^t 1 t# WW11%-W Y~tv 411 in" Sale of Bonds hI Couty Is Slowing Down District Is Still Short $6,158,750 of Local Goal, Leaders Reveal The county war bond drive, which seemed to be getting off to a flying start in the first few days, is now slowing down considerably, according to latest reports. With $6,158,750 yet to go toward a goal of almost seven and one-half million dollars, campaign leaders are a little worried.. Sales of Series E bonds are lagging behind. An audit yesterday revealed that for the first time in the drive, sales of Series E bonds were surpassed by other types. The importance of investing in war bonds was stressed yesterday by Gen. Brehon B. Somervell and Gen. George C. Marshall. "The Fourth War Loan is an ur- gent call on our people to continue support of the armed forces of Am- erica," Gen. Marshall said. "The time has arrived in this war when the home front must make a maximum effort surpassing anything we have thus far." Gen. Somervell emphasized that the attack upon our enemies must be sustained by the weapons which we are enabled to purchase with war bonds. He said, "All Americans are called upon now in this crucial mo- ment to invest their full share in the mounting offensive." A .e * Co. 0 Leads ASTP in Drive Company G of the 3651st Service Unit leads all other ASTP units in the Fourth War Loan Drive, having already collected money for $3,500 face value of bonds. Although it leads all other ASTP units, Company G is not outdoing the Judge Advocate Generals' School. The JAG school is determined to stay in the lead, and Company G is at- tempting to see that the JAG's do not hold that lead for long. Each man iii the company is asked to purchase at least one $18.75 bond over their usual monthly allottment. If a member is unable to purchase a bond, he is urged to buy as many war stamps as possible. Bonds and stamps may be purchased in the ord- erly room through Lt. Samuel Riez- man, company commander. A TP Trainee Needs Bicycle A soldier needs wheels. Pfc. Joachim de Haro of Co. C, who broke his leg on Dec. 6 while playing basketball, sent out an ur- gent appeal yesterday for a bicycle. Since he was released from the hospital on Jan. 8, he has had trouble getting from the barracks to his classes. He is now the guest of Co. F which' is housed in the old Sigma Chi houser next to the Union. He was moved there so that he would not have sol much difficulty getting to class. How- ever, it still takes him more than 15 minutes to walk from the Union to Angell Hall.t "A bicycle would solve all my prob- lems," Pfc. de Haro said, "and I would greatly appreciate it if some-1 one who isn't using theirs would lendt it to me for about a month."t Jackson Asks for Milk Investigation LANSING, Jan. 27.-(/P)-Question- ing the sincerity of a war food dis- tribution order limiting the sale of fluid milk and certain milk products, H. E. Jackson of West Branch, vice- chairman of the Michigan Milk Dis-; tributors' League, announced today he has petitioned Fred A. Crawford, representative in Congress from the: Eighth District, to investigate the order. AL as u- a n . 11 1R 3 " vZ'IN 4 Li P is wI ..). .. JA . 2a I GO WEST YOUNG MAN: Large Enrollment Is Expected At Saiuer Geological Cam"Ip ASSOCIATED PRESS By PRISCILLA JOHN EACOCK "Despite transportation difficul- ties, courses are scheduled as usual for next summer at Camp Davis, Wyo., and a large enrollment is ex- pected," Prof. Armand J. Eardley, Director of Geological Field Work at Camp Davis, said recently. "The courses are designedfor two classes of students, those who are not interested in geology as a profession but who desire cultural experience and appreciation of scenery, and those specializing in geology who de- sire training in basic field methods. Opportunity for advanced field work To He aStw ted At Sentor TIii O 'Evening of Ballet' Will Contain 25 Acts; Civic Orchestra To Perform "An Evening of Ballet," the sev- enth annual production of combined dance and orchestra entertainment, will be presented at 8 p.m. today and tomorrow in the auditorium of the city's Senior High School on State Street, The 200 participants in ballet, tap, and acrobatics appearing in the series of 25 acts are under the direction of Mrs. Sylvia Hamer of the Sylvia Stu- dio of Dance. Music will be furnished by the Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra under the managership of Prof. Philip 0. Potts. One-fifth of these musi- cians are University students. A "Story Book Ballet" will intro- duce the program with a small girl dreaming of the Mother Goose char- acters like the maids from Mary's Garden and the Old Woman in the Shoe and her children. A May Day Fete will feature a-queen surrounded with flower girls, maids of honor, and tumblers, with the act ending with the traditional May pole dance. Most of the performers in this act are six years old or younger. Under the heading "On Furlough," a soldier, sailor, Marine, WAC, and Red Cross nurses will tap out a story accompanied by a series of military marches. Also included will be an acrobatic and balancing act with Catherine and Dean Figg who have won acclaim at recent engagements in New York City and the West. Tickets for the performances may be secured from the Slauson School P.-T. A., who are acting as sponsors, the Sylvia Studio, or at the auditor- ium door at 7:15 p.m. Panel Debates On Nationaism "With the present economic set-up we cannot escape from the kind of nationalism that leads to war," Prof. John Shepard said yesterday at a Post-War Council panel on national sovereignty. In contrast with his panel asso- ciate, Prof. Roy Sellars stated that the main factor in the making of the small European state was the politi- cal-cultural background of the peo- ple concerned. Prof. George Kiss, third member of the panel, argued that states were formed by and for the benefit of the few men who, in a small state, could be "big fish in a little pond." Former 'News' Employe Pleads Guilty to Charge Henry N. Smith pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing and distributing obscene literature in Municipal Court yesterday. Judge Jay H. Payne ordered him to pay a fine and costs of $51.25 and serve a ten-day jail sentence. Smith is a former employee of the Ann Arbor News. PICTURE and working out of thesis problems is also offered," he said. An introductor course without pre- requisites, Geology 11 (4 weeks, 4 hours credit), and a basic field course, Geology 73 (6 weeks, 6 hours credit) with Geology 11 and 12 as prerequisites, are the principal cour- ses scheduled. The main group (Ge- ology 73) will leave Ann Arbor Mon- day morning, July 3, by University- owned station wagons on a faculty conducted trip of 8 days to Camp Davis. Five weeks of field work in the Teton, Gros Ventre and Hoback Mountains will follow, courses ter- minating Aug. 12. Students taking the introductory course will reach camp on their own by rail and bus and report for work on Aug. 12 Their four weeks' work will end Sept. 9. Altogether, the camp will run ten weeks, and ad- vanced work will be scheduled during that time, depending on individual needs. About 15 students came from the University of Michigan last summer and 20 more from Chicago, Dennison, De Pauw, Wellesley, Vassar, Bryn Mawr, Kansas and Wisconsin. "With an even larger enrollment expected next summer, we anticipate a successful and interesting session," Prof. Eardley said. For costs and further details see either Prof. Belknap or Prof. Eardley in the Geology Department. Center Honors NEWSV N F A W N C H E R R Y--Greyhound Fawn Cherry has been pur- chased by an English woman for record sum of 1,700 pounds. Dr. Rabel at Birthday Tea German-born Dr. Ernest Rabel, prominent in international law, was the guest of honor at a tea com- memorating his 70th birthday yes- terday in the International Center. He has published several books, taught in a number of European universities, was a judge in the Per- manent Court of International Jus- tice at the Hague from 1925 to 1928 and was for 11 years director of the private international law division of the Institute for Comparative Law in Berlin. This, he said yesterday, is what he considers the most important work he has done. The Institute was founded for work in the sciences, but after the last war two divisions for legal service were added, public in- ternational law and private interna- tional law. It was the latter that Dr. Rabel directed. It was the largest law library in Europe and they published many works and trained a staff of young lawyers for international relations through the study of foreign law. Dr. Rabel emphasized the impor- tance of this aspect of the work and stated that their first intention was to further international relations which are often hampered because of legal reasons. He said he hoped that we might some day have a simi- lar organization here. He is now working on the first volume of a study of Comparative Conflicts Law. Dr. Rabel came to Ann Arbor three years ago. At the tea he was presented with a Festschrift publication by Max Rheinstein and Hans Julius Wolff, compiled in honor of the occasion. This collection contains works by many of Dr. Rabel's friends and one by his son. Houses Object To Re-Zoning Residents in the neighborhood of South University and Washtenaw, which includes the Kappa Alpha The- ta, Sorosis and Phi Delta houses, are circulating petitions to prevent the construction of a filling station on the northwest corner of the two avenues. The petitions are in protest to owner A. W. Gallup's request to the city council for re-zoning of the lot. Present city zoning laws prevent the building of a filling station in the area which is restricted to single and multiple dwellings. Residents who are opposed to re- zoning plan to appear at a public hearing Feb. 7, where the petitions will be presented. Among those who have signed petitions are, Mrs. F. B. Vedder, representing Kappa Alpha Theta, Earl Moore, and James Ken- nedy representing Phi Delta Theta, and Mrs. Robert Angell, representing Sorosis.- Penicillin Fungus Is on Display Here Specimens of penicillium notatum, the fungus from which the new "won- der" drug penicillin is derived, are among the exhibit of fungi shown in the main floor corridor of the Natural Science Building under the direction of Miss Bessie Kanouse at the Uni- versity Herbarium. o V E R. T H E S I D E-U. S. troops go over the side of a com- bat transport, manned by coast guardsmen, to enter landing barges at Empress Augusta bay on Bougainville Island. N E W. M A P-Prof. Irving Fisher (right), noted economist and longtime professor at Yale University, demonstrates his new type map, based on flat triangles which can be "built" into a poly- hedron with a minimum of distortion. Shown with Prof.. Fisher is Phil Spitalny, orchestra leader, who will distribute some of the maps on his tour of service camps. C R A N D S 0 N -Winston Churchill, son of Capt; Randolph Churchill and grandson of the British prime minister, wears a party hat at an American Red Cross club in England where-he was a guest of American soldiers. 5 10 KAMCHATKA STATUTE MILES ARAITO KOKUTAN POINTCAP IMAI LOPATKA OYAKOBA Tayaba POINT MT. HITATA .Naga SSH UMUSH U PARAMUSHIROR NAGAIWA POINT KAKUMABETSU ~ K . P NTPacific Ocean HUROTSU POINT* ! =KAMCHATKA ATTU' US.S.R.) ta. w- Y~t'su I W aU.S.S.R. ~K D -z _ -q- -PARAMUSHIRCo Otoinaye - - ~Vladivosto ,?...do ' HOKKAIDO North Pacific Ocean KAPARHONSHU JAPAN POINT Raisha Tokyo STATUTE M J A P A N E S E B A S T I 0 N-Closeup map of Paramushiro Island, Jap naval base in the Kuriles, which has been under aerial attack by the U. S. Inset shows relation to Aleutians and Japan.,- C H I E F-Brigadier R. E. Lay- cock, D.S.O. (above), present chief of Britain's Commandos, succeeded Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, now commander in Southeast Asia. Ja-ton Jcic EXCITING COLLECTION of new Spring dresses for every occasion. Young bright casuals, colorful. prints, and soft pastels. Figure flattering details with styles to please everyone. Open 9:30 - 6:00 1 msns hw*. -V-11 .-' E ........... .. x ......... X: 11 X RON