r IMN&I"m )% -O.w ""Pgqft * * . % . # t ___ - - - I 4-- -I W -pw1.1 " --&.1 -) 944 Pifty-Fourth Year Edit-1 and managed by students of tihe University. of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publieations.0 Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Pot OffIce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by .ca- rier $4.25, by mall $5.25. REPR E9NTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVIERTIMNO G OV National dvertising Service, Inc. College Pablisbers Rep resentative 420 MAoDisoN Ave. NEW YoRK. N. Y. CiicAcO * OSTO, . LOS ANGELES . SAW FRANCiiBCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 TERM UNDEFINEIA Majority of Students Vote for World Police THE PQST-WAR Council has just completed a poll of 500 students proportionately repre- senting the Aripy, the ±Tavy and Marines, civilian men, and women .students. These 500 voted better than two to one for some kind of "inter- national police force." Unfortunately, since the term "international police force" was not de- fined and no question was raised about the international organization that presumably would control the police force, what this vote means is that more than two out three students on the campus are in favor of some in international control but what kind remains obscure. They obviously voted for as many different kinds of police forces as there were differences in their ideas of the subject. The sailors and marines were the most favorable (80 per cent yes) with, the women next (73 per cent yes), The civilian mein were the least favorable (69 per cent yes) although still voting more than two to one for it. The question, "Are you in favor, etc.," is open to the criticism that it may have suggested a favorable answer to some students of no pro- nounced opinions. This could easily have been avoided by asking half of the voters the same question in negative form, "Are you opposed, etc." A number of students found the, limited "yes" or "no" alternatives inadequate. Some of thos6 in favor commented: "Yes, temporarily," "All nations must be in it," "O.K., so long as I'm not in it," "Yes, if there is a strong League of Nations." Opposed comments were: "Too ideal- istic," "Too political," "Are countries well enough acquainted?" Obviously, such a poll tells very little except that probably a majority of the students arej in favor of some kind of international regulation of affairs after the war. --L. J. Carr, Associate Professor of Sociology MUSIC Marion Ford . Jane Farrant -Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradalle Eric Zalenski . Bud Low . . . harvey Frank . Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Hilda Slautterback Doris Kuentz. Editoral Staff . . . . . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director * . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . Associate Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . Ass't Women's Editor . . . . Columnist * . . Columnist . TOR THE GENERAL WELFARE': W ner Bill Oposed Buins Stf Molly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion s~ "* u1 . Business Manager . Ass't Bus. Manager . Ass't Bus. Manager 23 24. Tplephnri NIGHT EDITOR: STAN WALLACE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are wr/iten by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A BEGINNING: Rational Veteran's Aid Program Suggested fHE SWEEPING PLAN made public last night will no doubt be gratefully received by the servicemen all over the country, as well as those from Michigan. The plan shows a good deal of serious and lraetlcal thought is being given toward aiding our doughboys at a time when they will need it most. The centralized application bureau idea is beyond a doubt the only answer to such a situation, and illustrates well the calibre of ohr University president. We sincerely hope Governor Kelly and the tate legislature, as well as the legislatures of other states will affix their stamp of approval, and the necessary action will be taken promptly. -Henry Arrow WHITE PAPER: Students Urged To Sign Zionist u rm s Petion PROTESTING the discontinuance of Jewish immigration into Palestine through the end bf a transitional period provided by the British White Paper of 1939, "Avukah," campus Zionist organization, will continue to circulate petitions in front of the library today. On April 1, Palestine will become forbidden territory for thousands of Jews. A transitional period of five years, during which 75,000 im- migrants were to be admitted to Palestine, will then expire. Thereafter, the Arab com- unity wil be able to exercise a veto power on the entry of further Jewish settlers. Discrimination against Jews has been prac- tised throughout the world for centuries, but when discrimination against Jews entering their own "holy land" begins, then we have a viola- tion of all those principles that are held dear by advocates of a democratic society. The names of those who sign the petitions will be sent to the British Ambassador in Washington. By signing the petition, you can make known to the world that you denounce facial discrimination of any kind, and will help toward the establishment of a haven for tre Jewish refugees of Nazi infested countries. -Aggie Miller PROFITEER ING: Fart it.Bloc Wins Fight Against Food Subsidies ! HE SENATE Farm Bloc, by preventing the passage of the Maloney amendment to con- in e thefoods ub nididv nroam for another year. I'd Rather' Be Right_ -BySAMUEL GRAFTON - NEW YORK, Feb. 11.-The thing that fright- ens us most about Russia is that we sense the existence of a Russian plan. To the planless, the other fellow's plans are terrifying. We are not so much bothered by the partic- u.ar steps Russia has taken (forAo Russian action, in itself, has removed any skin from our nose) as by the feeling tht Russia knows where she is going, and is, indeed, rapidly in mnotion toward her political goal, whatever it may be. And it is here that our plausible and cheery defense of expediency falls to earth. We have made a practice of accepting any small favor the gods of war may drop in our lap, whether it be a little fascist admiral or a little king. But, in the light of the sure knowledge that Russia has a long-range plan, expediency suddenly doesn't seem so attractive any more. NOW WE HAVE TO THINK IT THROUGH We had even come to make a virtue of our planlessness; Mr. 1jull tried, in so many words, to throw politics out of the war; not only did he proclaim that we must not try to shape the political futures of the countries we were liber- ating, but he denounced those who were concern- ed about the political futures of the victim coun- tries. Mr. Hull, by his defense of expediency, made himself, in effect, an adjunct of the War Depart- ment; the test of his diplomacy was that it be a handmaiden of military strategy. In our of- ficial view, war was virtuous and politics sneaky. POLICY MUST COME FIRST The State bepartment, and the President, too, made extremely plausible cases for our dealings with Petain and Darlan and Badoglio and King Victor Emmanuel, but the net of their explana- tions was that- our foreign office had shrunk to a mere bureau of accommodation within the War Department. But now there is Russia.. And "Aussia ob- viausly has a plan. She knows what sort of governments she wants in the neighboring countries of Europe. She has set a complicat- ed apparatus in motion to obtain what she wants. And Russia's planfulness simply terri- fies us. Purpose is shocking to those who are without it. It seems unfair that the other fellow should be thinking, after we had proclaimed the rule of no thinking around here. WE STILL DON'T KNOW We still, don't know what futures we want for Italy, for France, for Spain. We never used our diplomacy to protect or establish democracy in these regions. So we drifted or flopped into war. War to carry out a policy? No, war for the sake of, well, war for the sake of winning the war. We had no policy toward these countries to begin with, and now our policy is to make any deals which further the war into which we flopped because we had, no policy. I am afraid that we shall have to decide that we, want sturdy democatie states in Italy, France and Spain, and that we must use both diplomacy and war to achieve this end, for the sake of our own nationa interest. Thus 1' !J APPEARING in Ann Arbor for the first time in nearly nine years, Mischa Elman last night presented the ninth concert in the present Choral Union series, assisted by Leopold Mitt- man, pianist. Mr. Elman opened his programn with a Handel sonata, which has a particularly pleas- ing fourth movement, that gave everyone an inkling of the sort of thing they would hear all evening: lyricism of the most romnantic sort. The Brahms sonata followed and though in many ways it formed a contrast with the preceding work, it continued along in this same vein, as did the Glazounow Concerto. We do not mean to say that we object to Mr. Elman's style, technique or interpretation for he is certainly a fine violinist; but we do believe that a greater contrast between numbers could have been accomplished by chosing from a wider range of works, and for a better effect. Such romanticism would have been much more effective if given in smaller doses or broken up by compositions of a different, more rigid style. Considered individually, the works presented were admirably done; it is simply that heard all together as they were last night, the atmos- phere tends to become a little heavy. R. MITTMAN did an excellent job at the piano. His work in the sonatas and con- certo was brilliant and highly finished, while his accompaniments, sympathetic and sure, were of the same fineness in both taste and execution. The second half of the program was opened with the composition "Poeme" by Chausson, full of long and- very lyrical thematic material. Mr. Elman did some of his finest playing of the evening in his presentation of this work. A number based on old Irish tunes and "He- brew Melodie" by Achron followed. The last number was the famous Paganini Caprice which has been used by many composers as the theme upon which to build a set of vari- ation. The group of variations done last night was the original set as arranged by the artist's teacher, Leopold Auer. The variations demand a great deal of technical skill which Mr. Elman cetrainly has. He played each one with the same sureness and agility, and it was here 'that he proved to the audience the great mastery which he has over his instrument. Mr. Eiman gave two encores, Schubert's Ave Maria and a number by Kreisler. -Jean Atha DREWC PEA RSON'Sa MER RY-0G-R0UND WICHITA FALLS, Texas, Feb. 11. - If you scratch beneath the surface of this, one of the liveliest little towns in America, you will find proof of two tragic things which are happening under the Roosevelt .Administration. One is something for which you can't blame the Government-namely, that the time is not too far off when present wartime rationing of gasoline may be a normal peacetime neces- sity. In other words, our oil reserves are run- ning disastrously low The other is something which the Roosevelt Administration could definitely prevent--that is, the manner in which little business is being swallowed up by big business. In the industrial East, it is the little mann facturer who is going out of business while six big companies have waxed fat on more than 50 per cent of all the war contracts. Out here, it is the little independent oil man who is gradually being put out of business by the low price of crude oil and the strangling pro- cess of the major oil companies. Every week or so in Wichita Falls, center of a once-thriving Texas oil field, an independent sells out to the majors and retires from the game. The same is true in Tulsa, Okla., and every other oil field except such rich bonanzas as East Texas, where oil still gushes instead of being pumped. What most people don't realize is that about one-half the nation's oil is produced, NOT by the big companies which splurge out the fill- ing-station advertising, but by the little inde- pendents. In fact, it is the independents who have pioneered most of the nation's wells, aft- er which the majors buy themi up. Since the majors have to buy most of their crude oil, they are the last ones to want an in- crease in its price. They already have the price of gasoline fixed with a comfortable margin, and the lower the price of crude, the better for them. That is why, secretly, they have been rooting behind their hands for the OPA and Economic Stabilizer Vinson, who have opposed a price increase in crude oil. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syncdicate) equipped with purpose, our 'diplomacy would finally become something more than a kind of political janitor for the armed forces. We are afraid of Russia because she knows where she is going, and we don't. Nothing Rus- sia could do, or refrain from doing, would cure that fear. We have to cure it ourselves, by our- selves. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) ALL. NVII *.'44 4 r By ROBERT GOLDMAN NOT MUCH has been written about the proposed Wagner-Murray- Dingell Medical Bill. The American Medical Association b has made a point of keeping the measure out of the newspapers. Generally speaking the proposal covers; The hiring of doctors at fixed salaries to provide medical service; Designating which doctors can become specialists; Determining the number of in- dividuals for whom any physician may provide service; Determining which hospitals or clinics may provide service for the patients. The bill provides for a compulsory 12 per cent tax to carry out the program; six per cent to be paid by the worker and six per cent to be paid by the employer. In the case of the individual who is both employe and employer a slightly lower tax is written into the bill. The proposal names the- Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Servic' as the administrator. it has been reported that stu- dents in medical school have been circulating literature which advo- cates the shelving of the proposal. Dean Albert C. Furstenberg of the medical school has stated, "Any literature which has been circu- lated on campus, has not been sponsored by the medical school.") The following objections to the measure have been raised by the American Medical Association and its many subsidiary organizations. The AMA flatly labels the bill as "socialized medicine;" The individual will have to con- sult the physician of the Surgeon General's choice, not their own fam- ily doctor; The Surgeon General has the power to. divide the patients on a pro-rata basis among the many doc- GRIN AND BEAR IT By Licitty 0, 1944, C-icag.a Tir, n, , c'1 ,, .- "Why don't you use the short form, dear? Then if you make a mistake, perhaps the judge will give you a short term!" tors in a district if certain doctors have too many patients; If the bill becomes law the doctors will be too busy filling out bureau- cratic reports to treat patients; One wage earner in the household pays the insurance for the entire family. q # Only the third and fifth objections have even a kernel of truth in them. rJ1HE AMA suggests that instead of passing the bill, the government should attack the problem at its roots. That is, alleviate the unem- ployment problem, encourage thrift and private insurance, and expand the number of voluntary medical and hospital service plans. Looking at the other side of the picture as presented by one of the authors of the bill who probably knows something about the proposal, we see a little different situation. The preamble , of the bill as stated by Michigan's Rep. John D. Dingell says that the bill was rit- ten to "provide for the general welfare; to alleviate the economic hazards of old age disability, sick- ness, unemployment and depen- dency; to amend and extend the provisions of the social security act; to establish a Unified Social and National Social Insurance System; to extend the coverage, and to protect and extend the social security rights of individuals of the military service; to provide insurance benefits for workers per- manently disabled, and to estab- lish a federal system of unemploy- ment comupensation andtempor- ary disability maternity benefits" So these things then are to be included in the "socialized medicine" bill that the AMA is ranting about. DINGELL points out that reaction- ary elements within the AMA accuse the writers of the bill and our "radical" government of attempting to break the sacred relationship now existing between the doctor and the patient. What the reactionaries fail to realize is that there are many people living in this country of "radical" government who never have enough money to establish such a sacred relationship. Also the AMA makes it a point to omit the fact that under the proposed set-uip, patent medicine eonupan- ies that have been muring every- thing from headaches to corns wonlil probably lose their aura of indispensability to the people. It seems to us that the people who can afford the proposed tax will never miss the money, and the peo- ple in the lower income brackets will be only too glad to pay the tax and thus be assured that they will be provided with adequate medical care. If the aforementioned objec- tions to the ill are cosely scru- tinized, it will be seens that they are hardly valid. Determining the number of patients for whom ser- vice may be provided and desig- nating which hospitals they may go to cannot be extremely "detri- mental to the medical profession." As things stand now the AMA and the National Physicians Committee for the Extension of Medical Service and a few other powerful reaction- ary medical organizations and indi- viduals are definitely against the passage of the bill. On the other hand the AFL and CIO and the Railway Brotherhoods, in addition to numerous progressive organizations, support the bill. ballroom. The doors of the ballroom will be closed at 7:30. Sunday after- noon dancing lessons will be held if enough men are interested. Coming Events Research Club: The February meeting of the Research Club will be held in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Wednesday eve- ning, Feb. 16, at 8:00 o'clock. The following papers will be read, "An Electron Microscope Study of Port- land Cement Crystals" by Professor Donald L. Katz and "The Termin- ology of Arabic Goniometrical Man- uscripts" by Professor William H. Worrell6 Original One-Act Plays: Three or- iginal one-act plays will be given Monday evening, Feb. 14, at 8 o'clock by students of acting in the Speech Department and playwriting stu- dents of the English Department. These student-written, student-acted plays will be presented at the Uni- versity High School auditorium. Ad- mission is free. All are welcome. The Public Health Students Club will hold a party this coming Satur- day night at the Women's Athletic Building at 8 o'clock. The faculty, staff and alltcivilian and military students of the school of public health and their friends are invited. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, FEB. 11, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 77 All notices for the Daily Official Blul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President; in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices shonid he submitted l11:30 a.m. Notices Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A "Bond Belle" will pick up your order and deliver the bond the next day. Use this service and help the Uni- versity meet its quota. University War Bond Committee Mail is being held at the Business -Office of the University for the fol- lowing people: Agnes Deveraux, Dai- sy Graves, Karen Beth Jones, Mary Lundell, Donald Nilles, Rev. L. C. Philo, Freshman Girls: All freshman girls not residing in dormitories or in league houses must leave their name, address and phone number today or Saturday on the sheet in the undergraduate office in the League in order that they may participate in freshman activities. Women of the University Faculty: The meeting tentatively planned for February will be postponed t~o Fri- day, March 10. You will receive fur- ther notification, but reserve this date now, Lectures Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Math- ematics: These lectures will be given by Professor Claude Chevalley of Princeton University, and will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, for two weeks, beginning Monday, Feb. 14, at 4:15 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall. During the first week Professor Chevalley will discuss "Local Class Field Theory," and dur- . , ing the second week, "Intersection Theory in Algebraic Geometry." Acadenik Notices. Application Forms for Fellowships and Scholarships in the Graduate School of the University for the year 1944-1945 may siAl be obtained from the Office of the Graduate School. All blanis must be returned to that Office by Tuesday, Feb. 15 in order to receive consideration. Biological Chemistry Seminar will. be held today at 4:00 in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "Hemoglo- bin and Related Pigments" will be discussed. All interested are invited. Doctoral Exniminationi for Mildred Kirtland Magers, Euglish Language and Literature (Linguistics);: thesis: "The Development of the Grammati- cal Use of Word-Order for Relation- ships Expressed by the Accusative with Special Reference to the Devel- opment in Subordinate Clauses," Saturday, Feb. 12, East Council Room, Rackham Building, 9:30 a.m. Chairman, C. C. Fries. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members. of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Events Today Dr. Marshall C. Balfour, Regional Director of the Rockefeller Founda- tion in the Far East, is expected to speak in the Auditorium of the School of Public Health today at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Balfour has been intensely engaged in malaria control in the Far East, especially in India and China, where he was concerned with control of malaria along the Burma Road. Dr. Balfour's talk will be informal. Religious services «ill be held to- night at the k Reereund ata H 7:45 o'clock. Reverend Edward H. T? rwti ri n "1xn TYvscs " f Tsi "~i. BARNABY By Crockett Johnson F .1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F cpyrighi if44 ti:li p«4iicei3«na I RCKE i l",