FACIE FOUU THE MTCIIIGA*.--* n-AITAt TUESDAN, FEB. 15, 1944 .AGE J...L rI LJ J Mi C.U av A L A. 1 At A 1l U imi i Truman Calls for Reelection es Help To Boost TWar Loan Dr. Blakemain Lectures to Religious Group> Proposals Made fo Changes in Churches' Education Programni Speaking before the research sec- tion of the International Council of Religious Education last week in Chicago, Dr. Edward W. Blakemitn, University religious counselor, advp- cated that churches in their mission- ary work shift their emphasis froin "making converts" to "fusing cul- tures." "There are three distinct changes necessary in religious education," the counselor said. "First the family should be made a teaching unitwith the minister and church assuming the role of training the parents. "Second, there should be a frank adoption of the sociological concept of the community as opposed to the ecclesiastical. In other words, reli- gious teaching should be provided upon the basis of social need, rather than upon faith. Cultures Should Fuse "Third, the church should attempt to fuse cultures rather than to win converts. Indeed, one of the prob- lems which the church should be willing to face in the post-war world will be the formation of an alliance of all major religions in all countries: the Hindu with the belief that no one shall kill, the Mohammedan with its doctrine of predestination, the Jew- ish faith with its God of Law, and Christianity with its Dedicated Per- sonality" This proposal has been referred to a new research group under the direction of Dr. Gerald Knopf of Iowa State Teachers' College. Dr. Blakeman was -reelected to pre- side over the research section of the International Council of Religious Education for the third consecutive year. Church Has New Responsibility In welcoming the representatives to the conference, Roy G. Ross, gen- eral secretary of the Council, said, "We must now give attention to the new imperatives for Christian ser- vice which accompany our anticipa- tion of peace. The Church must cope more effectively with those forces which are responsible for the mount- ing statistics of delinquency through- out the continent. The neglect of our childhood today is certain to produce a subnormal citizenship and parent- hood for tomorrow. This responsi- bility is shared by the public school and all other agencies for character education. No program will be ade- quate, however, except as it is groun- ded, in a Christian concept of the universe and of human relation- shiips" Expert Tuo Talk On Food Supply E. L. Anthony, Dean of Agriculture at Michigan State College, will discuss the problem of food production in 1944 as it relates to the horefront, our armed forces and our allies at a food mobilization meeting for Wash- teiaw County to be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. Tlie'public is urged to attend the meeting to learn more about the food problems which are apt to confront them in 1944. Free tickets for ad- mission can be obtained at the League,. the Union, The Daily and through the Business Men's Lunch- eon Club, Chamber of Commerce and Women's Clubs. Co. A Bond Pu rchaso Members of Company A are shown above buying extra war bonds during the Fourth War which ends today. According to the last figures released by Lt. Melvin G. Flegal, head of the drive, Company A leads ,all the other units on campus in amount of bondsxpurchased. The 36 junit as a whole has contributed heavily to the drive. -Daily Photo by Cpl. Robert Lewin, Co. WAVE Dtties To Be Explained Tomo(rrowM) In order to explain their branch of thae service to University women, Lt. +j.g.) Helen M. Stewart and Alene Kasten, Sp. (R) 3/c of the Women's Reserve of the United States. Navy will set up an informa- tion center tomorrow and Thursday at thie Michigan League. Lt. (j.g.) Stewart and Sp. (R) 3/c Kastenl are particularly interested in inter diewing women who will grad- uate this week. Women with college degrees are eligible to apply for offi- cer ce ididacy directly from civilian lif e. The :Navy needs both officers and enlistedl women to release an ever- increas ng number of men for active duty a U sea. Because the Navy has been stibccessful in meeting its quota of WAVES, the women have taken the positions of enough sailors to fully xnvzn 12 battleships. Therei are 47,600 officers and en- listed personnel in the WAVES, and of these,: 37,100 women are on active duty at naval shore establishments in the United States. Patch Will III.pec1 l yi~a( ii~ Ii ties Prof. William A. Paton of the bus- iness administration school will leave for Boston Wednesday to inspect the facilities of the School of Business Administration at Harvard Univer- sity, it was announced yesterday. Prof. Paton said he was making the trip to help formulate "prelimin- ary plans for new buildings in the University's business administration school." He will return to Ann Arbor Saturday. WSSF Book Campaign Wi Men i Universities of Caji Up "Give u6 something to do with our minds" is the plea of an American prisoner of war in Germany. In response to many such pleas, the campus World Student Service Fund Scholarship Is Topic t aCenter Prof. Lee DiSCUSSes Education in China "Freedom, equality and security" are the present-day aims of scholar- ship, which means "scholarhood" as well, Prof. Shao-Chang Lee said in a speech Sunday at the Interna- tional Center. In his discussion of "Scholars in China-Then and Now," Prof. Lee said that scholars may come from any of the four groups of Chinese society--scholars, farmers, artisans or tradesmen. They are respected because they are believed to have practical wisdom, knowledge of world affairs and cool judgment in times of national crises. He explained that until recently the Chinese scholars did everything, that they did not specialize as do the western scholars. But now they are becoming "Americanized or Euro- peanized" and often use the scien- tific method of studying problems. But he said the scholars of China are now working under terrific hard- ships. k In discussing scholars more in gen- eral he said that education is a life- time process; it is liberal to the opinions of others and attends more to the spiritual than the physical well-being. He said that people now look to scholars for guidance and leadership and that this constitutes a great challenge to students of all countries, for they are the growing scholars. campaign for more1 swung into its secon ceptacles for books League, Union and th Center. Since one of the cb the prisoner of war i schools have been op of the prison camps. provided for men fro their own number wh professors or gradua The receipt of book, has been hailed with terest in life has bee for many men by t of so-called "univers ty." Expressions of a gratitude from ni: where such edugation already in full swing1 ing in daily. Last year the WE than 100,000 text bo of war in the various tion all over the worl creasing demand for b goal has been set ata ally double that amo Planning G Hold Speci Members of the Cit ning Commission will cial session at 7:30 p. consider their recorr rezoning the north' Washtenaw and S. 1 from residential to lo In view of the pub Feb. 7 and the fact th residents living neat have protested the Rae, secretary of thet lieves that a special m sary, A. W. Gallup, own erty, plans to buildo on the lot if it is rez j Roosevelt Drive Senator Claims Defeat of FDR4 'Will Hurt War' GOP IsUsing Policy Of Open Criticism1 For Own Advantager JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Feb. 14.- In an address prepared for deliveryg at a Jackson Day dinner, Senators Harry S. Truman (Dem., Mo.) to- nnight called for reelection of Presi- dent Roosevelt and said. "It requires no demonstration to tell that a Dem- ocratic defeat at the polls this year would hamper, delay, and confuse the conduct of the war, and perhaps imperil the peace." Chairman of the Senate Investi- gating Committee bearing his name,f Truman charged that some Republi-f can, leaders were taking advantageI of the administration's policy of bringing mistakes out in the open so they can be speedily corrected." Mistakes Are Not HiddenP Commenting on the findings of his committee, Truman declared, "Thec administration has not taken ther position of hiding mistakes but itsf ;.; policy has been to bring them out in( the open so that they can be speedily( corrected." "This has led some leaders of the Loan drive, Republican Party to gain a special Army bond advantage to themselves by harping 51st Service on the mistakes and errors that we 51stSerice ourselves have brought to light," he A, 3651st S.U- asserted. "From the propaganda on this subject emanating from Repub-i 1 A*1 lican sources, it really means the1 ill A.ii Republicans hope that this war is a chance to win the election. But I 't1Vlt can assure you that this administra-; tivity' ons :":dnvdmit f ~tion will go ahead, with its only; object-the winning of the war in text books has the shortest possible time."; d week with re- Military Victory Is Not Enough ] placed in the "To win a military victory alonea he International would be futile unless we lay a foun- dation in our post-war world that hief problems of will secure for all men everywhere that of mrale, their basic human rights," he con- etatnfnmraleytinued. "Surely there is no other erating in many man in the United States who has Instructiongis been in such constant touch and ,im those among knows all the ramified problems and o were formerly details of our negotiations with the te students, nations of the world and the plans :s in such camps for final victory than our present much joy. In- commander-in-chief." n created anew he organization ities of captivi- Lt. Aylstock Has appreciation and ierous camps al activities are Brod Training have been pour-. SSF sent more Officer Pleased with oks to prisoners University Facilities theatres of ac- d. With the in- Lt. E. J. Aylstock, DV(S), USNR, books, this year's assistant executive officer of the a figure practic- Navy V-12 unit, who recently report- unt. ed here for duty, says he is "well pleased with the excellent facilities available at the University, and the [OU p Will 100 per cent cooperation evidenced ,i Sss1infrom all quarters." With years of teaching and bus- iness experience as a background Smeet a sPae- along with time spent as an enlisted meet dat are- an in the Navy, Lt. Aylstock fits in ,in. mFriday t e nmendation for well with the V12 unit here, west corner of Served in World War I University Aves. During World War I the new cal business. assistant executive officer spent 16 lic hearing held months with the fleethas Chief Yeo- 1anearly man. Since then he has been witha tat all they railroad as basic engineer and direc- rezoning, John tor of passenger traffic. commission, be-Lt. Aylstock was also a teacher of business administration at the Uni- neetng is neces- versity of Cincinnati and for nine er of the prop- years was associate editor of eve- Sfilling station ing andextensioncourses in that a fillnstio school, dealing with engineering, oned. commerce, applied arts and liberal arts. Managed College Department From 1937 until he returned to active duty early in 1942, he was manager of the college department of the South-Western Publishing Co., which published commercial text- books. When he returned to active duty in April, 1942 he was lieutenant in charge of operating personnel and naval procurement control officer at the U.S. Naval Training School in Toledo, 0. From there, he was sent to Indiana University to organize a new yeoman school which later be- came a storekeeper school for WAVES. Lt. Aylstock recently returned from a year's tour of duty in the tropics where he served as operations officer and later a district education officer and staff officer. Ann Arbor Youth Is Missing in Action Lt. Raymond L.' Thurber, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy N. Thurber of 1102 W. Washington has been report- ed missing in action in the raid over Germany Jan. 11. Lt. Thurber was in the United States Eighth Air Force which is sta- tioned in England. He was a navi- !\ Despite below zero weather con- ditions, every soldier in the group of 49 enlisted men from the station complement here qualified when the group shot the ; Fort Custer rifle range Saturday. Five men from the group were rated as expert riflemen. They are Sgt. Robert A. Simpon, Staff Sgt. Mike Petkovich, Sgt. James M. Basch, T-5 Ralph Snoke and Sgt. John P. Keane. Of the rest of the group 33 per cent qualified as sharp- shooters and 57 per cent as marks- Faculty Recital Will Feature Featuring the first Ann Arbor per- formance of Ross Lee Finney's "Duo for Violin and Piano," Prof. Gilbert Ross, violinist, and Helen Titus, pian- ist, will present a faculty recital at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Written in 1943, the "Duo" is dedi- cated to Prof. Ross, who was formerly Mr. Finney's colleague on the Smith. College faculty. Finney, professor of music at Smith where he teaches composition, received the Guggen- heim Fellowship as well as the Pulit- zer Prize for music in 1937. "Song," "Dance," "Comment" and "Conclusion" are the four parts of the composition. Other numbers on the program in- clude Tartini's "Concerto in D mi- nor"; Caporale's "Adagio"; Scarlat- ti's "Sonata in E major"; -Mozart's "Sonata in E minor," (K. 304); Franck's "Sonata in A major"; Szy- manowski's "La Fontaine d'Arethuse" and De Falla's "Ritual Fire Dance." Prof. Ross and Miss Titus presented a similar program in Grand Rapids last night in the series of out-of-town concerts being sponsored by the School of Music and the University Extension Service. Winners of Bridge Contest Announced Winners of the USO duplicate bridge tournament held last Sunday are: first place, Lawrence Breitenbach and Byron Parshall; second place, Harry Crosby and Gayle Sankey. Weekly tournaments are held at 2i p.m. Sundays in the ballroom of the USO Club, and lessons are also given for those who do not know the game. The tournaments will continue dur- ing the coming vacation. men. Every man in the group will receive a medal for marksmanship. The men fired with .30 caliber Springfield rifles. All their prac- ticing had been done with .22 caliber Springfields and most of them had never fired the heavier rifle before going to Fort Custer. Sunday the entire group went through the infiltration course. Here the men had to crawl 125 yards on their stomachs under barbed wire which was stretched about a foot from the ground. At the time the men were going through this course machine-gun bullets were being fired less than 36 inches above the ground. The course was mined, but the mines were surrounded by logs so that no one would be on top of one when it exploded. Dynamite was used for the mines. "The purpose of the course is to accustom the men to actual fire," Maj. L. P. Warner, executive officer of the 3651st S.U., said yesterday. The men traveled to and from Fort Custer in trucks. They left here Friday afternoon and returned Sunday night. Maj. Warner and Lt. Melvin Fle- gal, assistant plans and training officer, were in charge of a group. In a couple of weeks 17 or 18 more men from the station complement will go to Fort Custer to shoot the range for a record and go through the infiltration course. Bentley Will Be Vocal .Director Pfc. Robert Bentley will be vocal director of Company C's musical com- edy, "Bidin' Our Time," which will be presented March 9 and 10 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Sgt. Ir- win B. Stup, business manager, an- nounced yesterday. The script and the music for the show were written by men of the company. Cpl. Hy Woldtsky wrote the book and lyrics, and Cpl. Troy Bartlett has written the music. The men are rehearsing the play during the few hours that they can be free from their studies. Two of the outstanding pieces from the show which have already been previewed at campus dances are, "You Keep My Heart Awake," and "Pin Up Boy." SWE Officers Elected The Society of Women Engineers recently elected Audrey Geschelin, '46E, president; Pat Lyons, '46E, vice- president; and Mary Holtman, '46E, secretary, as officers for the Spring Term. FPIE-RATED EXPERT: ................... ... Men Qualify as Marksmen .;. 2 Size for $1 M IGOU NON-ALCOHOLIC BODY PERFUMING LOTION SOFTENS AND PERFUMES THE SKIN IN FOUR LOVELY FRAGRANCES American Bouquet SPECIAL! DOROTHY GRAY BLUSTERY WEATHER LOTION English Sweet Pea Chinese Lotus --a, . Nsom 41 Russian Jasmin $1.50 a Bottle tlitd Whatb More... 'mt going over and . ........ . sign up for my V-BALL DAILY NOW Cosmetics... Compacts Perfume . Cologne Bath Sets. ..Manicure Sets Also: Stationery ... Albums ... Candy a - - -t f 1 r - " " 3 A-3 r 1 '- 11 -1111 .,,. S i II I I