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February 04, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-04

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Cloudy and COld

VOL. LIV No. 71


Soviet Forces




Erman Divisions

_ " ','

Namur Island
Captured by
U.S. Marines
Three Airstrips on Roi
Island Can Be Repaired
For Use by Americans
Associated Press Corrspondent
3.-Namur Island at the northern tip
of Kwajalein atoll in the Marshall
Islands and four nearby islets have
been captured by Marines of the
Fourth Division in the developing
Central Pacific offensive.
Seizure of these tiny spots of land,
announced today by Adm. Chester
W. Nimitz, gives American forces full
opportunity to repair and use the
three airstrips on Rol Island, cap-
tured earlier.
The Roiairfield, with its dispersal
area on Namur, formed the most for-
midable air base, the Japanese had
constructed in the Marshalls in more
than two decades of operations.
At the southern end of the atoll,
on Kwajalein islet, stiff Japanese re-
sistance continued. An enemy coun-
ter-attack there Tuesday night was
thrown back with heavy Nipponese
New troops and mechanized equip-
ment had been landed by the inva-
sion fleet, Nimitz said. With this
added strength the seventh infantry
division renewed its attacks after
daylight Wednesday and the enemy
was being annihilated.
Islets near Namur which were tak-
en by storm, presumably Wednesday,
were Gagan, Edjell, Debuu and Edi-
Known American dead on Kwaj-
alein Island were 27, with nine miss-
ing and 190 wounded.
PP * ,
Clpper Killed.
In Pl ane Crash
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.--(P)-Ray-
mond Clapper, whose tireless energy
as a reporter won him the title of
"the newspaperman's columnist," has
been killed in a plane crash over the
Marshall Islands-victim of his own
belief that the only way to write a
wartime column was to see some of
the war first-hand.
The Navy's announcement that
Clapper was a passenger in one of
two planes that collided, crashed into
a lagoon and left no survivors, im-
mediately evoked expressions of re-
gret from many high Washington
officials who knew the writer and
radio commentator for a score of
C onvocation for
Servicemen Will
Be Held To ay
All Army and Navy trainees sta-
tioned on campus will attend a mil-
itary convocation at 4:15 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium which is designed
to give them a picture of the Uni-
versity as a whole.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
who will give the main talk, will at-
tempt to give the servicemen a com-
plete picture of the campus, not only
from the standpoint of what it is
trying to do for servicemen and civil-
ians, but also of the position which
it holds in the community, the state,
and the nation. This will be the first

military convocation ever to be held
He will introduce the heads of the
various schools and colleges as well
as other leading administrators.
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students,
will preside at the convocation. Short
talks will be given by Col. Frederick
C. Rogers, commandant of the 3651st
S.U., and Capt. Richard Cassidy.
NewDerry Is Left
Dark by Gremlins
Gremlins, that's what it was!
They snuck in during the night and
blew out the main fuse so that Helen
Newberry was in darkness until 1
p.m. yesterday,
Mrs. A. S. Monagham, dorm.
switchboard operator, with the aid of

Har on Signs Soldier Vote Petition
3 }


Representatives Have
Betrayed Amerkcans
THE 10,000,000 American boys fighting and dying for their
country in the Pacific, in Italy, and in the Aleutians have
been betrayed by their own elected representatives.
Despite pleas by the War and Navy Departments and
by the President for federal soldier vote machinery, the
House yesterday rejected the bill of Rep. Worley (Denm.,
Tex.) Though high officials have declared that effective
voting by servicemen scattered all over the world cannot be
accomplished under 48 different election systems, the House
is proceeding toward passage of a bill leaving the ballot up
to the states.
The same coalition of Republicans and Southern Denn-
ocrats who defeated the proposal for a roll call vote on
Tuesday are today backing the "states' rights" measure.
According to a recent National Opinion Research Center
Poll more than 60% of the people in the nation favor a federal
bill for service voting. Yet these representatives of the people
openly flouted their will.
IHow long will the American people passively let their
rights be takien front themu? The united effort of an aroused
people is necessary. To fight for democracy abroad, we
inust preserve democracy at ho rne
world LNrew.ineBrief

Nzis Admit Withdrawal
50 Miles into Old Poland
Berlin Announces Sudden Evacuation of
Rovno, Lutsk During Great Russian Trap
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Feb. 3.-Premier Marshal Stalin announced tonight that
ten German divisions-probably between 120,000 and 150,000 men-have
been trapped by a new double-headed Red Army offensive in the Ukraine,
while Berlin announced the sudden evacuation of Rovno and Lutsk (Luck)
in a sensational 50-mile Axis withdrawal deep inside old Poland.
Springing the greatest trap since Stalingrad, the First and Second
Ukraine Armies under Generals Nikolai F. Vatutin and Ivan S. Konev cap-
tured 300 towns and villages in a shattering five-day 100-mile breakthrough
to join forces along the Zvenigoroda-Shpola line, 45 miles below the middle
Dnieper River.
The ten German divisions were locked in a circular pocket approxi-
mately 50 miles in diameter. They now face annihilation. It seemed un-
0 likely the German command could

-Dily Photo by Katie Tripp
Lt. Too lHarflhon is shown signing a petition presented by Belle
Rosenthal, calling for a federal soldier vote bill, before he delivered his
lecture Wednesday for the Post-War Council. The petition with signa-
tures collected by various students was telegraphed by Michigan Youth
for Democratic Action to Rep. Earl Michener.
House Votes . oWn Plan for
Federal Servicemen's Blli

WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.-(P)--The
House voted on a roll call vote of 328
to 69 tonight to leave with the states,
rather than the federal government,
the election machinery for soldier
voting in this fall's important elec-
Previously the House members had
refused to stand up and be counted,
as President Roosevelt had suggested
in saying that any legislation merely
leaving the service vote responsibili-
ty to the states was "a fraud."
But tonight, in a long session spar-
kled through its dragging hours only
by outbursts of sharp feeling, the
members went on record twice. Be-
fore getting to a final vote, they had
rejected 224 to 168 on a roll call a
proposal by Rep. Worley (Dem., Tex)
to provide the federal ballot bill.
On both lineups, Republicans and
southern Democrats teamed up with
University To
Hold Exercises
Februwary p19
The University will hold mid-year
graduation exercises for the second
time in its history at 10 a.m. on Sat.,
Feb. 19 in Hill Auditorium.
President John A. Hannah of
Michigan State College will give the
commencement address on the sub-
ject "The Debt We Owe." He will ad-
dress a graduatig class of 489 stu-
dents, only half the number that
graduated at this time last year.
President Hannah will be present-
ed by President Ruthven, who will
make a few introductory demarks.
The Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn of
the' ZionLutheran Church will give
the invocation.,
Students and the general public
will be admitted only by ticket. These
can be obtained in Room 1, Univer-
sity Hall after Feb. 9.
Symphony and
Swi as Tickets
Are on Sale Now
General ticket sales for Michigan's
latest addition to campus activities-
Symphony and Swing-to be held
Feb. 13 in Hill Auditorium will begin

the winning side, although in both
instances there were some Republi-
cans and some Democrats from the
south who voted for the federal bal-
lot the Administration sought.
"We're not afraid to be counted,"
shouted Republican leader Martin,
of Massachusetts.
Before getting to the roll calls, the
House rejected an amendment simi-
lar to one which Senate Administra-
tion leaders agreed to during the day,
limiting use of a federal ballot large-
ly to military personnel overseas.
Rep. Woodrum (Dem., Va.) plead-
ed against rushing too much. and
then remarked that "the spec-
tacle we are making here, tonight
isn't adding to the prestige of the

Allies Make 'Big raids ...
LONDON, Feb. 3(.-(P)-A near-
record force of 1,100 Flying Fortres-
ses and escorting Thunderbolt, Light-
ning and Mustang long-range .fight-
ers flew a round trip ,of more than
700 miles: through bad weather and
dumped perhaps 1,500 tons of bombs,
on the big German shipbuilding-and
naval base of Wilhelmshaven today.
Pope Won't Move
LONDON, Feb. 3.-(A)- The
Germans were reported tonight to
have notified Pope Pius XII that
the fate of Rome will be "subject
to military considerations," but the
Pope has refused to abandon "his
Willkie To Give Ideas ...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.- (I)-
Wendell L. Willkie was invited to-
night to lay before the Senate Fin-
ance Committee any concrete sug-
gestions he may have for increasing
revenues in line with his assertion
that federal taxes ought to be boost-
ed by $16,000,000,000 or so.

Spain Stays Neutral.
LONDON, Feb. 3.-(1)-A special
session of the Spanish cabinet, pre-
sided over by Generalissimo . Fran-
cisco Franco, has decided to main-
tain Spanish -neutrality; DNB said
tonight in a broadcast recorded by
tle Associated Press.
** *
Alexishaf en Bombed .
day, Feb. 4.--(P)-Allied bombers
dropped 77 tons of explosives on
Alexishafen, the Japanese plane
and supply base on the northeast
coast of New Guinea, the high
command said today.
* * *
6,500 Workers Strike ...
DETROIT, Feb. 3.-~(P)-Produc-
tion remained at a virtual standstill
tonight at four of the six plants of
General Motors Corporation's Chev-
rolet Gear and Axle Division where
approximately 6,500 employes were
on strike.

U .. Troops
Fight Way
Into Cassino
Nazi 'Suicide Squads'
Fight To Keep Hold
In Outflanked City
ITALY, Feb. 3.-(I')-American in-
fantrymen thrust into Cassino today
for an hour of bitter street fighting
and formed their lines tonight for a
second assault on the tottering Ger-
man stronghold in their drive to open
the way for a 50-mile advance to
form a junction with Allied landing
forces south of Rome.
Facing them were Nazi "suicide
squads" fighting to hold on in this
outflanked city on the Fifth Army
In a field dispatch sent from a for-
ward command post outside Cassino,
Associated Press correspondent Hal
Boyle said American-troops charged
into the town just after dawn today
and topk prisoners before they with-
drew under the fire of heavily armed
German tanks.
The leader of the American thrust,
red-haired Lt. John Murphy of Phil-
adelphia, Pa., was quoted: "We are
forming up now for another attack;
we can't quit on this thing in the
middle of the row."
(A Cairo broadcast heard in Lon-
don declared that "street fighting is
going on in Cassino. Tanks have
forced a breakthrough and Allied in-
fantry is pouring into the town.")
The battle for Cassino heralded
the approaching end of three months
of hard, bloody fighting to crack the
enemy's main mountain defense line
across Italy.

muster sufficient reserves to break
the Soviet ring, engaged heavily as it
is on virtually every sector of the
long eastern front.
To the north the Russian Lenin-
grad Army under Gen. Leonid A.
Govorov, converging on Narva, seven
miles inside Estonia, captured 50
more villages, said the daily Soviet
communique. Gains also were re-
ported in the drive westward from
Novgorod and Novosokolniki all along
the 230-mile northern front.
Moscow was silent on the startling
German announcement of Axis . re-
verses inside old Poland.
Russians Are Now
Fighting in Estonia
LONDON, Feb. 4, Friday.--(P)A
Reuters dispatch from Moscow -said
today it was officially announced
that the Rusians were now fighting
inside Estonia.
]lars haillSays
Present .Battles
Are Previews
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.-(M)-Gen-
eral George C. Marshall told the na-
tion tonight that "great battles" im-
pending in Europe and the Marshall
Islands thrust in the Pacific is only
the preview to more action there, but
he asserted that the people at home
still fail to grasp the magnitude of
the effort needed for victory.
The U.S. Chief of Staff, disclosing
he had receeived "vehement protests"
from the public because flame throw-
ers were used against the Japanese,
said that this shows a lack of "under-
standing of the meaning of our dead
on the beaches of Tarawa."

Recreational workshop To Be
Held in Rackham Saturday

Snowman announces Visit of Prowinent Bard Leader

Sponsored by the Coordinating
Committee on Recreation, Defense
Councils of Wayne, Washtenaw, and
Macomb Counties, Willow Run Area
Rrecreation Project, the southeastern
Michigan recreational workshop for
volunteer- and professional workers
will be held in the Rackham building
from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday,
Feb. 12.
The all-day conference will be given
in cooperation with the Washtenaw
County Youth Guidance Committee,
the University Department of Physi-
cal Education and Athletics, the De-
partment of Physical Education of
Michigan State, the University Ex-
Subsidies Are
Discussed in
Forum Here
"The entire war is a subsidy; the
government is paying out money to
accomplish a public purpose," Don-
ald Montgomery, Director of Con-
sumer Relations for the Internation-
al UAW-CIO, Detroit, said in a talk
last night.
Mr. Montgomery was one of the
principal speakers at a forum on
"Are Food Subsidies Desirable?"
which was held in the auditorium of
the Ann Arbor High School last

tension Service, and the Adult Edu-
cation Program.
In connection with the workshop
an exhibit of recreational materials
prepared by Edith Thomas, Library
Extension Service, will be shown in
the Rackham foyer,
Included on the program will be
panel discussions on recreation and
related fields such as music, recruit-
ing and training volunteer leaders.
The general assembly which will
start the workshop off will be direct-
ed by Ross L. Allen, of the Depart-
ment of Physical Education and Ath-
letics. Other speakers who will ap-
pear throughout the day's program
are: Kenneth Wible, sup't of Public
Recreation, Highland Park; Hans J:
Schmidt, director of the Williow Run
Area Recreation Project; Olga Mada,
director of recreation, Local 50, UAW-
CIO; and members of the University
and Michigan State faculties.
Servicemen Will
Make V-Ball
Inter-COlle iate
Michigan will play host to all oth-
er colleges for 1944's Victory Ball
theme, according to Rupert Straub,
general chairman for the affair.
Featuring Les Brown and his or-

.... ... .

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