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February 01, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-01

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' tTNrAY. TTBP 1. 1.944

Prof. Christian
To Give Organ
Recital Sucnda y
Program To FeatIIre
Year's First Concerti
Of University Choir
Appearing in the first of a series
of three Sunday afternoon organ
recitals, Dr. Palmer Christian, organ-
Ist, and the University Choir will
present a concert at 4:15 p.m. Sun
day in Hill Auditorium.
The University Choir, 50-voice
choral group directed by Dr. Christ-
Ian, will make its first appearance of
the year at this time. The concert
is open to the public without charge.
Carl Weinrich, organist and choir-
master at Princeton University, will
appear as guest organist Feb. 20. Dr.
Christian and Prof. Harden Van-
Deursen, baritone, are scheduled to
present a joint concert Feb. 27.
Selections to be sung by the Choir
in this Sunday's program include
Kodaly's "Ave Maria;" Arensky's
"Praise of the Lord in Heaven;" "The
Beatitudes," by Panchenko; three
choruses from "Rosemary" by Ran-
dall Thompson with lyrics from Ben-
et's "Tiger Joy," and William Schu-
mann's "Prelude for Women's Voices"
with text from "Look Homeward,
Angel" by Thomas Wolfe.
Dr. Christian will play composi-
tions by Bohm, Lully, Rameau, Stai-
ltz, Bach, Bubeck, Gilson and Mulet.
* .* *
Music School
Sponsors Tur
Prof. Arthur Hackett, tenor, and
Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pianist, will
present the second recital in a series
of three out-of-town concerts spon-
sored by the School of Music in con-
junction with the University Exten-
sion Service at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow
in the main auditorium of the Rack-
ham Educational Memorial Building
in Detroit.
Prof. Hackett and Prof. Brinkman
will open a similar series to be given
in Grand Rapids Feb. 7 in the Grand
Rapids St. Cecilia Society auditor-
Other faculty members to appear
in out-of-town concerts include Prof.
Wassily Besekirsky, violinist, who will
present all-Brahms programs with
Prof. Brinkman in both Grand Rap-
ids and Detroit, and Prof. Gilbert
Ross, violinist, and Miss Helen Titus,
pianist, who appeared last week in
Detroit and who will present a second
program in Grand Rapids later in
Four Coeds Tapped
By Mortar Board
Waking part of the campus out of
a sound sleep, Mortar Board mem-
bers yesterday morning marched
through dorms and sororities singing
their traditional "Thy Ideals," to tap
four second semester juniors to mem-
New members of Mortar Board,
senior honorary society, are: Rosalie
Bruno, Helen Newberry; Charlotte
Haas, Kappa Alpha Theta; Mary
Ann Olson, Betsy Barbour, and Peggy
Morgan, Delta Delta Delta.
Standards for the organization are
based on leadership, scholarship and
service. The scholarship require-
ments include an over-all average of
three-tenths of a point above campus
average. This year, the necessary
scholastic record was 2.8 or over.
Carrying out a tradition of many
years standing, new members were
seen on' campus yesterday wearing
their newly acquired mortar boards.

Movie Stars Gather To Attend President Roosevelt's Birthday Luncheon

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'ilt stais gathered with Mrs. Roosevelt in the Fast Room of the
White House before luncheon with the President, honoring him on
his 62nd birthday. They are in Washington to help raise funds for the
National Foundation for Infanatile Paralysis. Front row (left to right):
Louis Prima, Guy Lonmbardo, Brian Aherne, Grantland Rice (face par-

tially showing), Roland Young, Red Skelton, .ohn Garfield, Meyer
Davis, Walter l'idgeon, Brian Donlevy, and Dean Murphy. Raek row
(left to right): Joan Fontaine, Martha Scott, Mary Martin, Virginia
Field, Mary Pickford, Mrs. Roosevelt, Lucille Ball, Maria Montez, Jinx
Falkenburg, Jeanne Cagney, Lily Pons, and Patricia Collinge.

Ruthven Sugg
Among hive
A marriage of ir.nstitulioiis to pro-
mote international education and
understanding was suggested by
President Alexander G. Rutihve i
Sunday in a speech at the Interna-
tional Center.
Peace Requires Knowledge
"Specifically." Dr. Ruthven said.,
"I suggest that a close alliance be
formed between each oniversity in
this country and a kindred institu-
tion of another country, including as
many foreign countries as possible,
to the end that each institution may
constitute a foreign center of influ-
ence and information for its asso-
He said the great interest in inter-
national education is due to "a wide-
Direct 1)""te
C _-I--It
it, 0o. (4' Show
Lt. Melvin G. Flegal will serve as
dance director of Co. C's forthcoming
musical production "Bidin' Our
Lt. Flegal was in the show bus-
iness from the time he graduated
high school until he entered the
Army in June 1942. He operated
dancing schools in Salt Lake City,
Denver and Los Angeles, produced
some shows along the west coast, and
operated some booking agencies. He
also worked for RKO, Loew Corp. and
the Pantagous circuits.
When he first, entered the Army
he hoped to get into specialized ser-
vice in order to continue with the
production of shows. He said that he
"fell in love with the infantry" and
therefore changed his mind.
He was commissioned as a second
lieutenant on Jan. 15, 1943 and was
recently made a first lieutenant.
Co. C's original musical comedy is
scheduled to be produced early in
March. The music is written by Cpl.
Troy Bartlett with lyrics by Cpl. Hy
Wolotsky. Cpl. Wolotsky is directing
the rehearsals which are now in

ests 'Alliances'
1"ities of WOrld
spread and growing understanding
that internal order and international
cooleration cannot be assured by
political guaranties, economic nos-
trums, force, blood relationships, or
fear, but only through knowledge
and the resulting mutual understand-
"We are tired arnd disgusted Sith
war as a means of settling differences
of opinion." he continued. "We are
beginning to realize that knowledge
is the only sure way of minimizing
prejudice and intolerance."
Isolationism Impossible
He said that "more intimate inter-
cultural relations between all peo-
ples" is necessary and that we must
learn how other peoples live as a part
of our education.
"In oher words,." he explained,
jno matter how much we are inclined
to be provincialnwesimply cannot
cot~inut~ie to b iolatiomst and also
He suggested several procedures
which would promote international
education. Among these wvere an
"extensive interchange of students,
teachers and -investigators, an exten-
sive program of adult education,"
and a greater development of the
belief among educators and students
that "true education is by its very
nature international in spirit."
Ieloca tion Lo
Be Diseussed
"Japanese Relocation and Peace
Relations" will be the subject of a
discussion by Perry Saito, leader of
Pacifitc Coast Methodist Youth
Groups, to be given at 8 p.m. today at
Lane Hall.
Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Fel-
lowship of Reconciliation, this talk
will be open to students, servicemen
and townspeople.
Mr. Saito, who has been in close
contact with the relocation problem,
is an instructor in sociology ,and a
theological student.

Yan koff Escapes Death Many Times

E'ditor's note: This is the third in a.
series of five articles on the experiences
of Sgt. Boris Yankoff of Co. A.
Sgt. Boris Yankoff's thrilling mili-
tary experiences started in Russia at
the time of the Russian Revolution
and continued through the invasion
of Manchuria, the bombing of Pearl
Harbor, the Battles of Guadalcanal,
Munda and Vella-Levela and con-
tinued up until the time he came
here to study with Co. A.
Several times during his career he
has narrowly escaped death. He vol-
unteered for the first wave of attack-
Posts Open for
Petitioning To Continue
Through Tomorrow
Petitioning for the six positions on
the central committee for Assembly's
Recognition Night will continue
through tomorrow, according to Doris
Barr, '44, president of Assembly
Sophomore, junior and senior in-
dependent women may petition for
general chairman of the affair; all
non-sorority women, freshmen in-
cluded, are eligible for the remaining
five positions of assistant to general
chairman, publicity chairman, ar-
rangtments chairman, tickets chair-
man and program chairman. Peti-
tions may be obtained in the under-
graduate office of the League and
women may sign up for interviews
when they go for their petition.
Interviewing will be held from 3:30
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday and Fri-
day, and from 9 a.m. until noon Sat-
Recognition Night will take the
place of the Assembly Banquet. It
will be held at the League and des-
sert will be served.
The program will tentatively con-
sist of a speaker and presentation of
plaques and awards to the persons
and houses with the highest scholas-
tic averages and the extra-curricular

ers who were to land on the island of
"We had just gotten off the de-
stroyer and into a landing barge
when Jap bombers sunk the ship,"
Sgt. Yankoff said. "The Japs didn't
bother with the barge as they were
interested in larger boats.
"Once a captain, another fellow
and -I were walking together in the
jungles when a bomb hit close by.
The other fellow was thrown into the
jungles and received a concussion. It
took about two hours of searching to
find him. The captain and I were
both thrown about 15 feet. I thought
I had been blown to bits and felt for
my legs. I was surprised to find that
they were still there.
"Once when we were bombed dur-
ing the night I was thrown ten feet
and bounced off a tree. Another time
a Jap sniper shot at me from a tree.
The bullet grazed my head and land-
ed in the bank near which I was
standing. I picked it up and kept it
for a souvenir.
"I also have in my possession a
piece of shrapnel that missed my
head by just a couple of inches," he
"Once when we were sitting un-
der the cocoanut trees eating on
one of the islands, I noticed every-
one staring. Just then a heavy co-
coanut fell a few inches from my
head. It wasn't a pleasant experi-
ence, because I remembered that
the first man who was killed on
Guadalcanal was killed not by a
bullet but by a cocoanut.
"The landing had been made on
Guadalcanal without any casualties.
Right afterwards this man was
standing under a tree near the shore
When a Senator Whistles
The Girls Come Running
LANSING, Jan. 31.-(lP)-When
members of the Michigan Senate
whistle at the girls they come a-run-
ning. You see, they are pages.
For the first time in 30 years, two
of the Senate pages for the special
session opening today are girls, hired
because, as one official said, "we
simply can't get enough boys at $35
a week."

when a cocoanut fell out of it and
killed him. The trees are so high that
when the cocoanuts fall they are
very dangerous," Sgt. Yankoff said.
"About 75 Japs put up the last
resistance at Guadalcanal. They
started to fire at a sergeant, who
was my best friend, and at me. We
fell down in the tall grass. My
friend forgot to roll over, and so
the Japs, who had already taken
aim, shot him the moment he stuck
his head up.
"I tried to get his rifle, but the
firing was too thick, so I was unable
to. The next day we went back and
found that all the flesh had been
taken, off his body. After the Japs'
food supply was exhausted, they ate
not only human flesh but also every
lizard, snake or living thing they
could lay their hands on," he said.
Sgt. Yankoff's most recent "close
shave" occurred about Christmas
time. When he was in New Zealand,
he received orders to fly back to the
States to study. The plane he was on1
stopped at Hawaii to refuel. Sgt.
Yankoff's mother was living in Ha-
waii and, therefore, he did not con-
tinue the trip with the rest of the
party. He remained on the islands to
spend Christmas with his mother,
planning to take a plane a couple of
days later.
When he arrived in San Fran-
cisco just before New Year's, some-
one said to him, "You know you're
lucky. That plane you were in got
into trouble and couldn't find the
landing field. It crashed and every
person aboard was killed."
WAA To Sponsor
Rec-Rally Feb. 12
The second WAA sponsored Rec-
Rally will be held from 8 p.m. to 11
p.m. Saturday, Feb. 12.
Featuring badminton, ping pong,
volley ball, deck tennis, bowling, and
parlor games, as well as square danc-
ing, Rec-Rally offers a chance for
all servicemen and students interest-
ed in indoor sports activities to ex-
ercise their skill.
- A small admission charge has been
levied to defray the cost of expenses,
and tennis shoes must be worn for
valley bal land badminton.
Ski Club To Meet
Attempting to make the most of
the sudden snow flurry, members of
the Ski Club who signed up for Tues-
day instruction periods will meet at
3 p.m. today in front of the WAB,
Louise Forbush, '45, manager of the
Ski Club, announced yesterday.

Prof. Rodkey
Advises Buying
Series E Bonds
Emphasizes Value of
War Bonds as Safest
Wartime Investment
The emphasis in the Fourth War
Loan drive on buying war bonds only
as a favor to the government is mis-
leading, Dr. Robert G. Rodkey, pro-
fessor of banking and investments in
the business administration school,
said yesterday in an interview.
He explained that the person who
buys war bonds is first of all doing
a favor to himself. Although invest-
ment in bonds is highly desirable
from the standpoint of patriotism
and control of inflation, it is equally
valuable from a selfish viewpoint.
Bonds a Safe Investment
Dr. Rodkey's advice to all those
who are looking for a safe invest-
ment, sure to bring returns, is to buy
Series E bonds. Without a doubt,
they are absolutely the safest invest-
ment possible, he said. In illustration
of his point he remarked, "There is
probably not a banker in the country
who hasn't bought up to the limit on
E bonds."
As an additional reason for invest-
ing in war bonds, Dr. Rodkey pointed
out that anyone who wishes to spend
his money now will find a poor selec-
tion of goods and will be forced to
purchase a low-grade quality of com-
modities which he would not buy
under other conditions. If the money
is put into bonds instead, a reserve
fund is built up which will purchase
goods of superior quality when the
war is over.
Series E Is Best
Series E bonds are superior to the
other types of bonds which are being
sold in this war. They yield a higher
rate of interest than the Series F and
G bonds and reach maturity value in
a shorter period. Also, they are not
affected by fluctuating market prices
as are the type of bonds intended for
purchase by banks, he added.
Winners of USO Bridge
Tourney Are Announced
Winners of the USO bridge tour-
nament held Sunday in the USO
Club are: first place, Robert Bennett
and Barbara McIntyre.
Second place winners were tied:
Richard Sharpe and Richard Dick
vieing with Bud Quinn and Charlene
Bridge tournaments are held every
Sunday at 3 p.m. in the ballroom of
the USO Club. All servicemen, stu-
dents and townspeople are invited.


_.._ i



(Continued from Page 2) -

Tuesday at
3....... Wed.,



8:00-10 :00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00




Special Periods:
School of Music: Individual In-
struction in Applied Music. Individ-
ual examinations by appointment
will be given for all applied music
courses (individual instruction) elec-
ted for credit in any unit of the Uni-
versity. For time and place of exam-
inations, see Bulletin Board at the
School of Music.
College of Literature, Science, and

Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32; German 1, 2, 31,
32 ......Fri., Feb. 25, 2:00- 4:00
Events Today
Junior Research Club will meet
tonight at 7:30 in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The program will be
given by Professor Kenneth K. Lan-
des of the Department of Geology
and by Professor Saul L. Cohen of
the Department of Physiology.
Faculty Women's Club Instrumen-
tal Group will meet tonight at 8:00
at the home of Mrs. Lewis M. Simes,
1617 Morton Avenue.
Corning Events
Sigma Xi: Dr. Raymond W. Wag-
goner, Professor of Psychiatry, and


Pettits* dear of the year ... the blazer
suit:E Man-tailored jacket ... wondrously
lined throughout ... bright white wool
binding. Box-pleated skirt. Red-red,
kelly green, chocolate, cherry or,

29- 95

powder blue.


324 South State
81 8 South State




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