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February 01, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-02-01

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Fifty-Fourth Year

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By Lichty


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Edited and managed by students pf the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except "Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except t -
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
Ucation of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by mar.-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44


al Staff

Marion Ford .
June Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaile
![rio Zalenski .
Bud Low. . .
Harvey 'Frank. .
Mary Anne Olson ,
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz .

. . . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
S Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . Ass't Women's Editor
. . . . Columnist
. . . . Columnist


Business Staff
Molly Ann Winokur . . . . euainess Manager
F10Rabeth Carpenter . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Martha Opson . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Telephne 23-241
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views 'of the writers only.
Decided Change Found
In Atitude of Cab Drivers
INCE THE DAILY exposed "unethical" over-
charging on the part of certain cab drivers
in the city, a decided change has been evident
in the attitude of a considerblenumber of other
Reports have come in of drivers exercising
more care in computing fares. rn fact, one
driver called a passenger back Sunday to return
a dime to him because he thought he figured
the fare incorrectly.
Further, many cab companies have ,called
and cited 'incidents wherein their drivers have
gone out of the way to accommodate a pessenger.
that is to be commended, but, in a finer
sense, is obeying 'the law an out of the way
This little flourish of interest should not be
permitted to wane.
Only by continued questioning and active in-
terest on the part of the public can fair practices
be insured. -Stan Wallace
Hitlerg Warns Nazis of
Possible Red Victory
ADOLPH HITLER in his speech 'Suday which
was given on the eleventh anniversary of the
Nazis' assumption of power, warned the German
people of the possibility of a Russian victory,
which he said would result in the total destruc-
tion of Germany.
It seems strange to notice how much Hitler's
tone has changed during the past year. It was
not long ago when the -question he had 'to
answer was how soon-Germany would be victor-
ious and not whether or not she would be.
Hitler repeatedly and sombely admitted the
possibility of German defeat. However, he
mentioned once that "our victory in this con-
flict is not an article of faith but an inner-
most certainty." Even so he did not dare say
much about this certain victory, hnor did he
resort to the hysterical sort of screaming so
characteristic of his speeches in the past,
Hitler tried to bolster Germhan morale by tell-
ing the people how much m'ore difficult had
been the struggle of the Nazi party to get into
the position it holds today than is the present
struggle in which that nation is engaged.
Hitler couldn't think of anything encouraging
to tell his people about their own country, so he
tried to exaggerate the problems of the United
States. He said that after this war there will
be a question as to whether or not the United
htates will be able to resist Bolshevism at home.
Though the speech probably was not very ef-
fective from the standpoint of raising Germ a
morale, it should have done a lot for inorale
right here in the United States. The speech
tos given in Hitler's secret headquarters be-
hind closed doors There was no audience. We
should take heart from Hitler's warning about
si... ~h~vifg M hi A.-tinrv. rIf what .ths

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.--It is still a long way
from the Republican convention in Chicago, but
leading GOPeers have already doped out what
will happen there.
They figure that Willkie will go into the con-
vention with about one-third of the delegates.
Dewey with another third, and Bricker with an-
other third. Then there will be a deadlock.
The other day, Jimmy Reynolds, former sec-
retary of the Republican National Committee,
was asked by a Republican Senator about South-
ern delegates.
"They're not for sale," grinned Reynolds
"Who's got 'em?" the Senator pressed.
"They're not for sale," Reynolds stuck to his,
It has been a well-known secret in GOP circles
for some time that Senator Taft has carefully
corralled the Southern delegates, and they will
go into the convention for Bricker, Later, of
course, they may switch to Taft.
However, regardless of Bricker-Taft shifts,
the convention is sure to be deadlocked into
two general groups-the conservative-isola-
tionists represented by the Dewey-Taft crowd,
and the liberal-interventionists represented by
Result is that some of the leaders are already
looking around very quietly for a man whom
both sides will take. So far, the man they have
scrutinized with greatest care is Senator Harold
Burton of Ohio, for three terms Mayor of Cleve-
An independent Republican, he led the fight
of the B2 H2 Senate group (of which he was a
member) for a non-partisan Senate resolution
endorsing the Moscow agreement and a strong
American policy for a cooperative peace.
Argentine Break with Axis,..
Inside story on Argentina is that, on Friday,
Jan. 21, the State Department prepared a blist-
ering statement on the double question of Bolivia
and Argentina-refusing to recognize the new
Isolationism Will Not
Re '44 -Campaign issue
"!WE HAD thought that isolationism was dead
long ago, even in the pages of that arch-
isolationist publication-the Chicago Tribune.
But no, the spectre rears its ugly head. The
hue and cry is heard once more.
A front page cartoon in the Sunday Trib-
une called "Isolationist and Interventionist"
pictures Washington, Jefferson, Monroe, and
Wilson as taking "the isolationist side." Roose-
velt is shown betraying the fathers and moth-
ers of the country. As an interesting sidelight,
Willkie admits that his 1940 pre-election
speeches which accused Roosevelt of heading
the country into war were only campaign ora-
Also interesting are the pat definitions of
isolationist and interventionist. "One," the Trib-
tine says, "keeps us out of foreign-wars, the other
gets us into foreign wars."
We have a feeling that we've been through all
this before. There are the same old accusa-
tions, propaganda and name-calling that were
rampant in the 1940 campaign. It is the same
old story.
It seems that Mr. McCormick has started his
1944 campaign in dead earnest, but with a de-
cided lack of ogiginality.
The issue is dead and has been since Dec. ',
1941. Mr. McCormick will find that it is futile
to attempt its resurrection. The people of the
United States are looking, not back at the pst,
but forward toward the future

government of Bolivia, and blaming Argentina
for interfering in Bolivian affairs,
That statement was sent across the street
to the White House, where it lay for more than
a day, awaiting the President's approval. If
Roosevelt approved, the U.S. planned to punish
Argentina by freezing all her credits in the
U.S.A., which would have been the most severe
action ever taken by this country against an
American nation since the Good Neighbor
policy was inaugurated,
But the President did not flinch. He had been
goaded for months by Secretary of the Treasury
Morgenthau and by public opinion. It never
leaked out but, once before, the Administration
was ready to crack down on Argentina, while
Secretary of State Hull was in Moscow. But
when Under Secretary Ed Stettinius wired his
chief in Moscow, Hull radioed back that, under
no circumstances, must there be any move
against Argentina.
This time, however, both Hull and Roose-
velt agreed, and the White House okayed the
document Saturday afternoon, sent it back to
the State Department. Plans were laid for its
release on Sunday. This would have frozen
all Argentine funds at the opening of banks
Monday morning.
However, it meant that certain State Depart-
ment officials, particularly in the current in-
formation division, would have to forego their
Sunday rest and put in extra time releasing the
story on Sunday. So the withering blast at
Argentina was delayed until Monday noon.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
I'd Rantherm.
NEW YORK, Feb. 1.-If it should seem to
you that Mr. Churchill and Mr. Eden are walk-
ing on eggs in their handling of the Russian-
Polish dispute, your feeling is quite correct.
They are walking on eggs. They have to,
And it must appear very strange to some
Americans, to observe the Prime Minister and
the Foreign Secretary of Great Britain be-
having with such extreme caution. Why don't
they imntac ethe courage of some American
editors, who are not nearly so afraid, and who
would solve the whole problem by simply tell-
ing Russia to go to hell? Why don't they?
Can it be that Mr. Churchill has less courage
than 'Mr. Hearst?
I refuse to admit that explanation. Let him
who will call Mr. Churchill a coward; I wish to
be only a spectator when that happens.
Well, then, what can the matter be? If this
is not a failure of nerve on Mr. Churchill's part,
what is it? Not to hide the real reason from
you any longer, the fact is that Mr. Churchill
has glimpsed the sullen face of reality in Eastern
Europe. He knows that to dispute Russia's claim
to a secure western border makes it at once
absolutely mandatory for Russia to insist on
having one.
The formal assertion of anybody else's right to
dictate Russia's western border would force
Russia to dictate that border herself. The more
that third parties tried to mix in, the more com-
pellingly necessary it would seem to Russia to
demonstrate that third parties had no real power
in these premises.
Strangely enough, the more frankly the third
parties admit that Russia has a real right to
security on her western frontier, the less pressing
does the whole question become; for that ad-
mission gives Russia the substance of security;
she no longer has to concern herself so much
with the form of it. It is like pressing back ,
steel spring with one's open hand; the harder
you push, the harder the counter-push.
So Mr. Churchill walks on eggs. He is not
less brave than any American editor. The thing
is that Mr. Churchill has looked upon the naked
face of truth. He knows that a real hard shove
against Russia on this issue means not the end

of Russia, but the end'of Poland; Russia would
c compelled to move in, all the way, regardless
of the consequences, and even if she didn't want
to. it is really Poland's brains that some of our
editors are beating out, with their counsel of
-There is no 'real connection, but some current
attitudes on soldier voting seem similar to these
attitudes on Poland. There has been the same
kind of divorcement from reality; the same brave
wild flailing out; the same kind of hayinakers
swung in the fond belief that there is only one
target in the world and that his na-ne is Roose-
velt. But it turns out that soldiers really want
to vote, through a uniform federalized ballot.
The more Mr, Roosevelt has been defeated oil
this issue, the stronger has he grown.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

"-And when I think of our 8.000,000 gallant votes-er--soldiers-
I'shaw! It's certainly difficult to keep one's mind on the war
during election year!"

i r,:
t -
. . :


j A, ECECt

TUESDAY, FEB. 1, 1944
VOL LIV No. 68
All notices for the a"ly" O""ici"" Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
president in typewritten form by 3:3)
p.m. of the day preedig its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, Feb, 2, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond Belle" will pick up your order
and deliver the boned the next day,
Use this service and help the Uni-
versity meet its quota.
.University War Bond Committee
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty today at 4:15 p.m., in Rm. 445,
West Engineering Building.
A. II. Lovell, Secretary
Conservation of Public Utilities:
It is urged that every member of the
University community, faculty, stu-
dents, clerks, and other employees,
constitute himself or herself a com-
mittee of one to contribute in every
reasonable way to the end that there
shall be no waste of electricity, wa-
ter, gas, oil, coal, or of communica-
tions or transportation service. This
notice is in behalf not only of the
University administration but of var-
ious United States Government au-
If you wish to finance the purchase
of a home, or if you have purchased
improved property on a land con-
tract and owe a balance of approxi-
mately 60 per cent of the value of the
property, the Investment Office, 100
South Wing of Universty Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing
through tht medium of a first mort-
gage. Such financing may effect a
substantial saving in interest.
Graduate Students Expecting De-
grees at the End of the Current
Term: A list of all master's degree
applicants will be posted on the bul-
office in the Rackham Building to-
day. If you expect a degree and your
name does not appear on the list you-
should file an application before
Feb. 12. The Graduate School will
not be held responsible for any omis-
sions that may occur on the degree
list as a result of the late filing of
diplonma applications. , S. YoakM
Application'Foris for Fellowships
,ad Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1944-1945 spay now be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that
Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive
consideration . C. S. Yoakum
Notice to Me'n Students: All men
students living in approved rooming
houses, who expect to move from
their present quarters at the end of
this term, must give notice of inten-
tion to move in writing to the Office
of the Dean of Students on or before
nool, Feb. 5. Students terminating

contracts must vacate their rooms
before 6:00 p.m. February 26, and
rent shall be computed to include
this date. Students may obtain forms
for terminating contracts at Rm. 2,
University Hall.
C. T. Olmsted
Assistant Dean of Students
Food Handlers' Lectures: A series
of two lectures for food-handlers will
be given on Tuesday evenings, Feb. 1
and 8, in the Auditorium of the Kel-
logg Building at 8:00.
All food-handlers employed in
commercial establishments are re-
quired by City Ordinance to attend a
series in order to obtain a permanent
food-handlers' card.
All persons concerned with food
service to University students and
who have not previously attended,
are asked to attend this series.
French Lecture,: Mr. Maurice Bar-
ret will give the fourth of the French
lectures sponsored by the Cerle
Francais on Thursday, Feb. 3, at
8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. The title of the lecture is:
"Art et Culture en Afrique du Nord"
Servicemen 'admitted free,
Lt. Tom 'Harmon will speak on
"The War Front Reports to the
Home" on Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 7:30
p.m. in Hill Auditorium under the
auspices of the Post-War Council.
There will be no admission charge,
but everyone attending is urged to
buy a war bond or stamp at the door.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar will meet
today in Rm. 1564, Bast Medical
Building at 5:00 p.m. Subject: "The
Possibility of Observing Living Sub-
stances under the Electron Micro-
scope." All interested are invited.
Directed Teaching Qualifying Ex-
amination: Students expecting to
elect D100 (Directed Teaching) next
term are required to pass a qualify-
ing examination in the subject which
they expect to teach. This examina-
tion will be held on Saturday, Feb: 5,
at 1:00 p.m. This is a change from
the date as originally announced
Students will meet in the auditorium
of the University High School. The
examination will consume about
four hours' time. Promptnes is
therefore essential.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate, June '1944: Before making
elections for the second semester,
each candidate should check the re-
ouirements in the major and minor
teaching fields, as outlined in the
School of Education announcement,
page 31 and following.
All students who expect to beconme
candidates for a Teacher's Certificate
in June or November, 1944, or'Febru-
ary, 1945, should call at the office of
the School of Education for an appli-
cation blank for admission to candi-
dacy for the teacher's certificate,
which is to be returned by Monday,
Feb. 7.
Qualifying examinations in short-
hand and typewriting will be given
at ten o'clock Saturday morning,
Feb. 5, in 2022 UHS. Students who
think they are qualified to register

M U ! " C
American soprano, presented the
eighth concert of the present Choral
Union series here Sunday afternoon,
and thrilled an audience with a spirit.
and courage which her singing so
well displayed.
Miss Lawrence, who was stricken
with infantile paralysis several
years ago just as she was reaching
the height of her career, has staged
a magnificent comeback as her pro-
gram so easily testified. Unlike so
many great people who are forced
to give up their life's work and then
take it up again with their ability
gone, Miss Lawrence is doing a
splendid job; and .unlike many is
not trading on her former reputa-
It is not possible to say that she
has the voice she had five years ago,
but this reviewer is sure that sev-
eral years from now, when she has
fully recovered from her illness, Miss
Lawrence will again be one of the
leading operatic sopranos in America.
At the present time she is handi-
capped by the way in which she must
present her program for it hinders
her power, volume, and resonance,
and she still lacks the strength to
carry a full program while traveling.
Gordon Manley assisted Miss
Lawrence at the piano and also
filled in the program with a few
selections for the piano. His posi-
tion was a difficult one in that peo-
ple were there to hear Miss Lawr-
ence and were not particularly in-
terested in the pianist, but despite
this he was very well, received and
came back at one time to play a
Spanish Dance by Ganados as an
Certainly Miss Lawrence deserves
to receive every possible commenda-
tion for the program she sang so
well. The works which she chose to
do were difficult ones and taxed her
strength greatly, but she was not in-
capable of handling them beautifully.
She sang with a genuine spirit and
artistic feeling which gave those
present the feeling that they had not
often heard such a great woman sing
so well. -Jean Athay
the remainder of the week, with Miss
Bell, Rm. 1437 University Elementary
School, daily frpm 8 to 12 and 1:30
to 4:30.
Review Course in Calculus: Anyone
interested in taxing a review course
in calculus duing the spring term,
please leave his name in the Mathe-
matics office, 3012 Angell Hall. Such
a course would be for students who
have had one year of calculus.
University of Michigan, College of
Engineering, Schedule of nEx&Wina-
tions Feb. ,21 to Feb. 26, 1944.
Note: For courses having'both lec-
tures and quizzes, the time of 'exer-
cise is the time of the first lecture
period of the week; for courses hav-
ing quizzes only, the time of exercise
is the time of the first quiz period.
Drawing and laboratory work may
be continued through the examina-
tion period in amount equal to that
normally devoted to such work dur-
ing one week.
Certain courses will be examined
at special periods as noted below the
regular schedule. All cases of con-
flicts between assigned examination
periods must be reported for adjust-
ment. See bulletin board outside of
'Ri 320 "East Engineering Building
between Feb. 9 and Feb. 14, for in-
struction. To avoid misunderstand-
nigs and errors, each student should
receive notification from his instruc-
tor of the time and place of his ap-
pearance in each course during the
period Feb. 21 to Feb. 26.
Xo cdate of examination may be

changed without the consent of the
Classification Committee.

-Jennie Fitch
HoffmanlDemnands -a
TIHA'TEMINENT Michigan Congressman, Rep.
Clare Hoffman, is on the pro-fascist rampage
Now he wants a "march on Washington,"
and the use of armed forces if necessary to
"put an-end to 'playing at war' lrere at home."
The statement which offman made was,
"The day is here when the American people
by a march on Washington, by the use of the
armed forces which are in this country must,
if either be necessary, put an end to 'playing
at war' here at home. Common decency re-
quires that we either get into this war whole-
heartedly and with singleness of purpose or
get out of it."
What are the boys over there and the people
on the home front fighting for now, Rep. Hoff-
man? They are in this war wholeheartedly and
with singleness of purpose, too. What else would
you suggest they do? Prap s you yourself are
at fault, for you vre opposing right now, a bill
that is within the sii len>ss of purpose that the
American people are figting for-namely, the


Time of
Monday at
8 ...... Friday, Feb.
9 ... Monday, Feb.
10 ....Friday, Feb.
11 .. .Tuesday, Feb.
1 ... Thursday, Feb.
2 . . ..Tuesday, Feb.
3 . . .Saturday, Feb.
Tuesday at
8 ..S a,Saturday, Feb,.
9 . . Thursday, Feb.
10 Wednesday, Feb.
11 Wednesday;Feb.
1 ..., .Monday, Feb.
2 ...Saturday, Feb.
:3 .Wedne.day Feb.
EMI1, E.M.2; CE.2
.'. Mondtay, Feb.
M.P.2, 3, 4: French
*Tuesday, Feb.
Economics 53, 54
. Wednesday, Feb.
M.E.3; Drawing 2
....*Thursday, Feb.

Time of
25 10':30-12:30
21 10:30-12:30
25 8:00-10:00
22 2:00- 4:00
24 2:00-,4:00
22 8:00-10:00
26 8:00-10:00
26 10:30-12:30
24 10:30-12:30
23 8:00-10:00
23 10:30-12:30
21 2:00- 4:00
26 2:00- 4:00
23 2:00- 4:00
21 8:00-10:00
22 10:30-12:30
23 2:00- 4:00
24 8:00-10:00

Federal Soldier Vote Bill.

Aggie Miller

E.E.2a; traw.3, Spanish., Ger.
. rid+y, Feb. 25 2:00- 4:00
..*Tuesday, Feb. 22 8:00-10:00
nThis may be used as an irregular
period, provided there is no conflict
with the regular printed schedule
Schedule of Final Examinations,
College of Literature, Science and

By Crockett Johnson

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