rAGrd ,FO~UR THE MI41CAN IDAILY TUESDAY. ,3AW 25, 1944 ..______1.________ _________ __L_____ _______1_ ___v__C_,____J__Z s 4 L+Vrla A 1. V []I.: . N~ i. ~'iY a 11w £icl~iga §aitR Fifty-Fourth Year DRAMA Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- Iication of al other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Marion Ford . Jane Farrant . Claire Sherman , Marjorie Borraduile Erie Zalenski . gud Low . ,. Ita-vey Frank . Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosinarin Hilda Slautterback Doris Kuentz. Molly Ann Winoku Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion Editorial Staff . . . . Managing Editor . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . City Editor S . .Associate Editor . . . . . . Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . . Ass't Women's Editor * . . . . Columnist . . . . . . Columnist Business Staff r Business Manager r . Ass't Bus. Manager . . . . Asst Bus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY DIXON Editorials Published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. GIVE DIMES: , Goal Is Unconditional Surrender for 'Polio' JUST A FEW months ago our nation experi- enced its worst epidemic of infantile paralysis in 12 years. Only twice before in the recorded hIstory of the disease were so many of ourr people placed on the epidemic casuality list. But America was prepared. And wherever the epidemic laid siege, there too was launched a counter-attack by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and its chapters. Chapters In the affected sectors rushed im- mediate aid to all victims. The National Filundation borrowed physical therapy techni- clans from non-epidemic areas, sent tons of Wvpol for hot pack treatments, respirators, ap- paratus of all kinds to the epidemic sectors. At the same time, eminent scientists, working ti4er Niational Foundation grants sought new ciues which may lead to discovery of the cause, prevention and cure of the disease. But all this takes money, more money than was ever expended in one year for this pur- pose. If all, the 12,000 persons who were striken with this disease this year had been given a year's treatment the total cost would be 216,000,000 dimes. Fortunately this was not required, for the dimes and dollars previously given by the Am- erican people before lessened the toll by pro- viding swift medical attention which spared manly from crippling. The local "March of Dimes" drive began yes- terday. Each and every person in Ann Arbor is being asked to give a dime a day to fight this crippling disease during the week of the cam- paign. By making these dime contributions and by purchasing this special "imc Daily" you will be enabling the National Foundation, to con- tinue its excellent work of helping heal those who have contracted "polio" and of prevent- ing others from being stricken with the disease. Let's make it unconditional surrender for "polio" by joining the "March of Dimes." -Louise Comins ENT USIASTIC Army War Bond Sales Furnish Good Example T IS A significant fact that 22 per cent or almost one-fourth of the total orders turned in to the University office during the first week of the Fourth War Loan Drive have come from members of the Army units stationed here. Ninety per cent of these men are already buying War Bonds each month through pay deductions ranging from $3.25 to $18.85, and their investments in the Fourth War Loan campaign represent a contribution over and above their regular allotments. To most of these servicemen buying extra bonds means a real sacrifice. A University officials commented aptly that the soldiers seem to be determined "not only to help fight the war but to pay for it as well." They are in a position to realize better than THE PERFORMANCE last night of Clarence Day's "Life with Father" to a capacity crowd was somewhat of a "letdown" to the expectant audience, composed of both students and Ann Arbor residents, who had been looking forward to this humorous play of Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse. heading the cast as Vinnie and Clarence ,Ay, unusual parents of four red-headed boys, June Walker and Harry Bannister gave a slightly melodramatic performance of two clever roles. In trying to convince Father that he must be baptized in order to become a true Christian, the entire family is entangled in a number of comical situations with the climax coming at the moment of Mother's serious ill- ness. .Thinking that his wife is dying, Mr. Day pro- mises to submit to the ordeal of baptism, never realizing that he will actually have to go through with it. But in the final scene, he gives in to the will of the family and friends, and the cur- tain goes down as Father marches off to the bap- tismal ceremony. If the actors were marionettes in the hands of skillful manipulators, they certainly would have portrayed their parts with closer attention to their meaning. The blasphemous speeches, so frequently uttered in a hoarse voice by Father, carried a definite appeal to certain older mem- bers of the audience who could perhaps appre- ciate the social life of New Yorkers in the late 1880's. Such a well-written play, however, re- quires an exact performance to satisfy the de- mands of such a homogeneous audience. With clever humor injected in almost every other speech, the play was usually lively enough. But the scenes were slightly drawn out, so that the last few were more or less the same as earlier ones. Everyone, however, enjoyed the sudden ex- clamation of young John Day, "Why, I'll be 21 years old!" when his father announced that the money for the patent medicine he had sold to townspeople would be taken out of his own al- lowance in order to pay them back. The Broadway success of "Life with Father" was not repeated last night in Ann Arbor. How- ever, the audience derived a certain pleasure from the humorous expressions. -Charlotte Bobrecker. DELAYED: Showdown Immnnent On Soldier Voe issue THE MUCH-ABUSED soldier vote issue which has been in and out of the Congressional spotlight for several weeks is rapidly approach- ing a showdow as both the Senate and House prepare to begin debate on measures which will insure members of the armed forces the fulfill- ment of their voting privilege. Although numerous leaders in Congress have expressed private sentiments to the effect that only a miracle will allow suitable legislation to be passed in time to be effective before the November elections, it looks as if the issue will be decided one way or the other within the next few days The House is scheduled to begin debate today on a Senate-approved measure which provides that the, states revise their voting rules and reg- ulations to permit soldiers to use the regular federal ballot for absentee voting. This bill, if passed; would in effect give the federal govern- ment practically complete control over all voting done by servicemen. Meanwhile, the Senate Elections Committee has approved a compromise measure, giving the various states control over the necessary qualifications for voters but allowing for the use 'of the regulation election ballot. Thus, the government would have charge of all detals of distribution and collection of ballots. This bill will undoubtedly gain greater prom- inence should the present .legislation be de- feated, Good news for the hundreds of angry Univer- sity students and Michigan residents who have deluged their Congressmen with protests against the present provisions for service balloting and pleas for the passage of a federal soldier vote bill came to day when it was announced that no effort would be made to invoke the "gag rule" which riight prevent the current House measure from coming to a vote. It looks very much as if the citizens of America have once more proven the power of public opinion, although the victory in this case has not yet been won, it seems closer than at any previous time. -Bill Mullendore Slovaks Join Partisans The Office of War Information reports that 6000 Slovaks escaped during the last six months and joined the Yugoslav liberation forces. Many have fled from the labor camps in Germany and Austria during the disorders caused by the bombing of German cities by Allied flyers. In- formation concerning a separate Czechoslovak- ian battalion fighting with the Yugoslav Parti- sans, which was widely circulated in Central Europe, proved to be of considerable aid in re- cruiting. -Czechoslovak News Flash I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON - NEW YORK-One of bhe real reasons why the Russians may mistrust us a trifle, even now, is that we have no real plans for the future of Europe. We want to go home. We are in favor of whatever will enable us to win quickly and go home fast. That is why we are able to get along better with the Polish government-in-exile than the- Russians are. The Polish government-in-exile is merely our temporary companion on a brief adventure; but the Russians have to think of the same Polish government in terms of a permanent neighbor, separated only by a party fence. We are aching for the moment when we can say: "Good-bye, Europe. Good-bye! May all your chidren be democrats." But the Rus- sians have to stay in the old neighborhood. IT IS EVE Y G. L's WISH It is a commendable aim on our part to want to go home speedily. Every G. I. echoes that wish. He would be a strange fellow if he didn't. But it makes us, in a sense, visitors. We are awfully temporary in Europe. That is why we are able to say, beaming, and with a kind of stuffy heartiness, that we are going to let nature take its course, politic- ally, in each country on the Continent. We are not going to interfere in the internal wars between the stinkweeds and the violets. That is very broad-minded of us. It is almost sweet. But it is the attitude of the visitor, not of the permanent resident, who is likely to have very decided ideas on the subject of living among stinkweeds. He is especially troubled when he sees us being "fair" to the weeds, by reaching out a hand to protect them whenever the violets, as in France and Italy, show a tendency to spread. NOT WITH A HOUSEWIFE'S EYE We call this being democratic, and impartial. But it is the impartiality of Lady Bountiful, in- specting the peasants' huts. She would look under the beds with a more searching eye, and measure the closets more carefully, if she were examining a proposed habitation for herself. No one is impartial about having half weeds and half flowers in his own garden. It is only in the other fellow's acre that such a state of affairs appears to be true equity. So it is that in France we help keep a Flandin and a Pey- routon from being tried for treason, and in Yugoslavia we give virtually equal recognition to two movements, neither of which can live with the other, and in Italy we try to strike a careful balance between good and evil. Our favorite color for Europe is a dull gray, which we get by mixing everything together. Then we daub this shade vigorously on every house in town. Of course we wouldn't live there if you gave us the place. We have beautiful reasons for doing all this. But the reason of reasons is that we don't intend to be there very long. GRAY IS GRAY We are satisfied with a cursory glance at the references of anybody who is willing to hold the baby and let us catch the train. So maybe it is our quality of being so relaxed about it all that stirs the Russians to a bit of distrust; maybe it is our very urbanity which moves them to occasional dark thoughts. We think the Polish government-in-exile is a good old government-in-exile, fine, fine; and we consider that Franco is making very satis- factory progress toward liberalism. But Span- iards are killing Russians on Russian soil. The Polish border has been an open sore for two decades. These problems will remain after we the shining visitors, shall have gone home, chuckling at how neatly we put that last point about impartiality. Maybe if we showed a disposition to make more enemies in Europe, we would make more friends, if you get what I mean, and firmer ones; or, to put it another way, when you splash that gray paint around too much, everything begins to look sort of muddy. (Copyrigb t, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) NEXT MOVE?* Bolivian Question Puts Secretary Hull on Spot T HE MAELSTROM of international politics has been added another factor to distort the scene a little more-the new government in Bolivia has decided to declare war on the Axis. State Department, please note. At the same time that Bolivia declared her intentions, two other Latin Americana coun- tries, Cuba and Uruguay, flatly stated they would not recognize the coup. Up to now the United Stages has taken the lead in Pan-American affairs. The other Am- erican republics have followed our lead, Secretary Hull has indicated that we wouldn't recognize the new government until obvious fascist leanings were wiped out. A declaration of war would seem to be the final step. All of which leads us to ponder the State Department's next move. -Stan Wallace I, IDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) 1936 to June 1941, inclusive, (num- bered A15,064 to A31,624) will show only the, amount of premiums cred- ited to the contract during 1943. They will carry a brief explanation as to why the amount of accumula- tion is not shown and will offer to furnish this figure, on request in urgent cases, as soon as can be done. This year's statements for all other contracts will be of the same form as they have been in the past. TIAA's tentative plan for next year is to show the amount of the Dec. 31, 1944 accumulation in statements for the 1936-41 group of contracts, but not in statements for contracts issued before 1936 (numbered Al to A15,063. Statements for retirement annuity contracts issued since July 1941 (numbered above A31,624) have here- tofore shown the amount of fully- paid deferred annuity purchased, ra- ther than the amount of the acumu- lation, and no change is contem- plated. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary Conservation of Public Utilities: It is urged that every member of the University community, faculty, stu- dents, clerks, and other employees, constitute himself or herself a com- mittee of one to contribute in every reasonable way to the end that there shall be no waste of electricity, wa- ter, gas, oil, coal, or of communica- tions or transportation service. This notice is in behalf not only of the University administration but of var- ious United States Government au- thorities. Parking Permits: Campus park- ing permits are now ready for distri- bution. Please apply at Information Desk, Business Office. For the pur- pose of expeditious identification by those who must check cars on the campus, please attach to front, not rear license bracket. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary All students registered with the Bureau of Appointments previous to this semester who have not added present elections to their records, please come in as soon as possible to do this. Bureau of Appointmets, 201 Mason Rail Registration Materials for Spring Term: Colleges of L.S.&A. and Arch- itecture; Schools of Education and Music: Registration materials for the spring term should be called for now. Architect counselors will post a notice when they are ready to confer. Robert L. Williams, Asst. Registrar Application Forms for Fellowships and Scholarships in the Graduate School of the University for the year 1944-1945 may now be obtained from the Office of the Graduate School. All blanks must be returned to that Office by Feb. 15 in order to receive consideration. C. S. Yoakum If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased improved property on a land con- tract and owe a balance of approxi- mately 60 per cent of the value of the property, the Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mort- gage. Such financing may effect a substantial saving in interest. Civil Service Examination An- nouncement (State of Michigan) for Bridge Designing Engineer III with entrance salary of $280 per month. Applications must be turned in not later than February 2. To see com- plete announcement, comie to 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments Mr. Hill of Bausch & Lomb Opti- cal Co. in Rochester, New York, will be in Ann Arbor on Wednesday, Jan. 26. He is interested in interviewing mechanical engineers, chemical engi- neers, physicists and chemists. Make appointments by calling Ext. 371 or come to the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall. Lectures French Lecture: Professor Rene Talamon, of the Romance Language Department, will give the third of the French lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais on Thursday, Janu- ary 27, at 8 p.m. in the Assembly Room in the Rackham Building. The title of his lecture is "Lecture Dram- atique." All servicemen are admitted free of charge to all lectures. Lecture: Leland Stowe, famous war correspondent and author, will be presented by the Oratorical Asso- ciation on Tuesday evening, at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Stowe's sub- ject will be "What I Saw in Russia." Tickets may be purchased Monday and Tuesday at the Auditorium box office which will be open Monday 10-1, 2-5 and Tuesday 10-1, 2-5, 7-8:30. University Lecture: Miss Freya Stark, author and traveller in the Near East, will speak on "A Journey into Yemen in 1940" (illus.) on Wed- nesday, Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture will be under the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts. The public is invited. Spanish Lecture: The first lecture of "La Sociedad Hispanica" will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 26 in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Buil- ding at 8 'p.m. The speaker: Sr. Alvaro Marin. The subject: Colom- bia, pais insular, Members, patrons, students and anyone else interested are urged to attend this first lecture. Academic Notices Admission to the School of Busi- ness Administration: Students who ers. Call Naomi Miller, 24514, for information. Mechanical, Electrical and I'hysi- cal Chemistry Seniors: The Hoover Company, North Canton, O., repre- sentative will interviov Seniors on Thursday, Jan. 27, in Rm. 214 West Engineering Bldg. Interview schedule is posted on the Bulletin Board at Rm. 221 West Engineering Bldg. Mechanical, Industrial, Civil, Che- micaland Aeronautical Engineering Seniors: Mr. T. W. Prior of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Aklon, 0., will interview Wednesday, Jan. 26, 1944, Rm. 214 Engineering Bldg. Interview schedule is posted on the bulletin Board at Run. 221 West En- gineering Bldg. February graduates: Mr. Johnson of RCA will be at the Bureau of Ap- pointments on Friday, Jan. 28. He is interested in February graduates in the following fields: Engineers- Chemical and Metallurgical, Electri- cal, Mechanical and Industrial; Chemists; Physicists; Draft-deferred men in all business fields. Women: OF COURSEWE'LL IT MAKES ME CONTR IBUTS TO THE FEEL. G, D TO MARCH OF DIMES- HELP THOSE CA USE -- GE T WE LL- Fight Infantile Paralysis b I BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus GRIN ANP BEAR IT -- \: ". By Licht J a R6 kv '. 1'4 'tI, 1i '/7 "I've lost interest in the heroine in that serial-any girl who has to choose between two men as she does, doesn't need any sympathy!" have completed 60 hours of college work may be eligible for admission to the School. Application for ad- mission in the Spring Term should be made prior to February 10. Appli- cation blanks may be procured and arl'angenents made for inlterviews with a member of the Admissions Committee at Room 108 Tappan Hall. Bacteriology Seminar: Tuesday, Jan. 25, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subjects: "Separation of The Products of Bac- terial Fermentations," and "A New Type of Lactic Fermentation." All interested are invited. History 11, Sec. 2 will meet in Rm. 102 Ec. Building for the rest of .the semester on Monday and Friday at 110:00. Events Today Fraternity House Presidents: There will be a house presidents' meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the IFC office. Prospective changes in the rushing rules will be discussed, and the date will be announced when fraternity pictures will be taken for the Michiganensian. Mechanical and Aeronautical En- gineering Seniors: Mr. C. W. Bishop, Personnel Director, The Aviation Cor- poration, Lycoming Division, Wil- liamsport, Pa., will interview Seniors, today, Tuesday, Jan. 25, in Sigma Rho Tau Room, 214 West Engineer- ing Bldg. Seniors may sign the interview Math and Sciences, Drafting; For- eign Languages; Business or Eco- nomics; Statistics; Personnel; Secre- tarial. Engisueers: Mr. H. L. Mason, Direc- ton of Research of the Taylor Instru- ment Companies of Rochester, N.Y., will be at the Bureau of Appoint- ments on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 28 and 29 to interview men with bachelor's degrees or advanced de- grees for work as Metallurgists, Me- chanical Designers, Research Engi- neers in Mech. Eng. or Eng. Physics, Physicists, Research Physicists *(Ph.- D. or M.Sc.) and Research Chemists (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) Business Administration graduates: Mr. Prior of Goodyear Rubber Co. in Akron will be in the Bureau of Ap- pointments on Thursday, Jan. 27 to interview men for business. He is interested primarily in men with ac- counting or sales. The America'n Society of Ilechani- cal Engineers will meet on Wednes- day, Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m. at the Union. A representative of the Savage Tool Co. will present an interesting and educational program, consisting of a sound film, chart talk, and labora- tory demonstration. All engineers invited. Blood Donors: The February Blood Bank will be held Thursday and Fri- day, Feb. 10 and 11. Register for an appointment now in Miss McCor- mick's office in the Michigan League. BARNABY .TTraining Gus and ap~.nn., ,. ,a By Crockett Johnson Luckily, I'm both , t,4- 2 I On second thought, Sarnaby,I'm needlessly taxino my enerov... CP~ocFtET I know just he r n I