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February 08, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-08

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.. _ . :______________....

TuESDAY.. FEfl.. R. I!44 -- -V -, -- - -

Fifty-Fourth Year

I'd Rather Be Right

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michiganu nder the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lUcation of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
Second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
cler $4.25, by mrail $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publ4shrs ,Up resentative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

Marion Ford .
Jane Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradalle
Eric Zalenski
Bud Low.
Harvey Frank .
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Uilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz . ,

Editorial Staff
. *. . . . Managing Editor
. . . , . Editorial Director
* . . . * .City Editor
e . . Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
S . . . . Women's Editor
. . . Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
S . . . . . Columnist
Business Staff

Molly Ann Winokur
Elmabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion . .

. . Business Manager
* Ass't Bus. Manager
Ass't Bus. Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Plea for Books Should
Bring Large Response
THE CAMPUS WSSF drive for books was in-
augurated yesterday in the League, Union and
International Center. The object of this drive
is to collect books which may be sent to student.s
all over the world.
The drive is being sponsored by Panhellenic,
Assembly, Union, Women's War Council and
the International Center and it is to be suo-
ported by. the students on this campus. The
drive will continue through to next semester so
there will be ample opportunity to contribute
books which will be of no use to you after this
Students have a tendency at a time like this
when so many demands are made upon them to
let pleas go in one ear and out the other. But
this plea is something that should impress itself
very deeply upon every student, especially be-
cause one phase is so closely concerned with stu-
dents-students, who. might have gone to Mich-
igan, students you might have seen and students
who are sharing the suffering in the world right
now in a much more concrete way than any of us.
So look over your stock of books, those in the
bookshelf in your room, those in your desk,
those at home, and see how many you can
contribute to make life a little more bearable
for those fellow students hit by the war and
those imprisoned in war camps of the world-;
-Evelyn Phillips

NEW YORK, Feb. 8.-Last week was a bad
sort of week for a number of reasons: William
Allen White gone, Raymond Clapper gone; two
of the solid people who followed the news with-
out rising straight into the air like whistling sky-
rockets 'with every least little development, and
without perpetually landing on the rooftops, hot,
empty and dry. -
'Their deaths occurred in a week in which Am-
crica could have used' a little more solidity; a
ERE are a few of the best people whom we
i have met this semester. Would you care to
be introduced?
In our column on the Labadie Collection, the
part about Miss Agnes Inglis had to be left out
because of lack of space. We're sorry in a way,
because Miss Inglis and the Labadie Collection
should be spoken of in the same breath, since it
is she who has cared for it, added material, cata-
loged, and helped those few who have worked in
it. But really she belongs here, among people
we have met'who are young in thought and feel-
ing, strong in ideas. 'Talking to her for an hour
is more stimulating than attending most class
lectures, and much more thought provoking.
A man well worth meeting is Clarence Dar-
row. Though he died in 1938, we met him at
the height of his activity in "Clarence Darrow
for the Defense" by Irving Stone. 'The biog-
raphy ,is- excellent because one is only con-
seious of the person, Darrow, who fought al-
ways for the defense, took cases that could only
bring defeat, and won them. The lawyer who
protected the right of anarchists to free speech.
Who fought against capital p~unishment Aoeb
and Leopold ease:) Who defeated the Funda-
mentalistsyin the famous "monkey trial" in
Tennessee in 1925, defending the place of the
theory of evolution in science classrooms. Who
won a case in Detroit late in the 1920's, defeat-
ing those who tried to keep Negroes out of their
residential neighborhood.
* *
IN THE COLUMN on the Ford Empire, we quot-
ed from the right man, Albert E. Kahn, but we
wrongly called him the son of the late famed
architect Kahn of Detroit. The Albert Kahn we
quoted, however, is quite quotable in his own
right. Co-author (with Michael Sayers) of the
expose "Sabotage," he was awarded the Craw-
ford-Campbell Literary Fellowship after gradu-
ating from Dartmouth College in 1934. He acted
as executive secretary of the American Council
Against Nazi Propaganda under the late William
L!. Dodd, former ambassador to Germany. And
lately he has been publishing the anti-Nazi news-
letter, "The Hour," and wrote the quoted column
in the December "New Currents." We're sorry
we introduced the right fellow under the wrong
background, and that we gave architect Kahn
a son he didn't have . . . but, as a point of re-
portorial pride, we must repeat that the facts
mentioned in that column are correct as quoted
from "Under Cover," and Albert Kahn.
Last, a citizen of the whole democratic world,
Citizen Tom Paine, in Howard Fast's book of that
name. History books talk about the pamphleteer
Thomas Paine, who came to help the 13 colonies
to freedom. Who went to France to stamp out
tyranny and stayed to write "The Age, of Rea-
son." But we never learn that he fought in the
Revolutionary War, wrote "The Crisis" round
the campfire. That he tried to rid England of
monarchy and despotism. That America forgot
his contribution to our country, calling him a
radical and'revolutionary only 20 years after
all good citizens were radicals and revolution-
aries. He died in poverty, and anonymity. But
we, in World War II, can profit by reading "The
Summer Soldier and the Winter Patriot. .

week in which America's arm was twitching bad-
ly as a result oftthe Russian announcement that
the Soviet State is to be broken into sixteen
republics, independent as to foreign affairs and
the management of the military. That news
gave us the shakes; we received it without much
dignity; we seemed jumpy and bothered. A bad
week. I call it.
We have simply got to find, inside ourselves,
some moral resource that will keep us from
forever falling flat on our faces, from frantically
reading tea-leaves and the insides of chickens
for signs and portents, whenever Russia an-
nounces a new move.
Don't we amount to anything, in ourselves?
And if, with firmness and goodwill, we follow
a policy of friendship toward Russia, can we
not rely on that Policy to produce the expected
It seems to me the clearest sign of our national
immaturity in the field of foreign relations that
we don't really believe in foreign policy at all;
we don't really believe in it as a practical, sound
and going business if (like any other business)
it is handled right; we still think that most of
what happens in the world happens by luck and
by accident. As a result, every obscure develop-
ment abroad sends many of us into something
close to intellectual panic.
We read six-line dispatches and mutter thick-
up: "That does it. That's the end!" We try to
dope the future of the world somewhat as a
horse-player works over the performance rec-
ords, rubbing a lucky penny, now and then, for
good measure.
We are beginners in these matters, fresh-
men in an old business; so that our character-
istic chant in the field of foreign affairs is:
All is lost!" whereas the British merely mur-
mur: "How very interesting." We had the
twitches last week, whereas the English press
took the new Russian development as, on the
whole, a rather promising experiment in So-
viet decentralization.
Our right hand vibates at the thought that
perhaps the Soviets will try to dominate the
peace conference by claiming sixteen votes; but
then, of course, we sometimes vibrate to the
equal fear that perhaps the Russians won't
even come to our old peace conference at all.
Let's stop jumping at every little noise. If
your hands insist on trembling, sit on them. That
sort of thing does not go with our national dig-
nity. We are a big country, now. We're not
going to learn about the future of the world by
cable; we are going to help make it, ourselves,
by settling on the foreign policy of the grand
alliance, then pursuing it with firmness, courage,
and some of the faith of the fathers in the ef-
fective free will of man.
(Copyright. 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8-The fathers' draft has
brought on a new series of complaints about
"wasted manpower" in the armed services sta-
tioned in the U.S.A.
Pending a call to action, a feeling of idleness
and waste becomes a demoralizing factor. The
men on thehome front generally suffer most
from the age-old service disease of "just wait-
ing around,"
The type of thing that happens in the waiting
period is illustrated in a confidential survey made
at the Naval dirigible station at Lakehurst, N.J.,
which brought forth the following facts:
1. The Navy uses 100 to 115 men to handle a
blimp when it lands, whereas Goodyear handles
the same blimp with 15 civilians.
2. As at many shore stations, duty usually
consists of 24 hours on, then 24 hours stand-by
(which means waiting around to see if any-
thing happens), then 24 hours liberty. Then
this is repeated. Many men complain that the
24 hours of loafing at stand-by could be used
for some constructive type of work.

3. More than 1,000 civilians are employed to
recondition ships at high rates of pay, while en-
listed men who could do the job and need the
training lie around idle.
4. The Lakehurst commissary, which handles
about 100 customers per day, is staffed to
handle about 1,000. It has ten clerks, two com-
missioned officers and one cashier. Any civil-
ian groceryman plus an assistant could easily
handle the Whole business.
One significant indication of how glutted the
Navy is with manpower is in the boot-training
camps. designed to transform a civilian into a
sailor'.This training used to last three weeks.
Now it has been running four months or more.
In the east year, also, many enlisted men
have come to the conclusion that Navy schools
are being maintained mainly for the purpose
of keeping them occupied. Thousands of men
have attended half a dozen different schools on
unrelated subjects.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

TUESDAY, FEB. 8, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 74
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the University
Council: The meeting of the Univer-
sity Council announced for Monday,
Feb. 14, has been cancelled.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday, Feb. 9, from 4 to 6
Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond Belle" will pick up your order
and deliver the bond the next day.
Use this service and help the Uni-
versity meet its quota.
University War Bond Committee
Special Payroll Deduction for War
Bonds: Arrangements can be made
with the Payroll Department to make
a special single deduction for pur-
chase of War Bonds from salary
checks due on Feb. 29 only. This
would be over and above the regular
deductions under the payroll savings
plan. Those wishing to use this
method should send written instruc-
tions to the Payroll Department re-
garding the amount of the bond and,
the names and addresses in which it
should be registered. Deductions can
be made only in the amount of $18.75
or multiples thereof. Instructions
must reach the Payroll Department
not later than Feb. 15. War Bond
purchases made by this method will
be counted in the Drive.
University War Bond Committee

.. '

,- .

German Departmental Librar y
Books are due Feb. 10 regardless of
the due date stamped in the book.
If you wish to finance the pur-;
chase of a home, or if you have pur-
chased improved property on a land
contract and owe a balance of ap-
proximately 60 per cent of the value
of the property, the Investment Of-
fice, 100 South Wing of University
Hall, would be glad to discuss finan-
cing through the medium of a first,
mortgage. Such financing may effect:
a substantial saving in interest.
Men's Co-operative Houses will be
able to accept new members next
semester. Persons interested in ap-
plying, call 7211. Ask for personnel

Food Handlers' Lecture: A lecture
Conservation of Public Utilities: for food-handlers will be given this
It is urged that every member of the evening in the Auditorium of the
University community, faculty, stu- Kellogg Building at 8:00.
dents, clerks, and other employees, All food-handlers employed in
constitute himself or herself a com-commercial establishments are re-

" 1 1
7Y rI I'
// -'

Botanical Seminar, Feb. 9 at 4:00
p.a., 1139 N.S. Prof. William Steere
will speak on "Hunting Quinine Pro-
ducing Plants in South America."
Bacteriology Seminar, today at 5
p.m. in Rm. 1564 East Medical Build-
ing. Subjects: 1) Pathogenic Try-
panosomes. 2) Incubation period in
laboratory animals of three trypano-
somes non-pathogenic for man.
Master's Candidates in History:
The language examination for mas-
ter's candidates in History will be
held on Friday, Feb. 11, at 4:00 p.m.
in Rm. B, Haven Hall. Those intend-
ing to take the examination should
sign up in the History office, 119 Ha-
ven Hall, before Thursday, Feb. 10.
Students planning to take English
88 next term should see Mr. Seager
in Rm. 2216 A.H. from 3:00 to 5:00
p.m. on Monday, Feb. 14, and Friday,
Feb. 11 and 18. Please bring manu-
scripts to be evaluated.
Recommendations for Departmen-
tal Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to reconmmend tentative
March graduates from the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts and
the School of Education for Depart-
mental Honors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office, Rm.
4 University Hall not later than
March 6.
Choral Union Concert: Mischa
Elman, violinist, with Leopold Mitt-
man at the piano, will give the ninth
program in the Choral Union Con-
cert Series, Thursday evening, Feb.
10, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditor-
The program will consist of num-
bers by Handel, Brahms, Glazounoff,
Chausson, Spalding, Achron 'and


By Lichty



Engl's Charge of A+dministration 'Betrayal'. Is
Outstanding Example of Republican Mudslinging

".. . and this war, if it doesn't end soon, threatens our very exist-
en"e!" eople are gettiga dangerous lesson in how many hing
they can get along without!."

REP. ALBERT J. ENGEL, in a speech given
at a Lincoln Day dinner at Plymouth, bitter-
ly condemned the New Deal and stated that the
"great issue" of the 1944 Presidential campaign
should be the continuance or abolition of the
profit system.
'He further stated that the masses have lost
faith in President Roosevelt's administration
because they have been "misled, misinformed,
misrepresented, if not betrayed." "They still
have faith in America," he said. "If socialism
or communism obtains a foothold in this na-
tion, it will be because these masses have lost
faith in a constitutional government. God
help the nation if the Republican Party fails
"We must go all the way. There is no halfway
stopping place. We must either continue the
profit system or abolish it."
This speech by the eminent Rep. Engel is a
perfect example of the mud-slinging that has
become so popular today. If Rep. Engel main-
tains that the New Deal has betrayed America,
he surely must have something to back up, his
statement. However, he makes no mention of

an anti-poll tax bill, not to mention the soldier
vote bill again.
Another statement that Engel made, in his
attempt to blacken the name of the Administra-
tion, was "The Republican Party believes in the
capitalistic form of a government as provided
by the Constitution. We believe in the profit
system. We ire opposed to socialism and com-
Whether or not Rep. Engel means here that
the present Administration is communistic or so-
cialistic, he does imply that democracy and cap-
italism cannot continue to survive in this coun-
try under a party other than the Republican.
Without presenting any facts as proof, Rep.
Engel is calling the Democratic party comMu-
istic or socialistic. Isn't it about time that the
Republican party offered a constructive opposi-
tion instead of indulging in the time-honored
subterfuge of Red-baiting? - -Aggie Miller

mittee of one to contribute in every
reasonable way to the end that there
shall be no waste of electricity, wa-
ter, gas, oil, coal, or of communica-
tions or transportation service. This
notice is in behalf not only of the
University administration but of var-
ious United States Government au-
Choral Union Members whose rec-
ords of attendance are clear, will
please call for their courtesy pass
tickets to the Mischa l hnan concert
between the hours of 10 and 12, and
1 and 4, on the day of the concert;
Thursday, February 10, at the offices
of the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower. After four
o clock no tickets will be issued.
Members of La Sociedad Hispan-
ica: The group picture for the Michi-
ganensian will be taken Sunday, Feb.
13, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 316 of the
Michigan Union. All members are
requested to be present at that time.

quired by City Ordinance to attend a
series in order to obtain a permanent
food-handlers' card.
All persons concerned with food
service to University students and
who have not previously attended,
are asked to attend this series.
American Chemical Society: Dr. C.
F. H. Allen, of the Eastman Kodak
Co., will speak on "Carbonyl Bridge
Compounds," under the auspices of
the Chemical Society on Monday,
Feb. 14, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 151,
Chemistry Building. The public is
cordially invited.
The D~epartmenmt of, Geolog~y will
sponsor a series ofthree -lectures by
Mr. Carl C. Addison of The Pure Oil
Company, Saginaw, as follows: For
the general public: (University Lec-
ture) "World Oil Production and Re-
serves, and the Current Shortages of
Petroleum Products," tonight at,':30,
Rackham amphitheatre. Primarily for
geology students and those interested
in geology: "The Organization &
Functions of an Oil Company, and
the Duties of the Beginning Geolo-
gist," today at 4:00 p.m., Rm. 4054,
Natural Science Building. "Academic

Events Today
Mathematics Club will meet to-
night at 8:00 in the West Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg. Dr. Truesdell
will speak on "Topics in the Elasticity
of Thin Shells."
Michigan. Youth for Democratic
Action meeting at 8:00 tonight,
Union (Rm. 316). "American Fascists
and the Peace Now Movement" will
be the subject of the meeting. The
public is invited to attend.
Michigan Dames: There will be a
general meeting tonight at 8:15 at
the Michigan League.
coming Events
"An International Police Force?"
will be discussed by a panel com-
posed of students and faculty mem-
bers at the Michigan Union on Wed-
nesday at 7:30 p.m. The members of
the faculty will be Professor Aiton,
of the History Department, and Mr.
Dresden, of the Physics Department;
the students will be Joyce Siegan,
George Simmons and Harvey Weis-
berg. The Post-War Council extends
a friendly invitation to all students
to its last program of the semester.
The Interior Decorating Section of
the Faculty Womnen's Club will meet
Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. in the Mich-
igan League. Miss Frances Wilson,
Washtenaw County Home Demon-
str'ator, will speak and the members
of te Michigan Dames will be guests
at this meeting.
La Sociedad Hispanica will meet
Wednesday, Feb. 9, at 8:00 p.m. in
Rackham Assembly Hall. Special and
diverting entertainment will be pro-
vided by the soldiers studying Span-
ish. Everybody interested is invited
to come.
'The American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers will hold an important
meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 9, at



By Crockett Johnson




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