. &G cTWO ., - - 4L ItAA VA- 14 J \ t. st l Yr;,; L , i,-s. r . is ;,A iP'fty41ourth Year GRIN AND BEAR IT B- Lichty The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-RCUND By DREW PEARSON .1 ..I - dited and managed by students of the University of E!thiAn under the authority of the Board in Control of :Vludent Publications. Jub shed every morning except Monay during the regulaUiiversity year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. t.Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively enitled to the use fdr republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited In this newspaper. All rights of repub- I4caton of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as eecond-class mail matter. 'Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- terp $4.25, by mail $5.25. REPREENTD FOR NATIONAL AwE~rk~auo ey National Advertising Service, Ic. College Publishers Representative 420 MAnIsoN Ave. NEw YOR . N. Y. cicAo Boso . Los A5iEus ' SAN FANi Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194.44 Editorial Staff MIarton Ford . . . . . Mi naging Editor Jane Farrant . . . . . . Editorial Director Claire Sherman . . . . . City Editor Marjorie Borradale . . . Associate Editor Eri Zalenski . . . . . . Sports Editor j U Low . Assciate Sports Editor Harvey Frank . . . . Asocate Sports Editor wary Anne Olson . . . . . Womren's Editor Marjorie Rosmarin . . A 't Womren's Editor ItSla Slautterback . . . . . Column it L) of Xpitz . . . . . .Columnist Bus;,ess Staff M, ly Ann Winokur . Business Manager Eslizabeth Carpenter Assi; Bus. Manager Martha Opsion . Ass't ius. Manager Telephone 23-24- NIGHT EDITOR: DORIS PETERSON Eitorials pu/lished in The Michigan Daily ae written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. UNREALISTI C: Wilkie Has False View Of Republican Party SOME comments for Wendell Willkie. He spoke out in Idaho about that Grand Old ;Party. But it seemed more like a fanciful dream applied rather arbitrarily to the Republicans. He recognized "that there have long been in the Republican Party forces which really believe that a political party exists solely for the advancement of private, selfish, material interests, and who would . . . turn back the clock of social progress." Agreed. Then he said they also exist in the Demo- cratic Party. Sure. But he says "there is a difference; in the Democratic Party they are entrenched, they are geographically integrated and supported by an ancient prejudice, and by corrupt and brazen political machines. While in the Republican Party they are scattered and unsupported by effective political organizations." We, here in Michigan, are a little short-sighted; we immediately think of that smooth-running Republican machine which is led by Frank D. McKay,t But then he talks of "new leadership" in the party, says that their "Congrssional repre- sentation has recently been refreshed with men unhampered by past records, who know that real social progress, 'once established, cannot be destroyed: that the Republican party must represent the future, not the past." That must be why these representatives are so worried now about "state's rights," why they are afraid of subsidies, why they don't agree with him about the tax question, why WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-The President list- ened sympathetically to those four Congressmen who called on him to urge that the ban on mem- bers of Congress serving in the armed forces be rescinded. But he didn't budge from his position that the ban should remain in force. "What do you want me to do-violate the Constitution?" he bluntly asked his callers, who were Rperesentatives Lyle Boren of Okla- homa, Joe Hendricks of Florida, Will Rogers, Jr., of California, and John Fogarty of Rhode Island. Roosevelt contended that the Constitution barred members. of Congress from holding "any office under the United States" during their legislative terms. Attorney General Biddle has interpreted this to mean that Congressmen can- not legally join the armed forces unless they first resign from Congress. The President added that there was even a legal question about the right of Congressmen to hold non-paying Re- serve commissions. "But Mr. President," spoke up young Repre- sentative Hendricks, "that is one man's inter- pretation." Members of Congress were given leaves of absence to fight for their country in the last war. They weren't forced to resign, and ati the other Allied countries have been following the same policy in this war. Representative Boren pointed out that 85 members of the British House of Commons and 156 members of the House of Lords were granted leaves of absence to join up. Eleven of the for- mer had been killed in action, he said. Thirteen members of the Canadian Parliament are in uniform, and the New Zealand and Australian governments likewise have no restrictions against legislators going to war, the Oklahoman added. . Roosevelt replied that, in his opinion, Con- gress had violated the Constitution in giving 11 members of the House and Senate leaves of absence to serve in the last war. "Oh, well you weren't Commanhder-in-Chief then," shot back Hendricks jokingly. Roosevelt, frequently accused of enlarging on the Constitution, smiled at this rub but retorted that there was nothing to prevent Congressmen itching to serve in the Army from resigning their legislative jobs. Loss of Seniori His four callers protested that this would mean losing their seniority rank on committees. They would have to start in "at the bottom" if re- electedaafter the war, they said, and the seniority they had accumulated would be wasted. They also argued that, if a Congressman resigned to join the Army and then was released for physical reasons six weeks later, he would have lost all opportunity to serve either militarily or legis- latively. "That's unfair to members like myself who sincerely want to join the service," commented Representative Hendricks. "We should be giv- en some protection." Roosevelt nodded sympathetically, but didn't alter his position. "I can understand how you feel," he said, "be- cause I had a similar experience in the last war, while I was Assistant Secretary of the Navy. I wanted to join the Navy, and in fact, I was all set for combat assignment as a lieutenant-com- mander. But when I called on President Wilson to ask his permission, he said, 'Absolutely no,' the party leader, Harrison Spangler, is char- acterized as being primarily interested in the "material" pursuit of votes. If the Republican Party would give some evi- dence of "this infusion of new blood," "the new ideas" and the "leadership fresh from the peo- ple" of which Mr. Willkie speaks, it would be easier to regard his speech as a realistic picture of the party instead of a fanciful dream. -Barbara Herrinton that I was needed whereI was. So I had to give up the idea." Note: Congressmen with a yen for military service do not intend to take the President's latest dictum lying down. They are planning to sponsor a resolution authorizing "leaves of absence" during wartime. That failing, they may seek a verbal agreement with house and Senate leaders that members who join the arm- ed forces will be restored to their full seniority rank after the war. Many members vigorously disagree with At- torney General Biddle's interpretation of the Constitution, contending that tie broad lan- guage of the Constitution prohibits them from holding another "civil" office with the govern- ment while serving in Congress, but not a military assignment. (Copyrght, 1944, United etuires yndicate) 17?-6 IT'S REALLY a whole new idea. And a power- ful one. Cne that can make the pursuit of happiness in the post-war world easier than the search for the Holy Grail or two chickens in every pot of the Hoover administration. In a way it's not a new idea at all. Most young people have always believed it, and most adults, hearing it, tnickly turn the other way. Or answer it with: children should be seen and not heard; the younger generation is going to the dogs; respect your elders and betters. But they've never quite convinced us. And now the psychology department can tell us we're right. A whole series of facts are known that can lead to changes, in a hurry. What's it all about? Why just this: we've found that the IQ and mental age of a person starts decreasing after his fifteenth birthday (not rapidly, but decreases nonetheless). So people are more alert when they are young .. . really, they are more intelligent! Are 18-year- olds old enough, intelligent enough to vote? Yes, certainly! As Professor Maier said to his class, "I don't particularly like telling you these things, because I am not getting any younger. Actually, I'm probably less intelli- gent than some of you; the reason I can teach you something is that I have gone int a special field, and know more about it than you do. But I don't know a good deal of the econ- omics or chemistry I once did." For any professor to admit such a thing, however, proves that he is a good deal more intelligent than many of his associates, and those students who stick to their elders' apron strings and deny facts. IF WE ARE more alert than we will be later, should we spend this time in school, or should " we do things? Well, perhaps a little of both, since experience is also necessary in thinking. The Antioch College plan is the best we know: get theory and general information one term in school, then work a term at something in- teresting and which provides experience. The thing we sometimes forget is that the men who did things, and are doing things, are the young . . . Tom Jefersn was 33 years old when he wrote the Deelaration of Independ- ence. And it was young men who wrote and fought later for a new idea which some of their elders couldn't comprehend. (Maybe this is the answer to Bluepoint's column about people getting conservative as they grow older, perhaps it is.related to their decreasing intel- ligence?) The generals in the Spanish Civil War were young men, as are those fighting with the Red Army in Estonia, and our gen- erals are becoming younger. (Unquote, Dr. Maler.) The new post-war world, then, rightly belongs to us. The new ideas we have are the ones to execute, not the ones tried in 1943 . . . they're not good enough for 1944, and certainly not for '45 and '50! We have a new world to put to- gether, and we better hurry up so that our elders, not necessarily our betters, don't push us aside as in the past, with "oh, you're too young to know any better." It's a little late in the semester for most pro- fessors to try to stimulate their students. But Professor Norman Maier in Psych 31 the other day proved that students won't fall asleep in class if new material is presented interestingly. We were shown the relation between theories and the soldier vote, fear of new ideas, the principle that youth should help run the world. We discussed some of the problems that go with high IQs: bringing up bright children, Phi Bete girls putting on the protective color- ing of dopes in order to "get their men," the important problem all intelligent women face of being bored with housework but anxious to marry and have children, the problem of re- fusal of the old to accept the socially valuable ideas of exceptional people. Congratulations to a man and a department. i j{J ! i i . 2 - 7,. a , " I - Be a , Right ' "I'll be glad when new eas are available-so a girl doesn't have to watch where she's going!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16, 194-i VOL. LIV No. 81 All notices for theT hly Official Biul- Icin are t he sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by :::o p.m. of te day preceding its poblica- tion, except on Satuarday wheu the no- iccs siihod ie submitIted Nby W30 Notice Notices Mid - Year Graduation Exercises: Feb. 19, 1944, 9:30 a.m., Assembly in Hill Auditorium (Academic Dress). All Graduates will be seated in Sec. III, the center section, Main Floor. Seating will be under the direction of Marshalls. Color Guard will assemble in Lob- by, first floor. Honor Guard will assemble in Lobby, first floor. Deans and Directors who take ac- tive part in the exercises will assem- ble in east dressing rooms, first floor. Regents, Secretary, Minister, Spea- ker, President, and others of Group I, Honor Section will assemble in west dressing rooms, first floor. Other Faculty Members will assem- ble in second floor dressing rooms. The seating of the public will be under the direction of ushers. 10:00 a.m., Opening exercises. Tickets for the Midyear.-Gradua- tion Exercises are now available at the Information Desk, Rm. 1, University Hall. After 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 19, they may also be obtained at the box office in Hill Auditorium. Midyear Graduation Fxere ises: Classes on Saturday morning Feb. 19, with the exception of A.S.T.P. classes and the Saturday classes of the School of Education, will be dis- missed at 9:45 a.rn to permit faculty members and students to attend the Midyear Graduation Exercises. Washington's Birthday: Since Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22, this year- falls in the final examination period, there will be no suspension of scheduled activities for the day. Libraries and offices will remain open. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing civil service examination, U.S. Closing date: Feb. 28, 1944. Classifi- cation: Junior Aeronautical Inspec- tor (Trainee). Salary: $2,600 a year. Requirements: A current commercial pilot's certificate- of competency or completion of CPT secondary and Cross Cuntry courses or graduation from a flying school of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard having served as pilot on active duty. For further information see notice which is on file in the office of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Detroit Armenian Club Scholar- ship: Undergraduate students of Armenian parentage residing in the Detroit area who have earned 30 hours of college credit are eligible to apply for the $100 scholarship offered for 1944-45 by the Detroit Armenian Women's Club. Applications must be' made by May 15. For further details, inquire of Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall. Acadeic Notces Examination * Schedule: day, Feb. 23, 2-4 p.m. English 1: Bertram............... B~redvold..........,.. avis.. Einger Everett Fletcher............. Fogle ................ Greenhut............. Hawkins ................ H elm ...... . ........... . Morris.......... . .... . Ogden.............. Pearl ................... Rayment ... ........ Rowe. ........... Schenk ..... ...... Thorpe. ............. . Warner . ............... . Weaver ............ Weimer-................ Wells.. ............. Willia.ms..... English -> Calvetr ................ Fogle ... .............. M illar ................... Nelson .................. Ohlsen-...............-' - Taylor............... Wednes- 205MH ..3017 AHl 200: All .. 112,235All N082 N DIEHaven 229 AH E HEfaven *.1035 AHl 4003 AH . .2231 AH . . 2203 AH 18 AH . . C Haven .2016 AH . 205 MH NEW \YORKF Kb it. if we set up a,system of courts to try axis war leaders, great and small, these lead- ers will, of course, become prisoners immediately the armistice begins, They wil be subject to the mercies of these courts. But they will also be entitled to the protection of these courts. Oddly enough, therefore, the first administrative result of any system of "trials'' for axis leaders will e to save their lives. Our courts, however constituted, wil have to insist that their dignity and orderly routine be respected. Revoluion against fas- Gists will become contempt of court The Day Will Pass There is no way out of this dil- emma if we insist upon "trials" for the one hundred thousand or so leading members of the Nazi appar- atus. Our soldiers, storming into Germany for the destruction of fas- cism, will find thrust upon them the final, ironic function of becoming a police squad to proect the fascist eaders from harm. We know that moments of deep, popular excitement, when the po- litical imaginations of men are really stirred, when theyare really ready to make fundamental chan- ges, are rare and brief; perhaps a day in a century. A system of "tri- als" for axis leaders will make rev- olution illegal on the only day on which it could possibly luippemv. The moment wil pass. The cold routine of ordinary Mtondays and Thursdays will succeed. The ps- sage of a year will save half of the one hundred thousand leading Nazis from punishment; the "as- sage of two years will save almost all of them. The very essence of the "trial" plan is its postponement of the criti- cal decision; and every criminal law- yer knows the enomom, isvah of postponement. There Is a Coutrniolise Tihe only possible compromise, therefore, between our own desire for order, and the desire of the plain people of Europe to be rid of their fascists, is to make the immediate and permanent exile of 100,000 mem- bers of the leading circles in Ger- many one of our war aims; an act of war, a part of the war, a condition for bringing the wa rto an end. It may be asked why I suggest instant and automatie exile, in- stead of trial and potential death sentences. That is because I am not impressed by our ravings and fumings; I do not believe we ever shall, or ever elate, methodically kill 100,000 human beings in time of peace. I ask that we stick to the possible, and do it, rather than reach for the impossible, and fail. I ask that we dismantle, fascism systematically, by socially tolerable and socially permissible means, rath- er than give ourselves the luxury of dreaming up all manner of horrid, violent ends for fascism, only to come out of our own emotional stew refreshed, purged and ready to let it pass without really doing anything. An Inseparable Part of the War I know that the fascists of Ger- many will be much more horrified by a proposal for cool and methodi- cal exile, as a condition of the armis- tice, than by all the bloodthirsty de- mands for "trials," "Justice," the gal- lows, etc. The military governor of an oc- cupied area is entitled summarily to remove dangerous persons from regions under his control, and who will say that a trial is necessary to establish that a known fascist functionary is a dangerous person? A mere act of identification will suffice. I also suggest that time will pass for us, too, while it passes for the people of Europe, as the spectacular "trials" of the fascists are awaited. There will be demands here for an end to occupation, for bringing the boys back home. Time will sharpen our desire to get out of the mess by any means at all, preferably an easy one. W4Ve can avoid this dlang;er onl y by making the destruct ion of the fascist system the fihal battle of the war, an inseparable part of the war, (Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate) ..3011 ..3017 . .2203 . . 2225 :.2215 -.4203 . .2235 102 . . 2003 . .1035 . .2082 .. 209 -.1121 . .2013 AH AH All AH ARH AH AH Ec AH AH NS AH NS AHl VOTES FOR A LLAMERICANS,: Anti-Poll Tax Measure Is Deserving of Fair Hearino on Floor of U. S. Senate Immediately German Department Room Assign- ments for final examinations, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25: German I-Gaiss (2 sections) & Winkelman: 205 Mason Hall; Van- Duren and Copley: 2225 Angell Hall; Diamond, Reichart & Philippson: 35 Angell Hall; Eaton and Courant: 1035 Angell Hall. German 2--Winkelman (2 see- tions): 2003 Angell Hall; Gaiss, Phil- ippson & Willey: 2054 Natural Sci- ence. German 3lall sections: D Haven I-fall. German 32-h4th sections: 3017 Angell Hall. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time to study all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support dur- ing 1944-1945, file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 18, 1944. Those wish- ing to renew previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so. indicate. Applications forms will be mailed or can be ob- tained at Secretary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham Building, Tel. 372. Doctoral Examination for HarlandI N. Cisney, Psychology; thesis: "The Stability of Vocational Interest Scores during the High School Peri- od," West Council Room, Rackham Building, 4:00 p.m. Chairman, C. H. Griffitts, today. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might, wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Francis Joseph Donohue, Education; thesis: "Public Funds for Catholic Schools: a Study in the Development of American Catholic Theory, Attitudes and Practices," Thursday, Feb. 17, East Council Room, Rackham Build- ing, 2:00 p.m. Chairmanm A. B. Moehlman. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members WITH the many immediate issues which have been taking up the time of Congress recent- ly, one vital matter has been almost forgotten -the anti-poll tax bill. Last year the Senate Judiciary Committee re- ported this bill out and it can now come up on the floor for debate and action at any time. The House has already passed Rep. Vito Mar- cantonio's H.R. 7 by an overwhelming vote. With Senate approval, the bill is almost certain to be come a law. The importance of an anti-poll tax bill is sometimes minimized today and the necessity of bills which bear immediately upon the war effort, maximized. This is a definite misplace- ment of emphasis. While the immediate needs of war-time legislation must come first, the righting of the wrong which disenfranchises 10,000,000 American citizens can not be put off. One important result of an anti-poll tax bill is neglected by those who put expediency first. The bloc of Southern Democrats, largely from poll-tax states, forms a powerful reactionary in- fluence in the Senate and House. For example, petuated by the poll-tax system under which they were elected by an average of ten per cent of the people they represent, will be jeopardized. Most important, though, their influence as a powerful bloc for reaction will be diminished when the 10,000,000 underprivileged citizens whom they represent have 'an active part in what they do. 10,000,000 Negroes and poor whites have been deprived of their constitutional right to the ballot by the poll tax. 10,000,000 service- men may be denied the vote because the rep- i resentatives from poll-tax states are nearly 100 per cent against a federal ballot. 20,000,000 citizens out of 130,000,000 deprived of the bal- lot through the workings of poll-tax Senators. Is that the kind of democracy we're fighting for? --Kathie Sharfman ence, 3:00 p.m. Chairman, A. F. Shull. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant permis- sion to those who foi sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. Social Studies 93: Final examina- tion, Thursday, Feb. 17. 2:00-4:00/ p.m. Rm. 1025 A.H. Seniors (Men and Women) in All Departments of Engineering, and in Chemistry, Mathematies and Physics: Representatives of the National Ad- visory ContOe for Aeronautics, the Bureau of Aeronautlcs of the Navy'Department and the U.S. Ci il Serrvice Commissid wil be in Ann Arbor all day' FridaY. eb. 1in. to BARNABY By Crockett Johnson Won't it be kind of a dopey The spectators will fight, Mr. O'Malley? ff Gus be outraged? W e' l 1 can't imgtin-e anything silier . But I'll think of something .. I I McSnoyd won't make himself visible, I'll wave my magic wand, E EI . I