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January 30, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-30

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Russian Army




Allied Planes
Hurl Bombs
On Frankfurt
American Armada of
Bombers Shoots Down
102 German Fighters
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 30, Sunday.-More
than 1,800 tons of bombs were hurled
on Frankfurt, Germany, in daylight
yesterday by more the 800 U.S. Flying
Fortresses and Liberators-the great-
est armada of heavy American bomb-
ers ever sent into action.
They and their fighter escort, to-
talling more than 1,500 planes, shot
down 102 German fighters, it was
announced in a joint communique
early today from U.S. Headquarters
and the British Air Ministry.
Thirty-one U.S. bombers and 13
fighters failed to return.
The bombers' airmen themselves
shot down 60 enemy planes and the
escort pilots 42.
The big German manufacturing
and transport center, was deluged
with high -explosives, incendiaries
and propaganda leaflets.
The Americans flew an 800-mile
round-trip by daylight to deliver
their blows less than 12 hours after
the RAF's night fleet, attacking in
unusually great strength, handed
Berlin its thirteenth heavy bombing,
the second in two nights and accord-
ing to Swedish reports one of the
most damaging of the war.
With the two attacks on Berlin
and the one on Frankfurt, the Allies
in a little more than 36 hours stag-
gered the German homeland with
three crippling main blows and in
addition engaged in a number of
secondary mine-laying and bombing
operations which were exceptionally
widespread, the entire effort involv-
ing probably well over 2,000 planes.
Marshall Island
Bases Attacked
By U.S. Forces
PEARL HARBOR, Jan. 29.-(P)-
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz an-
nounced that Pacific fleet carrier
forces made attacks today on the
Marshall Island bases including Mal-
oelap, Wotje and Kwajalein.
No further details were announced
in a brief communique concerning
those invasion-menaced bases in the
It is presumed United States forces
have launched a major heavy attack
against these air and shipping atolls.
The Marshalls have been hit for
more than 20 consecutive days by
Seventh AAF and Navy planes but
this was believed the heaviest and
most concentrated assault yet de-
The Marshalls have been pounded
almost daily since shortly before the
invasion of the Gilberts Nov. 20 when
regular raids were begun in order to
neutralize the Marshalls.
These islands were hit twice be-
forebycarrier forces, which included
a heavy concentration of torpedo
planes, divebombers and fighters.
Ruthveu Will
Speak Today
President To Talk on
International Education

President Alexander G. Ruthven
will discuss his views on internation-
al education in an informal speech to
be given at 7:30 p.m. today at the
International Center.
He will draw some of the material
for the speech from observations he
made in his recent trip to England.
He will discuss what might be done
in this field and also the importance
of international education in inter-
national relations and in maintain-
ing peace.
Future plans for international edu-
cation are now under discussion and
steps are already being made toward
their fulfillment. About 200 Chinese
students have been admitted and will
come to the University as soon as
they find means of transportation.
A similar body of Turkish students

CampusIs Arousedby
Election Irregularities
Men's Judiciary Council Conducts All Day
Investigation, Public Hearing May Be Held


Guerilla Fighters

Receive Care at First Ai(

Campus indignation has risen since
yesterday when the Men's Judiciary
Council pried the lid off of some
"alleged irregularities" in Friday's
literary college election for V-Ball
posts, by throwing out the election.
Council Demands Action
Amplifying its statement of yes-
terday promising "an immediate thor-
ough investigation" of the entire
procedure, the Council last night
went on record in accord with stu-
dent protests demanding prompt ac-
tion and "punishment for those
Al Mactier,.president of the Coun-
cil, said last night that "I am fully
Miles Callaghan
Pleads Guilty
To Graft Charge
State Representative
Admits Participation
In Bribe Conspiracy
LANSING, Jan. 29.-(A)- State
Representative Miles M. Callaghan,
77-year-old veteran maker of laws,
pleaded guilty in Circuit Court today
to a grand jury warrant charging
that he participated in a $20,000 leg-
islative graft conspiracy in 1939, and
offered in an open court statement
to help "clean up what appears to be
a dirty mess in the legislature."
Callaghan's plea was entered be-
fore Circuit Judge Leland W. Carr,
whose one-man grand jury, which is
investigating charges of corruption
in state government, named the leg-
islator and 25 co-defendants in a
blanket conspiracy one week ago to-
As in the easeof Ernest J. Prew, of
Detroit, vice-president of the Gen-
eral Finance Corporation of Detroit,
the first of the co-defendants to
plead guilty, Callaghan's statement
shed no light on details of the con-
spiracy alleged in the blanket war-
Words fairly tumbled from his lips,
as he addressed the court in a voice
which quavered at times, declaring:
"Judge, I'm 77 years old. I've made
some mistakes in my life, like people
who have lived a long time.
"I've been 15 years in the legisla-
ture. At my age I can't hope to live
too many years. I'm not in very good
health, and neither is my wife.
"If I can make a contribution to
good government by helping to clean
up what appears to be a dirty mess
in the legislature, I want to do it.
"And therefore I am pleading guil-
ty to the charge."
Affect Session
LANSING, Jan. 29.-(A')-Circuit
Judge Leland W. Carr's one-man
grand jury investigation of state gov-
ernment-including the legislature-
will have many effects on action of
the House and Senate in their special
session which is to convene Monday
Legislative leaders frankly said they
believed the grand jury, which al-
ready has caused the arrest of 21
legislators and former legislators on
charges of conspiracy and graft and
had another sent to prison for perj-
ury, would result in unprecedented

aware of the responsibility that rests
with us, and we will work to get to
the bottom of the whole thing."
The Council reported that a day-
long investigation Saturday revealed
"some interesting facts" and indicat-
ed that a public hearing may be held
to clear up the matter.
Hearing May Be Held
"It is about time that this blot is
wiped off the record completely,"
Fred Hoffman, another member of
the Council, said last night.
"The University of Michigan is
training people to take their place in
society, and it seems that they can't
even conduct an honest election und-
er student government. Little hope
remains, then, for them to assume a
responsible role in.society," Hoffman
Daily Receives Calls
Numerous phone calls came into
The Daily yesterday from students
volunteering information about the
alleged election fraud, all of which
has been turned over to the Judiciary
Buriiette Crawford, recently retired
president of the Union and a member
of the men's governing body, said last
night, "I.am all for making an earn-
est effort to trace the guilt in this
situation and see that adequate pun-
ishment is meted out." , .
Under ,the 'rules ad , regulations
governing the Men's Judiciary Coun-
cil, candidates found guilty of violat-
ing any election rule can be stricken
from the ballot and persons involved
in any way with infraction of these
rules can be disfranchised and their
activities entered on their University
British T roops
eFrom Rome
By The Associated Press
giers, Jan. 29.-The Allies have ex-
panded the beachhead south of
Rome in drives which have placed
British troops within 18 miles of the
Eternal City and Americans within
light artillery range of the vital point
of Cisterna, 14 miles northeast of
Anzio and 33 miles from Rome, Al-
lied Headquarters declared in a spe-
cial announcement this afternoon.
It was probable that tonight the
din of battle was sounding in the ears
of the inhabitants of Nazi-held
The British advance went three
miles beyond Carroceto where a rail-
way bridge 18 miles south of Rome
was captured. "Light artillery range"
in connection with Cisterna, might
mean anything from small mortars
with a range of a few hundred yards
to a 75 millimeter field gun, so it
was not known here just what this
position was.
William Allen White
Dies in Home Town
EMPORIA, Kas., Jan. 29.-A)-
William Allen White, who grew into
a journalistic giant in his home town,
died today. He would have been 76
years old Feb. 10.
The world-famous editor of the
Emporia Gazette had been in declin-
ing health for more than a year. He
underwent an operation at Roches-
ter, Minn., last October, but failed to

A group of wounded Chinese fighters being car ed for at a first aid station. The man at
receive no care. Precious materials must be saved f or those who can be returned to theJ
cannot be wasted on persons who cannot be saved. These guerillas were carried from the
station by stretcher bearers. The branches beside the stretchers were put on top of the wo
they were being carried. Then if Jap planes come along they can be laid beside the path an
in with the landscape. -Photo by Cpl. Porter D.I

* *

=k 4

Soldier Tells of Experiences in CI

"All the guerrilla fighters of China
are volunteers who are lighting for
their homes and their families;" CPl.
Porter D. Dilley of Co. A said in a re-
cent interview.
About four years ago Cpl. Dilley
spent 11 months with the Chinese
guerrilla fighters taking pictures and
movies of them. He was a free-lance
photographer in the Orient for 16
months around 1932 and for two
years between 1938 and 1940. Dur-
ing this time he took pictures and
movies of Japan, and the Japanese
army and China in addition to his
pictures of the Chinese guerrilla ar-
"During the time I spent with
the Japanese army, I came to real-
ize how much damage the Chinese

guerrilla fighters were doing. This
made me curious to know how they
could carry on successful opera-
tions with obviously limited sup-
plies and behind enemy lines," he
"I found that these fighters are all
voluntarily recruited and receive no
pay for their work. During the day
they continue their regular work-
the farmers in their paddies, the
merchants in their shops. Then after
their day's work is completed, they
assemble to carry on their guerrilla
"The fighters in the picture were
wounded in action. They were car-
ried from the battle field to this
first aid station and will later be
transported back to the base. The
stretcher bearers dress in black, so

that they can hidei
fly over. The wou
ouflaged by means
which can be se
"At certain tim
fighters work in con
nationalist army inf
specified point, bu
fighting is purelyg
When called upon'
the army to such an
failure would have c
only the battle, but
es. The army dep
fighting ability, the
pecially upon their
Dilley said.
He explained how
its gather to make

d Station Reds Hold
Soviets Advance in
North to Within 22
Miles of Estonia
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 30, Sunday.-Thl
Red Army lost ground to a bitter
German counter-attack in the South
Ukraine in the fiercest fighting on
the long Russian front yesterday,
while other Soviet forces in the north
advanced to within 22 miles of the
Estonian border, cleared the great
Moscow-Leningrad trunk railway,
and captured the rail junction of
Novosokolinki, 70 miles from the
Latvian border, Moscow announced
The Nazis lost 2,800 men and 86 of
their tanks in their Ukraine counter-
offensive east of Vinnitsa, said the
Moscow midnight communique, re-
corded by the Soviet Monitor, but
"our troops by order of the com-
mand, withdrew from several pop-
ulated places and took up positions
t the left will more advantageous for defense."
The Germans, who have been at-
fight. They tacking steadily in this area since
field to the Jan. 12, were throwing all their
ounded while weight against Soviet forces which
nd will blend not only menaced the approaches to
Dilley of Co. A the Rumanian frontier but threaten-
* ,,ed the main German supply artery
into the Dnieper bend, the Odessa-
Lwow railway.
At the same time Berlin announced
" it had abandoned the Ukrainian rail-
h a way junction of Smela 150 miles east
of Vinnitsa, a possible hint the Ger-
mans were preparing to move bac
from their easternmost salient in-
when Jap planes Russia.
unded are cam- Major Russian successes were scr-
of the branches ed in the north where the Russians,
en beside their fanning out from the Leningrad area,
reached the town of Zagoritst, 2
es the guerrilla miles east of the Estonian border,
junction with the and moved westward all along their
an attack upon a line from the Baltic coast to the Nar-
t most of their va railway.
guerrilla activity. .Other Soviet forces pried the Ger-
they have helped mans from their last hold on
i extent that their the double-track Moscow-Leningrad
ost the army not railway' line by taking the town of
also heavy loss- See RUSSIA, P. 7
ends upon their
ir timing and es-
willingness," Cpl. SenateT Hear
the guerrilla un- ew Plan
plans two weeks ew Pa for
VA, p. 8
p. 8Soldier Vote
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. - (A)
*o t Senator Danaher (Rep., Conn.)
brought out a compromise armed
service voting plan tonight which
tor would use federal procedure to speed
state ballots to everyone in uniform
in the United States.
this country, but Danaher offered his plan to meet
Japanese people, arguments of opponents of the Ad-
rk. ministration's war ballot proposal
igh military quar- who say it works to the disadvantage
e American Army of state elections.
"vicious enemy Under his proposal-to be offered
counter-charging in the Senate Monday as an amend-
ng of our wound- ment to the Administration bill-it
ated on Guadal- will be up to the states to take the
l assaults on our initiative in getting their own ab-
ips." sentee ballots to service personnel in
Japan's possible this country. If the states fail to
nted out that the act the servicemen and women will
ops committed in get a federal ballot anyway.
y ,other places in In seeking a compromise to guar-

nown to few Jap- antee voting rights within the United
States, the Connecticut Senator ex-
e possibility of the pressed belief it would be impossible
atrocity stories to send all state ballots to the fight-
tual improvement ing fronts overseas. His plan retains
ong prisoners of the federal ballot for President, Vice-
President, and members of Congress
traditional sensi- for the overseas voters, however.
pride, which the The Danaher amendment provides:
ave shown. 1. States can get their own absen-
tee ballots spread to military estab-
TT lishments in this country by agree-
o Hear ing to accept federal postcard appli-
cations as a bonafide state applica-
anon tion to vote.
2. If any state declines to accept
,now on a 20 day the federal postcard applications,
battle front, will voters from that state can obtain the
Wednesday irn Hill federal short ballot anyway.
ie War Front Re- .o
Front," under the Italians To AskKig
t-War Council.
'ived in Ann Arbor To Give Up ihrone
3fighting front in
e life at the front NEW YORK, Jan. 29.-IP)-The
e will discuss what all-party congress of six Italian poli-
s come in contact tical parties at Bari unanimously
he war and what adopted today a resolution calling
Hor. for abdication of King Vittoro
Harmon has gone Emanuele, the Bari radio said to-
of the federal sol- night in a broadcast recorded by

Roosevelt Asks
Nation's Support
O Bon Drive
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.-(A)-
President Roosevelt said tonight that
the outpouring of American dollars
in the Fourth War Bond Campaign
will serve notice that "We Americans
are irrevocably united in determina-
tion to end this war as quickly as
possible in the unconditional surren-
der of our enemies."
In a midnight broadcast, the Chief
Executive coupled his war loan ap-
peal with an expression of gratitude
to the thousands of citizens who are
contributing their dimes and dollars
in the fight against infantile paral-
"In Germany and Japan," he said,
"those who are handicapped in body
and soul or mind are regarded as un-
necessary burdens to the state. An
individual's usefulness is measured
solely by the direct contribution he
can make to the war machine-not
by his service to a society at peace."

Delay in Answering At
Stories Caiuses Spec ulati

WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.- (/P)-
Japan's delay in replying to docu-
mented stories of her soldiers' bar-
barities on Bataan led some in the
capital tonight to think that perhaps1
Tokyo officialdom itself was sur-
prised at the details.
This could be true because of the
loose control which the Tokyo War
Office commonly exercises over the,
discipline of troops far afield, and
because the Japanese Army tradi-
tionally has done what it pleases in
combat zones, without letting the
government and people know.
The Tokyo radio-after nearly 12
hours' silence-broadcasted a Domei
Band Pro gra m
Tickets To Bte~
Sold This Week
Tickets for Michigan's newest in-
novation, "Symphony and Swing,"
a musical program featuring the
University concert hand and Earl
"Father" Hines and his orchestra
will be placed on sale this week, the
central committee announced yes-
This afternoon musical program
will be held Sunday, Feb. 13 in Hill
Auditorium and all proceeds will be
given to the bomber scholarship.
The concert band under the direc-
tion of William D. Revelli had origi-
nally planned its annual winter con-
cert for that afternoon, but at the
suggestion of the Bomber Scholar-
~ship Committee, the program has
been incorporated into the entire

dispatch beamed to
apparently left the
as usual, in the da
Domei quoted "hi
ters" as labeling th
and Navy charges
propaganda," and
American "butcheri
ed soldiers perpetr
canal," and "bruta
helpless hospital sh
As for civilian
ignorance, it is poi
full horrors her tro
Nanking and man
China were made k
Officials see some
leading to an even
of conditions am
They point to the
tivity, rooted in
Japanese always h
Group T
Tom Ha
Lt. Tom Harmon
furlough from the
speak at 7:30 p.m.'
Auditorium on "Th
ports to the Home
auspices of the Pos
Harmon, who arr
last week from the
China, will describe
to the audience. HE
the soldiers he ha
with think about t
they are fighting f,
Since his return,
on record in favor

Marjorie Lawrence To Sing Here Today

Marjorie Lawrence, famed Austral-
ian Wagnerian soprano, will present
the eighth Choral Union concert at
3 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Herself a victim of infantile par-
alysis, Miss Lawrence's appearance
here comessat the same time as the
President's birthday which marks
the conclusion of the annual drive
against the disease.
Since she has still not achieved a
complete recovery, this Metropolitan
Opera star will sing from a specially
deie-ined ic.hair, Dr. Charles Sink.

the Paris Grand Opera, she was en-
gaged by the Metropolitan Opera As-
On her recent trip to Havana and
Miami, Fla., the Metropolitan Opera
soprano visited several Army camps
where she sang to more than 10,000
soldiers. The uniformed men invar-
iably requested her to sing some of
the Australian songs and particularly
the marching song, "Waltzing Math-
Not long ago, Miss Lawrence open-
ed the Bonds for Art drive which the

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