I Iv x t _ M_ 1 7."Mu .a. .LL .R.1-1 A..5111A.Z1.5 1.. g U X s L.L 4.1 tw 1. LiJ 1~ A A r 1 t[, 1:. mm F;Jty-Fourth Year BUFFOONS TAKE ACTION: Con gressional Reaeuionarie [o h A gills, La i4s. Follow 'Road Back to Normiilcy' rT J W/in W(Ir Edited and ma rl h rtihntid ot wt i oTveity of Uicilgan undter tim au thrity or tuh lmoard in Control of Student Pu lications. Published every mornin , t4xcrpt Monday during the £egullar Universit~y year, and e fVI'Py mrning i1fexcet McmLol- day and Tuesday during the summer edo. Member of The Assocdaed Press The Associated 1; exenuWvely id to the ts, for republication of all iiwS dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in ths newspa per. All rights of repub- oe-tion of all other matters herein lso reserved. ,Etered at the Post Offiee at Aim A;hor, Michigan, as .econd-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the reuar (ihodo year by r- ier $4 25, by mail $525. - rNPRESENTED FOR NAf,. NAr AfVt.iALI Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College P blisher 1Presentativ 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. cao Go - o -Osh -Ir as A - IAr14'.CO Membtr, AssoCiated Collegate Press, 1943-44 Edtori Marion Ford Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradaile Erie Zalenski Bud Low . . . Harvey "rank . Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin 011da Slautterbac Doris Kuentz ?aI Staff .l . .M1Vanaging Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Aociate Editor . . .Sports Editor . A-iate 8ports Editor . Assodttc Zsports Editor Women's Editor . . Ass't Women's Editor . . . . Columnist . . . . Columnist Ss Staff . . .BuRsiness Manager S . Ass't Bus. Manager S Ass't Bus. Manager Bushie P4olly Ann Winokur Eizabeth Carpenter Martha psion ' Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JENNIE FITCH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NEW DANGER? Comittee Difers with Senate on Milk Prices THE Producer - Consumer Milk Committee threatened Detroit with a milk strike Sunday. Charging that the farmers were not receiving enough for their milk, the committee demand- ed that the OPA raise the producer's price ceiling to $4.16 a hundredweight plus a 50-cent subsidy on all Class 1 milk. The OPA ruling now in effect calls for a 35-cent subsidy plus a flat milk price of $3.69. On the other hand, the Senate has just voted to remove the milk subsidy and increase the price of retail milk. Thus we have the Senate voting to raise prices and remove the subsidy, while the milk committee wants both the price and subsidy raised. Obviously, the raising of the retail price of milk will help the farmer, but it is doubtful if the Senate ruling (now before the House) will pacify the Produced-Consumer Milk Committee. It would be nice if all the parties concerned got together on an agreement before the milk supply of Detroit is further endangered. -Robert Goldman ANOTHER ITALY? Russian-Finnish Peace May Be Established FFARS THAT Finland will become "another Italy" have been frequently heard in Helsinki and Stockholm, especially because of indications that the Germans will attempt to hold the nickel and copper mines in northern Finland regardless of what Finland does. There seem to be definite indications that Finland is moving towards peace with Russia. One rumor said that contact between Helsinki and Moscow had been established several days ago. Finland' seems to be somewhat caught between the devil and the "dark blue sea" at the present time. If she does make peace, then she will become just another battleground at the present time. If, however, she doesn't make peace, she will have to face thbe consequences of her action after the war. As things stand at the present time, it seems as if she is going to try to make peace. Ger- many would not be as powerful an enemy as would the Allies demanding reprisals because Finland has collaborated too long with Ger- many. Righ now the children of Finland are being evacuated from bombing dangers to Sweden. There would be no need for such a step unless Finland is preparing for action. She seems to have decided to chose the win- ning side. -Doris Peterson Editor's note: This column is written today y a former Daily Editor who is spending his time out in the wide world. With our blessing, but perhaps not our concurrence, he talks of one of his favorite subjeels-phonies. ONCE long ago it seemed to me that there were too many labels cluttering up the American scene. Now it's worse than-it has ever been. Take for example our brilliant and high-mind- ed Congress. Last week they voted for inflation by voting against a label-subsidies. They just don't like the word down there in Washington. It's a nasty word, as anyone can see. After all, it does stand for one way to help win the war more quickly and less expensively. Then there's the soldier vote. All of our' famed and far-sighted representatives from I'd Rathelr Be %Right BySAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Feb. 15.-It seems to me we are going to run into serious trouble if we depend on "trials" after the war to rid the world of axis leaders, great and small. What will keep us going until the job is done? A spirit of revenge? But the revenge motive (as Somerset Maugham once brilliantly pointed out) is an anachronism in western life. The lust for revenge is no longer a respectable emotion among us; our writers haven't dared use it as a motive in fiction or drama for decades. The last great revenge play was "Hamlet," and it took Hamlet five acts to make up his mind, and then he bungled it. MUST WE HAVE TRIALS? Louis Nizer's book, "What To Do with Ger- many," proposes trials of axis leaders and axis criminals; and yet the most persuasive section of this fine book is that which'shows how completely we failed to go through with our proposed trials after the last war. Mr. Nizer outlines a more efficient system of courts and judges this time. But even he, a sound legal scholar, draws the line at depending on trials for the 5,000 top Nazis. He asks that they be executed out of hand, as a condition of the armistice. We have a tendency to slide into legalistic arguments about the "trials" of axis war leaders. These are arguments about the form of things. We must not forget the content of our problem, more important than the form. The content of our problem is that we must break the political power of the axis leaders and sub-leaders forever. MAKE IT A WAR AIM Our problem is not to try them, not to judge them, but to smash them; to smash them as a condition of our own survival, now and after the war. The very concept of a trial shows that we suspend judgment. Or, if we do not suspend judgment, we are insincere in talking of trials, for a trial is a suspension of judgment. I do not want to see the leading elements in axis countries tried as criminals; I want to see them destroyed as enemies. Their destruction, political or physical (eith- er will do), should not be a separate, post-war issue; it should be encompassed as an act of war, as a part of the war, as a condition of bringing the war to an end. I don't know whether we are entitled to sit in judgment on our fellow-creatures or not, but I do know we are entitled to fight our mortal enemies. The permanent exile, or imprisonment, of at least 100,000 members of the leading circles in Germany, and equivalent numbers in Japan and Italy, should be one of our war aims, an un- changable war aim, not subject to trial. This would be a clean and honest act of war, in line with the morality of war, which is the destruction of the enemy by force. THE WAR'S LAST BATTLE This wrould seem to me far more honest than to try to invent courts, and to write statutes, after the offenses complained of. In line with this view, I do not care whether Hitler is considered a criminal or not; I know he is a military objec- tive. These exiles should be ordered as a simple act of military government, the removal of dangerous persons. A guard should be set up over them, wherever they are sent. No doubt many Poles, for instance, would be willing to establish such a uniformed guard as an hon- orary, life-time service. We should dismantle the fascist political apparatus as- unemotion- ally and as automatically as we propose to dis- mantle the fascist armies and war plants. There seems to me no room or need for trial procedure in any of these areas. Perhaps the Germans themselves, knowing this to be one of our war aims, might oblige us by rising and disposing of the 100,000: before we ar- rived. Well and good, those Germans who did our work would show themselves to be on our side. But this job must be done, either as act of war; as part of the war; as that which gives meaning to the war. This will be, in effect, the final battle of the war, and we cannot separate it from the war without losing it. Continued tomorrow. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) soulth of the Masoi- lyixo1i line beliwve that the soldier-vote bill would invitde states' rights. So they hold up its progress as long as possible. They vote agaist aa be hich . t.il-s for a 1democratic aim. i w uader :" ties thaI "oice of those Sotliri iemocrats ieign to l6wer themselves e-nougii to I.e meiler( of a liT ERAL Congress. Better still is IIhe I Iyserical staItc of iepiibl icial contenders for the presidential nomination. One is our good neighbor from Ohio--l1onest John Brieker, the hope of the normaly boys. Honest John believes we should lower taxes to prevents inflation, I presume) ; the good governor believes we should' crack dowi on latter by preventing strikes?) ; and the ood candidate thinks bil- reaucracy must go (earlthonakes must go, Russia must go, rabies must go, Angell Hall must go, everything must go, it's New Deal>, WILLKIE is an holiest ald sincere man. Also his Republican colleagues believe he is a New Dealer. (The New Deal must go; Willkie must go, down with progressives.) Then there's Henry Wallace. He agrees with some businessmen who have gone into govern- ment. They say that reactionary businessmen can constrict America. So Henry Wallace is a dreamer, because everyone knows that whAt's good for business is good for America (They gave me a bowl of s-o-u-p.) Over there on the other side of the fence, the labor unions are doing their best to drive a wedge between the Little Steel formula and moderately stable prices. (hlere we go round the worthless dollars, every week at pay-day.) Their arguments are good, their aim is stupid, for the result will be completely ancontrollaible prices. It looks a little like that out where I am. Noth- ing much makes good sense. We have a war to win so we go about it by taking the road back to normalcy. We have to watch out or we'll violate something that Harding said while he was smok- ing his breakfast cigar. There's still a little hope though. Anyway I'm pretty sure there is, because at the end of this year we'll have a chance to elect some people who aren't buffoons and take action on that which works, not on that which has a pleasing label. DREW C PEARSON'S MERRY-GO-ROUND i ri ("* p i r o ly a ohl Sigtu l I i Iliw 3 tr r l~ i t w t - E1 r i ll u1t t Ii ' [:t, p J"I N :11111 i ' t' ha iflt Il fl1i s letlI crS «', ial 1. X «r t0111(1 like 1 l int i i t ht, wriit1 I's i~i +M 1 ident if'y AME!RICANS now more fully under- stand the psychology of the Jap; why there are but slightly more than' three hiund redJ panese prisoners of wvar, lifter more( than two years of 1 Vle( sugigest thatf the .lagmnese is not (tying for emperor alone, but, because he knows his officers, an1d fellow soldiers. Had the uynrican soldiers on Bataan and (:orregidor known the Jap soldier, they too whrld have died withi rguniin their haui, not a spade.w y -R1ay gics J .I. C', 1144, B ,Yittas'u IIJ6,3, 2nc. " - fA# - 2 "In that respect I'm elik the wif. £...............~4-'!1Y1 ! f ~i 'Cl r ,U 1 , i1 o a iiew~ a5I1 -wU~ en e w £ S)NE OMISSION, one misleading couple ofn story, and one error. So stands the score on The Daily's articles on to build up a higher total score thilm intramural sports. The omission we excused; the biased article made ustr ;irilttns lpu n(nr angry; but the error left us fuming. This same five then went on to The Daily last year stated that the beat the Navy to take the chamn- varsity was to play Company E in a pionship. T'lo have read The Mai- pre-season basketball game. Then it ly's storv on the gaine, oiw Wotldd neglected to state the outcome of have thought that the Army won said game. The outcome may have by the grace of God. The truth was been embarrassing at the start of that the Navy was too tired to play the season, but now it should be told. decenit ball the last period. The Army quintet beat the varsity The payoff came though, when' the first game; then they immedi- Harvey Frank stated ii his column ately turned around and played, with that "the Miclhigan Reserves had the same five, another game against won easily from all their opponents." a fresh team from the varsity, and Did he neglect to witness the game lost; but in losing they still managed played on Jan. 29 before the Ohio I VA 1 --/ aSaw - '--whensit feels (hi-iressed she Always feel better after I spenid a million!" State game i wliIh the reserves were beaten 36 t o 35 by C-omnpany 1 Wheln it ameiiW., ay.be if the sporits editors would realie that. there are a few snore sch,is anIl teas than those of Miehigar, and that if a team loses it doesn't till continue to play better ball throughout the game as one Would be blieve of lichi- ga if one accepted Thei Daily's sports page as gospel, they could write stories more heoming to a college paper instead o4 those oh' high school caliber. -Some Ira ('may E Men GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHNGTON, Feb. 15.-The extent to whic Army wives influence promotions, dictate milita expediency and dominate the Army always ho been a matter of warm debate at Army posts. Inside the War Department, there are tv schools of thought. One admits there is a cer tamo amount of petticoat influence; the othe maintains that the Army is a man's Army an that women have absolutely nothing to do withI Those of the former school point to the fact that General John Pershing, when only a cap- tain, married tie daughter of Senator Francis Warren of Wyoming, then chairman of th' Senate Military Affairs Committee, after which Pershing was jumped in rank and became a Brigadier General. Then, when Woodrow Wil- son faced Senate controversy over who should head an American Expeditionary Force to France, with many Senators demanding Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson selected Senator Warren's son in law. The petticoat school also points to the fact tha General Douglas MacArthur first married th beautiful daughter of Edward T. Statesbury, J. P. Morgan partner, who requested Secretaryo War Weeks to advance MacArthur to the ranko major general when most of his West Point class mates were still majors and colonels. In the other school are those who point to; host of high-ranking generals whose wives hai had no political influence on their careers. Ger eral Marshall's first wife aspired to be an opers singer, was sick for a long time, finally died Low Countries Pact -. . One healthy sign for post-war cooperation is ai agreement being negotiated backstage betweei the small countries of Western Europe. It is customs union between Holland, Belgium an( Luxembourg, to become effective immediatel after the war. Diplomats of these countries in London an( Washington are working out a deal whereby thes( small neighboring countries would reduce al tariff walls. On the surface, this may seem jus plain common sense, which it is, but in terms c pre-war European politics, it is sensational. Hitler forced Austria into an Anschlus with Germany before the war and, from a purely economic point of view, it worked. For years, the smaller countries of Europe faced hazard- ous economic and political problems as separate entities. If they were linked together in a sort of Unted States of Europe, a lot of European bickering would be eliminated. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) TUESDAY, FEB. 15, 1944 4 VOL. LIV No. 80 All notices for the rally OficialB nl- letin are to lx,-ento the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3::3 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should he subititedl by 41:30 aan. Notices' Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A "Bond Belle" will pick up your order and deliver the bond the next day. Use this service and help the Uni- versity meet its quota. University War Bond Committee Midyear Graduation Exercises: Classes on Saturday morning, Feb. 19, with the exception of A.S.T.P. classes and the Saturday classes of the School of Education, will be dis- missed at 9:45 a.m. to permit faculty members and students. to attend the Midyear Graduation Exercises. Washington's Birthday: Since Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22, this year falls in the final examination period, there will be no suspension of scheduled activities for the day. Libraries and offices will remain open. tract and owe a balance of approxi- mately 60 per cent of the value of the property, the Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be Iglad to discuss Jin aneing, tHr ough the citiMur of a first mort- gague.Such ianmcing may e ct : suta ir l:tial sa vl~ ing i itet'f. 'conservation of Public Utilities: It is ured that every member of the University community, faculty, stu- dents, clerks, and other employees, constitute himself or herself a com- mittee of one to contribute in every reasonable way to the end that there shall be no waste of electricity, wa- ter, gas, oil, coal, or of communica- tions or transportation service. Ths notice is in behalf not only of thel University administration but of var- ious United States Government au- thorities. Academic Notices English 1 and 2-Examination Schedule, English 1: Bertram.........205 MH Bredvold..3017 AHl Bacteriology Seminar will meet today at 5 p.m., in Rm. 1564 East Medical Building. Sub.ject: Relaps- ing Fever. All interested are inited I)octordil oxaminatiofm or ll -laind N. Cisney, Psyciromogyl thesis: "The Stability of Vociional In (erest Scores during th Hih School Peri- od," Wednesday, . , ;,Wes;t ufil- cil Room, Pwckhani Blclin', 4:00 p.m. Chairman, C. H. Griffitts. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Seniors (Meni and Women) in All Departments of Engineering, and in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics: Representatives of the National Ad- visory Committee for Aerunautics, the Bureau of Aeronautics of the Navy Department and the U.S. Civil Service Commission will be in Ann Arbor all (lay Fridaty, Feb. 18, to interview seniors in the above de- partments. (Please read notices post- ed on the bulletin boards of these departments.) Interested seniors will please sign the interview schedules posted on the Aeronautical Engineer- ing Bulletin Board, near Rm. B-47 East Engineering Building. Calver. Davis. Eisinger. Engel ... Everett. 2003 AH .2235 AH . 2482 NS ... D Haven ..229 All Flether........ Special Payroll Deduction for War Fletcher Bonds: Arrangements can be made Fogle........... with the Payroll Department to make Greenhut........ a special single deduction for pur- Hawkins......... chase of War Bonds from salary Helm ........... . checks due on Feb. 29 only. This Morris would be over' and above the regularOge..... deductions under the payroll savings Ogden plan. Those wishing to use this Pearl........... method should send written instrue- Rayment........ tions to the Payroll Department re- Rowe........... garding the amount of the bond and Schenk. the names and addresses in which itTr should be registered. Deductions can .Thor.pe........ be made only in the amount of $18.75 Warner......... or multiples thereof. Instructions Weaver......... must reach the Payroll Department Weimer......... not later than today. War Bond Wells. purchases made by this method will be counted in the Drive. Williams........ University War Bond Committee English 2 Calver.......... ..E Haven .. 1035 All .4003 Al Concerts 2231 AH Faculty Recital: Gilbert Ross, vio- .2203 All linist, will present a program of com- 18 All positions by Tartini, Caporales, Scar- C Haven latti, Mozart, Fran-k, Finney, Szy- 2016 AH manowski and deFalla, at 8:30 p.m. 205 MH Thursday, Feb. 17, in Lydia Men- 3011 All delssohn Theatre. Professor Ross will 3017 A1IIbe accompanied at tlie piano by 307 All Helen Titus, another member of tie 2203 All faculty of the School of MuAsic. The 2225 AlH program will be open to the general 2215 All public withiiout ciharge. 4203 All 2235 All 102 E Faculty members who have civilian war activities to report to the Uni- versity War Historian will please fill out the mimeographed form mailed to them a few weeks ago and return to 156 Rackham Building. Committee on University Archives If you wish to finance the purchase, of a home, or if you have purchased improved property on a land con- By Crockett Johnson Fogle.-.---- M illar ..,... . Nelson...... Ohlsen...... Taylor ...... .. .2003 --.1035 ...2082 . 209 .1121 .2013 AH AH NS AH NS AH BARNABY German Department Room Assign- ments for final examinations, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25: German I-Gaiss (2 sections) & Winkelman: 205 Mason Hall; Van- Duren and Copley: 2225 Angell Hall: Diamond, Reichart & Philippsbn: 35 Angell Hall; Eaton and Courant: 1035 Angell Hall. I German 2-Winkelman (2 sec- tions): 2003 Angell Hall; Gaiss, Phil. ippson & Willey: 2054 Natural Sci- ence. German 31-all sections: D HavenI Events Today The student branch of the A.I.E.E. will hold a joint meeting with the Michigan section tonight at 8 o'clock in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Professor L. N. Holland and Mr. J. F. Cline will speak on "From 60 Cycles to 6.000 Megacy- cles." This will be a discussion of the problems of generation and trans- mission at 6,000 megacycles as com- pared to 60 cycles. Consideration will be given to tr'ansmission lines, cavity resonators and wave guides at ultra- high frequencies. Lantern slides and demonstrations will illustrate the talk. Coming Events University of Michigan Chaipter, A.A.U.P.: The Chapter announces a series of discussion meetings on post- - - -~- ~-- r 1--- 1-1 z- .-I-lo-, I Iq GepyiSW 1944 field. Nbf-ri- - I believe I've finally imbued Gu my indom tqble courage, m'boy. my balance he's become overco. s with some of1 But not having nfident. And he's I' What brave strategy have you devised, Gus?. . . To protect you! against an unseen antagonist- C C) CKET-T-, 1C7ta'v t 1; r Ishall decline to remove my glasses during the contest. I a II d I I 1 ri .- _ _.l i """ E