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January 30, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-30

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Fifty-Fourth Year

Argentina's Government Is Still Fascist-Minded
Despite Diplomatic Break with Germany, Japan


By Lichty

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44


Marion Ford .
.ane Farrant .
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaile
Erio Zalenskir .
Bud Low .
Harvey Frank .
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie asmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz

. . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. , . .City Editor
. . Associate Editor
* * . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
. Ass't Women's Editor
S. . Columnist
* . . Columnist

Business Staff

Molly Ann Winokur
Elizabeth Carpenter
Martha Opsion.

. . Business Manager
. Ass't Bus. Manager
. Ass't Bus. Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
More Coeds Are Needed
For Child Care Work
ALTHOUGH still more co-eds are needed for
Child Care work at the Willow Run Commu-
nity, enough are signed up now to relieve some
of the parents, so that they can have a little
divergence from work and the home.
But more girls are needed and needed des-
perately, especially for Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday afternoons..
Before girls volunteered to help, most parents
at Willow Run could never attend community
functions, because there was no one to take care
of the children. Now many but not all of them
This is a wonderful opportunity for co-eds
to prove that they can do something better
than just dream of the "good old days," and
have fun.
There is a place for fun, but at the present
time, fun should be put in second place and
win-the-war work should be each one's main
Here's a chance to do your part, co-eds. Can
you meet it? -Agatha Miller
MYDA Soldier Vote Poll
Challenged by Hoffman
THE MICHIGAN Youth for Democratic Action
received a letter yesterday from Rep. Clare E.
Hoffman, in regard to the recent poll which was
taken on campus on the soldier vote bill.
Rep. Hoffman said, "Assuming that your
poll was correct, those voting 'apparently
haven't the slightest conception of the relative
merit of the two propositions. One is consti-
tutional,the other is not-admittedly so and I
am not convinced that so large a proportion
of any group, or groups, advocate unconstitu-
tional procedure."
When Rep. Hoffman is talking about the con-
stitutionality of a federal soldier vote bill, he
might also remember that it is unconstitutional
to deprive anyone of the right to vote. If the
voting is left to the states, many of the men
overseas will not be able to cast their ballots
in the forthcoming election.
Whether the measure is constitutional or
not is a matter of interpretation. Our consti-
tution was amended once because a group of
people in this country were not allowed to vote
because of their color. Keeping the Negroes
from voting was no worse than depriving the
soldiers of the franchise. This in substance is
what will happen if we do not have a federal
soldier-vote bill.
Rep. Hoffman even questions the validity of
the poll. It seems that certain congressmen,
even when confronted with the facts, are un-
willing to face them. They pass them off as
inacc'hrate or otherwise the doings of this un-
informed public.

ARGENTINA has broken with the Axis, but not
with Fascism.
When the Ramirez government last Wednes-
day announced that diplomatic ties with Ger-
many and Japan were finally cut, commentators
and observers of Latin-American affairs looked
skeptical and withheld their applause.
For it is one thing to make a token gesture
of splitting with the fountainhead of Fascism;
it is quite another to put into practice what
that gesture implies.
The last of the 21 Latin-American republics
to break formally with the Axis, Argentina has
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-A lot of people, in-
cluding labor leaders, have fixed the blame on
Assistant President Jimmy Byrnes for selling
the President on the proposed national service
act to draft all labor. The inside fact, however,
is that Byrnes didn't know anything about it
until he read the mimeographed copy of the
President's message handed out to the press.
The strange story of what happened is this:
Both Justice Byrnes and Judge Vinson, two
of the men closest to the White House, can
celled all week-end engagements before Con-
gress reconvened, expecting to be called in to
help draft the message. Also, they asked Ben
Cohen, who is Byrnes' assistant, to return es-
pecially from New York in order to help.
Byrnes and Vinson are usually consulted on
such matters and, having served in Congress for
years, they naturally held themselves in readi-
ness to help on such an important thing as the
annual message to Congress.
But nothing happened. The President did
not consult them. Actually, the message was
written completely by Judge Sam Rosenman,
though he did use some suggestions submitted
in advance by Byrnes, Vinson and other White
House advisers. Not even Harry Hopkins had
much to do with the message, aside from read-
ing it over in advance.
Further inside fact is that the national service
plan was sold to the President by the War De-
partment. None of his civilian advisers had
anything to do with it. Even before Christmas,
the War Department sent the President a letter
urging the drafting of labor.
This was just before General Marshall's
press conference attacking labor for prolong-
ing the war-which was intended as a build-
up for Roosevelt's message to Congress later.
Note: It is now generally agreed that the
draft-labor bill is a completely dead dodo.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
Extermination of Japs
Will Not Bring Peace
WITH THE PUBLICATION of the facts on the
mistreatment of American prisoners at the
hands of the Japanese, we will probably see an
intensification of the anti-Japanese campaign
everywhere, but especially on the West Coast.
One of the greatest moral difficulties of war is
that people tend to transfer their hate and re-
sentment from one group to an entire people.
Examples of this are the people who believe
future peace will be guaranteed when the
mass-murder of every citizen of the Axis
nations is accomplished. The recent report of
the almost unbelievable cruelties inflicted up-
on war prisoners by the Japanese will streng-
then such thought. Those responsible for the
sadistic actions certainly must be punished
fully; all Americans will agree to that. But
some people are so carried away with resent-
ment that they shift their hate to innocent
members of the race.
In California there has been a strong anti-

Japanese movement for some time, which is
backed by those business interests that suffer
from competition of the Japanese-Americans
and would benefit financially by their liquida-
tion. It should not be forgotten that there are
large numbers of American-born persons of Jap-
anese descent who are every bit as loyal to this
country as those of any other descent. It would
show a much higher degree of civilization if
Americans could keep clear in their minds the
distinction between their enemies and their true
Extermination of some one group isn't much
of a solution to any problem. On that basis
we would wipe out the Germans and the Japa-
nese. But who would be content with stopping
there? Lots of Hitler-sympathizers would put
the Jews and the Catholics next on the black
list. And then it could be the Negroes, the
Chinese, and after that perhaps the Russians
and English and French. Before long the
gingham dog and the calico cat would be all
done, and peace would decend upon an un-
inhabited world. -Betty Ann Koffman

long been a sore spot in the actual unity of the
North and South American nations. Not only
has the present government favored the ideology
of the dictators, but what is more significant, it
has adopted the same totalitarian principles.
Liberals and educators who favored demo-
cratic practices were thrown out of their jobs
and into prisons. Labor unions have been dis-
solved, newspapers have been strictly censored,
political opponents have been put out of the
way. And Ramirez, a Hitler in his own coun-
try, has been the absolute ruler.
This is the nation that has split with the Axis;
this is the country which has jumped from the
fence to the side of the Allies; this is the govern-
ment which should stand for liberal policies, for
democratic procedures, for opposition against
tyranny and oppression.
H. H. F. Elilau, writing in the "New Republic"
Nov. 22, 1943, declared, "If the Argentine fascists
for expediency's sake and as a result of Anglo-
American pressure, should break with the Axis,
it does not mean - and this needs double
emphasis - that they are no longer fascists in
the eyes of the people of Argentina."
It would seem, then, that those nations who
genuinely favor the Allied cause are faced with
a choice. Either they can welcome Argentina
with open arms and say, "Now you are one of
us; you too, are going to fight the Fascist
menace." Or they can withhold their approval
until the Argentine government undergoes a
real change of heart, until it destroys Fascism
at home.
The choice is one between romantic blindness
and realism. But there should be no real diffi-
culty in deciding. -Virginia Rock
I'd Rather
__BeRg ht_
NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-I think we have to
begin to revise our thinking about small nations.
The word "small" is an endearing word; and so
the mention of "small nation" stirs the same
region of the heart which is devoted to the af-
fairs of small babies and small dogs and small
beers and other diminutive and attractive con-
cerns of -man.
From this we have been led to the conception
that "small nation" is synonymous with virtue,
while "large nation" is synonymous with vice.
We have moved on, by easy stages, to a view
of the world in which the wicked large nations
would be held in check by the virtuous small
nations. The ogres and the maidens would have
exactly equal votes; so the ogres would be safe
and the world would be safe.
Daniel Defoe tells in one of his essays of the
cock that was put to roost in a stable, and hav-
ing nothing to stand on but the floor, found
itself in some danger from the hoofs of those
largebeasts, the horses. "I pray, neighbors,"
says the cok, or words to that effect, "let us all
stand still, so that we will not trample each
That is the new international organization,
for which prospectuses have been put out by
devotees of the homeopathic politics.
But if such a system were instituted tomor-
row, the votes of Bolivia, Argentina and the
Polish government-in-exile would exactly match
and cancel out the votes of the United States,
Great Britain and Russia. That would fix the
world up fine, would it not? Echo answers that
it would not.
The mechanical and formal comparison of
large nations and small nations with large vices
and small virtues, turns out to be curiously
empty. When the homeopathic politicians argue
against power politics, they almost always choose
Germany as the example of an evil large nation;
and they almost always choose Norway as the
example of a good small nation. Those are the
classic prototypes of the large ogre and the
small maiden.

But sometimes the large nation is the United
States, a pretty good sort of country, which
hasn't eaten any international babies lately, and
the small nation is Argentina, whose government
is fascist. Here you have a clear case of a large
maiden and a small ogre, and what end is served
if the powers of both are made precisely equal
on some comm'ion council of humanity?
It is time we gave up all these formal and me-
chanical approaches to the world's ills. We are
not going to end power politics by trying to give
small nations the power to play it. The great
political struggle of our times is not to cut down
the power of the great countries, but to compel
them to use that power on behalf of world sta-
bility. If a strong nation is on the right side,
then its power is a blessed boon to all of us;
and if it is on the wrong side, we are not going
to cure it by attempting to pair it with Bolivia,
in equal and paralytic embrace; we will cure it
by compelling it to come over to the right side.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

SUNDAY, JAN. 30, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 67
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond Belle" will pick up your order
and deliver the bond the next day.
Use this service and help the Uni-
versity meet its quota.
University War Bond Committee
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty on Tuesday, Feb. 1, at 4:15 p.m.,
in Rm. 445 ,West Engineering Build-
ing. A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Graduate Students Expecting De-
grees at the End of the Current
Term: A list of all master's degree
applicants will be posted on the bul-
letin board in the Graduate School
office in the Rackham Building on
Tuesday, Feb. 1. If you expect a de-
gree and your name does not appear
on the list you should file an appli-
cation before Feb. 12. The Graduate
School will notbe held responsible
for any omissions that may occur on
the degree list as a result of the late
filing of diploma applications.
C. S. Yoakum
Registration Materials for Spring
Term: Colleges of L.S.&A. and Arch-
itecture; Schools of Education and
Music: Registration materials for
the spring term should be called for
now. Architect counselors will post
a notice when they are ready to
Robert L. Williams, Asst. Registrar
Identification Cards: All students
who attended the University during
the Summer or Fall Terms are re-
quested to bring their identification
cards with them when registering for
the Spring Term.
Office of the Dean of Students
A Michigan Bell Telephone Repre-
sentative will be at the University to
interview men and women on Tues-
day, Feb. 1. They want women for
all positions and service representa-
tives especially. They are interested
in men who are physicists, chemists
and engineers. Appointments should
be made at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 M.H., or by calling Uni-
versity Extension 371.
Women's Co - operative Houses:
There will be a few vacancies for the
spring term. Anyone interested
please call 2-2218.
Women's Cooperative House Chap-
erone: Will any graduate student
interested in being a chaperone in a
women's cooperative house please
call 2-2218.
Academic Notices
Admission to the School of Busi-
ness Administration: Students who7
have completed 60 hours of college

work may be eligible for admission
to the School. Application for ad-
mission in the Spring Term should
be made prior to February 10. Appli-
cation blanks may be procured and
arrangements made for interviews
with a member of the Admissions
Committee at Room 108 Tappan
Directed Teaching Qualifying Ex-
amination: Students expecting to
elect D100 (Directed Teaching) next
term are required to pass a qualify-
ing examination in the subject which
they expect to teach. This examina-
tion will be held on Saturday, Feb. 5,
at 1:00 p.m. This is a change from
the date as originally announced.
Students will meet in the auditorium
of the University High School. The
examination will consume about
four hours' time. Promptness is
therefore essential.
Recreational Leadership: Women
students interested in taking this
course next term should fill out an
application blank by February 14.
The blanks may be obtained in Of-
fice 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
Schedule of Final Examinations,
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts and School of Music: Feb.
21 to Feb. 26, 1944.

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"It would enhance our morale, madam, if you would refer
to us as 'garbicians '-,,



Dominie Says
NEW DEMANDS are placed upon
every discipline by the world
changes afoot. Religious education
cannot escape the call of the times.
Movement is apt to take place in
four directions:
1. A movement away from the
missionary method and toward the
sharing of faiths and cultures. All
religions, we believe, are being
shocked into recognition of certain
evils against which they must jointly
crusade. Religious leaders begin to
recognize that social values scientifi-
cally found must be accepted and
celebrated. Closing of the breach be-
tween religious .tradition and the
scientific method will mean much for
humanity. By such cooperation our
youth can be reared in confidence
and unity, the scientist and the cler-
gyman aiming at goals jointly select-
ed and adopting like steps.
2. As in England, there is a defi-
nite shift (see the White Book for
July, 1943) from non-recognition
of religious education to a specific
inclusion of religious instruction in
all schools, public and private.
There is taking place a very deep
and serious effort in all the United
Nations, on the part of many
forces, to bring about a more seri-
ous approach to the adequate
training of every child in the ideals,
purposes, accepted truths and en-
during values of our peoples.
3. Institutionally, there is apt to be
a shift of the center of gravity in
religious education of children from
the church and clergy to the home
and parent. Delinquency among chil-
dren and youth is beginning to show
that we have on our hands a case of
nation-wide neglect and evasion on
the part of parents. Our traditional
custodian of morals and character,
the Church, cannot fully meet the
issues. Social agencies and penal in-
stitutions are negative factors. Itec-
reation stops short of motivation.
Only marriage, a sacrament, with the
bearing of children its goal is an
adequate basis for parents.
4. The shift of religious training
to the home is not an untried
emphasis. For at least three thou-
sand years,the Jewish religionhs
made the parent a priest. In Juda-
ism, the fireside is an altar and
school. This, likewise, is the em-
phasis given the parent in China.
Home is the place where, character
is the supreme purpose. The Chrs-
tian religion in recent years has
moved those responsibilities from
the home to the Church. Why not
move them back to the fireside?
What then would be the function
of the Church and the clergy? The
reply would be to take another leaf
from the experience of the Jews.
Hold the clergy and the Church for
a parent-training function. Let the
minister prepare parents to be
adequate teachers of religion and
I would vote forna lofty cultural
pluralism as the only basis for any
democracy which declares for free-
dom of religion, but all would agree
that to reach that lofty plateau we
do well to begin at once, in all char-
ity and in humility, with such relig-
ious faith as we do possess and to
teach with a great earnestness.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious
and arias by Handel, Brahms, Proko-
fieff, Schubert, Ravel, Joaquin Nin
and Wagner.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, until noon
Saturday, and at the box office in
Hill Auditorium Sunday afternoon

at 2 o'clock.
Student Recital: Virginia Holmes,
pianist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music,
at 8:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 31, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Her
program will include compositions
by Haydn, Beethoven, Liszt, Brahms,
Chopin and Ravel. She is a pupil
of Joseph Brinkman. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
International Center: President
Ruthven will speak at the Interna-
tional Center this evening at 7:30 on
"Some International Aspects of Edu-
cation." Following the talk, refresh-
ments will be available.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a supper meeting to-
day at the Lutheran Student Cen-
ter, 1511 Washtenaw, at 5:30 p.m. at
which the Rev. A. Pfotenhauer, Pas-
tor of the Willow Run Lutheran
Church, will speak.
Coming Events

Time of

Time of

Monday at
8 ........Fri., Feb. 25,
9.......Mon., Feb. 21,
10 .......Fri., Feb. 25,
11..... Tues., Feb. 22,
1.....Thur., Feb. 24,
2.......Tues., Feb. 22,
3.........Sat., Feb. 26,
Tuesday at
8........ Sat., Feb. 26,
9 .......Thur., Feb. 24,
10......Wed., Feb. 23,
11......Wed., Feb. 23,
1...... Mon., Feb. 21,
2 .......Sat., Feb. 26,
3...... Wed., Feb. 23,

2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00

Special Periods:
School of Music: Individual In-
struction in Applied Music. Individ-
ual examinations by appointment
will be given for all applied music
courses (individual instruction) elec-
ted for credit in any unit of the Uni-
versity. For time and place of exam-
inations, see Bulletin Board at the
School of Music.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts:
Political Science 1, 2, 51, 161
........Mon., Feb. 21, 8:00-10:00
Speech 31, 32; French 1, 2, 11, 31,
32, 53, 61, 91, 92, 153
..........Tue., Feb. 22, 10:30-12:30
English 1, 2; Economics 51, 521, 53,
54, 101 ...Wed., Feb. 23, 2:00- 4:00
Botany 1, Zoology 1, Psychology 31
-Lecture Group 1 (Maier) only
.......Thur., Feb. 24, 8:00-10:00
Sociology 51, 54; Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32;
German 1,,2, 31, 32
.........Fri., Feb. 25, 2:00- 4:00
Mathematics Lecture: Professor J.
W. T. Youngs of Purdue University
will give a lecture on "Curves and
Surfaces," Monday, Jan. 31, at 4:15
p.m., 3011 Angell Hall.
French Lecture: Mr. Maurice Bar-
ret will give the fourth of the French
lectures sponsored by the Cercle
Francais on Thursday, Feb. 3, at
8:00 p.m.'-in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. The title of the lecture is:
"Art et Culture en Afrique du Nord"
C nan. nan aA - a i.



Well, Gus, the great O'Malley Do
is under way. The important feat
all worked out. . . One of the twi
..t~a .;ma wll If~e nstram. h

am project But, O'Malley. Will
ures are it be built in time?
n colossal . .. Before the thaws
In sr and Sprina floods?

Of course!. . . Construction will
start immediately! As soon as
Congress acts on the proposal!
And I'm submitting it at once!


They'll be drawn up without a
moment's delay. Right after
Atlas finishes the preliminary
desian. And he's beginning on

Junior Research Club: The Febru-
ary meeting of the Club will be held
at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 1, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The pro-
gram will be given by Professor Ken-
neth K. Landes of the Department
of Geologv and by Professor Saul L.


I l




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