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January 26, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-26

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House Approves
Contribution to
Amendment To Take
Control from Hands of
President Is Defeated
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-Over-
riding some sharp objections-prin-
cipally from Republicans-the House
today approved legislation permit-
ting the United States to contribute
$1,350,000,000 to a world "kitty" for
relief and rehabilitation of war-rav-
aged areas and populations.
The bill went to the Senate by a
vote of 338-54 after the Republicans
fought in vain for an amendment to
place control of the funds in the
hands of Secretary of State Cordell
Hull, rather than the President. This
was defeated, 217 to 175.
In the form it finally left the
House, the measure was broadened
so that aid can be extended to the
people of India.
The House also approved the
agreement reached by the 44 par-
ticipating nations which formed the
United Nations Relief and Rehabili-
tation Administration at Atlantic
City. This caused some critics to say
that. Congress was endorsing treaties
and that it was taking the first step
toward "the super state," or "totali-
The "UNRRA" program provides
that immediately upon the liberation
of any area by the armed forces of
the United Nations, the population
shall receive aid and relief, and that
urgently needed agricultural and in-
dustrial production shall be resumed.
VwBall Petitions
Are Due Today
Senior Applications for1
Offic s Must a Filedi
Petitions for both V-Ball and senior
class officer positions must be filed
by 5 p.m. today in the Union Student
Only seniors graduating at the end
of the current term are eligible to
petition for senior positions which
will be elected for every school and
college in the University.1
$oth the literary college and the
engineering coolege will be permitted
three V-Ball committee members
while the remaining schools and col-
leges will elect an additional three
The Men's Judiciary Council said
yesterday that interviews of prospec-
tive candidates will be held at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Union.-
The dance committee will be round-
ed out by the appointment of four
service representatives,'two each from
the Army and Navy units on campus.
All candidates' names will appear
in The Daily Friday and the election
will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
that day in campus booths.
Only sophomore, junior, and senior
students are eligible for the dance
committee while every student on
campus except servicemen will be
permitted to vote.
Waste Paper
To Be CBeolleted

University students are to rally to
their country's call .tomorrow when
collections are ma e of vitally need-
ed waste paper.
Dormitories, league houses, sorori-
ties and cooperatives are all trying
to top the 45 tons of old newspapers,
magazines, cardboard boxes and
scrap paper which was donated to
the war effort in the December drive.
Doris Barr, president of Assembly,
which is sponsoring the drive to-
gether with Panhellenic, asks that
waste paper be put on the curb to-
night in order that representatives
of the Washtenaw County Salvage
Committee may make pick - ups
Thursday morning. It is also asked
that collections be brought to cen-
tral league houses and sororities to
limit the number of stops necessary.
Paper mills throughout 'the coun-
try are desperately in need of waste
paper which is the basic raw mater-
ial used in producing protective
wrappings for over 700,000 war es-
sential articles. Packages for ship-
ping blood 'plasma,' containers for






Clark Reads



After landing with forces of this Allied Fifth Army on the west
coast of Italy, behind German lines, Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark (right)
reads a report on the new invasion's progress. This is a p.S. Army
Signal Corps Photo.'

Public Protests
'Gagging' Bill
On Soldier Vote
Special To The Daily
DETROIT, Jan. 24.-As a result of
the thousands of protest letters pour-
ing in from Michigan, Congressman
Earl C. Michener. (Rep., Mich.) re-
fused yesteray to invoke, the gag
Rule' which would cut off discussion
on the floor of the House before a
vote was taken on the Soldier Vote
Congressman Michener declared
that he would not be a party to push-
ing through the Rankin-Eastman
Amendment to the original Green-
Lucas bill since the amendment, if
passed, would make it impossible for
servicemen and servicewomen to use
the uniform Federal ballot in the
coming elections.
A delegation from the Detroit Bal-
lots for Servicemen Committee will
reach Washington on Thursday to
present petitions urging that soldiers
be given the opportunity to vote
through the passage of "Federal
jurisdiction without the complica-
tions arising from State election pro-
MYI JA etitions
For Soldier Vote
Taking further action toward the
immediate passage of the Federal
Soldier-Vote Bill the MYDA circu-
lated petitions on campus yesterday.
The names on the petition were
sent by telegram to. Joseph Martin,
minority leader of the House of Rep-
resentatives, last night.
Petitioners demanded the immedi-
ate passage of the compromise Green-
Lucas Bill.
** 4
Senator's Still Disagree
WASIHINGTON, Jan. 25. - (1P) -
Determined to fight against amend-
ments, Administration Senators ap-
parently passed up tonight any
chance of lining up southern Demo-
crats behind a new uniform federal
absentee ballot bill.

World News
In Brief.
Bolivia Not Recognized
LONDON, Jan. 25.-)--The
British Goverpiment announced re-
fusal today to recognize Bolivia's
military, Juaa .l. left tle door
open for a resumption of relations
if conditions change.
tlkiitisans .'Fall iBack
LONDON, Jan. 25. -V)'- The
Yugoslav Partisan Army has fallen
back in a fighting withdrawal in the
long and swaying battle below the
naval base of Fiume, abandoning to
the Germans the coastal town of
Senj, the headquarters of Marshal
Josip Broz (Tito) announced today.
War Production Sufficient
WASINGTON, Jan. 25.-A)-
Donald M. Nelson reported tonight
that war production has reached
the volume considered necessary
for victory.
lriggs Is indicted
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(/P)-
A federal grand jury today indicted
George N. Briggs, confidential aide
to Interior Secretary Ickes, on char-
ges of forging the "Hopkins letter"
which implied that the White House
is in political cahoots with Wendell
$700 Is colleced -i
sale or Ii ue Iaiies
With a total of 700 collected, the
response to the campus sale of Dime
Dailies for the relief of "polio" vic-
tims was good, Jim Plate, '45, chair-
man of the campus March of Dimes
drive, revealed yesterday.
The drive goes into its third day
today with a large amount of the
campus goal still to be met. So far
Navy contributions have been the
highest of all campus groups.

Nazis Report
Allies Sever
Appian Way
Littoria, Aprilia Are
lFaken by Onrushing
British, U.S. Troops
Associated Press Correspondent
giers, Jan. 25.-Fifth Army patrols
were reported tonight to have enter-
ed Cassino, long a bastion of the Ger-
mans' cross-Italy line, and this may
indicate the beginning of a German
withdrawal from the southern Italian
Allied troops extended their bridge-
head south of Rome more than 12
miles in land and apparently forced
Field Marshall Gen. Albert Kessel-
ring to withdraw units from the
bloody Cassino area to meet the
threat to the Nazis' two major supply
arteries from Rome.
London Radio Reports
(American patrols entering the out-
skirts of Cassino could see into the
"heart of the town, only 400 yards
away," the London radio said tonight
in a broadcast recorded by CS, and
"the only sign of life was a single
German walking down the street.")
("But even if Cassino has been
evacuated," the broadcast continued,
"the surrounding heights still are
held by the Germans.")
German Radio Reports
(A German broadcast said the town
of Velletri, 24 miles southeast of
Rome on the Appian Way, had been
destroyed by Allied bombs and in-
timated American troops had occu-
pied the town and cut the highway.)
Already the historic Appian Way,
which with the Via Casilina feeds an
estimated 100,000 Nazi troops in the
Gustav Line, was within reach of
Allied patrols and to all intents and
purposes was denied to the enemy.
$wiss Raio Reports--.
(A Swiss broadcast quoted the Al-
lied-controlled Bari radio in Italy as
announcing that Allied troops had
captured Littoria, 12 miles east of
Nettuno, as well as the town of
Aprilia, also in the Pontine Marshes.
The British Broadcasting Company
quotedone of its correspondents at
the bridgehead front as saying ad-
vance Allied elements had crossed
the Appian Way and were approach-
ing a double-track electric railway
to Rome.)
Sov er eignty TO
Be Discussed
The Post-War Council panel on
"Can National Sovereignty Be Limit-
ed?" will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the Union, instead of today,
as previously announced.
Participating in the panel will be
Prof. Roy Sellars of the philosophy
department, Prof. John Shepard of
the psychology department, and Prof.
George Kiss of the geography de-
Topics which will be dealt with
include: 1)-Distinction between Na-
tional Sovereignty and Nationalism;
2)-Extent to which war has inten-
sified Nationalism; and 3)-Signifi-
cance of these facts in potential post-
war cooperation.

Stowe Speaks
On the Russiani
Peace IDebate
"Except in the event that the Allies
do not have a half million men fight-
ing on European soil by April, 1944, I
am convinced that the Russians will.
never make a separate peace with
Germany," Leland Stowe, prominent
war correspondent said yesterday in
a lecture on "What I Saw in Russia."
Speaking of the recent Pravda ar-
ticle accusing Great Britain of dis-
cussing a separate peace with Ger-
many; Mr. Stowe said that he be-
lieved this report was published so
that the British would make a public
denial, refuting those in England
who-.haave been advocating such a
"Perhaps this wasn't too delicate
of the Russians," he continued, "but
did we ever stop to think how deli-
cate some of the things Colonel Mc-
Cormick and the Hearst papers have
said about Russia are and what Rus-
sia must think when she reads these
Stating that he does not know
what will happen if we "fail to deliv-
er the goods by spring," he pointed
out that our total of 29,000 dead
looks awfuilly small to a people who
have lost 7 million men in actual
fighting and more than that number
of civilians.
In conclusion Mr. Stowe, in dis-
cussing the post war world, said,
"There will not be peace unless we
learn to live with Russia-and we
can learn if we are not influenced by
the voices of those who are prejud-
iced against her."
Freya Stark
Speaks, Tonight
"A Journey into Yemen in 1940"
will be the subject of an illustrated
lecture to be given by Miss Freya
Stark at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
The lecturer, who is a well known
traveler, explorer and writer about
the Near and Middle East, has

Allies Gain on Italian Front

Kesselring, German Field Marshal, was forced to withdrs
from the Cassino area, entered yesterday by Fifth Army pa
defend the two maijor supply arteries from Rome. HIoweve
troops have, according to reports, cut the Appian Way.

Lt. Torn ar,,
Will Return T
"I'm coming straight
wired Lt. Tom Harmon to
ents here yesterday from;
ville, S.C. air base.
By his decision, Tomv
Ann Arbor, the scene of
iron fame, also the sce
reunion with his family1
hasn't seen since Christi
"We expect him any
morrow (Wednesday) ," h
ty year old father, Louis,
On leave from his
squadron in China, Har
been granted a 24 day1
told Monday in Washini
he was shot down over
China last October 30.
Union Off ic
Day Meetin
"This is the first ambi
in this field," Willard Mari
ucational Director of Loca
CIO, at the Ford Willowl
er Plant, said last night in
ing on the union's three-
tional training conference
convene here Friday.
More than 25 delegates
the sessions which willl
the Michigan League, an
ings will be led by unio
except for a Friday mo
group which will be co
faculty members of the
President Alexander G
will highlight the confere
Friday by discussing "W+
cation in Great Britain.
will be drawn from his
in England when he visit
"This conference has a
ed purpose," Martinson
want to carry on a full-
tional program by training
leaders and at the same
the rank and file in thei

Russians Fight
Their Way into
Rail Junction
-" Other Forces Sweep to
Last 50-Mile Stretch of
Nazi Held Trunkline
Associated Press correspondent
LONDON, Jan. 25.-The Russians
r fought their way today into the
streets of Krasnogvardeisk, import-
ant rail junction 30 miles southwest
of Leningrad where the lines from
Estonia and Latvia meet, and other
forces swept in from the east to the
last 50-mile stretch of the Leningrad-
Moscow trunkline still held by the
Germans, Moscow, announced to-
20 night.
Less than 100 miles south of Len-
tMILES ingrad, Russian troops fighting west
aw units of Lake Ilnen reached to within eight
Atrols, to miles of the railway junction of
-, Allied Shimsk. This drive, now at Torfo-
podstilochnaya, was nearing the Len-
ingrad-Vitebsk Railway, one of the
two escape routes still open to the
Germans falling back from the Len-
1on ingrad area.
Other forces to the east were
1oday smashing through German lines west
and southwest of Kurishi, moving
t home," through fortifications and forest
o his par- roads built by the Nazis.
a Green- The Germans rushed up reinforce-
ments from Estonia and Latvia to
will snake meet the on-rushing Soviets, but even
his grid the new troops may be trapped if the
hisgrd-Russian push moving west of Nov-
ne of his gorod in the Lake Ilmen area con-
whom he tinues unchecked,
nas, 1942. __________
time to-
his seven-Army Navy
said last
fighter Programs May
rmon has
leave and Be Disbanded
gton how
Jap-held WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-())-
With the aim of releasing approi-
mately 200,000 student-servicemen
. for combat duty and saving an equtl
number of pre-war fathers from the
draft, the House Military committee
may soon propose eliminating most
of the Army and Navy specialized
training programs.
Committee members, winding up
closed hearings today on the pro-
grams, expressed belief that both
tious effort should be abolished, with the excep-
tinson, Ed- tion of the dental and medical train-
l 50, UAW- ing.
Run Bomb- On the basis of figures from the .
a comment- Army and Navy, committee members
day educa- estimated that approximately 150,000
a which will in the Army program, including of-
ficer personnel, and 50,000 in the Na-
will attend vy setup, could be shunted into active
be held in service. This would leave the dental
d all meet- and medical groups intact.
n members To back up the expected recou-
rning panel mendations, committeemen indicat-
nducted by ed they would ask the House Appro-
University priations committee to provide no
further funds for the programs.
G. Ruthven Separate programs for training en-
nce banquet gineers and men for militay gov-
'orker Edu- ernment abroad would not be affect-
His talk ed.

ed there last
two-prong -
said. "We
time educa-
ig additional
time reach
r own com-

No Word Received Here
"No word has been received by
headquarters here in regard to the
new proposal for the abolition of ,a
large part of the Army Specialized
Training Program," Maj. Edward F.
Gallagher, adjutant of the 3651st
S.U., said yesterday.

Goal Is Made

of County's
ill Drive

Approximately one-seventh of
Washtenaw County's $7,477,000 goal
in the Fourth War Loan drive has
been sold, according to latest audits.
Of the county total purchased to
date, $521,607.50 has been in E bonds.
The E bond goal throughout the
county drive is $2,790,000.

Comedy, Farce Will Be Two
Speech Depart ment Offerings

Play Production To0
Enact Shakespeare


Childrens Theatre To
Give 'Mr. Dooley, Jr.1

Prof. Aitoii G"onw-nts on Bolivia

"If we just stop purchasing tin
from Bolivia, the new pro-fascist
government there will fall," Prof.
Arthur S. Aiton of the history de-
partment said yesterday.
"As 70 per cent of Bolivia's bI-
come comes from purchases by the

gain the support of the masses in
the recent revolution," lie said.
When asked about the decision of
the United States this week to deny
recognitiomn to the new govern-
ment, Professor Aiton said that the
State Departmerit is wise in pur-
suing such a policy, thus avoiding
a situation similar to that which
developed in Argentina. In the

itism of the European fascists and
they were defeated in a revolution-
ary attempt. Since then the group
has had underground connections
with the Integralista, or Green
Shirts, a Nazi group in Brazil, Pro
fessor Aiton said.
"Hopes that the new government
might be more favorable to labor
than the overthrown tin-controlled

Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Er-
rors" will be the next offering of Play
Production of the speech department,
to be given at 8:30 p.m. Feb. 9-12 and
at 2:30 p.m. Feb. 12 in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
An innovation in the regular Play
Production presentations, there will
be a matinee performance Feb. 12.
Shakespeare's comedy is a series of
farcical situations rising from the
confusion between the twins, Anti-
pholus of Syracuse and Antipholus
of Ephesus, and their twin servants,
the two Dromios.
To aid in furthering the confusion
romantic complications set in and
ham situation goeo from had tn worse.

"Mr. Dooley, Jr,", by Jane Lewin
and Rose Franken, will be given by
the Children's Theatre of the speech
department at 2:30 p.m. Friday and
Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Chosen for the first presentation
by the Children's Theatre of the year
"Mr. Dooley, Jr." is a comedy center-
ing around the affection of Tommy
and Janie for Mr. Dooley, Jr., a ca-
nine whose captivating ways are the
cause of all the complications in the
Upon deciding that they will buy
the dog, Tommy and Janie promptly
experience much parental objection
and financial difficulty, They then

to speak today
worked for the British Ministry of
-nfnrrmntiin since 19D and has

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