THE MTVT-TTV A 1NT nlATTV -C LW t A 4* * ___ __11__ __L'__ __1T11 ....A14,L .Ji..x.L t 1\ J ,H1.~ I. :.lFP/:1:)d\ , ZFl E.B. 6, 1944 .... Fifty-Fourth Year rI Edited and managed by students of the University of. Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member' of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING 9Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON " Los ANIGELBS -SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Editorial MarionFord . Jane Farrant. Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradalle Eric Zalenski . Bud Low . Harvey Frnk. . Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Hilda Slautterback Doris Kuentz . *. Staff SafManaging Ediltor * . Editorial Director . . . City Editor , . Associate Editor r . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor. Associate Sports Editor . -. Women's Editor . Ass't Women's Editor . . . Columnist . . . Columnist Business Staff Molly Ann Winokur . . . . Business Manager Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus. Manager Martha Opsion . . . . Ass't Bus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JENNIE FITCH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. VETERAN'S AID: Returning Servicemen Need Money AND Jobs HE FIRST STEP toward meeting the un- avoidable difficulties of transition from war to peace was taken by Congress when it passed the Mustering-Out-Pay Bill allowing'from $100 to $300 for veterans of the Second World War. This bill, however, cuts the scale of pay 64m $200 to $500 as originally proposed by members of the Senate. Since this cut was made, it is hoped that Congress is also plan- ning an efficient government system that will aid servicemen and will stimulate post war planning and employment. Only then can the cut be justified. Little has been done so far by Congress to en- courage a Post-War plan that will be completed and ready for use when fighting ceases and peace terms have been made. Congress has still not acted upon President Roosevelt's proposal that appropriations be made to provide for an educational program for veterans, nor has it acted upon a bill mak- ing veterans eligible for social-security ser- vices. The Mustering-Out-Pay for veterans is good, until the money is all gone. When that time rolls around, those veterans must have other means of existence. Post-War planning must start now, so that veterans will have jobs when hostilities cease and when their mustering-out-pay has been used up.A --Agie Miller HIGH-HANDED: USO Should Not Ban Controversial Booklets A HIGH HANDED ACTION was taken by USO ' President C. I. Barnard in banning the Y.M.C.A. distribution of a Public Affairs pam- phlet in USO clubs because it was "too contro- versial."$ Te theme of this booklet, "The Races of Mankind," is that "all the peoples of the earth are a single family, the race are like broth- ers." "Racial characteristics" are merely those that have arisen by physical-differences. For example, Jews are a people who practice the Jewish religion and are of all races; physically they resemble the populations among whom they live. Outstanding character and intelli- gence is not inborn in any group but is a mat- ter of learned behavior." Obviously this subject is controversial, one on which everyone has definite opinions. That, however, doesn't offer the slightest excuse for halting the distribution to servicemen. This booklet is prepared by embers of the Columbia University faculty for the Public Affairs Committee, Inc., a non-profit, educa- tional organization. It is the same pamphlet ELECTIONS: Political Action Is Often Mandate from People IT IS a strange American custom that anytime a high official in our government tries to put through a law which will benefit the majority of the American people he is immediately accused of "playing politics" in order to corner votes for a coming election. Such has been the case with the federal sol- dier vote bill which President Roosevtlt has strongly advocated and which at least 60% of the people in this country desire. The argu- ment has been that a federal soldier vote would give President Roosevelt the votes of most of the servicemen overseas. So to pre- vent this, they advocate instead a plan which will prevent many of these servicemen from having any vote at all. They forgot, or perhaps they remembered, that if these soldiers were to have a vote they would probably vote for the president's re-election. They have not changed the opinion of these sol- diers by ignoring the federal soldier vote plan. They have merely prevented these soldiers from expressing their opinions. Similarly when the issue of pensions for dis- charged servicemen and for war veterans has been brought up, those who are in favor of lib- eral allotments were accused of angling for votes. These accusations are ridiculous in that they claim that because someone is attempting to pass laws which are beneficial and pleasing to the majority of people, he is "playing politics." A congressman or president is selected by the majority of the people to see that a government "of the people, by the people and for the people" is maintained. If he succeeds in doing this, he should be re-elected. -Louise Comins, DREW % eA. PEARSON'Sa MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON, Feb. 6.-Those who have talk- ed with Democratic Senator Burt Wheeler, bitter isolationist foe of the President, have recently noted a significant change. A lot-of the old bit- terness is gone. That doesn't mnean that the Senator from Montana is any Roosevelt enthus- iast. He is not. But he has become somewhat more mellow and, strangely enough, more or less reconciled to accepting the President for a fourth term. Moreover, Wheeler is not the only anti- Roosevelt Democrat around Capitol Hill who feels that way. The feeling is growing-and there is good reason. In the first place, though nobody is shouting it from the housetops, compromise feelers have gone out'from those around the President. The compromise Is that, in return for conservative Democratic support, he would let the conserva- tive wing of the party select his running mate. This is an important olive branch. Old Guard Democrats are all too aware of the President's desire to set up a world peace or- ganization and perhaps become head of it. They realize the chances are strong that he might step out of the Presidency for this or other reasons, leaving their man in the White House. Also, as they look around the political horizon and admit that there is only one Democrat who can possibly buck the strong Repubican tide- namely; FDR-they are more and more inclined to accept victory with FDR than defeat without him. It's a lesser of two evils. Of course, these compromise soundings are still on the nebulous side and once-removed from the throne. Nevertheless, they are auth- entic enough to have caused quite a change among'leaders of the Wheeler, Gillette, Clark camp. Note: Keep an eye on Jim arley. You may see a mellower note in his bitterness, too. President and the Press ... Though the President is supposed to hate everything pertaining to the press, that isn't entirely true. When efficient Wayne Coy came in to see him to submit his resignation as Assistant Director of the Budget, Roosevelt at first tried to argue him out of it. The President pointed out that the Government had to h ve live-wire young men and that they, in tn, owed it to their country to serve, even if salaries were low and abuse from the newspapers hard to take. Coy then explained what he planned to do after leaving the Government-become assis- tant to Eugene Meyer, publisher of the Wash- ington Post, the leading fair-minded news- paper in the capital. In reply, the President spread his hands on his desk, a customary ges- ture with him when a matter is settled. Note: The Washington Post opposed the Presi- dent for re-election in 1936, and has attacked many of his domestic policies, but has been be- hind him on all war policies and in general since 1940. John L. Lewis Still Flirts . Despite all the shadow-boxing reported in the newspapers, John L. Lewis and the AFL are sure I'd Rather __Be Right_ --- BySAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Feb. 6 - I do not quite know the meaning of the Russians' sudden return to states' rights. It sounds, a little bit, as if the Russians have been listening to Sen. Taft de- nounce centralized government, and have been much impressed. But I do not really believe that explanation; I have heard that the Russians are turning to the right, but I doubt whether they are actually going Republican and returning to state govern- ment for love of same. IS IT A NEEDLE? What, then, can the move mean? It has been said that the Russians are "needling" us, for some reason, that they are pushing their weight about, that they are showing us who is boss, by such cryptic moves as this one, of giving each of the sixteen republics within the U.S.S.R. control over its own foreign affairs and army forces. I do not think the Russians are "needling" us. I do not think so, because as pressure, the move is too cryptic. There is not much point in cryptic pressure. How can the Russians hope to move us, by pressure that is mysterious, for ends that are unstated? Vagueness is not a virtue in a pressure de- vice. Besides, in spite of many popular legends to the contrary, the Russians have never been especially enigmatic in applying pressure against us. When they wanted a second front, they used to say, in Pravda, "We want a second front." When the Russians did not want us to intervene in the Polish boundary question they said: "We do not wish you to intervene at this time." When they wanted to reprimand Mr. Willkie for not being willing to give them eastern Poland out of hand, they did not do it by obscurely shifting the constables of Kiev to Kuibyshev, or anything of that sort. They said it out loud. The needling theory seems to me to fall to earth. If they are needling us,' what are they needling us for? Besides, why did Molotov praise the Teheran accord, in the very statement in which he an- nounced the new political changes? His remarks can only serve to convince us of the west that our governments are getting along with Russia; i.e., his remarks remove pressure. 'I doubt if we are being "needled." A needle needs a sharper point. WHAT HAS HAMLET DONE? I have said, in the past, that to understand Russian political maneuvers, one must, in every case, study the objective result of the action taken. In other words, if the Russians pour a bucket of water on someone, the inference is not that they are angry at him, but that they want hift to be wet. What are the objective results of this new move? Let us stop trying to analyze Hamlet's character, and let us see what Hamlet has actually done. The objective results of thenew move are that each of the Russian states has been given, at least in theory, sovereign rights. These rights go far beyond any American conception of states' rights. Mr. Molotov has explained that each Russian state will not only control its own for- eign policy, and its armies, but he expressly threw in and reaffirmed the right to secede. It seems to me clear that he has done so with particular reference to Estonia, Latvia, Lith- uania and Old Poland. In other words, by giving these states the attributes of sovereignty, the Russians have set up a legal basis whereby these states, or parts of state, may become Russian, and still be recognized by us; i.e., they are not captured territory, but sovereign members of a federation, and thus we may deal with them. EVEN IF IT'S A FAKE Now, this grant of rights may be fake as can be. I think it is. These states may be theoreti- cally sovereign, but each will still be led by per- sons whom Moscow trusts. The change is purely formal and legalistic. But, even so, must we not then say that the intention behind the new move is conciliatory? Surely it is, no surprise to us that Russia wants these territories. She has said so often enough. Against that background, cannot the theory be supported that the new move actually repre- sents a certain softening of the Russian atti- tude, ,a kind of accommodation to our own regard for legalism? As I say, I don't know the full answer. But this reading seems to me to rest on at least as good support as the eager interpretation of the new move as a hostile one. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) to kiss and make up soon. The formula now be- ing worked out is for Lewis' United Mine Work- ers to have complete authority over all the na- tion's coal workers, including Midwest miners who now belong to the AFL Progressive Miners' Union. Lewis would also take over all local AFL coke and chemical workers' unions, in return would disband District 50. This is the catch-all union, under Lewis' daughter Kathryn, which includes everything from chemical workers to dairy farmers. Bad news for Lewis' old friends in the CIO would be the plan whereby he would turn round and help the AFL organize the steel workers and the auto plants. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) Dominie Says L 1 n I N A PERIOD of national tension self validation becomes an import- ant item for all citizens. Meanings and enduring relationships should be made the basis of behavior. Such bases may slow down personal and group reactions. But also they will tend to stabilize the self, hold im- pulses for review and expand the range of supposed fact. The atroci- ties just reported cause many to go "off the deep end" and to feel right- eous in their hate reactions. Yet, if one can remind himself that it is more necessary to have our neighbors Professor Roy W. Swinton, Mrs. Swinton and their daughter,Barba- ra, safely held by the Japanese gov- ernment for the eventual settlement, than erased in their domicile at the University in Manila, he may be able to acquire poise. We adopt the patterns we find in the society in which we live. This is true of the infant. It is true of youth. Adults, likewise, are molded daily by the printed page, the tone of voice used by prestiged persons or urgency conveyed by a radio speaker. They are designed to make each of us sign for a bond or feel ill before noon and by night be prepared to borrow cash enough to buy. It is the office of character, the function of personality and the historic nature of religion to em- phasize futures, to caution the im- mature and bring wisdom to every situation. Temperance is a virtue needed as much in war as in peace. It is the deep and quiet river which turns the heavy turbines. All who passed through World War I will recall that a great Brooklyn clergyman and author retired from 0 1944, Chlcag0'Timc,. n 71z. "People must be losing interest in the war - ain't heard any careless talkaround here in quite a while." GRIN AND BEAR IT active life discouraged and unfit. Ai-' ter he had visited France he returned to relate atrocity stories with great eloquence. He was greeted with vast audiences in universities, state legis- latures and churches from coast to coast. But finally when he became aware that the trophies he carried constituted an over statement and much of the data he used as fact By Lichty could not be validated, he withdrew. History makes him one more casual- ty of high pressure on the home front. General caution and the nec- essary delay on the part of our State Department, therefore, may have been of greater service than the tall headlines by our publications. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education ' L)* DAILY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 SUNDAY, Feb. 6, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 73- All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by "3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its public,-. tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.' Notices Fall Term Graduation Exercises will be'held at 10:00 a.m. on Satur- day, Feb. 19, in Hill Auditorium. The address to the members of the grad- uating classes will be given by Presi- dent John A. Hannah of Michigan State College. Admission will be by ticket only, which students and mem- bers of the general public may secure at the office of the Vice-President and Secretary, 1 University Hall. Tickets may be secured after Feb. 9. The Faculty of the College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts will meet in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, on Monday, Feb. 7, at 4:10 p.m. Notices of this meeting and tfie proposed agenda and reports have been distributed through campus mail. Edward H. Kraus Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A "Bond Belle" will pick up your order and deliver the bond the next day. Use this service and help the Uni- versity meet its quota. University War Bond Committee Special Payroll Deduction for War Bonds: Arrangements can be made with the Payroll Department to make a special single deduction for pur- chase of 'War Bonds from salary checks due on Feb. 29 only. This would be over and above the regular deductions under the payroll savings plan. Those wishing to use this method should send written instruc- tions to the Payroll Department re- garding the amount of the bond and the names and addresses in which it should be registered. Deductions can be made only in the amount of $18.75 or multiples thereof. Instructions must reach the Payroll Department Candidate Platform ... If any candidate or any political party is looking for a worth-while platform, it can be found in .these indisputable facts: In the states east of the Mississippi River, 'the freight rate on certain commodities is 87 cents per 100 pounds. In South- ern Missouri and Eastern Kansas, the rate is $1.22 per 100 pounds. In Cen- tral Oklahoma, the rate is $1.34 per 100 pounds. In that part of Okla- homa lying west of the 100th meridi- an, the rate is $1.53 per 100 pounds. An honest pledge to cure that in- equity might be surprisingly popular. -Daily Oklahoman, Oklahoma City not later than Feb.. 15. War Bond purchases made by this method will be counted in the Drive. University War Bond Committee Identification Cards: All students who attended the University during the Summer or Fall Terms are re- quested .to. bring their identification cards with them when registering for the Sprimtg Term. Office 'of the Dean of Students Choral Upion Members whose rec- ords of attendance are clear, will please call for their courtesy pass tickets to the Mscha Elman concert between the hours-of 10 and 12, and 1 and 4, on the day of the concert, Thursday, February 10, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. After four o'clock no tickets will be issued. Honor Societies: The attention of honorsocieties is called to the fact that the date' of Honors Convocation has been set for April 21. It is re- quested that all societies hold their elections: as early as possible after the beginning of the Spring Term so that the names of new members may be included in the Honors Convoca- tion program. Academic Notices Admission to the School of Busi- ness Administration: Students who have completed 60 hours of college work may be eligible for admission to the School. Application for ad- mission in the Spring Term should be made prior to February 10. Appli- cation/blanks may be procured and arrangements made for interviews with a member of the Admissions Committee at Room 108 Tappan Hall. Electrical Measurements, Physics 154, will be offered this coming Spring Term in place of Physics 145.- The hours will be Tu. and Th. at 10, with the Laboratory Sec. I on Tuesday afternoons, and Sec. II on Wednes- day- afternoons, 1 to 5. Master's Candidates in History: The language examination for mas- ter's candidates in History will be held on Friday, Feb. 11, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. B, Haven Hall. Those intend- ing to take the examination should sign up in the History office, 119 Ha- ven Hall, before Thursday, Feb. 10. Bacteriology Seminar, Tues., Feb. 8 at 5 p.m. in Rm. 1564 East Medi- cal Building. Subjects: 1) Patho- genic Trypanosomes. 2) Incubation period in laboratory animals of three trypanosomes non-pathogenic for man. Registration Materials for Spring Term: Colleges of L.S.&A. and Arch- itecture; Schools of Education and Music: Registration materials for the spring term should be called for now. Architect counselors will post a notice when they are ready to confer. Robert L. Williams, Asst. Registrar Students planning to take English torium of the Kellogg Building at 8:00. All food-handlers employed in commercial establishments are re- quired by City Ordinance to atted a series in order to obtain a permanent food-handlers' card. All persons concerned with food service to University students and who have not previously attended, are asked to attend this series. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Mischa Elman, violinist, with Leopold Mitt- man at the piano, will give the ninth program 'in the 'Choral Union Cots- cert Series, Thursday evening, Feb. 10, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditor- ium. The program willi consist of num- bers by Handel, Brahms, Glazounoff, Chausson, Spalding, Achron and Paganini. Events Today Prof. James K. Pollock will speak on "Some Aspects of the German problem" at 7:30 p.m. at the Inter- national Center, followed by the snack hour: light refreshments for which there is a small fee. Everyone is invited to the lecture and snack. The Congregational-Disciples Guild will meet at the Congregational Church at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Hsing-Chih Tien will speak on "Religious Philos- ophies of China and the Post-Wa World." A cost supper will be served following the program. The Lutheran Student Association will meet this afternoon at 5:30 o'clock in Zion Lutheran Parish Hail, 39 E. Washington St. Supper will be served at 6:00 and the program will follow immediately. Dr. Harold Yo- chum, president of the Michigan Distriet of the American Lutheran Church, and one of the six seminar leaders of the National Lutheran Student Ashram, will lead a discus- sion on "Churchmanship." Roger Williams Guild: The group will hear Reverend Charles Mitchell, who will review Harry Emerson Fos- dick's book "On Being a Real Per- son." The meeting begins at 5 p.m. The University of Michigan Choir, Palmer Christian, Conductor, will give its first public performance of this term at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, when it appears in the first of a series of Sunday afternoon programs. The program is open t the general public without charge. Coming Events Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to stu- dents Wednesday, Feb. 9, from 4 to 6 o'clock. The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, Feb. 7, 1944 at the West Lecture Room of Rackham Building at 7:30 p.m. Speakers on the program and their topics will be: N I BARNABY My Fairy Godfather, Mr. O'Malley, and Gus the Ghost are out trying to find the invisible leprechaun's_ By Crockett Johnson ct See. Nobody's here. Maybe we imagined I didn't imagine it-Where did you soy the invisible leprechaun was training? cRocKETT ' That's what Mr. O'Malley is going to find out.,. II I i I