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November 04, 1943 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-11-04

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~t7~~AYNO 7. 4: 104

Governor:1Tr ge S1 eed from,
Committee on Delinquency

Three 'U' W omen Appointed to Daily Editorial Positions

Former Conmancnder of
Company A Is Promoted

LANSING, Nov. 3 - VP) -- Against
the backdrop of a report by the pri-
sons showing nearly 800 'teen age
youths in their custody and the num-
ber committed this year rising alarm-
ingly, Governor Kelly today instruct-
ed his juvenile delinquency study
committees to speed their work.
In morning and afternoon meet-
ings, his legislative survey committee
was split up into subcommittees, each
assigned to a particular phase of the
problem, with the Governor declar-
ing plainly that he had no illusions
that a simple revision of Michigan's
youth welfare and delinquency laws
would magically solve the problem,
although he expected it to help. A
parent committee of 11, also studying
other child welfare phases, met with
the legislative group.
Garrett Heyns, state corrections di-
Ja Morale
(Continued from Page 1)
leaders, although convinced that
Japan will lose to the Allies in the
present war, anticipate another
war a generation later in which
they will lead the Asiatic races to
victory over the white races. To
this end the Japanese are said to
be sowing the seeds of brotherhood
among the Asiatics now, along
with seeds of hatred for the whites.
Premier Tojo himself is pic-
tured as changing his war atti-
tude, veering away from his old
idea of a 100 percent military
government and spending the
past six months trying to ap-
pease the financiers, business
men and industrialists who orig-
nally were largely ignored.
These latter groups were greatly
dissatisfied with the cold shoulder
treatment, and are said to be re-
sponding to Tojo's present efforts
only weakly.'
Tojo's aim is believed to be to
get some of these once-snubbed
groups into the government to
help absorb the shock of the full-
fledged Allied offensive when it
hits Japan.
Despite these signs that the mil-
itarists are now grooming civilians
to accept governmental responsi-
bility for what may be efforts to-
ward a negotiated peace in the
distant future, there is no evidence
that Japan's present leaders and
their jingoistic adherents have
abandoned the idea to fight "to
the last man" in defense of the
Only serious territorial losses,
particularly the Netherlands East
Indies or Malaya, or destruction of
Japan's industrial production
would force the Japanese to con-
sider suing for peace, according to
repatriates who are familiar with
Japanese politics.
Military Grip Tightened
The recent elevation of Mamoru
Shigemitsu to the post of foreign
minister is considered a step to-
ward a long-term'replacement of
the present tight military grip by a
government with civilians who
would take the rap domestically
for a negotiated peace.
.Liquor Stores
Are Cautioned
LANSING, Nov 3-(P)-Liquor li-
censees were cautioned today to exer-
cise prudence in using their newly
authorized privilege of buying sup-
plemental stocks in other states, as
the State Liquor Control Commission
reported that swindlers have victim-
ized gullible drinking house operators
in the Detroit area.

Commissioner Felix H. H. Flynn
said police are investigating com-
plaints that at least three licensees
had made "down payments" to as-
sure liquor deliveries from other
states to persons who filed no orders,
but disappeared..

rector, said a survey disclosed Mich-
igan has 12 15-year-old boys serving
sentences in prisons for adults, and
6 16-year-olds. There are 199 17-
year-clds and 240 18-year-olds in the
prisons, Heyns said.
A survey, he continued, showed
that in 1943 the number of persons
over the age of 18 committed to pri-
son has declined in comparison with
totals for the same months in recent
years, while thesnumber of minors
below that age has increased.
Heyns said he considered the draft
and greater opportunity for honest,
gainful employment explained re-
duced committals in the higher age
group, but that pending further
analysis it would not be proper to
draw other conclusion from the fig-
ures at this time.
Heyns reported seven 15-year-olds
were sent to prison in the first nine
months of this.year. In the compara-
tive period of 1940 the total in this
age group was two, in 1941 it was
three and last year five.
The survey showed 54 16-year-olds
sent to prison in the same months
this year, compared with 8 in those
months of 1940, a similar total in the
same period of 1941, and 22 in those
months of 1942.
The first nine months of 1943 saw
prison doors close on 141 17-year-
olds, Heyns said, compared with 1940-
41-42 figures of 81, 84 and 93.
Heyns termed it significant that in
the same months the number of 18-
year-olds (minimum draft age) drop-
ped to 115, compared with 103, 99 and
104 in 1940-41-42.
Leaking Ceiling
Disturbs Army
Broken Pipe Awakens
Station Complement
Midnight and all is well; so
thought the Station Complement
who had that day moved into their
new headquarters at 1408 Washte-
naw. The Station Complement is
the permanent personnel for Army
Suddenly the entire staff was
awakened by the sound of water
streaming into the first floor rooms.
After rushing downstairs the men
found a steady flow of water pour-
ing from the ceiling. One of the
pipes under the bathroom floor on
the second story had broken.
The plumber was slightly per-
turbed at having been awakened in
the wee hours of the morning ar-
rived and turned off the water. Ap-
parently the steam pressure from
the newly lighted furnace had
caused the accident.-
Now the Station Complement has
an ugly hole in the ceiling to greet
them anytime they inhabit the
downstairs rooms of Headquarters.
A section of the ceiling is torn out
until the plumber can complete the
repairing of the piping system.
New Marines
Are Sent Here
Fifteen Marine recruits were sta-
tioned at Michigan this semester,
making a total of 250 Marines on
Nine of these men come from ac-
tual combat duty, two of the recruits
just completed their high school
programs and four are transfer stu-
dents from other universities.
Marines who have successfully
completed their course here are sent
to Parris Island for a period of in-
doctrination during which they re-
ceive the regular "boot" or recruit
training. After this they are sent to
Quantico for two courses.
Upon completion of the first train-

ing, an officer's candidate course,
they receive their gold bars.
After this they take a reserve offi-
cer's course which gives them an
opportunity to fulfill their new offi-
cial duties. Upon the successful
completion of these two courses, they
will be assigned to active duty.

Editorial Director City Editor

Associate Editor

Health Service
Answers 'Sick
Call' of Soldiers
Any morning, a student eagerly
rushing to his eight o'clock might be
confronted with a group of soldiers
marching to Health Service for their
"sick call."
A cold, a headache, or some other
ailment, if reported to a higher offi-
cer, enables an Army man to go to
Health Service where he can be giv-
en the immediate proper medical
Captain Roman C. Pauly, who is
the Army Medical Officer in charge
of the Army "sick call" headquar-
ters, is assisted by several enlisted
men. The Navy's reciprocal "sick
call" headquarters is located in the
West Quad under the supervision o',
Lieut. J. M. Jacody.
"Sick call" service is based on
Health Service'scontract withithe
Arm y and Navy units here, entitling
their men to medical care free of
charge. Besides doctoring care, the
"sick call" offices have such routine
tasks as examining and injecting the
newly entered.
When urgent hospital care is
necessary, the men are either in-
terned in Health Service or sent to
the University Hospital, depending
upon the seriousness of the case.
"So far the military men are in
good shape," Dr. Warren E. For-
sythe, director of Health Service,
stated. "However, one of the great-
est problems that will be confront-
ing us will be the lack of hospitali-
zation space."
Earthquake Rocks Lima
LIMA, Peru, Nov. 3.-(IP)-A short,
strong earthquake tremor rocked
Lima and nearby cities today.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request

Quartermaster Takes Over.
Detroit Laundry for Army

Capt. George G. Spence, former
commanding officer of Company A,
was recently promoted from a lieu-
tenant to a captain.
Capt. Spence entered the ranks as
a private on Feb. 20, 1941 in one of
the first groups to be inducted under
selective service. He worked up
through the ranks to become a ser-
geant within ten days and was ulti-
mately made a first sergeant.
In October 1941 he was pulled out
of the line and sent to an Army
school for specialized training. Upon
graduation from that school he re-
ceived his commission. Although he
was a line officer, he was sent here
to run Company A.
Men in Co. A Hand-Picked
"Each man in Company A is hand-
picked. Before he is assigned to the
company, he is personally inter-
viewed by a high ranking officer of
the Army and out of the hundreds
who are interviewed aDproximately
25 percent are selected," Capt.
Spence said recently.
Company A devotes 24 hours a
week to classroom work, 12 hours to
military instruction and 24 hours to
supervised study. Many of the men
have IQ's over 150. More than 35
percent of the first class were Phi
Betas. The average man in the com-
pany has completed more than four
years of college.
Get One-Year Course
The men are receiving a one-year
course here. They are given all
necessary military training so that
when they leave here they are ready
for OCS, which is their next step.
Many of the men in the company
were outstanding in various fields
before entering the Army. Cpl. Gor-
don Cotler was managing editor of
Columbia Jesters and of the Colum-
bia Literary Review, author of a book
written for Columbia's Golden Anni-

"Where can we get our clothes
washed?" was the urgent cry of all
Ann Arbor Army men who received
.from every laundry the familiar
statement, "Sorry, due to the short-
age of labor we accommodate only
our old customers."
Because of this critical situation
the Colonial Laundry in Detroit was
taken over about Oct. 1 by the quar-
termaster to serve all the enlisted
Army personnel in and around De-
The men pay $1.60 per month as a
flat charge which is deducted month-
ly from their pay. They may send as
many pieces as they want. Ann Arbor
men, who are this laundry's best
customers, send from 1,500 to 2,000
bundles per week. The washing goes
into Detroit on Wednesdays and is
returned within five days.
Operated by civilian personnel un-

der the supervision of the Army, this
soap and water factory is directed
by Major Slick, a former laundry
Formerly the servicemen had their
washing done independently. Sev-
eral made use of a commercial laun-
dry in Detroit, while some invaded
a local Chinese establishment; oth-
ers even prevailed upon kindly
townspeople to take in a few bundles
a week.
No longer need rainy weather,
muddy streets or greasy fingers hold
any fear fo" the servicemen on cam-
pus; they have a laundry of their





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Daily salesmen wi



be stationed on

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Doctor Speaks for Christ
M.D. from Johns Hopkins, 1937.
. CAN SAY that the Bible is true in the face of science ..
1 have gone through it with doubts, but all of them have
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graciously leads a fellow in regard to courses, department,
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tn whole oArsn does his part like a man . . . The best reward

plete set of Dietzgen Commander
instruments. Phone 2-3524. 3x
district. 6 room farmhouse in fine
condition, electricity, furnace, 2
car garage, chicken coop, 4 acres.
Lake frontage. Close to school.
Only $7,500. Also good farms for
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Phone 22839. 6x
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claud Brown, 512 5. Main Street.
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
WANTED: several fellows to work
for board at Theta Delta Chi. Call
23297. 3
American student with spare time,
preferably Saturdays, able to
spend day or two in Detroit every

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