PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ .r ... s ... v acv Fifty-Third Year IdBy Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON £et jrito (lie &bop Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Offic- at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $425, by mail $5.25. IfiHI"ESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVErTIa3NG DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers'Representative 420'MADISON AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO " Bo$TO" " LOS ANGELES "SAN FRANlCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-I have a few more inci- dental reflections brought about by the Moscow Declarations, and I pass them on to you. First, I think someone ought to stand up somewhere and do a hushed little speech in praise of the President as a politician. By politician I mean craftsman. I refer to the quality of skill at the trade of being President. Mr. Roosevelt has let the opposition choke itself on minor victories, -in order to win the great one. He let Mr. Sumner Welles out of the State Department, whereat American liberals, including the present writer, set up a great outcry against Secretary Hull, while American -conservatives and anti-Russians and believers in expediency promtly committed themselves to Mr. Hull, in irrevocable terms. Now Mr. Hull brings home an accord with Russia, and his many new supporters on the right are, so to speak, stuck with it. NO WILSON, HE The President is a past master at balancing one national force against another in our domes- tic controversies, and in seeming to let himself be pushed and pulled in the direction in which he wants to go. No American president can carry on his trade successfully without having this skill. It is a condition of being President of a country such as ours that the President can never have his own way; he can have only some of it, and then only when a lot of other people have also come to want it, and even to want more than he does. In the case of working out an accord with Russia, Mr. Roosevelt reversed the technique which poor Woodrow Wilson used. Mr. Wilson had an idea and tried to sell it to a reluctant country. Mr. Roosevelt has let the country be the Wilson; he has sat back, in seem- ing reluctance, and let it sell him the idea. If the above seems to convey a feeling of peni- tence on the part of the present writer for the tone (not the content) of some past remarks concerning Presidential policy, that is not un- intentional. WHERE IS EUROPE? A second footnote on Moscow: The Moscow Declarations leave Europe itself as a kind of vacuum, a political hole in the ground, around which the three great powers intend to stand watch. We are working out a solution for Europe. But what is Europe? In addition to inventing a plan for control of Europe, we would now seem to have to invent a Europe. What shall we be in control of, on the Con- tinent? A congeries of dead and disarmed states? A cemetery of nationalisms? An array of per- manent parolees? That is romantic; it is romantically cruel, just as the opposite idea, the instant creation of a full-fledged United States of Europe is also ro- mantics though romantically kind. FROM THEM TO US It seems to me that the President, and his opposite numbers in Britain and Russia, are avoiding ideal and romantic solutions; they are letting pressure ripen, they are letting nature take its course. The clue is probably to be found in the declaration on Austria. Austria's future will be decided by the extent of her help to the Allies. She cannot hope to have exactly the same future if she sits inert, as she will have if she rouses herself. Again the President (and Churchill, and Stalin) are refusing to impose an idea upon a country; they want the idea to flow the other way; from the country to them, to us. In time, from all of Europe, to us. The conception is a great one. It applies truly terrible pressure upon each country to resolve its internal conflicts, and get down to the busi- ness of liberation. It is an appeal for revolution, but not a soft appeal, not an appeal in terms of sweets and flowers. Carried forward logically, this approach could solve even the Yugoslavian civil war. If Yugo- slavia wants that luxury, it can have it, at the cost of remaining outside the great system. And disputes which once seemed able to threaten the future organization of the world are now reduced to the dimensions of a border quarrel between Arizona and New Mexico. (Copyright,1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) (Editor's Note: The Daily, Union, and League sponsored an all-campus Share Your Smokes drive last spring to purchase cigatettes for American servicemen overseas, The following are letters addressed to the student body from men who received the cig- arettes.) The British Like 'Em . . . THIS'student body' business is a trifle confusing, not knowing the University of Michigan. Faintly rem- iniscent of some coeds I knew in S. Africa once, but that's hardly to the point; this was intended to let ydu know that the carton of cigarettes is being smoked and very much ap- preciated. rThe British troops are perpetual- ly short of cigarett~s, and as the American boys have penty, we find ourselves strapping them, or making odd swaps'-for then. T-This 200 cost me 50 rounds of "32" pistol ammunition, "given" to me by an Italian at an earlier stage in the campaign. A solitary member of the 1st Army is not likely to interest you" very much, so 'I will close down. Lt. F. Iandley, R. A. 400th s/2Bty. R. A." British H. A. Forces jppreciauoi, ... A ECEIVED cigarettes O.,K. We all appreciate gifts like cigarettes. Sometimes they're pretty hard to get over here. It helps to know that a lot of 'fine people'in the States are backing you tip and wishing'you luck. Thanks to a fine cause and a fine University. Sgt. Gregg 'E. Smith APO 518 C/O Postmaster, N. Y. C. Smokes Click .. . ONE OF THE things which will al- ways click with soldiers is cigar- ettes-thanks a lot for the ones you sent, they are my brand. I'd like to tell where I am and 'what I'm, doing, but "military secret" Says no. It. Alfred L. Tanz 444 Engr. Base Depot APO 510 C/6, Post master Team Is Boosted ..A THANKS for the cigarettes you gave us. I really appreciated 'em. Haven't much room here, but if you doi would care to write to a fellow from pre your neighboring state. Minnesota. I ett would be glad to answer Looks like you've got the best foot- ball team this year, with all the star players you've got. I sure would like to see you ;play. Cpl. Jim E. Kelly 444 Eng. Base Depot Co. APO 510 C/O P. M., N.Y.C. GRIN AND BEAR IT Marion Ford Jane Farrant. Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradaile Betty Harvey . . Busines Molly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion .Managing Editor . Editorial Director .. . .City Editor .Associate Editor . . . Women's Editor Ss Staff Business Manager Ass't. Bus. Managers Ass't. Bus. Managers e 23-24-1 1 .k, ___ 4 , _ I Telephon NIGHT EDITOR: EVELYN PHILLIPS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. THE OTHER VIEW: Race Riots Pose Problem Even Bigger Than Mayor' THE DETROIT RACE RIOTS cannot be blamed upon Mayor Jeffries. This is contrary to the point of view posed by Valerie Andrews in yesterday's Daily, but a close scrutiny of the facts bear out this contention. 1) The bloody outbreak in Detroit last June was a vent of a smouldering animosity that has existed 'between Negroes and whites all over the country, not only in Detroit. 2) The influx of Southern whites into De- troit defense 'obs added 'coals to the flame. Inasmuch as it is the inbred philosophy of these particular whites to look down upon the Negro, the situation 'was not helped. The conditions were ripe, the stage was set for the riot, and no human, much less a mayor, could hlave forestalled the fighting. The riots were indicative of the undemocratic democracy that has always existed in America. The Negro, being different from the majority, was always looked down upon. 'The fact that the hatred existed in the minds of many narrow- minded people could not be changed by any city official. IT CANNOT BE DENIED that Mayor Jeffries did not act with the speed that this situation demanded, but viewing the situation as it exist- ed, no one can lay the blame to him. Miss Andrews asks what positive action did the Mayor take when he was warned of the un- rest that existed. Miss Andrews, what could the mayor have done? Could he have put all Negroes in jail? Should he have outlawed the Negro districts and put them under quarantine? The obvious answer is that nothing coud be done at the time. The only remedy to the situation is a constant program of education, but the record shows that people still hold a prejudice against the Negro notwithstanding the 80 years of "progress" through which we are supposed to have lived since the Civil War. All of this does not mean to leave the impres- sion that such outbre ks are inevitable and that nothing can be done about them. It is clear that if each and every individual doesn't feel it his personal responsibility to cast aside his bigoted feelings, these riots will be inevitable. The race situation is indicative of a bigger problem of our stake in this war.'If America continues to grow mouldy around its edges, those striving for a better world among us will be sadly disappointed at the lack of coopera- tion America will give. Can it be denied that the scope of the riots is bigger than the city of Detroit, and that mal- adjusted race relations can be blamed on one man? W ITH a new mandate of confidence granted him by the people of Detroit, Mayor Jeffries has it within his grasp to begin a program that can be a model to the nation and a boon to Detroit. A conscientious housing program with fair F way' - r ' 4 ,, t' i f '., T- ' ,A 'Why shouldn't the fathers be happy? Think of the ,extra. weat points they'"ll get:' The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-Hard-boiled mem- bers of the Diplomatic Corps whose countries' lives hung in the balance at Moscow have now microscopically examined the texts and come to certain definite conclusions. These are: 1. Moscow achieved more than the diplomats expected, but less than the window-dressing has, now led the public to believe. 2. The word "finis" was written under the Baltic states-Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Though not mentioned in the texts, they will be taken over by Russia. 3. Poland's future will depend entirely upon how far it is willing to cooperate with Russia. If it plays ball, Poland can live peacefully beside Russia as a cooperating -Slav state. If it doesn't play ball, it will be largely gobbled up. 4. Although no definite agreements were reached on many things, machinery was orga- nized for future agreement. This may be most important of all. Difficult problems have to be threshed out gradually and the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Baltie States Disappear Reading between the lines and piecing to- gether the diplomatic grapevine reports leaking back from Moscow, diplomats have arrived at the conclusion that Stalin took exactly the same stand regarding the Baltic states at Moscow as he has in the past-that the Baltics were no more up for discussion than is the return of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California to Mexico. The Baltic states, according to the Soviet view, were carved out of the old Russian Empire when she was prostrate and helpless dur- ing the last war, and were deliberately con- structed by British imperialists in order to shut Leningrad off from the sea. Stalin has made it clear that he would no more permit foreign states along the Gulf of Finland than we would permit small indepen- ,I s+ dent republics to be set up in Connecticut and Long Island guarding the entrance to New York harbor, As reported in this column in the Spring of 1942, Molotoff secured an agreement from the British at that time for the return of the Baltic states and one-half of Poland to Russia. But the United States objected. Diplomats now conclude that' at Moscow, Secretary Hull withdrew that objection and fell back on the U. S. declaration at Riga of April 6, 1922, when the Baltic states were first recognized. It was then said: "It is entirely possible or even probable that sometime in the indefinite future these so-called states may once again become an integral part of Russia." Poland's Position ... JMost significant portion of the Moscow pacts, and the only one signed by Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, was regarding punishment for atro- cities. Buried in the text of this agreement is an insignificant-appearing, but nevertheless most important statement that "Germans who 'take part in wholesale shootings of Polish officers ... will be brought back to the scene of their crimes," etc. This settles once and for all the question which has bitterly disturbed Russian-Polish relations, namely the massacre of 10,000 Polish officers at Smolensk,' and the Polish-German claim that actually they were massacred by Russians. Roosevelt and Churchill now have signed their names to 'a declaration which:puts the blame squarely on the Nazis and leaves no more room for argument. The fact that this one pact was singled out above all the. others for the signature of Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill indicates the impor- tance the Russians attached to it. This, plus the fact that the British had already agreed in 1942 to restore Russian Poland to Poland, is viewed by diplomats to mean that Poland's future is largely up to her ability to keep on friendly terms with Russia. (Continued from Page 2) Rock, Elizabeth Rogers, L. Sonnen- berg, Esther A. Sfnith, Harris Ver Schure. Approved Organizations, which wish official recognition' for the year 1943-44, should submit lists' of offi- cers on blanks provide ' by the Dean of Students. Unless an organization submits such a list it will be consid- ered inactive for' the year. Fraternities and Sororities, both general and professional, should se- cure membership blanks from the Dean of Students at' once on which to list active members and pledges for the Fall Term. These lists should be made out as of Nov. 1. 'Blanks will be mailed upon request. Junior and Senior Women inter- ested in a position on' the Womien's Judiciary Co timclill be 'able'to turn in -petitions until noon, Saturday, November 6, in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Sign up for time' of interview 'when handing in petition. Interviewing will be Mon- day and Tuesday, Nov. 8 and 9, 4'5 p. Mn. Sign-Out Sheets and Composite Sheets summarizing the week's data must be turned in to the :Undergrad- uate Office of the League every Mon- day by 5:00 p. m. Girls Co-operative Houses still have vacancies. If interested in rooming and boarding, make application for membership through Beulah Horo- witz from 9 to 12 Satuiday'morning, or Roberta Chatkin from 3 -to 5 Sun- day afternoon, at 816 Forest. Phone 5974. University Lecture: Professor Rus- sell C. Hussey, of the Department of Geology, will lecture on the' subject, The Parade of the Dinosaurs," (illus.) in the kackham ' Amphithe- ater on Wednesday, 'Nov. 10, at 7:45 p. m. under the auspices of the Phi Sigma Society. The public is cor- dially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Eugene R. Kellersberger, forner ,medical mis- sionary in the Belgian Congo, will lecture on the subject. "Trypanoso- States. The test, which will require examinations in French and German about two hours, will be given in Ann for the doctorate will be held ti4y Arbor in the Rackham Lecture Hall at 4:00 p. m. in the Rackham A iii- from 3 to 5 p. m. theatre. Dictionaries may be u~ed' Any student planning to enter a medical school and who has not pre- Psychology 207 will meet for o ga- viously taken the Aptitude Test ization today at 4:00 p. m.' in should do so at this time. You are 2127 Natural Science Bldg. requested to be in your seats prompt- ly and to bring with you two well- History 11, Lecture Group II, ; - sharpened pencils. tion 5, will meet in room 122', eln. The fee of $1.00 is payable at the instead of in room 104Ec. Cashier's Office through Nov. 4. Preston W. Si sson C. S. Yoakum History 11, Lecture Group I, See- Program in Regional Administra- tion 4 will meet in room 18 A. H. tion and Reconstruction in the Divi- Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:04. sion for Emergency Training-Course A. E. I. oak 303--Seminar in Middle Europe. In- tensive study of certain aspects of a history 179 will not meet toy region within the la'ger area of Mid- D4 nd dle Europe and of the life of the peo- ple living therein. T'he seminar is designed to follow the course 203 C (Survey and Analysis of Middle Eu- rope) which was given during the Cleveland Orchestra Concert:j The summer term. This course may be Cleveland Orchestra, Eric Leidolf, elected by those who were enrolled in Conductor, will play the following Course 203 and by graduate students program in the first Choral dJnion and seniors who are majoring in one Concert, Sunday, Nov. 7, at 9 ;m.: of the social sciences and who have Bach Chorale, "O Haupt voll IBlut adequate background, with the ap- und Wunden"; Schubert Symphony proval of their advisers, of the in- in C, No. 7; Siegfried's Rhine Jo yney structor, and of a representative of from "Gotterdamnierung" by Wag- the Division for Emergency Training. ner; and "Porgy and Bess", A yn- Tuesday, 7-9, Hostie. Room 308 Li- phonic Picture, by Gershwin. brary. This concert will be broadcast over First meeting Tuesday. November 9. the Mutual System. 'The audience should arrive promptly as there will To all male students in the College be no opportunity to be admitted of Literature, Science, and the Arts: after the concert starts. By action of the Board of Regents, Tickets are on sale at the offices of all male students in residence in this the University Musical Society, Bur- College must elect Physical Educa- ton Memorial Tower, daily except tion for Men. This action has been Sunday. On Sunday, Nov. 7, the bpx effective since June, 1943, and will office in Hill Auditorium will be open: continue for the duration of the war. from 2 to 5 and after 7 on the eve- Students may be excused from ' ning of the concert. taking the course by(1)The Uni- Charles A. Sink, President versity Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representa- E Ivents Today tive, (3) The Director of Physical, , Education and Athletics. The Angell Hall bseirvatory will Petitions for exemption by tu be open to the public "from 8:00 to dents in this College should be ad- 10:00 this evening if the sky is 'lcar dressed by freshmen to Professor or nearly clear. The moon wit be Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the shown thru the telescopes. Children Academic Counsellors (108 Mason must be accompanied by adults. Hall); by all other students to Assis- tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Zeta Phi Eta officers'. eting Hall.) today at 3:30 p. in. in the Chapter Except under very extraordinary room. circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third The Hillel Foundation will hold its week of the Fall Term. regular Friday evening service at ABDICATION OF KING VICTOR: BPdoglw Wold Be Adrantageous toAlies in Present Crisis, but Not After Germans Are Out A FEW WEEKS AGO Marshal Badoglio was asking the Italian peoples to rally around King Victor Emmanuel, but suddenly he is clam- oring for the abdication of the 74-year-old mon- arch, and has decided that he cannot forn a unified government with King Victor in the way, has been rumored that Badoglio fears that he will be asked to resign if the King does not abdicate in favor of a new government consist- ing exclusively of staunch liberals, and equally staunch' anti-royalists. The -abdication of King Victor and the I