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February 10, 1944 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-10

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Church To Hold
Ply of Prayer
World-Wide Servese
Are Given by Student
Christian: Federation
Students, servicemen and towns-
people who believe that there is a
benefit to be derived from united
prayer will meet at 8 p.m. Sunday in
the First Congregational Church for
the annual World Day of Prayer
Sponsored internationally by the
World Student Christian Federation,
this service is designed to help the
youth all over the world realize there
is a great spiritual union unbroken
by distance or war.
The University service, which is
sponsored by Inter-Guild, will in-
clude music, responsive readings and
a short talk on "Prayer and the Real
World," by E. William Maehl, acting
director of the Student R;eii Jous
Harriet Porter will present "The
Lord's Prayer" with Harry Daum
providing the organ music. "Forever
with the Lord" will be sung by Robert
Waltz and Robert Dierks.
Student church groups cooperating
in the service include the Roger Wil-
liams Guild, Congregational Disci-
ples, Wesleyan, Westminster, Luth-
eran Student Association, Gamma
Delta (Missouri Lutheran), and Epis-
ttOW lstudents.
All contributions received from the
collection at the service will be
turned over to the World Student
Service Fund which is used to aid
students all over the world.
Blood Bank To Be
Held Today at WAB
The League Blood Bank will be
held from 12:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
toay and tomorrow at the Women's
Athletic Building.
One hundred women who regis-
tered two weeks ago will be donors.
Att the time of registration women
under 21 received Red Cross release
slips ,which must be turned in com-
plete with parent's signature- at the
The rhen's quota was filled entirely
thismnonth with 100 volunteers from
the V-12 unit. The entire quota was
filled after only.a few hours of regis-
tration under the direction of Bob
Lindsay 'and Bob Precious.

Cryptic Letters
Are Traced to
Pub4iury Men
e v of ticrytic sym-
bols, which have been appearing on
campus bulletin boards for the last
few days, was solved yesterday when
campus police traced down the cul-
prits and revealed that it is all a
publicity stunt by "Symphony and
Swing" backers, Dean Walter Rea
A spokesman for "Symphony and
Swing" finally confessed that the
colored slips, bearing figures of little
dancing men, were not the work of a
saboteur or lunatic. The whole thing
was carried out by Union members
who worked after hours to post the
The "Foreboding Four," their
secret now unveiled, have an-
nounced that the reward for de-
ciphering the messages will be a
ticket to the "Symphony and
Swing" program to be held Sunday
in Hill Atiditorium. These tickets
will be pested to the first six
pct-sonisto come to the Union Stu-
dent Offices after 3 p.m. tomorrow
and prove that they have worked
out the meaning of the symbols.
* *~ *
Earl Hines To
Play Sunday
Earl "Father" Hines, who will bring
his 28-piece band here for "Sym-
phony and Swing" to be held at 3:15
p.m. Sunday, says that he came by
the name because of his religious
In time, out of sheer respect for
his deeply religious instincts, he be-
came highly regarded as a counsellor,
even by actors and musicians old
enough to be his parents.
A radio announcer of the NBC net-
work actually pinned the title of
"Father" on Earl Hines during an
early broadcast from a club in Chi-
cago, noting Hines' fatherly attitude
toward his musicians. As the band
* leader particularly addressed each of
L his musicians as "Son," the announ-
cer began introducing him as "Father
Hines and His Boys" to radio listen-
The "Earl Hines style," originated
by "Father" Hines, is perhaps the
most widely imitated of any indi-
vidual style by many of the most
popular present day jazz pianists.
Hines' "trumpet piano style" is sim-
plicity in itself.

Marines Storm Garrison in Marshalls


Moving up on a Jap concrete blockhouse, battered by the pre-
invasion bombardment of Nammr Island, in the Marshall group, U.S.
Marines seek out possible Jap snipers. Stripped palm trees are evidence
of the heavy blasting.
Chinese Scholars To Be Topic
Sunday at International Center

On Ccmpus ...
Ihtiteit 1o Ee Give
The various dance clubs and classes
will give an informal dance program
from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in
the dance studio of Barbour Gymna-
sium, according to Rae Larsen, man-
ager of the WAA Dance Clubs.
The program will consist of ballet,
tap, American country and modern
dance numbers. The modern dance
classes and club will do warm-up
exercises of stretching, flexion and
extension, abdominal strength, swing-
ing, body control and back fall rou-
War Stamp Money Due
All money and war stamps from
dormitories and auxiliary dormi-
tories must be turned in between
3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. today, it
was announced by Rosalie Bruno,
Junior Girls Project dormitory sales
Dorm To Hold Tea
The girls of Betsy Barbour Dorm-
itory will be hostesses at a Faculty
Tea from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. today
at the house. Invitations have been
sent to various professors and their
wives on campus whose names were
submitted by the girls.
Eadminton Club To Meet
WAA Badminton Club will meet
at 8:30 p.m. today in Barbour Gym-
nasium, according to Madeline Vib-
bert, manager of the club.
Officers Announced
New officers of Sigma Chi for the
spring term were announced yester-
day by Warren Dean Monson. Paul
Prozelter is president, Richard Le-
Clair, vice-president; Dean Monson,
secretary; Hugh LeClair, treasurer;
Robert Acton, steward; Donald Cady,
pledge master; and James Scoville,
rushing chairman.
Script of Co. C's
Play Is Approved
The University Committee on The-
atre Policy and Practice has approved
the script for Co. C's original musical
comedy, "Bidin' Our Time" which
means that the show can be pre-
sented in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The script and music for the show
were written by Cpl. Hy Wolotsky
and Cpl. Troy Bartlett. All the malE
I roles in the production will be played
by men of the company while the
female roles will be played by women
of Ann Arbor.
y i

''we are nOw d(iiipg im Oli nil
reserves, and although we are drilling
more wells, we are producing less
oil per well," Mr. Carl C. Addison ofj
Saginaw, district geologist for the
Pure Oil Company, said in a lecture
"New discoveries have not kept
pace with the unprecedented demands
for petroleum, and therefore ration-
ing has been instituted to conserve
this valuable product. Experts es-
timate that our once seemingly in-
exhaustible supplies will last only 15.
or 20 years at the present rate of
consumption unless new fields are
"Although we are not sure .iust
how great our oil reserves are, on
the basis of discoveries already made,
conservative estimates place the oil
reserves of the Unitec States at 0
billion barrels. This includes only
the oil which we can profitably ex-
tract with present methods," Mir
Addison said.
"We cannot step up production on
our oil reserves because once a field
reaches its peak of production it
slowly drops off, and most of our
great fields have passed their peak.
"Deeper drilling has uncovered
"new pays," or fields below present
JAG Boosts
U' Bone Saes
IWashtenaw County
Hits 6,000,000 Mark
War bond sales totaling $31,643.75
have been made in the Judge Advo-
cate General school, boosting the
University to a total sales record of
$139,575 to date, R. Gordon Griffith,
chairman of the University commit-
tee, announced yesterday.
Washtenaw County passed the $6,-
000,000 mark yesterday, while Ann
Arbor, which is already past its goal,
is close to the $5,000,000 point in
total sales. Ann Arbor's Neighbor-
hood War Clubs are attempting to
contact every home in the city this
week to make sure that no one is
Public schools in Ann Arbor have
oversold their quotas, and the city's
luncheon clubs are near their goal.
The League's Bond Belles have
accounted for $41,750 already. The
University's quota is $160,000 in the
Fourth War Loan Drive, which closes
In the entire State of Michigan,
over 84% of the overall state-quota
of $440,000,000 has been reached.

ones. Ihowever, nearly all of these
fields are being exsated, a nd un-
less a w tool of discoery is found,
we will have to resort to hydrogena-
tion of coal and refining of oil shale
and tax' sands, Scientists are hunting
fr more economical methods of com-
plelin; these processes," he conclud-
Students I)ehate i Detroit
Sixteen University students left for
Detroit today to participate in two
rounds of debate with Wayne Uni-
versity on the resolution: "The Unit-
ed States Should Join in the Estab-
lishlment and Maintainance of a
World Police Force on Defeat of the
.. he's a
Nasty Chap
These days, "Wintry Blast" is at
his worst, so take care! His chilly
salute brings discomfort to sensi-
tive lips . . . and makes them so
Be ready for him. Keep a handy
tube of Roger & Gallet original
Lip Pomade in your pocket. And
whenever you step out-of-doors
smooth its invisible, healing film
over lip membranes.
For both men and women, Roger
& Gallet Lip Pomade has long
been the accepted relief for chap-
ped, cracked lips. Pick up a tube
today at any drug store.

Geolo gist Foresees Exhaustion
O f O~I &S ptvp i 15=2 Years

Prof. Shao-Chang Lee, who was
professor of Chinese history and
language at the University of Hawaii,
will speak on "Scholars in China,
Then and Now," at 7:30 p.m. Sunday
in the International Center.
Prof. Lee was in Honolulu at the
time the Japanese attacked Pearl
Harbor. In a speech recently for the
Inter-Cultural Relations Club he ex-
plaine4 conditions in Hawaii before
the incident. He said that Japanese
priests there were doing all in their
power to "Japanize" residents there
of Japanese descent. He also said.
that 70 Japanese were interned after
Pearl Harbor, which left other resi-
Last. GI Stomp
To Be Sa turday
The fourth and last GI Stomp o'1
the current semester will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday in the
North Lounge of the Union, it was
announced yesterday.
The weekly Stomp, which isI
planned especially for the entertain-
ment of servicemen, was not held
last Saturday because of Ship's Ball.
Since this is the last Stomp of the
semester, Union committee members
are planning to make it "the best
yet." One feature of the entertain-
ment will be a jitterbug contest, and
all hep cats are invited to enter.
Prize for the best performance will
be a large valentine box of candy.


dents wondering about what their
treatment might be.
Prof. Lee is widely known for the
chart he has compiled on the devel-
opment of Chinese culture. Dr. Esson
M. Gale, director of the International
Center, has, with Prof. Lee's permis-
sion, included it in a book he has
written about China. The book is
entitled "Basics of the Chinese Civili-
Prof. Lee is now a visiting profes-
sor at Michigan State. He is also
directing the Institute of Foreign
Studies there. In addition to this he
has been lecturing throughout the
state on Chinese-American relations
in the past, present and future.
In speaking of this talk yesterday
Dr. Gale said, "Large bodies of Chin-
ese students and others at the Center
who are especially interested in China
are looking forward with great inter-
est to Prof. Lee's lecture."
Col.[Ma gli Will
Speak to JAC's
Col. William H. Maglin, comman-
dant of the Provost Marshal School
at Fort Custer, Mich., will speak on
"A Provost Marshal General Over-
seas and His Relations to Judge Ad-
vocates" at 1 p.m. today in Hutchins
Hall before the members of the
Judge Advocate General's School.
Col. Maglin was an enlisted man




in ,the last war and was appointed
from the ranks to attend West Point.
During the present war, he has spent
13 months in Europe.

I r

ehe's more than a pal-she carries
my supply of Sir Walter Raleigh!"
FILL UP YOUR POUCH with a supply of friendly, mellow Sir
Walter Raleigh if you want real smoking enjoyment. (And make
sure, pal, that you smoke it in a pipe that gets cleaned regularly!)
Take a ten-day leave from tongue-bite. Get acquainted with those
fragrant, choice Burley tobaccos in cool-burning Sir WNalter
Raleigh. Today, try "the quali jppe tobacco of Amnurira."

p L
t ,'

ALL kinds of Valentines . . . gay and sentimental
... new-fangled and old-fashioned .. . to please
boys and girls in Service as well as home front sweet-
hearts. Choose yours today from a vast array.

Smokes as sweet as it smells


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