PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY w .. v <- a .u a .. . a.Aavavw7iviail 1 V.7" :f 1.7YJ E4r Sitrigan ?alLy Fifty-Third Year I !Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control. of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ror republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- tier $4.25, by mail $5.25. REPRESRNTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIZING VY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Puablishers Representative 420 MADsON Ave. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . LOS ANGELES * SAN RFRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Nov. 4-The Moscow Declaa- not step out of the channel into the ditch. Let tions have so changed the world as we knew it him leave the quibbling to others. Mr. Willkie's only yesterday that one has the feeling of grop- importance has rested entirely on the fact that ing his way amongst familiar things suddenly he has chosen, against all temptation, to move become unfamiliar. in the main stream of the emerging life of our When the Senate began its debate on the Con- time. Those who fall out of step with the Moscow nally resolution, for example, the honorable Declarations are dead men; those who. march members believed themselves to be discussing with them will find new doors to political life the safe and distant future. and usefulness opening for them. Mr. Willkie's They now find they are discussing the sharp future lies not in gouging fly-specks out of the and imminent present. Senator Pepper has been Moscow Declarations, but in defending them pleading for an amendment to make the Con- against attackers. The country may need a nally resolution more specific. No amendment is Republican of that stripe. Mr. Willkie may be needed now. Moscow has made the resolution assured that the struggle in which he has fought specific. so long, so well, is not over, but will be resumed, THE TRAIN IS IN though on a different level and in more complex The train has arrived while we were still form. drawing blueprints for the station. The Connally In the profoundly changed political climate resolution can no longer be considered apart brought about by the Moscow Declarations, from the situation created by the Moscow Declar- isolation seems to be losing its poise complete- ations. The Senate of the United States must 1y. Senator Wheeler's first reaction was to de- either ratify the world as it now exists or decide mand the four freedoms for Poland, too. The that it prefers some other planet altogether. Senator at one time thought that dissemina- Then there is the effect on some domestic tion of the four freedoms did not justify our political fortunes. A part, at least, of Mr. Wen- going to war anywhere. He insisted that he dell Willkie's strongest appeal to the elector- was a practical man. Now that he has been de- ate would seem to have been washed out. Mr. feated on the practical level by the new alli- Willkie had become the leader of internation- ance, he has abruptly become a moralist and alist forces in American life. But the last chap- idealist. ter of "One World" has been written in Mos- THE BOTTOM IS OUT cow, and by Mr. Roosevelt. Mr. Willkie's argu- He'll be all right, in a little while. The bottom ments have succeeded and so he has none left. has dropped out of the isolationist world, and it He is the victim of having been right. It is needs time to think. It used to demand an exclu- sad, because if he had been wrong, he would sive alliance with Britain, on the days when it not have run out of thunder in quite the same was not denouncing Britain. The new Declara- way. tions make that silly. Isolation also used to de- Mr. Willkie is faced by a supremely delicate mand bases from Britain, on the days when it choice. He can endorse the Moscow Declarations, was not demanding an exclusive alliance with and ride with them. Or he can try to maintain j Britain. That, too, is now absurd. Where do the some species of independent oppositional place boys go from here? by quibbling about them. But a quibbler is not a Things used to be so much better for them, leadyr u nbefore we were quite so successful. That demo- leader. cratic success leaves American isolation crushed, ACCEPT, ACCEPT, ACCEPT bewildered and thunderstruck is an interesting My best advice to him, and it comes from a thought, with which you may play as you like. fond heart, is to accept, accept, accept. He must (copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) 4ERRY- Eo ROUND By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Nov. 4-One con tributing factor in the increasing paper shortage has been lack of "boy- power" to collect scrap paper, plus lack of a War Production Board sparkplug to get a paper collection campaign humming. What happened was that shortly after Pearl Harbor, housewives and youngsters collected scrap paper with such zeal that scrap dealers were not able to take care of it, reduced the price, sent word out that no more paper was needed. American patriotism was too much for the unorganized scrap industry and Government. At that time scrap paper was not so urgently needed. But now the sit- uation daily grows more acute. Most scrap paper is made into cardboard or heavy pasteboard packing -boxes, much of it used to send war goods abroad. When enough scrap paper is not available for V-boxes, then they are made of raw wood pulp, thus tak- ing newsprint away from the daily newspapers. Belatedly, therefore, the War Pro- duction Board has begun to stir itself regarding paper salvage. Its inertia has been as bad as its initial failure regarding scrap iron. But that does not make the paper less needed. Actually tJUele Sam needs 8,00,00 tonsof scrap paper. There is a saying that nothing is as dead as yesterday's newspaper. But now any old newspaper is. alive for scrap purposes. All sorts of paper is needed - cigarette packages, candy boxes, paper cups, news- papers -- everything. Scrap paper actually is in such de- mand that one biscuit company had to shut down because it was unable to get paper boxes. It is so short that a black market has sprung up. Ima.- gine a year ago, bootlegging waste paper! GRIN AND BEAR IT t . c . r- Nr " ..._._ U. s G I' (?. 193 hcg Tte.Ie imam* Imm! Marion Ford . . Jane Farrant. . Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradaile Betty Harvey . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director * . . .City Editor . Associate Editor . . . Women's Editor Business Staff Iolly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion Business Manager Ass't. Bus. Managers Ass't. Bus. Managers Telephone 23-24-1 - --3w NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA ROCK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. BIG JOB AHEAD: Detroit Campaign Over; Jeries Must Clean Up THE DETROIT MAYORALTY RACE is over but the issues so violently argued through- " out the campaign are still very much alive in the minds of every citizen, waiting to be set- tMed. The elections have done nothing to improve the situation,, regardless of the outcome. They have certainly made it worse. Much was said by both candidates that should better have been left unsaid. Some of it was untrue and much of it unnecessary. Jeffries has won and it re- mains to be seen if he can offer a solution for the housing problem and at the same time clear up the situation created by the mud-slinging indulged in so unwittingly by both candidates. The housing and labor problems which should have been the main issues were buried under the rehashing of the riots, and ridicu- lous cries of Hitlerism. Name-calling was all that concerned either candidate and as a re- sult that too must now be cleaned up. Jeffries has a job on his hands. It is no longer a question of who was at fault or who might have done the better job. All that is over, and what remains important is that the mayor and the people, all of them regardless of color or creed, cooperate to help clean up De- troit and restore it to a respectful place among other great industrial cities. - Jean Athay DEMOCRACY 1943: Election of Aurelio Is Mockery of Ballot Box THE VOTERS of New York City made a joke out of that greatest of democratic privileges, the ballot box, when they elected Thomas A. Aurelio for a fourteen-year. term to the bench of the New York State Supreme Court. Repudiated by both the Republican and Democratic parties which nominated him for the office before they found out about his tie- up with racketeer Frank Costello, Aurelio re- mained on the ballot because of a legal tech- nicality which could not be corrected. In one of the craziest campaigns ever waged in the history of politics, every newspaper, every citizen's league, constantly warned the public about voting a straight ticket and thus uncon- sciouslycasting a ballot for Aurelio. Both par- ties which nominated him carried on an intens- ive propaganda program urging "don't vote for our candidate. D ESPITE all these forewarnings which were given to Mr. John Q. Voter, in his usual leth- argic interest in voting, which runs no farther than the top men on the ballot, lhe went to the polls, pulled that labor saving lever which en- ables one to vote a straight ticket and walked out satisfied that by his action he had completed his duty as a citizen of a democratic nation. 'Now take Mac over there-he has no pt just gonna continue looking for the job h Senatorial Courtesy ... * if t said One of the oldest subterfuges prac- eigl ticed in the name of "Senatorial dig- didi nity" is the deletion of acrimonious h debate from the Congressional Rec- del ord. However, Florida's forthright sistc young Claude Pepper is one Senator i who believes in keeping the record Texa straight, regardless of whom it hits. Tea Pepper recently had a fiery ex- sent change with Texas' Chairman Tom his r Connally of the Foreign Relations expu Committee over changes in the post- gram' war peace resolution, during which Cong the Texan roared that he had been one "insulted." Later Connally went to forgo Pepper, suggested the flareup be ain't stricken from the Record. "Il have to look it over to see (cop MORE RIOTS? Jeffries' Reelection Intensifies Race Issue WITH THE REELECTION of Edward Jeffries as mayor of Detroit the smouldering ques- tions about the June 20 race riots, which have not yet been answered, are being asked again. The most remarkable thing about the Detroit riot was that the possibility of such an outbreak had been foreseen for more than a year before it occurred, since feeling in the defense swollen city had been rising steadily, yet no action was taken to prevent the riot.' In June, shortly before the race riots oc- curred, when a procession of Negro leaders and a few white leaders constantly visited the City Hall beseeching the Mayor to do some- thing about the impending upheaval, why did Mayor Jeffries fail to take any positive action" Anti-Negro, handbills were being distributed on the steps of St. Florian's Church in Ham- tramck during the Sojourner Truth riots.. Why was there such confusion, indecision, and criminal delay among the city and state officials when the imminent revolt finally broke out in oven warfare-as the score of dead and injured mounted by the hourT HOW UNBIASED or consistent is the judg- ment of the city officials? Prosecutor Dow- ling, who declared he was against a grand jury and charged that an association of colored peo- ple and a local colored weekly were responsible for the riot, after a resultant wave of resentment and tension from the Detroit Negro population, immediately did an about-face, saying, "I like Negroes. It's a pity the way the Negroes are treated in Paradise Valley by the Jews. The Jews own all the food and liquor stores and pawnshops.' The Negroes do not have a chance under such a setup." But the fact is this: neither before the riot nor since has there been any real effort to deal directly with the glaring reasons for the out- break. Perhaps the most remarkable statement came from Attorney General Biddle, who in a letter to the President on July 15, suggested that Negro movement to Detroit be limited if not closed! Apparently, then, the Negroes are to be compromised in their status as citizens! Earl Brown, a noted political writer, has sug- gested in an article in "Harper's" that the only } way to promote cooperation and progress be- tween the whites and blacks, the following things should be done: (1) Call a Grand Jury to investigate the riot which would bring the just conviction of many rioters, black and' white. (2) Set up a bona fide working committer; of colored and white citizens to represent all groups in the community. The present Inter- racial Committee is a sham. (3) Let the Auto Workers Union stop hate strikes. (4) Let the Detroit papers be truthful in reporting friction. (5) The people of Detroit should be told constructive and true news about the. Negro population. (6) The Detroit police should give up their h~abitof bullying Negroes as a matter of routine. 7), The police Lshould hand out equal justice SETTLEMENT: Miners Win Original Demands for Wages AT LONG LAST the UMW and Secretary Ickes have managed to come to an agreement on a wage increase for the bituminous coal miners, ending the nation-wide coal strike. The $1.50 a day wage increase agreed upon is precisely theafigure that the UMW asked for in the Illinois agreement and which the WLB refused. Even the fact that the WLB formula is adhered to by the expedient of cutting the miner's lunch time and counting the time it takes him to get from the pit to the surface does not alter the fact that the miners have won the battle they fought so long and bit- terly for a higher wage to meet the increased cost of living. SECRETARY ICKES is to be congratulated for his agreement with the UMW. A method of granting the UMW's consistent wage raise de- mands without violating the WLB formula for wage increases has held up settlement of the mine issue for months. The minute President Roosevelt gave Ickes the power to negotiate an agreement, the Secretary accomplished what should have been settled last May. The lost production hours caused by the coal strikes cannot be recovered, but Ickes has taken a step that should prevent any recurrence of this stoppage in one of the most vital industries. What is more important, the miners have re- ceived a wage increase that they badly needed in the face of rising costs and hazardous work- ing conditions. - Betty Ann Koffman INFLATION? Subsidies A re Needed To Control Living Costs PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT in his message to Congress on Monday urged that the food subsidy program be continued in order to con- trol the cost of living. The decision which Congress makes on the subsidy program will mean the difference be- tween a well-balanced food program in keep- ing with our current wage and price controls or uncontrolled inflation and a possible food shortage. The stabilization 'of prices and wages consti- tute a major basis for our wartime economy. The food subsidy program has brought about reductions in the price of food to within the price control scale. If the subsidy plan is de- feated, food prices will rise to their former lev- els and, in all probability, continue to rise. Demands for , increased wages will follow an increase in the cost of living. The vicious spiral of uncontrolled inflation will have begun. THE FOOD subsidy program has many bitter opponents. The powerful Farm Bloc is fighting against it because they would benefit from higher ceiling prices for farm produce. Yet dropping the subsidy plan would result in loss for everyone. The cycle of inflation, when started, is uncontrollable. DA ILY OFFICIAL 'BULLETIN -_ . ._ . _ °. . : .. , (Continued from Page 2) to All Heads of Departments: Please notify Mrs. Burns in the Bus- iness Office the number of Faculty Directories needed in your depart- ment. To save postage and labor the practice of mailing directories is dis- continued. Any staff member may have a copy by applying at the Bus- iness Office, 1 University Hall. The Directories will be ready for distribution Nov. 11.: Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary Michigan Daily: There will be no house delivery of The Daily for the fall term. All faculty members and others entitled to receiveThe'Daily may sign subscription blanks at the Business Office, 1 University Hall, for delivery of the paper to their departmental 'offices. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary The University Automobile Regu- lation became effective at 8:00 a.m., Monday, Nov.. 1. All students are urged' to refer to the explanatory ar- ticle to be found in the, Nov. 2 issue of The Michigan Daily or to read the outline of the ruling which is given on the reverse of their cashier's re- ceipts. To Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Others Responsible for Payrolls: Payrollsgfor the Fall Term are ready for approval.- This must be done by Nov. 10 in order to ar- range for annuity and insurance payments. Edna Geiger Miller Payroll Clerk Fraternities and Sororities, both general and professional, should se- cure membership blanks from the Dean of Students at once on which to list active members and pledges for the Fall Term. Ther'e lists should be made'out as of Nov. 1; Blanks will be mailed upon request. Approved Organizations, which wish official recognition for the year 1943-44, should submit lists of offi- cers on blanks provided by the Dean of Students. Unless an organization submits such a list it will be consid- ered inactive for the year. Fraternity Rushing for the fall term will begin on Monday, Nov. 8, and will be conducted under "Rush- Council in the Undergraduate Office of the League and to the Office of the Dean of Women by 5:00 p. m. today. All treasurers of student organiza- tions for the current term are rem quested to repott as soon as conven- ient to W. B. Rea, Auditor of Student Organizations, Room 2, University Hall. Acadoinic -Notice The Medical Aptitude Test of the j Association of American Colleges, a normal requirement for admission to practically all medical schools, will be given on Friday, Nov. 5, through- out. the United States. The test, which will require about two hours, will be given in Ann Arbor in the Rackham Lecture Hall from 3 to 5 p.m. Any student planning to enter a medical school and who has not pre- viously taken the Aptitude Test should do so at this time. You are requested to be in yopr seats prompt- ly and to bring with you two well- sharpened pencils. The fee of $1.00 is payable at the Cashier's Office through Nov. 4. C. S. Yoakum Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held on Fri- day, Nov. 5, at 4:00 p. m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dictionaries may be used. Program in Regional Administra- tion and Reconstruction in the Divi- sion for Emergency Training-Course 303-Seminar in Middle Europc. In- tensive study of certain aspects of a region within the larger area of Mid- die Europe and of the life of the peo- ple living therein. The seminar is designed to follow the course 203 (Survey and Analysis of Middle Eu- rope) which was given during the summer term. This course may be elected by those who were enrolled in Course 203 and by graduate students and seniors who are majoring in one of thesocial sciences and who have adequate background, with the ap- proval of their advisers, of the in- structor, and of a 'representative of the Divisior for Emergency Training. Tuesday. 7-9. Hostie. Room 308 Li- brary. First meeting Tuesday, November 9. L. S. and A. Juniors now eligible for concentration should get Admis- sion to Concentration blanks at Room 4, U.H. immediately. These