..-,io' Y 4F Iatlj Weather Snow Flurries VOL. LIV No. 80 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, FEB. 15, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ruthven Stresses Realistic Schools Claims Present Demobilization Plans Insufficient To Meet Post-War Needs Special to The Daily DETROIT, Feb. 14.-Disavowing the popular belief that "demobilization schemes, bonuses and other perquisites" will be adequate in meeting post- war needs, President Alexander G. Ruthven told the Economic Club of Detroit today that these methods "will not be sufficient to avoid internal chaos after this war." Dr. Ruthven, who has in recent years been a leading exponent of more popular and comprehensive adult education, asked for a more en- lightened adult education programs to aid this country in meeting post- war problems and to permit it to take a leading role in the democracies of the world. Reds Take K orsun Trap 100,000; AAF, RAF, Slash Nazis Below Rome -- - -- - -- - Michigan's President entertained five paramount fears that would endanger the future of higher ed- ucation: 1) "I fear our schools may not move fast enough to be ready for peace. I hope post-war planning can now be accelerated, unhamp- ered by tradition and outmoded patterns of thought. 2) "I fear our schools will continue to have sole concern only with the education of youth. I hope our col- leges . . . will see . . . that they are only partly meeting their responsi- bilities unless they also cultivate the field of continuing an adult educa- tion. 3) ". . . our schools will imme- diately after the war, in their zeal to serve the veterans and war workers, be tempted to short-change them by lowering standards. 4) ". . . our schools will not strong- ly enough insist upon taking the leadership in directing social changes. I hope our educators will exhibit .. . courage in refusing to by intimidated by either organized or unorganized opposition when they take up with their students the so-called 'hot sub- jects.' 5) "; . . our schools will not re- alize the oneness of the world (Mr. McCormick to the contrary not- withstanding), and that education to be real 'must be international both in spirit and in fact." Dr. Ruthven drew upon his experi- ences in England when he toured that country last fall on invitation and pointed out the amazing state of achievement the British have reach- ed in the field of adult education and education for peace. He claimed what he described as our "isolationism and provincialism" is preventing us from taking our proper place in the post-war world. Painting the pattern of the future, Dr. Ruthven stated that we are faced with two alternatives: "Either we must be content to let the strong govern the weak, and to teach our young men when so order- ed to go to war and ask no questions, or must through educational efforts assist our citizens to understand themselves and their neighbors. V-Ball Tickets On Sale Today In response to public demand, a limited number of additional tickets for V-Ball which will be held March 3 in the Sports Building will be put on sale today. Following is the schedule of sales: All campus-1-4 p.m.-Corridor "U' Hall. Army- 5:30-7:30 p.m.- Main Lounge, East Quad. Navy-6-7:30 p.n.-First half deck, West Quad. All campus-6-7:30 p.m.-Union travel desk. Students are asked to present Uni- versity identification cards at time of purchase and only one ticket will be sold to each person. Victory Ball this year will be fea- tured by Less Brown and his orches- tra together with Fletcher Hender- son and his band. Dancing will be continuous from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. The elimination of entering bar- ber shop quartets to select the three finalists who will sing during the dance will be held the end of the week. Willow Run Council Approves Budget A $50,000 budget for next year was approved at the annual Willow Run Community Council meeting yester- day. The Community Council has as its source of income the contributions of Local 50, UAW-CIO. Half of the con- tributions from Local 50 to the Com- munity Fund goes to the Willow Run ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN ... spoke in Detroit Thunderbolts Hit Main Nazi Fighter Base Airdrome Attack Is Made Without Loss; France Bombed Again LONDON, Feb. 14.-()-American Thunderbolt fighter-bombers took over the offensive to whittle- down German air strength today with a smash at the Gilze-Rijen airdrome, one of the Nazis' main fighter bases in Holland, executing the swift at- tack without loss. The almost daily bombardment of Nazi installations in northern France continued meanwhile without let-up, with RAF and Allied Bostons, Mit- chells, and Mosquito bombers under Spitfire escort giving emplacements there the 42nd daylight pounding in 56 days. RAF typhoons joined the cross- channel offensive, striking an enemy airfield and other military targets in northern France. All bombers returned from the at- tacks on northern France, but the RAF lost four fighters in the day's operations. This base is used by the Germans to launch interceptors against Allied fleets bound for Germany, a task for which Hitler is apparently saving his fighter force. German planes poured a heavy rain of incendiary and explosive bombs on the London area and parts of southeast England last night, and Berlin declared "several hundred planes" made "another concentrated attack" on the center of London. Bri- tish officials estimated 80 planes came over, with 15 penetrating to the capital. Six were reported down- ed. Senior Engi eers To Hold Mass Meetig A mass meeting for all members of -the class of '44E will be held at 5 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 348, West Engineering Building 'to make plans for a definite class organization and to make announcements of interest to graduating seniors, it was an- nounced yesterday. John DeBoer, '44E, reelected pres- ident of the Engineering Council, stated in an interview recently that the program of the Council for the coming term will be to institute a policy of "liberal culture" for the engineering student on campus. DeBoer stated, following his re- election, "We hope that we will grad- ually be able to change the outlook of engineers, as a whole, from that of usual industrial job-holders to that of professional men with a background of liberal culture." Ceaseless Air Assault Halts New Attacks Yank 'Generals Ready To Hit Abbey Shielding Enemy Near Cassino By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Al- giers, Feb. 14. - British Wellington night bombers capable of packing huge "block-buster" missiles have joined American warplanes in a dev- astating 'round - the - clock assault against German forces threatening the Allied beachhead near Rome, it was disclosed today as ground fight- ing slackened in that area. Stalled for two weeks by the Ger- mans' use of the Abbey Monte Cas- sino over-looking the Cassino battle front, the Fifth Army notified the monks and any other Italians in ref- uge there yesterday to get out as "the time has come when we must train our guns on the monastery." Leaflets fired on Abbey Hill by Allied artillery carried the warning. Nazis Hide Behind Abbey The Germans have lined the slopes leading to the abbey with machine- gun nests and snipers and have been reported using the monastery as an observation post and as a machine- gun stronghold. Battle line reports said there was little activity in the Cassino area during the day because of a truce re- quested by the Germans to bury their dead. In the town, the Germans still held firmly to the southern part. With the return of fair flying weather after 36 hours of storm, the Allied air force smashed at the en- emy in more than 800 sorties yester- day and last night, the two-engined Wellingtons concentrating on Nazi reinforcerneit columns and supply lines around Campoleone and Cec- china, near where the fighting of the past week was hottest. Line Holds Firm The Allied line defending the beachheid was firmly held and re- mained substantially unchanged ov- er the week-end, a headquarters spokesman said. The ground was spongy from many inches of rain, impeding the use of armor by both sides. Such ground fighting as was re- ported yesterday raged around the battered village of Carroceto (Apri- lia), ten miles north of the Allied supply port of Anzio. Willie States His Candidacy 4/ Army Guard Fires Salute An Army guard fires the last salute over the burial ground of American dead on Kwajalein. They died in the invasion and capture of the Jap base in the Varshall Islands. U' Bond Head I WITHOUT RESISTANCE:f, for U. S. Dead on Kwajalein i Asks Effort To Meet Quota Saturday Audit Shows $11,000 Needed To Top $160,000 Goal I "With slight additional effort on the part of the University staff it will be possible to make our $160,000 quota in the Fourth War Loan drive," R. Gordon Griffith, chairman of the University bond committee, said yesterday. No total has been taken by the University since Saturday's audit showed a figure of $149,000. A final count-up will be made today. 'Belles' Intensify Efforts During this last day of the Fourth War Loan drive, the "bond belle" messenger service is intensifying its efforts to put the University over the top. Commenting on the work ac- complished by the JGP "belles," Deborah Parry, '45, chairman, said yesterday, "The girls have always been enthusiastic and they have done an efficient job of collecting and delivering war bonds for the last four weeks. We've taken orders everywhere on campus and the whole-hearted response of the Uni- ver staff has made our work very enjoyable." Warren Cook, chairman of the Washtenaw County bond committee termed the county drive a "definite i Allies Occupy Rooke Between New Britain and New Guinea Campaign Presented Foundation in Outline PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 14.-()- Wendell Willkie in a formal an- nouncement of his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination today designated Ralph H. Cake as his pre-convention manager and out- lined the foundation for his cam- paign. The Republican Party can win the 1944 election, Willkie said at a press conference, only by presenting proof to the people through its nominee and its platform that: 1. The war can be fought as effec- tively or more effectively with a Republican instead of a Democrat in the White House; 2. The GOP has a better under- standing than the Democratic Party of post-war social and economic ad- justments which will confront the United States; 3. The Republicans' interest in and understanding of the United States' role in cooperation with the world is stronger and deeper than that of the Democrats. This "must not be a mere cloak put on for political and campaign purposes but a deep and abiding belief," Willkie said, and must be carried by the presidential candidate himself. Upon this structure, Willkie said, his campaign will be carried through- out the 48 states under the organi- zational leadership of the GOP na- tional committeeman from Oregon. By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Feb. 15, Tues-t day.-The Allies have occupied Rooke Island in Vitiaz Strait, between Newt Britain and New Guinea, the high command announced today. Ground forces also seized Gorissi village on New Britain, 21 miles east of Cape Gloucester where the Marines .landed Dec. 26. A communique two days ago announced that the Marines had extended their holdings east of Borgen Bay in the Cape Gloucester sector. The oc- -cupation of Gorissi village evidentlyt - was a further extension of the leath-£ erneck's territory.1 URBgThe move onto Rooke Island Feb. T A 12, Saturday, was not opposed by the Is Approved Japanese and no contact with the enemy was reported. By Com m tt Allied aircraft ,ontinued their, pounding on Rabaul, at the north- WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.-(IP)-A eastern tip of New Britain, and Kav-J $1,350,000,000 authorization for the ieng, on the northwestern tip of New United Nations Relief and Rehabili- Ireland, with 326 tons of bombs. Nine e N RJapanese planes were destroyed in tation Administration was approved the raids. The Allies lost three. by the Senate foreign relations com- The Admiralty Islands, northwest mittee today with a string attached of New Britain, were hit with 90 tons to keep Congress in touch with its of Allied bombs, and other aircraft activities. smashed at Wewak, the Japanese base on the northeastern coast of The committee approved 16 to 1 a New Guinea, destroying seven enemy House-passed resolution giving this planes on the ground and set a government agency authority t o 3,000-ton freighter afire. spend that amount for relief work in * * countries liberated from the Axis. But it put a June 30, 1946 limita- Y ank IM arsha ll tion on the authorization, amending the House resolution which would have been good until two years after the war ends. U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD- i * QUARTERS, PEARL HARBOR, Feb. D eac me Set 14.2- (P) -Japanese planes raided United States positions in the Mar- For D fshall Islands last week for the first time since the invasion of Jan. 31 and WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.-(I)---Se-American aircraft reached out al- lective service said today the date most to the Caroline Islands in ex- when colleges must file applications tending their attacks to new Mar- for deferment of students under the shall atolls. new and tighter regulations govern- The enemy raid, announced today ing such deferments has been ex- by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz along tended until March 1. with the American attacks, was made Undergraduates who are not sen- Friday night against Roi Island of iors and not pre-professional stud- Kwajalein atoll. Damage and cas- ents no longer will be eligible for de- ualties were reported as "moderate." ferment unless they are studying en- Most significant of the American gineering, physics, chemistry, geo- attacks, which carried the daily time logy or geophysics. Even then the to- table of raids forward for another tal number is restricted to 10,000. three days, probably was the three- The national roster of scientific day hammering of Eniwetok atoll, and specialized personnel, a part of principal enemy staging base from the War Manpower Commission, has Truk. Fleet carrier-based planes divided the 10,000 among colleges, made the assault. There was no assigning each a quota. fighter opposition and no ground fire. Students Rush to Daily for Dates Rail Center Falls After 11-Day Fight Russians Admit 'Slight Nazi Wedge,' Tighten New Annihilation Ring By The Associated Press LONDON, Feb. 14.-The Red Ar- my today captured the Ukraine rail- way village of Korsun, the core of re- sistance for the remnants of ten trapped German divisions of perhaps 100,000 men who have fought with the ferocity of wounded beasts for 11 days. In announcing the fall of Korsun -on the Ross River 25 miles south of the middle Dnieper-Moscow's bulletin said, however, that large German reliefforces attacking out- side the annihilation ring west of Korsun had succeeded in driving "a small wedge" into Soviet lines at the cost of heavy manpower and mater- ial losses. On the northern front Russian troops captured several more local- ities on a 70-mile front between Luga and Lake Peipue in their drive south- ward toward Pskov, less than 40 miles beyond Soviet spearheads... Russians Draw Noose Tight Pskov is the communications key to the Baltic territories of southern Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and also is the feeder point for an ex- posed Axis salient jutting 110 miles eastward from Pskov to Staraya Ru- sa, on the south side of Lake Ilme, In the vicious Ukraine fighting the Russians gave no indication that German tank and infantry forces outside the Korsun annihilation ring would succeed in reaching their trap- ped companions. The Germans trapped in the Kor- sun sector, 80 miles southeast of Kiev, apparently now hold a strip of territory only four miles deep on either side of the Ross River between Korsun and Steblev, eight miles west of Korsun. Nazis Send Relief The exact position of the German relief army attacking outside the So- viet encirclement ring was not dis- closed. The broadcast-communique recorded by the Soviet monitor said the slight wedge in Russian lines oc- curred northwest of Zvengorodka, which is 25 miles southwest of Kor- sun. The Russians began their exter- mination of the ten German divisions Feb. 3 after the firt'and 'sconid. Uk- rainian armies under Generals Niko- lai F. Vatutin and Ivan S. Konev had jmined forces south of Korsun in the Zvenigorodka- Shpola sector, thus creating a circular trap 50 miles in diameter just below the middle Dnie- pr.i Saturday Date Of Gad uation The University's second war- prompted mid-year graduation ex- ercises will be held at 10 a.m. Satur- day in Hill Auditorium. The more than 489 graduating se- niors in all schools and colleges will hear John A. Hannah of Michigan State College deliver the principal cmmencement address on the topic "The Debt We Owe." All classes except ASTP and School of Education will be dismissed at 9:45 a.m. Saturday to permit stud- ents and faculty to attend. Because of the accelerated Uni- versity academic year embracing three terms a year, mid-year gradu- ating exercises were initiated last March at which time more than 950 students were granted degrees. Dr. Ruthven intends to leave the campus shortly after comencement to attend the first Pan-American educational Conference at the Uni- versity of New Mexico. Finnish Leaders Confer On Peace with Russia STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 14.- (P- Finnish government leaders held War Loan Is 4% Short Of Quota on Last Day WASHINGTON, Feb. 14-(P)-The $14,000,000,000 fourth war loan goes into its final day tomorrow still four per cent short of overall success and 34 per cent shy of the $5,500,000,000 quota set for individual participation. Tonight's Treasury report placed total sales at $13,450,000,000, of which individuals accounted for $3,- 611,000,000. Corporation and other "big money" buyers bought $9,839,- 000,000 worth of securities, or 116 per cent of their quota. success" yesterday and pointed out that the fact that the county is now nearly $1,000,000 beyond its $7,477,- 000 goal. E Bond Sales Lag However, sales of E series bonds are still lagging in Ann Arbor, which is short of its quota by 11.2 per cent. Cook said that sellers are being asked to continue their efforts even after the Fourth War Loan drive closes today because all purchases made during the months of January through Feb. 25 will be counted in the grand total. Although sales of two and one- I The Student Publications Building is rapidly becoming a haven for cute coeds and handsome he-men looking for Victory Ball dates. Ci. 1 ban Gi Termed in 'Excellent Shape' the Daily daters promised they would do their best to see that "every guy gets a gal and every gal gets a guy." Everv serviceman civilian and co- i i A -I