TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. JAN. 28, 1944 _. v _ _rRIPAY, SN. _ s ..19.4 ..... --- Voice Clinic To Hold Third Annual Meeting Farmer President of Musicians' League Will Adress Conference fhe Third Annual High School Voite Clinic, sponsored by the Mich- igan School Vocal Association and the School of Music, will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League. High school music instructors from all over the state have been invited to the conference, held yearly in order to assist teachers in improving public school music instruction. Lecture WUIO fe Highlight One of the highlights of the day will be an adress by Cameron Mc- Lean, past president of the Detroit Musician's League, who will speak on the topic, "This Voice Business." All sessions are open to the public. A lUncheon in the Russian Tea Room at ,theLeague will besheld at 1:00 pin. with lale Hallack of .Mar- lette, president of the Mchian School Vocal Association, presiding. Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of the School of Music, will extend greetings to the delegates and Prof. Hardin A. Van Deursen will speak on "Viewing the Future. Both morning and afternoon ses- sions wllbe held in the Grand Ra- pids Roo . Dr.Palner Christian will open the morning program with a talk on .the use of the girls' choir during the present emelgency. Vocal Problems To Ae Discussed Other topics to be discussed dur- ing the morning include the develop- ment of rhythm and reading readi- ness in the primary grades by Miss Mary Alice McAndrew, assisted by a class from the Bach School; vocal problems in the intermediate grades by Miss Marguerite Hood, assisted by a class from the Eberbach School; vo- cal problems in a general music class of seventh grade "loys, by Miss Hood, assisted by a class from Tappan Ju- inor RIigh School; and talks on the treatment and development of the slo voice at the high school age level, by Prof. Arthur 'Hackett and Miss Thelma Lewis of the School of "1t'sic. Opening with a program of compo- sitfons for mixed voices by the Ann Arbor High School choir, directed by ,Xss Rose Marie Grentzer, the aft- e-oon session also includes a dis- Russian'of ensemble intonation by le n H. Woods, director of music 'at the Cranbrook School, .Detroit. F r CI Stomp The Union taproom will be open from 3 to 4:45 p.rm. tomorrow for ser- icemen and coeds attending the GI Stomp, it was announced yesterday. The soda bar, usually closed to wmlen, will 'be available so that couples can get cokes and ice cream. The Stomp, which will be held at the usual time from 3 to 5 p.m. to- morrow, will have as its theme song "Five O'Clock Whistle" by Woody Herman. There will be continuous music for dancing. 'Specially invited hostesses this week are: Pi Beta Phi, Chi Omega, Alpha Xi Delta and Jordan Hall. Servicemen are asked to come promptly at 3 p.m. Di er at Center To 0onor Jim Crowe Students at the International Cen- ter will hold a farewell dinier for Jim Crowe at 7 p.m. today in the Center at which he and his fiance, Miss Jean Menefee will' be guests 'of honor. Crowe, who plans to leave soon for service with the >AF, is at the pres- ent time assistant to the director of the International Center. During the two years he has been at the Center he has helped plan programs, worked with the foreign students and has handled most' of the publicity for the Center. Bombers ProtectI Landing Craft Nearing Cape Gloucesler BEGAN AS EXPERIMENT: Language Institute Works All Year A group of Mitchell medium bombers hovers protectively over landing craft approaching Cape Glou- cester, New Britain lsland, Southwest Pacific, for the December invasion of 'the Japanese-controlled island by American Marines. Fearless Reporter Rides in Nse of Bomber To Get Story By KENNET L. DIXON Associated Press Correspondent ADVANCED AIRBASE in ITALY, Jan. 23.-If you have any tendencies toward claustrophobia, don't ride in the plexiglass nose of a Boston light bomber. You feel like a lonely por- poise stuffed into a gold fish bowl. I rode there yesterday to get an eyewitness yarn on the landings be- hind the German lines up the west- ern Italian coast. We were bombing Frosinone-a major reinforcement road junction. After I got up inside I buckled on the big seatpack parachyte and then added a heavy "flakvest" which is a steel-lined piece of equipment simil- ar 'to a :baseball catcher's body-pro- tector. Even before I fastened the safety belt, I couldn't wriggle. "In case-ha, ha,-we should have any trouble, how would I get out?" I asked, laughing lightly to show my careless disregard for danger. Sgt. Lee Duncan, the assistant crew chief from Portersville, Calif., entered in- to the spirit of the moment. "Well, I Aoi't k~now, ha, ha," he said, "there's an'emergency escape hatch above you but you can't get out that in flight or you'd break your back. That's just for use in case of a crash landing-you know In as belly landing the nose probab- ly woulb be all smashed up, ha, ha. -" He went on cheerfully to explain that if I had to bail out I would have to (1) take off the flak armor, (2) undo the safety belt, (3) pick up the' folding floor over the lower escape hatch, (4) grab the emergency lever on the hatch-itself, (5) lower myself downwith my back to the slipstream 'or you'll break your back there, too," (6) hang there carefully to be sure I fell straight down and not in- to one of the props whirling at arms length on either side, (7) and let go. "Do you think I can get through there with a chute-in time?" "Oh, some of them do," he said. "I never talked to anyone whoI didn't." With that, the crew chief, Tech.' Sgt. :Melvin H. Doehrman of Fort Wayne, nd., handed"me my steel helmet and Pfc. 'Rudolph Bellande, of Los Angeles, the other assistant crew chief, locked the escape hatch and the three of them stepped back, their faces masked with those cheer- ful hospital sick-room grins. I show- ed my teeth back at them. We had -just learned that Frosin- one was so "hot with flak that a whole bunch of A36 invaders had WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE! Continuous from 1 P.M. 'F e M ;p W 4)eft been shot up over it earlier in the day. To make a long story not too much longer, we had a "milk run" -uneventful mission-no planes attacked us and what little flak a ppeared was fired at other for- mnations and we successfully block- ed the road at Frosinone. So, after the never-ceasing thrill of a takeoff, I listened to the pilot and gunners chatting. The talk eased the lonely locked-room isola- tion of the greenhouse-as did the magnificent view of the successful Allied landings on the coast. Not until the landing was I again unpleasantly aware of the closeness of the nose. Then, when I saw the ground crew waiting, I waved to them airily. "Milk run," I said lightly, "just a milk run." Sergeant*.. (Continued from Page 1) champion of the Hawaiian division of the United States Army. Sgt. Yankoff has won many gold medals and a white Army champion- ship belt. $efore the war he won competition in close order drill and won a distinguished rating as a bay- onet expert. His colonel in Hawaii awarded him a cloth eagle for outstanding leadership. He wears this on his arm. He has been given the highest award an Army man can get for Comedy Will ie Staged, by Play Productiont Shakespeare's "The Comedy of' Errors" is now being cast by Play' Production of the speech department and will be staged at 8:30 p.m., Feb. 9 through 12 and at 2:30 p.m., Feb. 12 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. One of the most popular Shake- spearean comedies for production, "The Comedy of Errors" treats the farcical situations occasioned by the confusion centering around two sets of twins. The twins, Antipholus of Syracuse and Antipholus of Ephesus, and their twin servants, the two Dyomios, find enough trouble to keep any number of twins busy. To top it all off, romantic compli- cations set in for both sets of twins: which adds greatly to the general. mix-up. Tickets for all the performances' will be placed on sale at the theatre' box office Feb. 9 with mail orders. being received before that time. his use of the rifle, automatic rifle, machine gun and bayonet. Sgt. Yankoff was at Pearl Harbor' when the Japs bombed it. He was on shore at the time and watched the enemy planes dropping their bombs.' He was put in charge of a Jap lieu- tenant who swam to shore from a' suicide submarine. After some Amer- ican soldiers had captured the Jap, Sgt. Yankoff took him to Army head- quarters for questioning. Sgt. Yankoff says that the Ha- waiian Islands are the best place America has for training soldiers. He found that conditions there were most like the 'conditions on the vari- ous islands where he later fought. By BARBARA HERRINTON The English Language Institute, started three years ago under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, is{ now working as a round-the-year1 project. ThetInstitute began as an experi- ment in the teaching of English as a foreign language. Prof. Charles C. Fries, director of the Institute, said, "We found many students coming to the Universitywith practically no knowledge of English. Our method of work," he continued, "is to take the advances made in linguistic sci- ence and the research done in En- glish and Spanish and bring them to bear upon the practical problems of teaching." The courses conducted in the summer were formerly merely a means of testing the research. This Rockefeller-Michigan experi- ment was concluded last summer. However, government agencies which had sent Latin-American scholars to the Institute for training in English were very much impressed with the work and requested this fall that the training be continued as a round-' the-year project. The Regents gave their approval and this year a series of four eight-week courses in English is being conducted. Prof. Fries said Basic English is not being utilized because "we believe that the vocabulary materials used should be adapted to the particular background experience and interests of the people being taught." The Institute is the only one of its kind in the country. Prof. Fries said he believed the University would do a great deal more lan- guage teaching in the future, but that it would be largely in the summer months. The English Language House at 2006 Washenaw is an important part of the Institute. Students living there are required to speak English and re- ceive practice in informal conversa- tion. Prof. Leo L. Rockwell from Col- gate University and his wife direct the House. During the three years in which the Institute and House have been in existence 20 of the Latin American nations have been repre- sented. Residents of the House gain a greater interest in the problems of other Latin countries and the United P ops Band ToPa At Basketball Games A new version of the Pops Band will play for the basketball games Friday and Saturday night in Yost Field House. Popular music is a new idea never. tried before at Michigan basketball games. The band will play pieces like "I Heard You Cried Last Night" and "Stout Hearted Men." Community singing will be in order. The 50 piece band, made up of members of the University Band will Sbe led by student directors. States. Prof. Rockwell said of this, "Some have considered the sympa- thetic understanding they have gain- ed of their neighbors' problems through personal acquaintance with citizens of their sister nations as of almost as great importance as their progress in English." Speaking of the aims of the Hcuse Prof. Rockwell said, "The Hcuse attempts to give a fair pic- ture of United States life and cul- ture. Without any attempt at def- inite propaganda idealizing North American civilization, members of the staff attempt to counterbal- ancethe grossly distorted notions of the United States spread by American movies and many tour- ists, by exemplifying and discuss- ing some of the less sensational habits of normal Americans." Students in the Institute at the present time represent a large num- ber of the .atin-American nations. There are Dr. and Mrs. Alessandri from Santiago. Upon returning to Chile Dr. Alessandri will ,be the head of medical statistics in. a hospital there. Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo An- gulo are here from Colombia. Dr. Angulo will be one of the few ex- perts in thoracic surgery in his coun- try when he returns. Dr. Aurelio Becerril's field is pub- lic health. He is from Mexico. Cesar Bravo from Peru is a student of edu- cational methods. Two nurses, Ruth Briceno and Ligia Cerranza, are here from Costa Rica. Dr. Adalberto Sev- ero from Brazil will work with Dr. Kahn in serology. There is Dr. Rafael Coello from Honduras, Dr. Carlos Cuaresma from Nicaragua., Dr. Eugenio Diaz from Chile, Jose Escobar from El Salvador, Rene Fuentes from Chile, Dr. Erique Garcia from Chile, Ignacio Gonzalez from the Dominican Republic, Carlos de Grijalba from Colombia, Jose Hurtado and his wife from Vene- zuela, Roberto Koch from Peru, Dr. Mario Leon from Peru, Dr. Emilio Lopez from Peru, Dr. Victor Lucha from El Salvador, Sabino Mass from Honduras, Dr. Luis Navarro from Peru, Dr. Fransisco Sequeria from El Salvador, Dr. Isnard Teixeira from Brazil, Antonio Valer from Peru and Dr. Rene Vargas from Nicaragua. Many members of the class which has just left will have high positions in their own nations. Dr. Antonio Bestard will be the dean of the medical faculty, University of Asuncion in Paraguay. Dr. Fer- nando Caseres expects to build a large sanitorium for the insane in Ecuador. Alvaro Barin, who is from the Min- is try' of Education in Colombia, is staying on here at the University to study juvenile delinquency. Prrinelss Julaia t o Lauc Liberty Ship SAN FRANSISCO, Pan. 27.-(T)-- Princess Juliana of the Netherlands Royal House will sponsor the launch- ing of the liberty ship Jan Pieters- zoon Coen tomorrow at a Richmond shipyard. 'The ship is named after a seventeenth century Dutch coloniz- er. January End-of-Month * Fontine through Monday, BECAUSE - it is our policy to close out merchandise at the end of every season. BECAUSE - Early spring fashions are claiming our floor space and our attention. BECAUSE - We've marked down our remaining winter apparel for IMMEDIATE DISPOSAL BtegYrdtens of Former Crice or Cot DRESSES Sample V-Ball Ballot This is a sample ballot to be used in today's all-campus elections: Crepes, wools, rayons - Jacket dresses Casual dresses if El Bette Willemin Hariette Wiltsee Doris Coleman L Allen H. Anderson L Marjorie Rosmarin Q Patricia Coulter ~]i Stan Wallace CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Dressy dresses - Evening dresses former values to $35.00 . . Sizes 9-17, 12-44. $5 $l0 $12.15 (One group of odds and ends in crepes, wools, corduroys at $3.48) COATS U 1, . V, .t , ... _ .... , . . CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request HELP WANTED PART TIME help wanted. Sandwich maker, waitresses, waiters, dish washers. Good pay. University Grill. William Street, third door from State. Phone 9268. MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 0- State. ALTERATIONS on ladies' garments. Phone 22678. Alta Graves, 402 Ob- servatory Street, opposite Stock- well. FOR RENT ROOMS for rent, at 839 Oakland. LOST and FOUND LOST-A white crepe evening blouse with sequins, in a black paper bag, in ladies' lounge at League last Saturday. Reward if returned to Edith Olggon, 836 E. University. Phone 6061. LOST-Scarab bracelet and neck- lace; colored stones s with inscrip- to wear° 'fleeces styles. Were formerly to $65.00 FUR-TRIMMEDif COATS a few in black and colors. At $39.95 and $49.95. Were to $89.95 One group of Odds and Ends in BETTER COATS at $10.00 SITS Practical, sensible tweeds and shetlands. Dressy soft wools and pin stripes. All good for wear through spring and next year. Sizes 9-40. Were $25.00 to $35.00. for seasons to come. Beautiful tweeds, shetlands, and Chesterfields. Balmacaan, Boy and fitted At $25.00, $35.00, $39.95. Sizes 10-40. NOS ~4aire TREVOR Albert DEKKER in the story of a gambling house girl with nothing to lose . "W 10.Tody thru Saturday dg'HAVILLANDv CUM M-INGS CHARIES COBUPN JACK ARON 'JANE WYMAN N~ WAILIS PROM NW. 1. 2^d Dreted by. NOMAN KRASNA) at $12,95 $9,9 25,O I One group of matching SUITS and COATS at 39.95 each ODDS and ENDS SKIRTS, PURSES, GLOVES I ..BY! .On~ ? I I