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Member, Associated Collegiate Press,. 1943-44 Editori Marion Ford Jane Farrant . Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradaile Eric Zalenskl Bud Low . . Harvey Frank . Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarrin HIda Slautterback Doris Kuentz . Molly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion . al Staff . . . Managing Kditor . . . Editorial Director. . . ~ . City Editor . . . Associate Editor S Sports Editor . Associate Sports Editor * Associate Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . . Ass't Women's Editor * . . . Columnist * . . Columnist gusiness Staff . . . Business Manager . . Ass't Bus. Manager . . Ass't Bus. Manager e 23-24-1 . Telephon NIGHT EDITOR: EVELYN PHILLIPS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are writ/en by members of Th Daily staff and represent the views cf the writers only. ITICIANS: Michigan Congressmen Heed Party, Not People rTHE HOUSE vote leaving the election machin- ery for service votes up to the states-all 48 of then-was clearly an act of loyal party men followin'g party dictates. And Michigan repre- sentatives added their bit. On the -motion to reconsider the federal sol- dier-vote bill Michigan representatives voted as follows: Democrats against the motion to recommit: none. Republicans against: Bennett, Ulackney, londero, Engel, Hoffman, Jonkman, Vliehenr, Shafer, Woodruff. Democrats for: Dingell, Lesinski, O'Brien, Rabaut, Sadowski. Republicans for: none. Paired: Crawford, Wolcott, against the motion. These representatives have received letters, petitions, telegrams, and all other possible in- dications that the people of this state had at their disposal to show that they wanted a federal ballot for servicemen-that they want- ed servicemen to vote. But our representatives preferred to heed their party bosses. -Barbara Herrinton RAIN OR SHINE: Students Should Use Sidewailks, Not Grass MANY SENIORS could probably walk blind- folded across cainpus, using all the conven- ient shortcuts. As you tramp over the grass so many times during the day, did it ever occur to you that each ,spring this worn-down grass has to be replaced? The rsodding of University prop- ety alone casts the University approximiately two thousand dollars, according to Mr. Shir- ley, W. Smith, vice-president and secretary in charge of business and finance. Whle here, and when returning as alumni, students want to be proud of the University's carnpus, as well as of the college itself. The only way to maintain a good-looking :campus is to keep off the grass, using the walks whether it is. sunny, snowing, or raining. For every dollar which a student invests in the University, the State, or taxpayers, put out three dollars for the University's support. Isn't this enough evidence tha't the interest of the citizens of Michigan warrants us to keep our campus beautiful? -Charlotte Bobrecker LOOKING AHEAD: Action Is Desirable on Pepper Propusal Now Fk' THE PROPOSAL for an international bar association which Martin Pepper, executive secretary of the National Lawyers' Guild, out- lined recently were acted upon, it would assure justice in the war trials which will be held after this war. Using the decisions of the Teheran Confer- ence as a basis, this 'association would deter- WASHINGTON, Feb. 5.-Friends who visited "Cactus Jack" Garner in Texas some months ago got a prediction that the*man who would beat Roosevelt in November, 1944, would be Roose- velt's exact opposite. People get tired of one type of personality, the ex-Vice-President said. They get tired of too many pictures, too much travelling around, too much joking, grand-standing and tilting of the cigarette holder. So he concluded that the American people would vote for just the opposite, a man of the Coolidge type. Garner went further and mentioned the mangy-Repub- lican Senator Harold Burton of Ohio. Republicans do not admit that they take pol- itical advice from a Democrat, yet privately a lot of them think Garner is right. Especially in recent weeks, with the Democrats showing more and more signs of unity behind FDR, there is a growing GOP belief that bitter Republican feud- ing must be healed and that a Coolidge-type candidate like Burton might be the man. GOP vs. Burton , . Political scouts who have checked up on Bur- ton recently have received thumbs-down reports from Old Guard GOP leaders in Ohio. The Ohio gang doesn't like him, Their dislike began when he cleaned up the city of Cleveland (and did it so thoroughly that he got enough Democratic votes to be re-elected twice at times when Roose- velt overwhelmingly carried the city), Their dis- like continued when he ran for the Senate. Early in 1940, Ed Schorr, GOP political boss of Ohio, told Mayor Burton: "We're going to make Dudley White the next Senator," "I'm sorry to hear that," replied Burton, "because I'm going to be a candidate myself." And he was, despite tough opposition from most of the Republican leaders. In addition to the Republican machine, Bur- ton also had conservative business interests against him, dating from his resignation from the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. So when he ran for the Senate in 1940, con- servative Republican leaders organized to defeat him. Ed Schorr even held a big political rally in Cincinnati where he denounced Burton as "not a good Republican." In reply, Burton harked back to his New England background where some fishermen operate in home waters, while others, called "off-shore" fishermen, brave the bosom of the deep. "I propose to represent the people of Ohio, not the Republican boss," he fired back. "I am an off-Schorr Republican."' (Copyright, 1944, United i'eatures Syndicate) --a-- - AT FIRST we planned to write a "letter-edged- in-black" column, with old-fashioned letters saying "In Memoriam" at the top, and a black rule for a border. We wanted to strike out against all the wrongs in the issue: that the will of the people was open- ly flouted; that a leading Congressman shouted that he was not afraid to have his vote counted -on the side against democracy; that we, whose country was built by men who fought in one of tdm world's first citizen-armies against the mer- cenary soldiers hired by the British in '76, are now depriving our soldiers of one of the priv- ileges of citizenship; that a group of southern members of the House were allowed to defeat a bill involving the question of representation, when they themselves were elected by an un- representative part of their constituency; that Negro soldiers doing such an heroic job, especial- ly in te 99th Air Force Squadron, will never get ballots to check if they are from poll-tax states. That in one week the American public was told and shownn the atrocities committed against American soldiers. urged to buy bonds in the 4th War Loan drive to speed victory, learned of victories against fascism in Italy and the South Pacific and on the Russian front .. . And then read the story of the defeat of the soldier vote bill, an issue which created stronger feeling among all groups of American citizens than almost any other recent measure. One which achieved unity where subsidies, taxation measures, anti-poll tax bills all failed. But then we remembered a girl we met this week at The Daily writing a letter to her sol- dier-husband. She became a citizen of the Unit- ed States on Wednesday in the county court- house. She finally swore a new allegiance, the first she had after breaking the one with her country when it became Nazified and all demo- cratic peoples fled, or remained to be caught and tortured. 'E'VE been wondering all day what she must think of the defeat of the Worley Bi11. In the same week in which she won the right to vote, her soldier husband lost it. (No, you may say, there's still a chance that his home state Pd. Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Feb. 5.-Mr. Walter Lippmann used a noble phrase when he said that while William Allen White was an entirely indepen- dent spirit among his fellow men "he could not and would not become separated from them." -He was a free Kansan; that is to say, always free, yet always a part of Kansas and America, so that while he might think as he pleased, he was organically unable to advocate any idea so far ahead of, or behind of, or to the side of his community as to be unintelligible to it. This is a little different from the delicious freedom enjoyed by a Man from Mars, who, as an uninvolved visitor, may advocate anything that comes into his head; or the freedom of the her- mit, who, as a man without social ties, finds it entirely practical to believe, for instance, that rabbits are gods and squirrels are devils. DON'T BE A MAN FROM MARS I should like, as a kind of variation on a theme, to project Mr. Lippmann's fine thought into the coming war-time election campaign, and to see whether there is the basis of a code of con- duct for free Americans in it. It seems to me there is, and that it can be put briefly: Don't take any position that cuts you off from the community. Or, to phrase it another way: Don't be a crank, communing with yourself in the locked room of an empty house. It is all very well to live alone and like it, but not in politics, and certainly not in war. I would apply this test, with equal emphasis, to the man who mutters something (perhaps my ears are deceiving me) about shooting the workers down; and to the man who loses some of his taste for the war when he learns that our large manufacturing corporations are re- ceiving profits for their work. We do not shoot many people here, in the course of a normal business day; and, by and large, the majority of Americans do not regard profits as repre- hensible. You may quarrel with them, on either count, if you like, but that is the way they are. Beware of taking so special and individual a position that you no longer make contact with them. Don't be a Man from Mars. FREE TO FLY ON A BAT'S BACK It seems to me that Colonel McCormick of Chicago becomes a kind of Man from Mars when he chooses a period like the present to try to provoke a row with England. It undoubtedly gives him an exhilarating sense of freedom thus to break from the ranks, and cavort on the side- lines; he is free as the air. But to be free as the air is a spurious free- dom; it is the special freedom of him who has resigned; the freedom of the man who clings to the majority may be more limited, but it is more solid and more real. For myself, I would not want the freedom of Ariel, on a bat's back to fly; I am content with the more earthbound yet more meaningful free- dom of a human being. I think that both liberals and conservatives entered this war with hopes of using it to change society and make a clean sweep of everything they did not like; but that the community at large, living its own life, going its own way, has thwarted both of them, and has, in fact, not even understood what they were talking about. STICK AROUND; IT MIGHT BE FUN The hermit is free to preach that the moon is made of green cheese. And the man who preaches that the moon is made of green cheese quickly finds that he is free to become a hemit. These are unsatisfactory freedoms. So, to those who might be tempted to take extreme positions during the coming months, either calling, perhaps, for the instant dismant- ling of all labor unions, or, maybe, for war with Russia, one might say: Don't resign from the club, sir. Stay with the majority. Stick around; it might be fun. (Copyright. 1944, Ncw York Post Syndicate) ° ".. - .. .:h. ... . _. } 1'_I {, hf,,. , . _,. t--- t_ 1. --- - l r z ; , ,-. [ 4 ii /,{ ,.,. . ,- i ' ?' x ! « - , R ' w -lI u .- V s ,- ' ' "And look at this lovely large, barnlike kitchen. Plenty of space to cram in all those fancy post-war kitchen.gadgets they're planning." --....- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN t GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty SATURDAY, FEB. 5, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 72 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Fall Term Graduation Exercise will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Satur day, Feb. 19, in Hill Auditorium. Th address to the members of the grad uating classes will be given by Presi dent John A. Hannah of Michigan State College. Admission will be by ticket only, which students and mem bers of the general public may secur at the office of the Vice-Presiden and Secretary, 1 University Hall Tickets may be secured after Feb. 9 Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A "Bond Belle" will pick up your order and deliver the bond the next day Use this service and, help the Uni- versity 'meet its quota. University War Bond Committee All women students are reminded that they must register any change of residence for the second term in the Office of the Dean of Women by noon today. They must also inform their househead of their intention by that date. Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women Notice to Men Students: All mei students living in approved rooming houses, who expect to move from their present quartes at the end o this term, must give notice of inten- tion to move in writing to the Office of the Dean of Students on or before noon today. Students terminating contracts must vacate their rooms before 6:00 p.m. February 26, and rent shall be computedI to include this date. Students may obtain forms for terminating contracts at Rim. 2, University Hall C. T. Olmnsted Assistant Dean of Students Men's Co-operative houses will be able to accept new members next semester. Persons interested in ap- plying, call 7211. Ask for personnel chairman. A catemic Notices Directed Teaching Qualifying Ex- "amination: Students expecting to elect D100 (Directed Teaching) next term are required to pass a qualify- ing examination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examina- tion will be held today at 1:00 p.m. This is a change 'from the date as originally announced. Students will meet in the auditorium of the Uni- versity High School. The examina- tion will consume about four hours' time. Promptness is therefore essen- tial. Make-up examination in Music 41 (Theme and Variations) will be held in Rm. 206 Burton Tower at 3:00 this afternoon. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Mich Elman, violinist, with Leopold Mitt man at the piano, will give the nint program in the Choral Union Con- cert Series, Thursday evening, Feb 10, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditor- ium. The program will consist of num- bers by Handel, Brahms, Glazo noff Chausson, Spalding, Achron anc s Paganini. e Events Today The Angell Hall Observatory wil] a be open to the public from 8:00 tc 10:00 p.m. today if the sky is clea or nearly so. The planets Mars and -Saturn will be shown through the e telescopes. Children must be accom- t panied by adults. 1. . Michigan Youth for Democratic Action: There will be an executive board meeting at 2:00 p.m. today at the Union (room number will be r posted on Union bulletin board.) All members of M.Y.D.A. are invited to attend. A Valentine Party will be given by the Michigan Christain Fellowship at Lane Hall tonight at 8 p.m. All students and servicemen are espe- cially invited. Games and refresh- ments are in store. v Roger Williams Guild: party to- night in the Guild House at 8:30. The group will go ice skating if the weather permits. Wesley Foundation: A group will leave the Wesle'an Lounge at 8 p.m. for bowling, preceding folk dancing which will begin at 9 o'clock. All Methodist students and servicemen and their friends are invited. Coring Events Roger Williams Guild: Sunday evening the group will hear Reverend Charles Mitchell, who will review Harry Emerson Fosdick's book "On Being a Real Person." The meeting begins at 5 p.m. The Lutheran Student Association will meet on Sunday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St. Supper will be served at 6:00 and the pro- gram will follow immediately. Dr. Harold Yochum, president of the Michigan District of the American Lutheran Church, and one of the six seminar leaders of the National Lutheran Student Ashram will lead a discussion on "Churchmanship." The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, Feb. 7, 1944 at the West Lecture Room of Rackham Building at 7:30 p.m. Speakers on the program and their topics will be: Miss Elizabeth B. McDermott, "Pre- War International Health Organiza- tions," and Mrs. Kamer Aga-Oglu, "Some Characteristic Aspects of the Lung Chuan Celadon Ware." Michigan 'Youth for Democratic Action meeting at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8. Union (Rm. 316). "American Fascists and the Peace Now Move- ment" will be the subject of the meeting. The public is invited to attend. The University of Michigan Choir, Palmer Christian, Conductor, will give its first public performance of this term at 4:15 p.m. on Sunday, . f1 w Lvttgrs to the Editor must be type- written, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only and signed with the name and address or the writer. Re- quests for anonymous publications will be mnet. Yale Is (ky.,. BUST a brief retort to some unwitty comments made by Mr. Frank D. Amon in the Letters to the Editor column as of Feb 2, 19444: As one engineer( graduate) to an- other ('47E), let me advise Mr, Amon that doubting is sometimes fair logic, and as such I do not question his "belief" of the origin of the new type map, but his further expounding on old Eli has touched me in a sensitive spot. It is to be admitted that Yale has one of the best 'English depart- ments in this country, but is this to classify it as a so-called "Lit school?" Let me be more precise and state that Yale has no depart- ment known as "Lit," and that its Engineering and Scientific depart- ments each outrank Yale College in enrollment. Mr. Amon -appar- ently has never perspired in her labs, nor investigated her depart- ments' merits. If Yale is just another "Lit. school," does this imply that U. of M. is also one? I hope not as I camne here in preference to 1.I.T. -Richard S. Mayer tin justified Auacks . . . AMONG the most distastful oc- currences in politics are the con- stant savage attacks to which the President has lately been subjected. It is quite apparent that he cannot make a single move or utter a sen- tence without being accused of try- ing to trick the unsuspecting public into giving him votes for a fourth term. His assailants, eagerly quoted by various news-services, maintain their barrage so consistantly that, without a knowledge of their pre- vious record, one might be led to believe in the sincerity of their whin- ing. These sniping attacks hit a brand new low recently. Under such head- lines as "Congressmen Fume Over FDR's Message," the public is in- formed that the President had the audacity to support the right to vote for the men who unquestionably have the strongest claim to such a right. The praise goes to a certain Senator (& Co.) of reactionary renown. Why, it is quite obvious, according to these gentlemen, that FDR advocates jus- tice for our fighting men merely on account of their potential voting power. One cannot help but wonder whether it is equally obvious to the men in the trenches. Furthermore, the Senator implies that the "gross violation" of the States' Rights leaves him speechless. It is to be sincerely regretted that this condition of his does not prevail permanently. So there it is: FDR wants the soldiers to vote in order that he may have a fourth term. But wait, a little while ago he vetoed the Smith-Connally anti-labor bill: why of course, he wants the labor vote too. Yet quite recently he ad- vocated a national service act to which labor is opposed. Don't worry, there's an equally logical ex- planation for that: he wants to make the soldiers feel good so they will vote for him. Now how about labor? Well, on ecould take a see- ond trip around the circle' All aboard then! On may well hope that nobody will publicly mention the fact that the President brushes his teeth every morning. It would be a clear indi- cation that he is attempting to snare the votes of the tooth-brush makers, The viciousness of the attacks on the President points to the probability that in the case that one of his sons were killed in the war, FDR would be accused of having engineered such a stunt to gain more votes through the sympathy of the people. How about it, -Senator? -Georges Koeser will take the proper stand. But just a chance!) In this, the first Congressional act in which she had the responsibility of taking a stand and letting her representative know how she felt- in this act she saw Congress laugh at the opinion of well over nine-tenths of the citizens. She has a right to become discouraged with this, her new country. And to wonder at the principles the judge mentioned Wednesday, about certain rights and responsibilities of citizenship in a democracy. To feel that there is little hope for this country after the Jwar if democracy is allowed to die while we are still fighting. And if she becomes discouraged, we have lost still another battle, another fighter for freedom -and there never can be even one too many of them. This is the best time, though, for her to learn that lesson all democrats must learn-not to give up the fight when it seems the toughest. And that we sometimes take two steps back, but we always take three steps forward. That we may not be advancing in a straight line-but at least in a spiral: though each circle is large and full of retrogressions, the end of the circle is one step above the beginning. Guild will meet for supper and pro- gram at 5:00 p.m. Speaker, Prof. Tien will speak on "China's Religions and the Posts-War World." Ariston League for High School young people meets at 5:30. Presen- tation of charter, new members in- ducted and supper following pro- gram. First Presbyterian Church West- minster Student Guild will have open house at the Church in the social hall at 9:00 p.m. Saturday. Sunday: 5:00. p.m., supper and fellowship hour; 6:00 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Stevens will talk on the first of a series "Building a Christ- ian Home" based on "Boy Meets Girl -But How?" Students cordially in- vited. First Methodist Church and Wes- ley Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m. with Professor Hance. The subject for discussion is "The Six BARNABY By Crockett Johnson Barnaby, that dopey ghost is sfdl practicing how to Gus and Mr O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, went to search for Well, who s nchin i the punching bag?_J \ . Y(r .- .~~ i' f e ± ... -m I