man and woman ought to be allowed to vote, or that there should be a system of poll-taxes? Either choice will lead to a frantic argument back here at home. The German pupils will listen while their American teachers quarrel. LET'S STICK TO'O TIE POSSILE Once again I ask that in our approach to the Germans, we stick to the possible, and realize it, rather than reach for the impossible, and fail. A new way of life does not start in the schools; schools merely reflect whichever way of life al- ready exists. We Americans are not democratic because we are democratic. Schools sum up the answers which society has reached. But society must first reach the answers, of and by itself. We are already putting the Germans through one important educational experience, by beat- ing them. We are already teaching them a great lesson, the lesson of the failure of fas- cism. That is truly how a societ learns. I suggest that in our approach to the German people, we build on this beginning. I suggest that we address the German people in the following terms: "Germans! We are going to exile many thous- ands of your leaders. We are going to- occupy Germany. We are going to dissolve your state; you are not to have army, navy, munitions fac- tories, or foreign policy. As for the rest, we say this to you: THEY MUST SOLVE US "We do not love you, we do not hate you. You are caught in a certain historical predicament. Very well, then, get out of it, as best you can. It is not our problem. It is your problem. Try to solve your problem. We promise you nothing. Run your schools as you please. If you pick unsuitable teachers; very well, you will pay the penalty; the occupation will be prolonged. "It is your problem; we cannot solve it for you; we do not intend to try. Your past mis- takes have placed you in a predicament, out of which, it so happens, you can emerge only by convincing us and persuading us that you can be trusted. You are not our problem, for we intend to make ourselves safe against you, whatever happens. But we are your problem. You must solve us. "Very well, then, solve us. It is you who must answer the hard questions, not we. It is a mat- ter of indifference to us whether you succeed in answering them, or not. It is up to you, whether you care to face the ultimates at last and whether you care to think your way through your predic- ament." (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) to clip "Terry and the Pirates" and send it to him every day. But, never a strip came. When he got back to Washington, he exclaimed: "So that's the kind of daughters Ihave! Why didn't you send me Terry?" The girls protested, "But we did, daddy-every day!" They said that they clipped the Wash- ington Post daily, sent the letters to the State Department, unsealed, for inclusion in the diplo- matic pouch. "The State Department!" said Landis, smell- ing a rat. Ile investigated. ie found what he suspected. The State Department had raised. its eyebrows at the sight of comics in the diplo matic pouch. Terry had been consigned to the waste basket. Note--Perhaps it's a sense of humor which is the long-sought secret tirouble with the State Department. (Copyright, 1944, United Fea ures Syndicate) 1, Bxl BAtA IIERININTON MOST of us, even n1,1 1'of the old- guard professors, realize that the AS'TP program here as force- fully pointed out many fallacies inI the old teaching lmethod now in use. The Jamison board noted this. In the release of the proposed pro- gram for returning veterans it wasj stated, "It was further pointed out that many of the changes in edu- cational method that have oc- curred as a result of large-scale armed service specialized training? programs will be continued after the war." This is vague. Perhapsj it must be at the present time. But it is to he hoped that it will soon be worked out specifically. As an example of what might be done, consider the teaching of mod- HIC cati asses ave Ww fdef n l eIII- structions, except that they must minimize the teaching of grammar as such. This must be a working part of the language, not an ab- stract theory. And through the drill sections, the ASTP man re- ceives a great deal of practice in speaking the language. It is not assumed that this pro- gi-am is perfect. It has been said, for instance, that 17 hours a week are GRIN AND REAR IT By Lichty -- - - as f t - I.. 1 Y7 \ r F( 1/ - p "No-it was worse than a nightmnre-he says it was a swell idea for a radio mystery seri ml!" ASTP SHOWS TIlE WAY: 7 I i i I RevoC~C~lutionin Teachig ein languages. At present, this is a too many: thlt such intensification rather haphazard procedure. In many is beyond l[e point of diminishing aspects of it., a definite policy is not returns even dc('ided upon, mtuch less Vol~ - Ut the org-nzat iou a l w.,ino smed in e la o A nmami in the AS'I' program (ivilians are lar, o- to the other taking Spanish, for exampe, has extreme. These 17 hours include classes and drill sections. Professors teaching h nlsc e+ },-11 Phu Ao il i v. " DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 82 All notices for the bally official Bul- letin are to be sent to the office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Mid - Year Graduation Exercises: Feb. 19, 1944, 9:30 a.m., Assembly in Hill Auditorium (Academic Dress). All Graduates will be seated in Sec. III, the center section, Main Floor. Seating will be under the direction of Marshalls. Color Guard will assemble in Lob- by, first floor. IHonor Guard will assemble in Lobby, first floor. Deans and Directors who take ac- tive part in the exercises will assem- ble in east dressing rooms, first floor. Regents, Secretary, Minister, Speak- er, President, and others of Group I, Honor Section will assemble in west dressing rooms, first floor. Other Faculty Members will assem- ble in second floor dressing rooms. The seating of the public will be under the direction of ushers. 10:00 a.m., Opening exercises. Tickets for the Midyear Gradua- tiorn Exercises are now available at the Information Desk, Rm. 1, University Hall. After 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 19, they may also be obtained at the box office in Hill Auditorium. Midyear Graduation Exercises: Classes on Saturday morning, Feb. 19, with the exception of A.S.T.P. classes and the Saturday classes of the School of Education, will be dis- missed at 9:45 a.m. to permit faculty members and students to attend the Midyear Graduation Exercises. of scheduled activities for the day. Libraries and offices will remain open. ' The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing civil service examination, U.S. Closing date: Feb. 28, 1944. Classifi- cation: Junior Aeronautical Inspec- tor (Trainee). Salary: $2,600 a year. { requirements: A current commercial pilot's certificate of competency or completion of CPT secondary and Cross Country courses or graduation from a flying school of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard having served as pilot on active duty. For further information see notice which is on file in the office of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2A. Choral Union Members are re- minded to call for their courtesy passes to the concert of Ezio Pinza, between the hours of 9 and 12 and 1 and 4, on the day of the concert, Monday, March 6 (first day of the second term) at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Academic Notices Examination Schedule: Wednes- day, Feb. 23, 2-4 P.m. Etigish I Be'rtram n. ...............205 MIV Bred-o.d - - ---- - 0-17 All Cal r ..................2003 All Davis...................2235 All Eisinger .................2082 NS Engel..................D Haven Everett...................229 AH Fletcher ................. E Haven Fogle ....................1035 AH Greenhut ...............4003 AH Hawkins ................2231 AH Helm...................2203 AHl W HY are languages studied "This is not lear. At least, it is not clear if judged from the manner in which they are taught. True, we are given many theoretical reasons. The knowledge of a language is an aid In traveling. What language student can now after two or three years of study, carry on a conversation with a native? The knowledge of a for- eign language is an aid to good English. A direct study of English would help more than a half know- ledge of another language. The knowledge of a foreign language en- ables one to read foreign language books in his field of Specialization But it has been discovered that after two or three years of study the stu- dent is unable to read such books either intelligently or with any de- gree of facility. The prospective teacher, however, does learn to teach the language-by the old, old meth- ods. So at the present time such p~urposes mean little. They could, howecver, if students learned to handle the language efficiently. Nor is this too mnuch to ask. It can le done, The emphass must, of course, be placed on the first two years of study. Ifthe language course dur- ing the first two years were a six or eight hour course, how much faster the student would learn to handle the language. Much of the time should be spent in oral-aural prac- tice, for it is by means oi'the ear and the tongue that one learns to think in the foreign language and read it well. Grammar should be taught, but it should be taught through practice in thteapplication of it instead of as a host of rules and exceptions to the rules, In a word, the teaching should be more direct. There is no definite policy now concerning how much the profes- sor should speak the foreign lang- uage in class. A workable policy has been concisely stated, how- ever: "The foreign language should be used as much as possible; Eng- lish should be used as much as necessary." There also seems to be some con- fusion as to the means and the result. If French is studied so the student will be able to read and understand French literature, is it not strange to use this literature as a translation exercise before the student is proficient enoughin the language to appreciate it? In other Words, the end is used as a means of reaching that end. More emphasis should probably be placed on learning to read books in the student's field of specializa- tion with but little reference to a dictionary. Language professors who have been teaching for many years now realize that much greater progress could be made through the applica- tion of some of the principles. There are obstacles, financial obstacles, for instance. But they are not insur- mountable. 35 Angell Hall; Eaton and Courant: 1035 Angell Hall. German 2-Winkelman (2 sec- tions): 2003 Angell Hall; Gaiss, Phil.. ippson & Willey: 2054 Natural Sci- ence. German 31-all sections: D Haven Hall. German 32-both sections: 3017 Angell Hall. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time to study all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support dur- ing 1944-1945, file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 18, 1944. Those wish- ing to renew previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so indicate. Application forms will be mailed or can be ob- tained at Secretary's Office, ino. 1006 Rackham Btilding, Tel. 372 Final Examination for History 116 will be held in Rm. G, Haven Hall, instead of in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall, on Friday, Feb. 25, 8:00-10:00- Sociology 51: Final examination for all sections Sattirday, Feb. 26, 8-10 a.m. The room arrangement is as follows: 1025 Angell I1al l- Carr, Hawley and Myers; Nattual Science Auditorium-Holmes, safi n Bouma. Sociology 54: Final exa mination for all sections Thursday, Feb. 24. 8-10 a.m., Rm. C, Havon ila . Biological C~hemnistry Semlinar will be held oan Fridiay,. Feb. 18, at 4 p.m., in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. 'The Biological Occurrence and Me. tabolism of the Pyrimidines" will be discussed. All interested are invited. BARNABY 11_ Washington's Birthday: Since Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22, this year falls in the final examination period, there will be no suspension y Crockett Johnson 7And now, off to the 5 J r Morris Ogden Pearl . Ray men Rowe Schenk Thorpe Warner Weaver Weimer Wells. . Williams English2 Calver Fogle Millar. lalcn .... ....... . 18 AH .~Gaven . .........016 AHl t...................205 MH .......... ....... 3011 AH .. 3017 AH ............... .2203 AH ..................2225 AlH ............. 2215 AH ..................4203 AlH ...2235 Al .. . . .. . .102 Ec O'Malley! No! I1refuse to be made invisible! Don't do i, - Nothina to it. Gus. Anyway, it was quite painless and- But let me refer to this Fairy Godfather's Handy Pocket Guide-"Three waves of a fine Thot's oll Il have to do, Gus, ond -Cshlanochree! You're inyisible already! Aren't you? l ) 2003 1035 2082 ) fO AH All NS A N t- E d now, -onceton, hes s 2I J L_~ Jl~jjj .I U IM