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Member, ,Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44 Eaditorial ,Staff 14arian Ferd .ane Warrant. Clailre Sherman M~arjorie Borradasih Eric Zaleneski. Bud Low . Hlarvey Frank. Ma~ry -Anne,,Olson Madorie Bosmarin Hilda Slautterback D~oris Nuentz Molly Ann Wnoku Eizbeth Carpenter D~atha _Opsion Y . Managng Editor Y < . Editorial Director * . . City Editor Y . Associate 'Editor * . . *Sports =Editor * . Assocate Sports 'Editor < Associate.Sports Editor Y Women's :Editor * . .Ass't Women's Editor. . . . Columnist * . , . . * Columnist Bu~siness Stafff ar t . .'.Business Manager M As't Bus. Manager * Ass't Bus. Manager to 23-24-1 T elephom NIGHT EDITOR : BARBARA HERINTON ,editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily sta ,~nd represent The views of the writers only. Students Asked To Top December Cllectionls C OLLECTIONS of student-gathered waste pa- per will be made on campus tomorrow and it is the patriotic responsibility of every dormitory, League house, sorority andl cooperative to donate as much as possible, This waste paper is converted by the paper tills into vitally needed protective wrappings andt boxes for, shipping war materials to our fArmed forces overseas ils have had to shut ,own all over the country because they lacked ,their basic rawn material-waste paper. In ,tile December drive, over 45 tons were col- leted on campus. This record should be topped tomorrow.-R1ay Dixon ElExiCTION 1944: MudSlinging Charge Is Directed at Sen. Taft 5tA°T©R TAYT has accused Secretaries Knox and. Stimson of supporting a unform federal ballot for :service personnel because they tare "running" for another term. Senator Taft seems to be of the impression that if we dlid have this uniform ballot for service personnel, then the present admininstra- jon would be assured of reelection We find in the remark made bySenator Taft the ,first traces of-the mud-slinging which pre- cedes every political campaign. .The attack made by Senator Taft might be construed as an indirect attack on the Presi- dent, whom Taft would say is urging the uni- form federal ballot in order to win the votes of tie ;servicemen. if the servicemien, who, are fighting this war, approve of the way it is beig andled, that is a Very ood argument for keepig the present ad- ministration in power. Uniform fedeali ballot or no uniform federal ballot, tservieren aren't going to vote fr anyone they don't :want. -Doris Peterson COM 'PROMISE: Congress Sets Terms Of Mustering-Out Pay JFT long bickering, Senate and House con- ferees have arrived ata easonable plan -for mustering out -pay for servicemen and women. it Is -a compromise; it keeps the range of payments approved by.the-House and the re- striations on service approved by the: Senate. The scae is not comnplicated: $100 for those who ,serve less than 60 days of service, $200 for those who serve more than .b0 days service in this country, and $300 for those who serve over- seas or in laska. Sen. Johnson estimates the plan will cost $i,000,60006600, which is much lower than the estin ted cost of either the House or the Sen te, proposals. It's a reasonable measure. We hope our law Makers will pass it quickly and hurry on to other d FAHNGS have been piling up since Christmas, things which demand investigation and ex- planation, here in this State of Michigan where the Ford -Motor Company is the bigges. empire and Henry fiord thec biggest indtsrialist. First, "lTrIder Cover," by .Jon Roy (aiSo, published fat Jurte, and now in its 800,00th copy, spends ten pages proving the fascist tendencies, connections, and actions of this Ford Empire No denial of these charges has been made, and no suit has been instituted to prove the statements false. So this six-months best seller continues to show that Ford and fascism are akin. Then "New Currentis" ihi it Deebr iss w ran an article byAlbert FE. Kahn of Detroit, son of the famned architect who designed Ford build- ings, includingkthe Bomber plant, Kahn calls to attorney Gen. fiddle's attention the fact that in ca~se after case Ford has hired German Nazis in his plant, printed anti-semitic literature, aided financially groups with known fascist prin ciples. Now John... Ltugas, for th , past five years bead of the .etroit branch of the Federal Bu rerlli of Invstigation, quits his ho, after con Suilng his boss, Jr. Edlgar Hoover IHis new joi-assistat to Harry l civiltt of the Per- sonnel Department of thle Ford Motor Con- pany. Needless to say, during the past five years, despite the many rumors and occasional out and out charges brought against the Ford Company, no investigation has been forth- comning. And finally, the Countess, Grace Buchanan- Dineen, said, under oath in the Federal Court in Detroit, that she was given the names of high officials in war plants, including the Ford Motor Company as "potential sources of espionage in- formation." Facts, you say,fBut what are the facts y These are the facts: BE'TWEEN 1920 and 1927 Ford published a weekly newspaper, "the Dearborn Independ- ent," edited by. William J Cameron (who later became "the voice of the Ford Sunday Evening Hour)." Hsere tile known forgeries, the "Proto- cols of Zion," were first published in America ..one of the most vicious attacks ever made on th1e Jewish people. When the paper was sus- pended, Cameron set up and became president ofthe Anglo-Saxon Federation of America, whose magazine "Destiny," continued to print the Pro- tocols. In the early 1920's Ford was named at at government trial in Bavaria as being one of the leading financial supporters o' the infant Nazi movemnt. When in 1923, Adolph hiter (then a small fry) learned _that Ford might run for resident, he said, accordin~g to a "Chicago Tribune" dis- patch: "I wish that I could send some of my shock troops to . . . big American cities to help in the elections . . . We look to Heinrich Ford as the leader of the growing Fascist movement in America . . . We have just had his anti-Jewish articles translated and published . . . and widely circulated _in Germany." On Monday, March 7, 1932, the Ford Service Department 'turned machine gun fire on 5,000 men, women and boys who marched on a hunger strilke to the gates of the Dearborn Ford plant. Four of the marchers were killed; 22 collapsed under the fire. W RING the 'thrties, many known German Nazi agents came to this country; the first person contacted, who usually gave them jobs: Henry Ford. The iren: -Fritz Kuhn, jailed in 1939 as head of Nazi-American Bund; Nazi agent Heinz Spanknoebel, who camne to ti, country to set up the Friends of New Germany (shortly after Hitler's rise to power) ; John T. Wiandt, tool and die maker at .Ford's, while not from Germany, is an influential member of the National Workers League, whose leaders are now under indictment for espionage, A friend of Ford, Rtumeley, was found guilty of being an agent of Imperial Germany in the last war. Peley, Joe -McWilliains, Laura Ingalls, Eliz- abeth Dilling and Co., all either under i- dictment for seditious activities, or dire to be, think Ford. is the..best man in Aierica. -Quoting from "Under Cover": "Mein Rampf refers favorab)ly to only one American-Henry Ford>,'The original programi of, the Nazi Party cited the finest and most universally known example of this kind of manufacturer'-henry Ford. The first American to be honored with .the Grand Cross of the fernman Eagle was Henry FOrd.(Auguskt, 1038.) (.It was.later given to Cir le, AA, Lindberil,4 employe of _Ford now.) For years a large picture hung beside Hitler's desk in theBrown House; --tLhat of Henry Ford. In his biograp~hy of Ht3itler, Konrad Heiden as- serted: 'That H.enry Ford gave money to the National-Socialists , directly or idirectly, has neVer been disputed.' " Ford was also -c known suipporter or thme An erlea First Comm'Aittee, which wve now know was crun by Fascists. Ini a state wherie, in the last 15 years, thle K Klux Mln, and then the Black Legion, terrorized and murdered, and whei:e now the Uie Sons of America (outgrowth. of the KKK, whose pia.es- ident and othier officers are employed by Ford) is spredding; where the worst anti-.semitism an: ld anti-negro feeling is now rife; where a race riot ran rampant for half a week, and some investi- B4RNABY I'd Rather BeRight_ By SAMUEL GRAIRTON NEW YORK, Jan, 26.-We shall eventuall arm the French underground, I am ,sre; but iti stead of having done it gladly, and has oiur ow~ happy thought, we shal have done it rehctant; We are making progress from too little and t late to enough and too late. In the end, we always do it. We are now giving arms to Tito and his Yugoslav Partis- ans; but the very same quantum of arms~ given earlier in the game, could have made us general instead 'of limited partners in Tito's enterprise. The offer to ride in the driving seat is usuall a brief offer, but we nearly always manage t overlook it. Then we scramble belatedly forth tailboard of the bandwagon, where we ride with out much dignity, our toes dragging in the ds: WE'RE FOREVER CATCHING UP It is especially in handling the undergroun movements of Europe that we do not mak policy, but have to be nudged into policy, shoud ered into policy, shamed and scared into polic and finally we join with all the awful majest of one falling down a flight of stairs. When the underground tunes iri ont ou radio beams, it hears, all too often, that the great need in Europe is to maintain order and firm controls, while winning. We do no realize, in our massive official illiteracy--on the subject of popular movements, that this is an insult to the underground; that, and also an expression of distrust. The underground does not like to hear itse regarded as a :problem, line flood and malaria It does not enjoy discussions over what to b done with it, as if it were a case for a reform school. SOMETIMES A SMILE So we do not make policy for the Europea underground; we sit on our velveteen sette primly and let ourselves be wooed. Sometime we reward the underground with a dim smile because, after all, we do not want it to sto calling, and we are uncomfortably aware tha there are other girls around, especially towar theeast. And it is usually after the underground ha made an eastward gesture, toward Russia, tha we brighten up and allow as how it's a prett good old underground, after all, anid Ierha9p deserving of lemonade and cookies. WE MADE HIMT WAT TOO LONG It is a policy of drift; we don't do, we are donm to. When we finally give arms to the people o France, as we certainly shall, it will be becaus we could no longer avoid doing so, The Frenel people will have their arms, butt on such term as to feel that they won themr from us by fight - ing for them, and owe us nothing. It will hayf been an arm's length transaction, between strangers. The arming of France will then ic a. triute to the underground. It could have been a tribute to urs. The new =Fratnce could have been our idea as well as merely our ally, and we could have helped shape it, instead of lrere- ly making th~e best of it. In the endl we do it, anyway; th at s wliaZ hurts; but we (10 it iris one who has jurnpe aboard at the last moment to catch a ride. An no song rises; it's is a glum trip. We ;Dade th mian wait too long while deciting whleilr w were going his way. Copyrlght, 71944, Svc YaiUr. tot way tri. te gators thought it was a pla nnred riot; this Stae of Michigan, which is the uniunitions center o the country, can't afford to allow fascists aai Nazis to run the largest industry in the state. If the rumors are false, they should be investi- gated and stopped. But if, as appears, the facts are trute, the guilty should be tred and punished as enemies of the nation, and trlaitors to de iocY- racy. DAI LY OFFI[CIAL BULLETIN COMPLACENCY?: Only Thi ee (oeds Sig WEEKS :liA(;O t'eWstn:wCut OPA issued a caldl for volunleert price panel voluntecci,.Lo assist, in a program of 1-rice ,_eiing srveys All ,lir si 'e es 14 cdVfiiiiitee i d lian-,d beeni exhaus~tted. An appeal was i ade to fiv t eritV sLtdenit, firt Gtlroti lte buisiness ' taili- ti-ation lschlool. N~to one voltEee,1rd. Womnen wer~e then askedo ltosi Ipa t- League. During a week of registrailorn, exac~l~y three volunteers appeared. This brings up again the tnuchue-bed question of whether University womeln arc eomlplacent. tare they uninterested in doin work which is so vitally aconnected wii~jth th wax- effort? Or do they fail to realize the necessity of their helps Surely O A work te- serves as much support as stirgical dressiings, the laundry, and the blood 1)ank. After two years of war itou ld seein that University women, who are supposedly intelligent and. well-informed, would begin to wake up to the fact, that there is no room for s~glackers, :teilnie Fifchl GRN' AND EBF-iAR 11, { __ -_ kI / ti' iis i n onighborhi~lood have spent, their firntfew ntts its this crib -- te g irls just palts it :1,4aroundivwith their WIEDNESDAY, .IAN. 2, 1944 v VO~. lIV No. 6 3 All n ii 1ies for I le Di iIV 4Offic ilIBid- s lt in Ore to bte sent to thle Office of. the s President in typewritten form by 3:30 plm. of the daiy prcedinig its lnbiii- t ion, excetp on Saturda~y when. theno I 1,Ssiioiid lie si hmii ted by li:320 1.ni.1 t. Fourth War boat Drive: TO bily War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. '7. A "Bond Belle" will pick up your order d and deliver the bond the next day. :e Use this service and help the Uni- - verity4 meet its quotr. .y, lUiversity ai iI Bad .Connnllittee Detrait Artenian g(l)ii,"cholar- r ship: Undergraduate students oh e Armenian parentage residing in the Detroit area who p ave earned 30 t hours of college credit are eligible to apply for the $100) scholarship offered for 1944-45 by the Detroit Armenian Women's Club. Applications must be ' made by May 15. For further details, inquire of Dr. F. R. Robbins, 1021 If Angell Hall. a. --.-. m- 3e usiniess Adminiistration graluates: in Mr. Prior of Goodyear Rubber Co. in Akron will be in the Bureau of Ap- pointments on 'Thursday, Jan. 27 to interview men for business lHe is ,n interested primarily in mien with ac 'e counting or sales. eMech~anical, tidustrial, Civil, Che- rp mical and -Aeronatical Enineering t Seniors: Mr. TI. W. Pr ior of Thle, 'd Goodyear'fire & Rubber Company, Akron, 0., will interview today, rein. is 214 Engineering Bldg. itInterview schedule is posted on thle y Bulletin Boiard atRai. 221 West Iii- is gineering 1Bldg. inehaiceal, le trical and Physi- eal Chlemistry Seniors: The Hfoover ie Company, North Canton, . repie- if sentative will interview Seniors on ;e Thtisday, Jan: 27, in ,tt. 214 West It ngineering Bld. tS Interview sued uk' leis Iposted Ion ite Bulletin Board at thnti. 221 West E ninePerinlg Bldg. Eli ineers: Mr. 11: L, Iliasol,, irec= tor of iReseare-lt of Othe Taylor Instru- nient Companies of R;oaleste, N.Y., will be tit the Bnirieati of Appoit- mnents oil Friday aand Saturday, Jal. 28 and 29 etoi iterview inet withi bafieloir,s degr tees or adtvanicd d- gr-e.,fur woirkas, Metalurists, Me- t chanic'al Design es, lReear-i Egi- atfeers inii ll. Enig. or Rog Physics, Physicists, Research Physiiss41P1,- D_ or MSe 7 and LReseScli C heiits eOW;; aPhD it'broa'-y rt'hila Vs : IVI i,Jollyi 01 of #RCA will Ile atthe flureati of At)- pointuieilts ioi F4riday, Jan, 28.Ile e is interested in Februtary graduates t in the following fields: Erigineers- S Chemical and 1Met ilrk ial , llectrai - (;al, lllerlaanicdand i in fld usti al~ Chemists; Ph ysic ists; Dra ftdeferred men in ;yll business fields. Wonenl s Mathlfand Scien ces, Drafting: For- Ieign i Languages; Bulsinless r ER'o- nii0 ; -5 i tatitics; Personinel; sloae- taria I. Seniors in Aeronautical and M4e- t-haniectl Engineering: Mr. R. B Holmes of the Bell .Aircraft Corpora- tion, -Buffalo, N.Y., will be at the University on Friday, Jan. 28, to interview seniors for positions in the Niagara Falls and Buffalo plants. Interested men will please sign the interview schedule posted on the Aeronati tical Engineering Bulletin "oard, near Rm. B-47 East Engi- neering Bldg. Application blanks may be obtained in the .Aeronautical Department office. English 1 (Se. 5), College of Engi- neering, will not meet Wednesday from 8 to 9. A. 1L. Cooke F ilstory 1-1, See. 2 will meet in 'Rm. 102 ec. Tuilding for the rest of the 1semester on Monday and Friday at >10:00. SSeniors who wish to be eligible to contract to teach the modern for- eigmi languages in the registered Sec- ondary Schools of New York State are notified that the required exami- nation in French, Spanish, German and Italian will be given here on Feb. 18. Those who wish to take this examination should notify Professor Pargment (100 R.L.) not later than Feb. 12. No other opportunity to qualify will be offered until August, 1944, 'when Summer School atten- dance is a prerequisite for admission to the examination. Doctoral Examination for Isabella Hlen Lugoski, Chemistry; thesis: "An Electron Diffraction Investiga- tion of the Molecular Structures of Biphenyl, O-Terphenyl, Tetrapheny- lene Hydroquinone, 1, 4 -Divluoro- benzene, 1, 2, 4-Tiibluorobenzene, Trifluoromesitylene, and Benzotri- fluoride," Thursday, Jan. 27, 09 Chemistry, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, L.O. B rock way, By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. C. S. oakunn Lectures 1'renieh Lecture: Professor Rene Talanmon, of ithe Romance Language Department, will give the third of He Frencah lectures sponsored by the (2ercle Fran cais 0on'PThursday, Jau- ary-y 27, at, 8 p~m. in the Assembly Room i the Rackharn Building. The title of his lectu re is "1 ,cture Di-m- atiqtie." All servicemlen are admitted free of charge t;o all lectures. U niversity Lecture: Miss Freya Stark, author and traveller in tie Near East, will speak on "A Journey into Yemen in 1940" (illus) today at 7::30 p.m. in the RackhanmAiphi- theatr-e. The lecture will be tinder the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts. The public is invited. Spaniisha Leeture: The first lecture of "lia Sociedacl IHispanica" will be held today in the Assembly Hal of the Rackham Building at 8 p~m. The speaker: Sr. Alvaro Main. 'hie sub- fecet: Colombia, Pais Insular. Members, patrons, stutdents and anyone else interestedl are urg'ed 1,0~ autteredIthis first lectuire. B ylci MERRY" Goa Iy IDREIW WA:;llir'~.;T'ON, h.6--t;-A good manaiy people I ria e inqufired of this col uamnist regardiak th e fact ti-at lie was offered theu alleged "Hopkins letter-" sov- weeks ago, but did not publish i;,. Ihre are iuore details. The let tea- was offeed by Joe Lich, who says t hat, he organized thet first Rosevet fqr President club in 1932, and now claims that he was the organizer of the first MacArthuri for- 'uesi dent edub 'Ihe reasons why this ceitiimi decided against publication wei r: Fl? s1 , t seemned inconceivable that H opkins would write a let ter- of t ha kind, since all his conivrsatI in afl efforts h avye beent to promote l~DR for a fourth tern, notVWilkie; see- ond(, the letter was a copy and looked phony our the su rface; th ird, it was offered by a manac ut ive in trying to smear- Wilkie by making it appear that he wads se(-ietly linked up~ With lopkins and . tle White House. This is one of the chief tactics of old guard Republicans asfar as this columnist has bena able to determine. Hlowever, there is ab- solutely no secret deal' between -Roosevelt and WHIllie. 'Their rela- tionshipr is one of inutual respect, but no,) cordial admiration. The Piesident appreciated Will- kie's public cooper,61ion withI him on foreign po1licy, but11 lie has never been enthusiastic over W ilik e's onoiffiial ambassadorial trips to various parts of the wvorld, perhaps because they tended to crIowd him. PUR, from the limelight. Arid when'l the Pesident learned that Wihi~ie had ant invita- tion from the Austalian government ?to visit that country, hie is reported to have stepped in with a hint tW the Australian government that Mis. 'Roosevelt take the trip instead rVi rgll.Isle,i tds (i-a'nrrlr Secretary of the Interior Ickes 1does not usually cons ider. himself a ,judge-maker, but hie s quietly and unofficially assuming that role in order to get rid of the Governor of the "Virgin Islands. The Governor is Charles Ilar- S wood, who has been in the hair of many Virgin Islanders, to say nothing of Secretary tcakes' own sparse locks, or several years. lie is chiefly famous In the "Vi hin Islands, a commnunity 95 per cent Negro, for intIroducing legislationa imposing one ye.ar's imprisonment for a minor-violation of the moral Scode. 'The bill dit not pass the Virgin Islands Legisature. Governor Harwood has complaid to Secretary Ickes that, when he was Sappointed, he thought it was under- Sstood he would not have to spend too much time in the islands. He spends considerable time in Wash- ington, SFor some time, Ickes has hoped to get rid of the Governor, but 'there is one major difficulty. Bar- wood is one of President Roose- velt's oldest political friends, le served in the New York State Assembly when Drus, then taking Shis first plunge into politics, was elected to the State. Senate "fromt Dutchiess County. Hlarwood and the President have been "good friends erier since, in addition to which the Virgin Islands Governor has been a substantial contributor to the Democratic Party. Therefore, since the Secretary of the Interior can't get rid of his Gov- ernor of the Vgin Islands in any other way, he would lie to see him 'made a juiice of the U.S. Court of Appeals fm- HeP DistiictOf COlxn- bia, wher-e JudgeoFred Vinisoni's seat is vacant;. 9ThewCour-t of Appealsi, incidentally, has become one of the outstanding tcourts ofthe country, free from politic, :and with a, higher callibrerof juldges thlan allt ayprv iouls time in) histoi- y. (Copyrighlt. 19114, huillr eut Pe1lAitOfi ynd) ti1rgOnH(,of lll cky." Ai)yone iiter i'he Astociattioii lv1 itc humr will preentBe 1, tven'sSyrulpl toy No. fP inl !)Minor thhis evelung a; t lLane ITall, mo3. Ee-on ner Je S ecoriailly inv i,r-~I. WesI~ley I !'htdtltiln: tGpen Houlilse Coming ,VEvents Annual Spani V layv: Tryouts will be held on Thlur-sday, Friday and. Monday, Jan. 27, 28 anld:31, in Rm. 408 111, fi-ona 3-5 p.m. Allithos interested lea se attla (,1. ;'ell at hIItcrw~ttntnaI Center is Sca-vd t eh eekoii'f'lhUi-saya f1'olm 4 :00 to 530p.iai -for lforeigntu,1- 1(entv lacult, townspeopl!,andi I Amierican sti ideiul i rti-tntdIs1of'foreig stdentS, ThePosit-War(Concfil %will hold ia Mr- O'Mailley! u top Igesthat's all right. j l iig lw I'm Illt tOnx Otj 1o get ihi, (I7,(ioiiio wotk oil the "Gsreit t ,ct" t. Nc ,ru, ,rr . rl I H