IT ii E Ai i 4-. 14 i cl== , i.v VnTT'ItL 'C ZTV--- 'tftAA .-.. .J.A.R -k_ "Y 5, ..Y£~ ..hAL4 U £ " 'l 0 I Tb rtb 3?Ur . ccr m - Ann Arbor Youth Explains His hiventiwn to Mrs., Roosevelt German Bombs Form Geysers of Water in Anzio Harbor SLEEP TREAT MENT: Dr. WUaggouer of 'U Hosploit cribes C X u re for Faii By AGGIE MIIER "Speaking to Mrs. Roosevelt was the proudest moment of my life," commented shy Robert Elliott, with a broad grin on his face, as he spoke of his visit with Eleanor Roosevelt in betroit last Wednesday. Robert, age 13, a ninth grade stu- dent at Jones School, Ann Arbor, filled with boyish enthusiasm, sent a letter to Mrs. Roosevelt two years ago explaining his invention of a new form of emergency door for air- planes. Mrs. Roosevelt wrote to Bob and promised to see him at a future date. Mrs. Roosevelt Extends Invitation Mrs. Roosevelt invited him to visit her at her hotel when she was in Detroit last week. Bob accepted the -invitation and, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Samuel Elliott, and his ant, Miss Alice Gray Brown, spoke to the first lady in her hotel room of the Book-Cadillac Hotel. "I felt as though I was speaking to my mother because Mrs. Roosevelt made me feel right at home," said Boib as he described his interview with the First Lady. FlDR llentions Invention in Speech "President Roosevelt mentioned my invention in one of his speeches ever the air," said Bob. "I was very luch surprised and very, very Prou." "Mrs. Roosevelt asked me what grade I was in, whether I liked ath-~ letics, and also promised that I would fly in a plane some day, but didn't say when. The interview only lased ten minutes, but it was the happiest ten minutes of my thirteen years," stated Bob, as his chest swelled. Bob's ambition is not to be an inventor, but to be a cartoonist for a comic magazine. "My hero for my or Cgesh all Leaves To Head Marine Center Dr. Lowell T. Coggeshall, chairman of the Department of Tropical Dis- eases of the Public Health School, left Wednesday to take complete charge of a new Marine medical center on the West Coast. This new medical branch of the Maxine Corps will be used as a train- ing and rehabilitation center for ad- vanced cases various tropical diseases. Dr. Coggeshall, who was recently commissioned in the United States Naval Reserve, will have complete charge of selecting his staff in this new work. He has recommended four men of the University for positions on the staff. They are: Drs. Harv Carlson, lambert G. Haskett, Samuel Spector, of the staff of the Univeity Hospital, i ed W. V. Charer of the School of pblic Health, Within the past year, Dr. Cogges- hall has been touring the Middle East and Africa establishing medical cent- ers for the air-ferry routes of Pan- American Airways. Dr. Coggeshall has long been known as a malaria expert and the research he has conducted here will continue in his absence. comic strip is a cross between Dick Tracy and Superman." Wants To Be Basketball Player "I'd also like to be a basketball player. Sometimes I think I would rather be a basketball player than a cartoonist." "Maxwell, my friend, and 1, hope to go to India some day and hunt tigers. That is, if I can't become a cartoonist. I would also like to play in an orchestra. Most of all, though, I want to be a cartoonist. I'm never going to get married, and I will never change my mind," stated Bob em- phatically. Carl Addison ToSpeak on Geology Here' Mr. Carl C. Addison of Saginaw, district geologist for the Pure Oil Company, will give a series of three lectures here on Tuesday and Wed- nesday. The first is "World il Production and Reserves, and the Current Short- ages of Petroleum Products," at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Rackham Amphi- theatre. It is open to the general public. The other lectures, intended pri- marily for geology students, are en- titled "The Organization and Func- tions of an Oil Company, and the duties of the Beginning Geologist," at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, and "Academic Background and Personal Charac- teristics as Factors in the Advance- ment of the Geologist," at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday. These lectures will be given in Rm. 2054 Natural Science Bldg. Mr. Addison graduated from the University of Kansas in 1926 and immediately went to South America as a petroleum geologist for an oil company. After several years there he returned to the States and took graduate work at Stanford. Follow- ing this he went on geological explor- ation in western Canada, then did ad- ditional graduate work at Kansas. He worked for the U.S. Geological Sur- vey in the Oklahoma-Kansas-Mis- souri zinc district-before returning to petroleum geology, Each year the Department of Geol- ogy invites a geologist employed by the oil industry to address the stu- dents and faculty of the department. Mr. Addison is the third speaker in this series. Oj fficers' lub To Be Opened A new Officers' Club, an extension of the Town Club, located in the Al- lenel Hotel, will be opened Saturday in the old Faust building on E. Huron Street. , The club will be open from noon to 11 p.m. every day of the week under the supervision of Henry Charron, director of the Town Club. The Faust building is now being repaired and decorated in prepartion fo the opening Saturday x i i Towering geysers of water rise from Anzio Harbor as bombs dropped by German planes miss Lheir targets--Allied supply ships supporting the British-American flanking landing below Rome. FOUR RANKS RAISED: Officers Here Are Promoted To Captains, First Lieutenant Officers of the 3651st Service Unit recently promoted were, Captains Riezman, company commander of Company G; William R. Hinkle, Jr., company commander of Company F; Charles Atkinson, company com- mander of Company D; and Lt. Car- lyle C. Garrick, commanding officer of Company F. Captain Riezman, formerly a first lieutenant, was called to active duty from the Reserve Officers on June 25, 1942. He attended Signal Corps Service School for Officers at Jeffe- son Barracks. He was one of the commanding of- ficers for the Signal Corps ROTC on campus for six months, prior to being made -commanding officer of Com- pany G. A member of Tau Beta Pi, national engineering honorary so- ciety, Capt.. Riezman is a graduate of Washington University. Captain Hinkle, formerly a first lieutenant, is assistant professor of Military Science and Tactics here.,He entered military service on present tour of duty from Wisconsin as a second lieutenant in the infantry. He was transferred to the University from Camp Wheeler, Ga., on Sept. 17, 1943. Capt. Hinkle was a student in the University Literary College from '25 to '26. Captain Alkinson, formerly a first lieutenant, was inducted into the Ar- my in April, 1941. He received his commission in July, 1942. He served DAILYOFFICIAL U LLETIN FRIDAY, FEB. 4, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 71 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:3 a'm. Notices Fall Term Graduation Exercises will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Satur- day, Feb. 19, in Hill Auditorium. The address to the members of the grad- uating classes will be.given by Presi- dent John A. Hannah of Michigan State College. Admission will be by ticket only, which students and mem- bers of the general public may secure at the office of the Vice-President and Secretary, 1 University- Hall, Tickets may be secured after Feb. 9.; Special Payroll Deduction for War Bonds: Arrangements can be made with the Payroll Department to make a special single deduction for pur- chase of War Bonds from salary checks due on Feb. 29 only. This (Continued on Page 4) MICHIGAN NOW SHOWIN ROMAN d & at Camp Grant, Ill., until he was transferred here in August, 1943. First Lieut. Garric, formerly a 2nd lieut., was caled to active service on Sept. 15, 1942. He served as -barrage contral officer of the 304th Barrage Balloon Battalion in Seattle, Wash. Lieut. Garrick was a member of RO TC at South Dakota State College. Hoosier School App"roves Plans Constitution Gives Wide Powers to New Council With an overwhelming 831-65 vote, students at the University of Indiana last Friday approved a new constitu- tion for re-organizing student gov- ernment at the university. Steps which must now be taken to make the constitution effective as a working document include: passage by the Committee on Student Affairs, consideration by the entire faculty and approval by the Board of Trus- tees. Before the constitution was voted on, President H. B. Wells said, "If the student body ratifies the pro- posed constitution, I shall do every- thing in my power to expedite its progress." Several members of the Board of Trustees have already ex- pressed their approval of the consti- tution. The constitution provides for a 12- member Student Council, composed equally of men and women and or- ganized and independent students, will have the power "to formulate and enforce rules and regulations concerning the student body and to work with the administrative offi- cials in all affairs that effect the stu- dents." Specific powers granted to the Student Council in the constitution include: "to initiate and enact all legislation on matters concerning the entire student body, to represent the student body on all questions concerning it, to recommend to the president the number of student and faculty personnel on such commit- tees as it deems desirable, and to name student representatives to sit on all such faculty committees as it deems desirable." The constitution just ratified by the student body was the work of a Provisional Committee elected demo- cratically by the entire student body last year. WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE Day or Night Continuous from 1 P.M. Today and SaturdayI All Fraternity Pictures To Be Taken t Union 'Ensian fraternity pictures will be taken Saturday and Sunday this week and next week, Henry Schmidt, Jr., president of the Inter-Fraternity Council, announced yesterday. Due to wartime conditions the fra- ternities will have their pictures tak- en in Rm. 316 in the Union rather than in front of their houses as was customary in the past. The schedule for Saturday is as follows: 1 p.m.- Zeta Beta Tau, 1:30 p.m.-Theta Del- ta Chi, 2 p.m.-Theta Chi, 2:30 p.m. -Sigma Phi Epsilon, 3 p.m.-Sigma Phi, 3:30 p.m.--Sigma Alpha Mu, 4 p.m.-Phi Sigma Kappa, 4:30 p.m.- Phi Sigma Delta, 5 p.m.-Phi Kappa Ssi, 5:30 p.m.-Alpha Delta Phi, and 6 p.m.-Sigma Nu. On Sunday the order will be: 1:30 p.m.-Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 2 p.m. -Theta Xi, 2:30 p.m.-Sigma Chi, 3 p.m.-Phi Delta Theta, 3:30 p.m.- Lambda Chi Alpha, 4 p.m.-Zeta Psi, ,4:30 p.m.-Delta Tau Delta, and 5 p.m.--Chi Phi. U'Soldiers Study ins Detroit Privates First Class Thomas Quinn, James Riekes and Leonard Petiti of Company G . of the 3651st Service Unit have just returned from Detroit, where they spent one week at the Women's Hospital studying obstet- rics first hand. As part of their duties the medical students of the company took case histories, watched the progress of labor and took the prospective moth- ers to the delivery room. Each man was permitted to deliver one baby unassisted. "It is a wonder- ful feeling," said Pfc. Petiti. "It gave me a feeling of accomplishment. Although it was really only an every- day occurrence, it sure meant some- thing to me." - --- Meets Tusday Michigan Youth for Democratic Action will hold a discussion meeting at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday in Union. Topic for the meeting will be an open dis- cussion of fascism and its manifesta- tions in the United States. C LASIFIED DIR E CTORY One of the new forms of treatment of PSYlC] a rie easualties occurring on the war Irnts today is the sleep lreatmlent. Dr. F1aymiond W. Wag- goner, Ch:irli:ti of the Department of Psyc hiatrv in the 'U' Hospital, stid in an inerview yesterday. Casc or flying fatigue or battle ( ratigue, as they are correspond- ingly callel in the air forces and ground troops, usually arise from over-fatigue, ennuie or low spirit of the fighting men. The men suffering with this fa- tigue usually develop the inability to car-ry on in the fighting front. They are haunted by fears and general lack of confidence in themselves. Quite often, they show symptoms of paralysis in their arm, loss of speech or vision or some other results of psychological factors. First Step in Treatment The first step in the treatment of these cases is to induce the patient to sleep in a situation where he will not be disturbed by the rumblings of the war front. If sleep doesn't come through natural channels, sodium aytol or some short acting drug, such as pentothal, is administered. As they wake up, they are en- couraged to talk about their fears and are given new confidence in themselves. As soon as they re- cover, they are urged to go back to the line of duty as promptly as possible. The sleep treat ment is given promptly and in a location not very Slosson Leads Round Table "Remapping Europe" was the topic of the rovnd table discussion at Jor- dan Hall yesterday, with Prof. Pres- ton W. Slosson leading the group. Participating in the after-dinner discussion were: Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism depart- ment, Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach and Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the po- litical science department, and Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the English department. The discussion, sponsored by the Current Events Committee of JordaU Hall, concerned the Polish-Russian situation. far° fromthle in~es. Iusually varies from a few hours to syv-eral dhays, and i large number of the cases are i this wav retuined to eoahat iuly soon. Different in (ast War In the last war the treatient of these cases was different. In the first place, combat duty was often a static kind of warfare, and the sol- diers fought mostly from trenches. This war, however, is a very mobile type of warfare. In the second place, the former treatment was based on the belief that the patients were su fering from actual shock which in most instances wasn't the case. The term, shell-shock, was used as a name for the symptoms of fear, an- xiety, and fatigue caused by the ten- sions of war. It had the connotation that there was a physical or mental injury which in most cases didn't ex- ist. Consequently, these cases were either evacuated to England or to the United States. But since the period beween the development of the symptoms and the utilization of the treatment was prolonged, these cases had little opportunity for rapid re- covery. In many instances, they nev- er fully recovered. However, since as much prevention of the occurrence of these cases as possible is desired, the spirit of the battle units is highly important. With a high morale, fatigue cases are apt to occur less frequentay. 1H hosiery Cotton Mesh 89c to $ 1.39 Cotton Lace $1.50 Rayon Fine Mesh, Good wearing quality $1.18 Rayon Mesh 98c SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. N SPRING SUIT ilorecail icre they are! Spring's newest, smartest suits! In casual and dressmaker styles, navy, black, pastels, checks. Practically in- dispensable for your busy life. SPECIAL BUY BO N DS STUDENT'S RATE A -- Open 9:30 - Monday 12:00 6.00 - 8:301 n fZfor 8rmonli 0/ 345 Maynard Street TIME TH E WEEKLY NEWSMAGAZI NE FOLLETT'S I I , CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In-- crease of 0le for each additional words.) Non-Contract $i .00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (n- crease of 25c for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request 1 -4 J WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent or buy: phono- graph or Victrola. Call Michigan Union, Room 100, after 3. ROOMS FOR RENT - One single and one double room for men. 931 Green- wood. MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 s. - I v ~ i iI