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February 05, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-05

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A 'E 'N a


Allied Armada Lands in Ialian Harbor



Within Sight of

Rome Radio Masts; Pacific Forces
Find No Opposition in Marshalls

This vast Allied Armada (top) stretches over th e harbor inrthe Anzio-Nettuno, Italy, area after land-
ing troops of the British-American Fifth Army behinmd the German "Gustav Line." Bottom: Tractors
are on the beach after Navy men set up this pontoon causeway for the unloading of LST's. These are
two of the first original pictures of the landings.


FDR Signs Mustering-Out-Pay Bill;
20,000 War Workers Prolong Strike

Law Provides Cash
Payrnents for Veterans
Of Second World War
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.-President
Roosevelt's signature on Mustering-
Out Legislation tonight guaranteed
veterans of the Second World 'War
cash payments to help them make
the adjustment from military to civ-
ilian life.
The law provides from $100 to $300
for each eligible veteran. Muster-out
pay of World War One amounted to
about $60. This new scale and the
.oninensurately higher number of
military personnel in this war will'
cost the nation approximately $3,-
There already have been 1,300,000
discharges since Pearl Harbor. These
servicemen may apply now to the
War and Navy Departments for their
Mustering-Out Pay. Within 30 days
of the application, it is to be acted
As he signed the bill, Mr. Roosevelt
urged Congress to move full speed
ahead on other proposals he has
made for aiding the servicemen upon
discharge. They provide for pro-
grams to allow the young men and
women to continue their education
grant them Social Security credits
at partial Government expense;
for their period in the service, and set
up a plan for Unemployment Com-
pensation benefits.
The Mustering-Out pay is denied
to those eligible to retirement pay,'
those discharged to take civilian jobs,
the dishonorably discharged, those
whose total period of service has
been as a student in a special train-
ing program, and those ranking
above a captain.
Union Officers
To Be Inducted
Formally Today
Newly appointed Union officers,
President Roy Boucher and Secre-
tary Rupe Straub, will be formally
inducted at the Installation Banquet,
which will be held at 12:15 p.m. to-
day in the Anderson Room of the
Outgoing President Bunny Craw-
ford will act as toastmaster, and out-
going Secretary Chuck Dotterrer will
review briefly the past year's acti-
vities., .
Boucher will announce the new
junior executive council for the com-
ing semester. Also on the banquet
program is the presentation of keys
to junior executive and sophomore
staff members iftrecognition of work
during this semester.
The Union board of directors and
the entire Union staff will be present.
Arrangement for the banquet are be-
ing handled by Dick Chenoweth, co-
chairman of the social committee.
Ruthven Appointed
To Annapolis Board
Wonrd was eved r1vsterav an-

E' Bond Sales
Lagging B ehind
In *Loan Drive
Ann Arbor Surpasses
Quota for Other Bonds
More Than $200,000
According to the latest audit, which
included all war bonds sold up to
yesterday, Ann Arbor has purchased
$4,192,419.50 worth of bonds toward
a goal of $4,725,000.
Although the city promises to more
than fill its quota, sales of Series E
bonds are lagging behind, Warren
Cook, county chairman, said yester-
day. The Series E bond quota is
$1,500,000, and only $745,798.50 worth,
or about half, has been sold. The
quota for other type bonds in Ann
Arbor has been passed by more than
Cook Predicts Success
Cook predicted that "we'll go over
our full quota from the sale of other
type bonds." However, he said, "It
is the desire of the committee that
everyone buy-an extra E bond."
As a special incentive for investing
in Series E bonds, the State Theatre
is featuring a "War Bond Premier,"
Wednesday, Feb. 9. The attraction
will be "Destination Tokyo" with
Cary Grant. Free tickets will be
given with every E bond of $50 or
over issued at any theatre.
Ten Days Left
Almost two and one-half \million
dollars worth of war bonds must be
sold in Washtenaw County during
the last ten days of the Fourth War
Loan drive if the county is to fill its
quota of $7,477,000. To date $5,055,-
805.75 worth has been sold with Series
E bonds accounting for $1,218,850.75
of this total.
Cook remarked that the county will
probably go over on the E bond quota
in this drive as in the last one, when
a large amount of purchases were

Threat of WLB To
Issue Sanctions Defied
By MESA Secretary
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Feb. 4.-A strike of an
estimated 20,000 Michigan and Ohio
War Workers continued tonight in
the face of condemnation from
spokesmen for the Armed Forces and.
Government agencies.
Meantime the striking Union's
leader-Matthew Smith, National
Secretary of the Mechanics Educa-
tional Society of America-defied a
threat by the War Labor Board to
invoke sanctions and penalties
against the union.
Smith, replying to a WLB order
for Union officers to appear at a
hearing in Washington Monday, said
"impossible." He said the Union's
machinery, involving votes of dele-
gates to the Executive Board, could
not be brought into action by that
"Only the WLB's ignorance of a
labor union's structure could be re-
sponsible for such an order," Smith
said. "I don't know what the sanc-
tions or penalties are, but we are pre-
pared to meet them."
Seizure of the plants by the gov-
ernment would make the criminal
provisions of the War Labor Disputes
Act operative. Persons who encour-
aged a strike then could be prosecut-
ed and, if convicted, subjected to fine
and imprisonment.
The MESA, an independent union,
called the strike today in protest of
the National Labor Relation Board's
handling of a jurisdictional dispute
with the CIO's United Automobile
Workers. The unions have long been
Woodring Calls for
Democratic Unity
CHICAGO, Feb. 4.-(0)-Harry
H. Woodring, a leader of anti-Ad-
ministration Democrats, suggested
today that the party should unite in
supporting someone like Secretary of
State Hull for president,' and pro-
posed that President Roosevelt serve
as leader of the American delegation
to the peace parleys.
Woodring, former Secretary of
War in the Roosevelt cabinet and
onetime governor of Kansas, also re-
ported that he planned "to call "all
loyal Democrats"*to a national con-
vention to consolidate their forces
and determine their strategy.

U.S. Occupies
Three Islands
In Marshalls
Aerial, Naval Forces
Hit Two More Bases;
Take Kwajalein Atoll
By The Associated Press
4.---American invasion forces have
swarmed on three more islands in
strategic Kwajalein atoll of the Mar-
shalls and brought two others under
naval and air assault while still un-
challenged either by the Japanese
navy or air force.
In the latest reported moves, half
of an important seaplane base was
occupied in the face of resistance.
Moderate opposition was overcome
on two other islands.s
Troops of the Seventh Army Divi-
sion landed on EbeycIsland north
of Kwajalein Island and soon forced
the Nipponese back from half of it.
New Landing Unopposed
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz re-
ported in a communique tonight that
the new landing was unopposed but
resistance was encountered a short
distance from the beach.
Admiral Nimitz also reported:
Two small islands between Kwaja-
lem and Ebeye have been occupied
following neutralization of moderate
Gugegwe and Loi Islands just
north of Ebeye are being subjected to
bombing and naval gunfire. The
enemy is answering our fire.-
Resistance on Kwajalein Island, at
the south end of Kwajalein atoll,
continues but progress is,1ingk a e.
Casualties Moderate
Virtually no news was received
from Kwajalein Island where, Ad-
miral Nimitz reported, operations
continued satisfactorily and progress
is being made.
Ebey will give the United States
complete control of the southern and
northern ends of Kwajalein atoll,
although the Japs presumably do
have the western tip and control the
center of the eastern side, on which
is one of the main entrances to the
Kwajalein atoll has numerous is-
lands, probably a third of which are
occupied by U.S. forces although the
figures have not been given.
There still is no indication the
United States has suffered any naval
U.S. Military Rule Is
Proclaimed in Marshalls
4.-(AP)-A proclamation setting up
an American government in the oc-
cupied 'portions of the Marshall Isl-
ands and "suspending the powers" of
Emperor Hirohito of Japan in those
areas was announced today by Fleet
This evidence of American victory
was flung in the face of the Japanese
by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, backed
by the might of his Pacific fleet--
anchored in the placed lagoon of
Kwajalein Atoll.
Copies of the proclamation, ex-
pected to be a model for similar ac-
tion when other Japanese territory
falls, were distributed in the wake of
American Marines and Doughboys
who invaded the Marshalls only last
Monday. It was signed by Nimitz
as military governor of the Mar-

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.-Service
vote legislation apparently .headed
toward at least a temporary deadlock
between the Senate and House today
when Administration supporters won
successive Senate tests on a federal
war ballot.
By A 42 to 42 tie vote, the Adminis-
tration defeated an attempt to shelve
the Green-Lucas War Ballot Bill in
favor of a House states' rights meas-
ure after beating off, 46 to 42, an
earlier opposition move.
The latter vote came on a proposal
to substitute for the Green-Lucas
Bill a "states' rights" measure spon-
sored by a coalition of Republicans
and southern Democrats.
Since all the opposition to a fed-
eral ballot was united behind the
move and the outcome was generally
accepted as meaning the Senate will
approve the Administration plan
which the House rejected lastnight
when passing a bill for state absen-
tee ballots.
The Senate quit for the day with-
out taking further action and major-
ity leader Barkley of Kentucky called
a Saturday session (11 a.m., EWT)
to try' to wind up work on the~
measure. He indicated the Adminis-
tration would follow the strategy of
substituting the Green-Lucas Bill
for the House-approved measure and
sending it back to the House for
action on the Senate amendment.
With the two chambers deadlocked,
the eventual outcome might be a
compromise-worked out by a Senate-

Raymond Clapper

Deadlock Reached over
Soldier Vote Legislation
Administration Defeats Attempt To Shelve
Green-Lucas Bill, Favoring a Uniform Ballot

House committee, or no measure at
The legislative situation was
1. The Senate passed a "states'
rights" bill in December.
2. The Administration put a
substitute into the Senate last
month trying to revive the federal
ballot plan.
3. Before the Senate could de-
cide on the substitute, the House
passed the states' rights bill and
sent it back to~ the Senate with
amendments today.
Reds Close In
On Ten Trapped
Nazi ]Divisions
Soviet Troops Clear
Road from Leningrad
To Marova River Mouth
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 4.-The Red Army
closed tighter an iron ring of anni-
hilation around ten trapped Nazi
divisions in the Ukraine today and
destroyed 73 big Junkers transport
planes from a fleet the Germans ap-
parently were using to fly out troops
as they did at Stalingrad in a last
desperate attempt to avert disaster.
In the north, Moscow announced,-
Soviet troops completely cleared the
110-mile coast of theGulf of Finland
from Leningrad west to the Narova
River mouth inside Estonia. Other
forces wiped out the last Germans on
the railway from Leningrad to Novo-
gord, the second north-south line
freed since the battle of the north be-
Soviet Monitor Record
The Germans trapped in the Dnie-
per Bend, numbering probably more
than 100,000, were being wiped out
as the Red Army closed the encir-
cling ring on nearly every side and
captured seven more towns, said the
Moscow mommunique, recorded by
the Soviet monitor.
Significantly a communique told of
bringing down 13 Junkers, 52 trans-.
ports in the air and the destruction
of 60 more of the tri-engined Nazi
planes on their landing grounds in
an all-out assault by the Russian Air
Russians Clear Gulf
In the north the Russians not only
cleared the Gulf of Finland to a
point ten miles past the Estonian
border but to the south were advanc-
ing along the eastern banks of Lake
Peipus, the communique said. The
westward drive had bypassed the
gateway town of Narva with the cap-
ture of villages both to the southwest
and northwest.
British Heavy
Bombers Blast
West Germany
LONDON, Feb. 5, Saturday-(IP)-
Two waves of heavy British night
bombers crossed the moonlit, wintry
Dover strait last night for another
ontinental attack following daylig
bombing assaults by hundreds of
fighter - escorted American heavy
bombers on Frankfurt and other tar-
gets in western Germany.
The big RAF night bombers roared
out on their first mission since their
attack on Berlin on Jan. 30.
Twenty-one U.S. bombers and one
fighter failed to return from yester-
day's mission-the sixth major at-
tack for American planes in seven
days. The American aerial armada
which brought down 12 Nazi planes
slashed its way through a sky flam-
ing with anti-aircraft fire to reach
Frankfurt, an important German

industrial and communications cen-

Allies Hold
Off Fiere
Nazi Attack
American Troops Gain
'Toe-Hold' in Cassino;
Hand-to-Hand Fighting
By The Associated Press
ALY, Feb. 4.-American and British
veterans fighting side by side within
sight of Rome's radio masts tonight
were stubbornly holding off fierce at-
tacks of German infantry and tanks
against their two-weeks-old beach-
head less than 20 miles south of the
Eternal City.
A dispatch sent at 5:05 o'clock this
afternoon from the battle scene by
Associated Press Correspondent Dan-
iel De Luce, said the Allied troops
"in staunchly defended foxholes"
were "holding off the growing storm
of the German counter-offensive,"
aided by heavy artillery support.
Streets, Buildings Taken
Farther south a battlefield dispatch
said American troops had gained a
"good toe-hold" on Cassino, anchor
of the Germans crocc-Italy southern
line and that American Doughboys
were in buildings in the town and
controlled some streets.
With air forces grounded by bad
weather artillery of both sides was
belching forth thousands of shells in
a ceasless cannonading and infantry
troops were locked in bloody hand-to-
hand fighting as the Allied troops
checked the heavy counter-offensive
of the Germans against the Anzio
Four Smashes Repulsed
Allied, H eadu arters nfl ol d
that the first four smashes by the
Nazis had been repulsed with heaW.
losses and that American troops im-
proved their positions somewhat west
of German-held Cisterna, the "town
of 1,000 pill-boxes" on the Appian
Wady 24 miles southeast of Rome.
Droves of tanks, including 60-tol
Tigers, led the hard German thrusts,
with Nazi planes frequently sweeping
in ahead of them to bomb and strafe
the dug-in Americans and British.
Bath sides were using tanks at at-
tack units and as mobile artillery.
'Ship's Ball' To
Be Held Tonight
Chester's Band Will
Play at V-12 Dance
Bob Chester and his -orchestra,
billed as the "nation's newest sensa-
tion" will feature their arrangements
of the country'sblatest hits at the
"Ship's Bal," to be held from 9 p.m.
to midnight today in the Intramural
Building, under the sponsorship of
the V-12 Naval and Marine Unit.
Extending an invitation to join in
the festivities to all naval and ma-
rine officer and enlisted personnel
on campus, the central committee
has promised special entertainment
during the intermission by Pvt.
,Charles Benjamin of the Marine
Corps. In addition the Navy-Marine
Chorus will sing its version of "Don't
Give Up the Ship," "The Navy
Hymn" and "Night and Day."
Members of the central committee
are Allan Mactier, general chair-
man; James Martin, Robert Pear,
building committee, and Howard
Wescoat and Pat Trahan, entertain-
ment committee.
Members of the patrons and guests
committee are Wiliam Snell and
Clifford Myll; of the decorations
committee, Carl Nichols and George
Hach; ticket committee, Charye
Dotterer, and publicity, John Laur..

In keeping with University tradi-
tion, the central committee has
asked that no corsages be worn to
the dance.
Ruthven Talks
To Convocation
More than 4,000 servicemen sta-
tioned on campus attended the con-
vocation which was held yesterday


made at Willow Run. In the
War Loan drive Washtenaw
will receive five-twelfths of
Run purchases.


Raymond Clapper (above), well-
known Washington columnist and
political commentator, lost his life
in a plane accident while covering
the invasion of the Marshall Is-
lands. This picture was made Jan.
17 as he prepared copy aboard the
plane of Vice-Adm. Fitch, Com-
mander Aircraft, South Pacific.
BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 4.-(A)-
The Argentine government an-
nounced tonight it had broken off
diplomatic relations with Vichy
France, Bulgaria, Rumania and
Hungary--all Axis satellites-fol-
lowing up its rupture with Ger-
many and Japan last month.

Dr. Christian
Will Present
Organ Concert
Dr. Palmer Christian, organist,
assisted by the University Choir, will
present the first concert in a series
of three afternoon organ recitals at
4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditor-
Making its first public appearance
of the year, the University Choir,
fifty-voice choral group directed by
Dr. Christian, will sing a group of
sacred numbers by Kodaly, Arensky
and Panchenko and a second group
by Randall Thompson and William
Schumann, modern American com-
Dr. Christian's program will in-
clii nubmhrs hv cnmnnpr from


Bombers Smash Wewak Airdromes

Editor's not: A heavy attack on Jap-
an's main New Guinea air base was re-
ported in the communique Saturday
by Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Here is
the detailed story of that raid.
Associated Press Correspondent
More than 100 heavy and medium
Wifth Airforce homhrs in a con-

Boram and Wewak airstrips at the
eastern end of the enemy's chain.
They unloaded more than 175 tons
of bombs, mostly 1,009-pounders,
directly on the two runways, de-
molishing approximately 20 enemy
aircraft and rendering at least one
field unserviceable.
Then Mitchell Medium bombers
in even greater number followed
about an hour later, bombing and

least eight of the 40-plane Japan-
ese intercepting force were shot
down, and 72 parked planes were
destroyed. "Our damage and cas-
ualties were light," the communi-
que said.),
On the point of planes lost, Da-
gua suffered the most heavily-
perhaps 40 or 50 grounded bombers
and fighters were caught there-
while at But the raiders scared up

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