o s t 'R wY Ap A . AL.JlMb 41 .Jfltr tg 43 i Weath r Chuidy and Colder VOL. LIV No. 73 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEB. 6, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Boucher, Straub State Future Policy of Union New Program To Include Orientation for Servicemen, Action on 'U' Labor Shortage Nely appointed Union officers, Presid nt Roy Boucher and Secre- tary Rupe Straub, who were formally inducted into office at .the Installa- tion Banquet yesterday, have issued a statement of Union policy for the coming semester. The statement reads in part: "The exigencies of war demand that the Student Offices of the Union be geared primarily towar activities .during the coming term we shall institute several projects intended to make every serviceman feel that he is more than merely an army or naval trainee stationed here. An extensive orientation program will be intro- duced with the primary purpose of making every soldier and sailor feel that he is a student, that he is an important part of the Michigan cam- pus. We shall strive to make Union membership mean something of val- ue to every serviceman who carries a Union membership card... . To Initiate War Corps "We shall initiate, as a major por- tion of our activity, a Civilian War Corps, aimed at alleviating the sev- ere wartime labor shortage of such University establishments as the hos- pital, Health Service and Building and Grounds Department ... "Although the Union will direct its efforts chiefly toward war activities, it will continue its policy of being a center for University social func- tions . . Awards Made In recognition of their work, soph- omore staff members were presented with silver keys and executive coun- cil members received gold keys. Bun- ny Crawford and Chuck Dotterer, outgoing officers, received gifts from the Union finance committee. The new Executive Council was announced as follows: administra- tion,. Tom Bliska; orientation, Bob Gaulker and George Darrow; cam- pus affairs, John Clippert and Bob Precious; war activities, Bill Wood and Jim Ilate; social activities, Dick Chenoweth and Bob Grandy; publi- city, Bob Lindsay and Don Larson.. Acting as toastmaster, Bunny Crawford introduced the Board of. Directors which is composed of: Dean Joseph Bursley, Prof. Robert Rodkey, Mr. May, Mr. Frank Kuenzel, Dave Upton, John Timms and Dave Strif- fler. Following a Union tradition, Straub presented Crawford and Dotterer with life-time passes to Union dances. Union Chiefs Installed ROY BOUCHER . . . new president. Allies Smash Nazi Attacks Below Rome Tank Destroyer Units Form Defense Bulwark Against New Thrusts By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Al- giers, Feb. 5.-American tank de- stroyer units and British infantry suc- cessfully beat off the first concen- trated German assault against the two-weeks-old Allied Anzio beach- head and late today were reported holding tight to a line north of Car- roceto, 24 miles south of Rome. A 3 p.m. battle front dispatch from Daniel de Luce, Associated Press cor- respondent, said Allied forces had absorbed a German tank and infan- try attack and in bitter counter- charges had restored breaches in their line. American tank destroyers were credited with definitely knock- ing out four German tiger tanks in one engagement. The dispatch by deLuce said that in day-long support of the threaten- ed British salient Allied artillery shelled the Germans so heavily that "scores of Nazi prisoners appeared dazed and giggled hysterically" as they were led to Allied prison camps. Nazi Dead High German casualties were estimated to have been extremely high in their futile attempt to wipe out the salient. Allied forces were being re-grouped to contend with an expected all- out German drive to wipe out the beach- head and relieve pressure on Rome and Nazi troops fighting in southern Italy. On the main Fifth ,Army front, Germans and Americans fought with everything from snipers to tanks in the house to house fight for Cassino, fortified gateway to the Liri Valley. While the Germans in the south sought to delay the Fifth Army's ad- vance through gaps in the Gustav Line and pre'vent the junction of the main body with the units holding the beachhead, it became evident that the Nazi offensive south of Rome was in its early stages. The Germans still were problnkg for -a weak spt at which to fling their main attacks. Fighting Is Violent (The German Communique quoted Berlin military spokesmen as saying that the fighting in Italy had reach- ed "such violence and embitterment" \that it equalled crucial struggles on the Eastern Front, but the Allies had "failed to achieve really out- standing success.") Although bad weather hampered air operations, aircraft of the U.S. 12th Air Force bombed and strafed motor transport and camps between the main Fifth Army front and the beachhead to prevent the Germans from withdrawing reinforcements from the south to smash Allied troops occupying the coastal strip behind the Gustav and Adolph Hitler lines. U.S. To Pipe Near East Oil WASHINGTON, Feb. 5.-(P)-The United States government will build an oil pipe line from the Persian Gulf area to the eastern shore of the Med- itteranean at a cost estimated be- tween $130,000,000 and $165,000,000, Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes announced today. The line, estimated to be 1,250 miles long, is designed to provide a standing reserve of one billion bar- rels of oil for use by the U.S. Army and Navy "on very favorable terms", Ickes said in issuing the announce- ment for the Petroleum Reserves Corporation of which he is president. The project is covered by an "agreement in principle" between the government and two oil companies. Scene of Pre-Invasion I Navy carrier-based planes set the hanger on the Jap-held airstrip on Roi Island afire during a raid a few weeks before U.S. troops invaded the island. Roi is connected by a coral strip and Jap-built roadway to Namur Island. Note Japanese planes on airstrip. American Troops Capture Three Strategic Points in Marshalls Seventh Division Seizure of Kwajalein, Loi; Ebeye, Brings U.S. Controlled Islands to 19 By The Associated Press U.S. PACIFIC FLEET HEADQUARTERS, .Pearl Harbor, Feb. 5.- Clinching America's grip on the biggest atoll of Japan's Marshall Islands, Seventh-Division soldiers have killed virtually all defenders and captured Kwajalein, Ebeye and Loi islands of the Kwajalein group. Seizure of these three strategicpoints at the southern end of the atoll, announced today by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, runs to 19 the number of A erialAttacks 1400 Allied Planes' Hit French Targets AAF, RAF Air Might Co niati es 21 Hour Bombing; 200 Marauders Blast Coast By The Associated Press LONDON, Feb. 5.-An American armada of probably 1,400 planes car- ried out one of the war's heaviest operations against multiple targets in France today,, with heavy bombers hammering six of the Germans' prize airfields to wind up two weeks of the most terrific sky bombardment the world has ever known. The U.S. Flying Fortresses and Liberators slashed into France to the outskirts of Paris and Tours. ' The six airfields hammered to smoking wreckage have been used by Nazi planes flying to Britain and challenging the Allies' Reich-bound bomber fleets. 1,000 Tons Dropped While officiAl figures were lacking, U.S. Army Headquarters said the attacks were carried out by "strong forces" which probably mean that 700 heavy bombers escorted by around 500 fighters dropped something like R d D i eO 1,000 tons of bombs. At the same time huge formations In P 1 1. of medium light bombers, including WImore than 200 American Marauders, pounded mysterious German' instal- lations on the French Channel coast, blocking the direct invasion route. British Bostons and Mitchels hit still Hungarian Divisions another airfield in' northern France. Routed by Russians Frankfurt Hit Twice Berlin's powerful long wave radio On Way to Warsaw transmitters went off the air early tonight for "technical reasons" sug- By The Associated Press gesting that RAF night bombers were LONDON, Feb. 5.-The. Red Army following up the American daylight in a major westward sweep has raids with continued blows against plunged deep into old Poland and the Nazi continent--possibly against captured the important towns of Berlin itself which was blasted in the Lutsk and Rovno along the main RAF's railroad to Warsaw and more than lastheavy assault Jan. 30. 200 other communities, routing two heavy bombers hit Frankfurt twice, Hungarian divisions and taking 2,000 once with a record 1,800 tons of prisoners, Moscow announced to- bombs, Brunswick and Hannover with night. 1,500 tons and Wilhelmshaven with The new advance carried the Red 1,500 tons and made four attacks on Army to within 50 miles of the Rus- France. The RAF has shattered Ber- sian-German boundary established tin three times, each with at least in 1939 and into points captured in 1,500 tons. the first week of the German inva- Installations Hit sion of Russia in' 1941. The an- IsaltosIi nouncement, in a special order of As the four-engined giants dark- the day from Premier Marshal Jo- ened the skies over Europe for the seph Stalin, came two days after the eighth time in nine days, American Germans announced they had evacu- Marauders cracked down once more ated the key towns of Lutsk and on the enemy's secret installations Rovno. just aciross the Channel from Britain. The Russians were now 85 miles More than 200 Marauders were in- inside the old Polish frontier on an eluded in the fleets of American and east-west line and 60 miles from .its British light bombers which attacked nearest point. It was a 50-mile gair the northern France invasion coast from the last reported positions held and returning crewmen said the Ger- by the first Ukrainian front armies mans threw up intense flak although of Gen. Nikolai F. Vatutin. Nazi fighters were not encountered. In the north, troops of the Lenin- Marauder pilots, Flight Officer grad front were clearing the last iso- James H. Davis of Dallas, Tex., and lated German units from the east Lt. Clyde S. Cherry of Denver, Colo., bank of the Narova River. brought their planes back on one en- gine and made perfect belly-land- 7- -"I ings. t RUPE STRAUB ... new secretary. Workshop at Rackham Saturday Will Discuss Recreation Problems- Featuring all phases of modern recreation problems, the Southeast- ern Michigan Recreational Workshop for volunteer and professional work- ers will convene at 9 a.m. Saturday in Rackham. The conference is sponsored by the CoorcTinating Committee on Recrea- tion, Defense Councils of Wayne, Washtenaw and Macomb Counties, Willow Run Area Recreation Project in cooperation with the Washtenaw County Youth Guidance Committee, the University physical education department, the physical education department of Michigan State Nor- mal College, the extension service and the adult education program of the University. Allen To Give Address The day's program will begin with a general assembly in the Rackham amphitheatre at 9:15 a.m., which will be addressed by Ross L. Allen, of the University physical education department. He will outline the pur- pose and plan of the Workshop. An exhibit of recreational mater- ials prepared by Edith Thomas, of the Library Extension Service, will be shown in the Rackham foyer. Speakers Named The opening panel discussion will deal with "Wgat Is Recreation-an Interpretation of Its Scope and Po- tentialities." Hans J. Schmidt, direc- tor of the Willow Run Area Recrea- tion Project, will preside as chair- man for the panel. Other speakers appearing on this panel will be Catharine Richards, Executive Secretary, Detroit Girl MYDA To Hold Panel Discussion on Fascism Michigan Youth for Democratic Action will hold a public panel dis- cussion at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday in the Union to discuss fascism and its manifestations in the United States. Agenda for the meeting will in- Scouts, Inc.; Donald Phillips, Asst. DirectorhCivilian War Services, Of- fice of the Director of Civilian De- fense; William S. Goodell, Associate Regional Executive, United Service Organizations. Following this general discussion Assembly will divide into section meetings where various phases will be taken up suchas the recruiting and training of volunteer leaders, music, group physical activities and demonstrations. The afternoon section meetings will convene at 1:30 p.m. and con- tinue until 3 p.m., during which time the questions of recreation as an aid to community organization, social recreation and church recrea- tion will be considered. The complete program for the Workshop, including speakers and subjects, will appear in The Daily next week. Panel To Be Held by Post-War Council 'An International Police Force?" will be the topic for discussion at a Post-War Council panel at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Union. Ruth Daniels, '44, Chairman of the Council, announced yesterday that this panel will take the form of a combination student-faculty discus- sion. Joyce Siegan, George Simmons, and Harvey Weisberg will compose' the student panel. Representing the faculty will be Prof. Arthur Aiton of the history department and Max Dresden of the physics department. Mustering-Out Pay Set For Armed Services WASHINGTON, Feb. 5.-( P)-The armed services made a start today on a $3,000,000,000 disbursement job Kwajalein's 30-odd islets now in Am Recital Series Begins 'Today Dr. Palmer Christian Will Direct 'U' Choi' Opening the February Sunday aft- ernoon organ recital series, Dr. Pal- mer Christian, organist, and the Uni- versity Choir will present a joint con' cert at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Audi- torium. The University Choir, choral group organized as a class given for aca- demic credit in the music school and directed by Dr. Christian, will make its first public appearance of the year this afternoon, singing a group of three sacred numbers and a sec- ond group of songs by modern Am- erican composers.' Selections Listed Selections by the choir include ko- daly's "Ave Maria"; Arensky's "Praise Ye the Yord in Heaven"; and Pan- chenko's "The Beatitudes." Three choruses, "Chemical Analysis," "A Sad Song" and "A Nonsense Song" from "Rosemary" by Randall Thomp- son with lyrics from "Tiger Joy" by Benet, and William Schumann's "Prelude for Women's Voices" with text from "Look Homeward, Angel" by Thomas Wolfe, comprise the sec- and group. Many Nationalities Represented Dr. Christian's program is also arranged in two parts, one to be presented before and one after the choir's appearance. The first group includes Bohm's "Prelude and Fugue in C"; Lully's "Aire Tendre"; Ram- eau's "Minuet and Gigue. en Ron- deau"; Stamitz's "Andante"; and Bach's "Fantasy and Fugue in C minor. The second group, representing Russian, Flenish, French composers.{ erican hands. Many of the 'remain- > ing islands are militarily unimport- ant. The victory affords,the Allies an- other potential airfield on Kwajalein island and seaplane bases at Ebeye. Four-division Marines earlier had swept across Roi and Namur islands. to clinch control of the north end of the atoll. Continuing their steady push up the eastward edge of the big atoll, Army troops already are attacking Gugegwe, just north of Loi, Admiral Nimitz' press release said. Gugegwe had been strongly fortified, and Jap- anese artillery definitely answered the mighty American fleet's pre-in- vasion bombardment. On Loi, in- vading troops wiped out the Japanese garrison quickly after a similar heavy shelling and bombing. Gugegwe is expecter to fall soon. Carrier-based planes still roam widely over the Marshalls, supporting the ground invasion. Eniwetok atoll, in the northwest corner of the Marsh- alls, an important enemy supply base, was bombed Feb. 3, Admiral Nimitz said. He also announced Wake island, 600 miles north of the Marshalls, was bombed for the eleventh time Friday. Yank Airmen Smash Wewak ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Feb. 6, Sunday-))- For the second straight day, Allied airmen have ripped Japanese aerial strength at Wewak, New Guinea. Gen. Douglas MacArthur reported today the We- wak area was hit with 108 tons of bombs, raising to more than 300 the tonnage of explosives poured on the main New Guinea base in two days. So intense was the latest bombing of Wewak that fires still burning from the first day's attack and those started anew were visible for 50 + miles. Party Switches Political Issue WASHINGTON,. Feb. 5.-(AP)-Ad- ministration Democrats have switch- ed emphasis to domestic issues in their current pre-convention cam- paign, as Republicans get ready to select next Saturday in ew Mexico the first delegates to either political national convention. Both Robert J. Hannegan, - new chairman of the Democratic national committee, and Senator O'Mahoney of Wyoming, just named to direct the 1944 drive to re-elect, Democrats to the Senate, are charging the opposi- tion with efforts to capitalize on pop- ular discontent with wartime eco- nomic controls. Hannegan told a Jackson Day rally in Alabama that patriotic Americans realize that economic sacrifices are necessary and that Republicans must answer to the charge of "making capital" of inconveniences arising from such things as rationing and price controls. O'Mahoney, in taking over the senatorial campaign committee chairmanship, said the transforma- tion of the nation's economy to meet the requirements of war has been a burden which has produced discon- tent. H~Jichigan Wi ns 2-Mile Relay Trackmen Take Race At Millrose Games Michigan's crack two-mile relay team last night won their specialty at the annual Millrose Games in Madison Square Garden although tailing to set a new record in the event. The Michigan quartet, composed of Bob Ufer, Bob Hume, John Rox- borough and . Ross Hume, flashed across the finish line in the fast time of 7:53.4, about six seconds off the present record. Advance notices had predicted a record-smashing perfor- mance for the Wolverines, but the other teams in the field did not press them sufficiently. The Rochester re- lay team placed second, followed by Dartmouth and Penn State. Wolverine contestants in other events did not fare so well. Ufer was defeated in the special 600-yard dash and Ross Hume was scratched in the mile. Elmer Swanson and Bob Segula failed to capture any honors in the. 65-yard high hurdles and pole vault, respectively. The Wanamaker Mile, one of the special events of the evening, was captured by Gil Dodds, the Boston Divinity student, in the fast time of 4:10.6. Bill Hulse of New York trailed him across the finish line. Senate Shuns Action OnF federal Ballot WASHINGTON, Feb. 5.-P)-Ob- viously outnumbered on the floor, the Senate's adminstration backers of a federal war ballot bill forced a surprise adjournament today and staved off a showdown on a touch- and-go fight over voting legislation for the armed forces. Forty-four senators-five short of a quorum-answered the opening rollcall and Democratic leader Bar- WORLD STUDENT SERVICE FUND MAKES PLEA: Drive Seeks Textbooks for Prisoners of War 'v_ _ Designed to create a stockpile of textbooks for prisoners of war all over the world-books repeatedly requested by them-a campus drive for books under the auspices of the World Student Service Fund, will get under way tomorrow. Receptacles for the books will be placed in the League, Union and International Center. Sponsored by Pan-hellenic, As- ch1r+'hl Trnirnn wnmen's War universities, preparat ,ry schools and theological seminaries of the United States. The book collection has become an important part of the WSSF appeal. During 1943 more than 6,000 books were sent for imprison- ed students in the various theatres of war and for those interned in Canada and in the United States. Many of the recipients have been American prisoners of war in Ger- many and Japan. hany to have a of instruments-WE NEED MORE BOOKS." A British prisoner in an Italian hospital writes: "Many, many thanks for your parcel of books which will greatly assist us in pass- ing the long hours of a hospital day." Allied prisoners of war are not the only recipients of, these books. Axis prisoners interned in Allied camps may also benefit from this fund. who are without means and separ- ated from their families are able to cultivate their knowledge." With the growing demand for more books, this year's goal for the WSSF is 1,000 books. Students wishing to donate books should conform to the following specifications: College text books can be in any subject, and must be still in surrent use, unless they are classics in their field. Language study books for any language, and