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F6IlI Program
To End Term
For Child Care
Motor Corps To Furnish Rides
To Willow Run for Workers;
Need Coeds To Lead Activities
The Child Care Committee will
terminate its activities for the sem-
ester with a full program of diversi-
fied activities this week, according to
Lucy Chase Wright, '44, chairman of
the committee.
Transportation to and from Willow
Run will be furnished free of charge
by the Red Cross Motor Corps, but
the corps will not nake the trip
unless four women are to be taken to
the project each afternoon. Enough.
women have registered to work from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Saturday this week,
but women are still needed to direct
children's play activities tomorrow
and Friday.
Meeting at, the side door of the
Union, the Motor Corps will pick up
women at 1 p.m. and will bring them
back to the same place at 5 p.m.
Women who assist at Willow Run in
the evening will be taken to their
homes at the end of their work.
Youth Club Needs Leaders
Women are needed to work with
the Youth Club from 7 p.m. to 10
p.m. Tuesday. The Youth Club is an
organization of teen-agers who want
to put on plays, have community
;inging, learn to square dance, and
iave parties, the youths themselves
having originated the idea of forming
the club.
An open house for boys only will
be held from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Thurs-
day at which time all sorts of games
will be taught. Women with profi-
ciency in this type of work are urged
to help out with the game night.
Next semester °a similar night has
been planned for girls only, the chil-
dren being between the ages of eight
and sixteen,
Registration for Next Semester
Coeds are also needed to take care
of the children of Willow Run work-
ers tomorrow, Wednesday and Thurs-
day from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. and from
9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Friday and Satur-
All women interested in helping
out at Willow Run are asked to get
apgilication blanks from Mrs. Doro-
tZiy Legg in the undergraduate office
pfthe League on which to place their
major interests in child care work.
One ot X wing and's' Greatest ...
JGP To Boost Campus Stamp
Sales with 'Bow Day' Tuesday
The Fourth War Loan Drive will,
bow out Tuesday with bows, which l fot, in piaricular JGP's $30,000 cam-
receive on paign for the year.
each campus coed will rcieo Bows and stamps must be called
"Bow Day" with the purchase of a for by agents before 8 a.m. Tuesday
war stamp from a Junior Girls Proj- at the League, and all money, stamp:;,
ect agent, according to Marcia Net- end bows are to be returned to the
tin, '5, f he GP entalcom- s am~e place after 4 p.m.
ting, '45, of the JGP central m Women's houses have been assigned
mittee. to sell stamps and hand out bows at
Although this is not the termin- campus posts as follows:
ation of the Fourth War Loan, it is Diagonal center, Collegiate Soro-
the last all-campus project to be sis and Alpha Phi; Romance Lan-
held by JGP during the drive. "Bow guage Building, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha
Day" is a new coed interpretation of Epsilon Phi, Chi Omega and Alpha
the traditional campus "tag days," Xi Delta; between University Hall
and will operate on the same order. and Angell Hall, Kappa Kappa Gam-
Tuesday a ribbon in a coed's hair will ma and Gamma Phi Beta; Barbour
be not only decoration . . . it will also Gymnasium, Pi Beta Phi and Kappa
show she is supporting the war ef- Alpha Theta.
.~- - -League Lobby, Delta Gamma and
Kappa Delta; Engineering' Arch, Al-
4 O dpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Delta Tau,
Raffle War Bonds Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Gamma
Delta; Natural Science Building, Del-
Martha Cook coeds held a wartime ta Delta Delta and Alpha Phi Ome-
version of a raffle, and Lucile Barnes, ga.
'45, and Mary Anderson, '46, came Women's dormitories-Mosher and
out of it with a $25 war bond each. Jordan Halls, Stockwell Hall, Martha
Catherine Sauer, '46, won third Cook Building, Betsy Barbour House
place, $5 in war stamps. and Helen Newberry Residence-will
The raffle, for which each girl have stamps sold and bows issued
bought at least two chances at 15c in the buildings throughout the day.
Thursday To Be
Date of WAA
Da ance Programn
jAn Informal Dance Program con-
sisting of numbers by the various
dance classes and clubs will be given
from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thurs-
day in Barbolr Gymnasium Dance
Rae Larsen, '44, manager of the
WAA Dance Club, will direct the Tap
and Ballet Clubs, while the elemen-
tary and intermediate dance classes
will be under the direction of Jose-
phine Yantis, assistant superinten-
dent of the physical education de-
partment, and Elizabeth Prange,
graduate assistant.
The numbers by the American
country and modern dance classes
will be unrehearsed as far as actual
activities are concerned. The class
will do all the steps which have been
learned, but the figures will be called
by the teacher. These numbers will
be the culmination of six weeks'
The modern dance classes and club
will do warm-up exercises, consisting
of stretching, flexion and extension,
abdominal strength, swinging and
body control and back fall routines.
* * * *F*H*B
Earl 'Father' Hines Has Been
At last! WILD'S have them-
those gray navy gloves that you
have been looking for all over
town. Fur lined ones too! We
discovered them while we were
looking at the beautiful white
sweaters they have, girls.
In Show World T
Orchestra Leader To Appear
In Campus Program Feb. 1 3
One of the nation's foremost jazz
musicians, swing pianist and leader
of a hot dance band, Earl Hines has
been known as "Father" to showfolk
for more than. 20 years.
Born in Duquesne, Pa., in 1903, of a
musical family, Hines began his
piano lessons at the age of five. He
began to improvise early because his
boyish urge to play with his pals, in-
stead of practicing, found him. often
unprepared when his teacher arrived.
After high school days, during
which he played in church and at
concerts, young Hines joined a dance
band in Pittsburgh.
Then in 1923, he went to Chicago,
played piano in small clubs, was en-
When filled out, the blanks are to be
placed in Miss Wiright's box in the
undergraduate office.
Further information about any
-phase of the- work may be had by
calling Miss Wright at 4464.
went Years
gaged by Carroll Dickerson for the
old Sunset Cafe band, where Cab
Calloway later made his professional
debul. Six years later Hines formed
his own band and opened at a new
club in Chicago, becoming practical-
ly a fixture and a periodic headliner
there for the past 12 years.
"Father" Hines developed his in-
terest in the jazz medium in ione of
the most unorthodox manners known
to shown business-from improvisa-
tions on church hymns. He is re-
garded professionally as one of the
originators and developers of swing
music, persisting as one of popular
music's "all time greats."
Louis Armstrong, with whom he
played in Chicago, exerted marked
influence on Hines, inspiring Hines'
creation of what he calls a "trumpet
style" on the piano.
Earl Hines will bring his entire or-
ganization here for the "Symphony
and Swing" program to be 'given
Sunday, Feb. 13, in Hill Auditorium.
Special ticket sales in the East Quad
and West Quad will be held at meal
times tomorrow, Wednesday and Fri-
Tutorial Committee
Will Close During
Last Weeks of Term
each, was held. last week, and the
drawing was done in the diniur
One of the winners, Lucile Barnes,
could say, "I told you so" when her
number was drawn, for she had been
telling those near her all through
dinner that she was going to win the
raffle. But no one believed her.
Alpha Delta Pi sorority riecently
elected the following officers:
Bette Soper, '45, president; Jane
Shute, '44, vice-president; Nancy
Frank, '45, treasurer; Betty King,
'45, recording secretary; Helen Mont-
gomery, '44, corresponding secretary;
Beatrice Linnig, '45, rushing chair-
man, and Jean Blomquist, '44, house
i - e .r_..._. . .. ... _ _ _.n _.
_ -_ -
And buy them at Moes! We can
ive you a varicty f icrials, styles
~iidl colors, All pi 'sall iz s.
Moe Sport Shops
71 1 North University
902 South State St.
Wool and rayon lacy fascinators for
that very particular person. For that
.extra warmth buy her a scarf -
flattering and colorful A "plus"
Always Reasonably Priced
C )_ t:S)tC.m o o ; ;;;;;;Yt)G < ;;;;;;. > U O ;;;> ":<f
in 100% Wool
"In accordance with the policy of
the Tutorial Committee, there will be
no tutoring during the last two weeks
of the semester, so that girls who
have volunteered as tutors will have
an opportunity to study for their own
exams," announced Jane Faggen to-
The committee, headed by Miss
Faggen, began its functions at the
beginning of the six weeks. period,
and has made some twenty tutors
available to girls needing assistance.
Other committee members: Peggy
Laubengayer, Carol Rosenblatt, and
Bette Willemin.
We dropped into the PARROT
the other morning after our
Math bluebook and had a deli-
cious ham and egg breakfast
which put us back on top of the
world. Try their tasty waffles
those 100% wool sweaters that
are advertised in Harpers, gems
by Regina and Ski-Jor- pastel
argoyles and ski sweaters that
every girl likes. They also have
those lovely Petti skirts in a
variety of shades.
n / t
+ {
? 4
j o -
S rt J
, ;.:::jF:"l
..vyv. ti1.,',
,; t _ v
:GP i
A Sportleigh in this truly lus-
cious "vanilla" fabric will add
the just-right "flavor" to your
spring wardrobe. Choose from
two mannish styles that are at
their best in this mannish,
100% wool topcoating.
Above: The Chesterfield
Right: The Boy's Coat
Both in Sportleigh 'opcoading
Exclusive fabrics
?American Woolen Go,
nullylilted with Ryoi Earl-lo
If you want a new spring print
dress - and who doesn't - we
saw styles to suit every girl's
personality at DTILLON'S. Silks
and silk jerseys with the low,
round and square type neck-
lines or the high collarless type
with pert little bows.
The HAdT Saari just got in .
Typical of the many new suits in our col-
lection. Cardigan Suits, Tailored Classic
Suits, Feminine Dressmaker Suits in gold,
blue, lilac, shocking pink, black, brown,
'I I
> °
Junior and Misses Sizes
,- C)(.95
. 1
w I
_ ,_