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January 25, 1944 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-25

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TUESDAY,- JAN. 25, "44

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Lu reean Mi i';n,j Says

Soldier. Bouid n t it (sltShip

"All the pe-ople in Europe senzsed
that a war w as coming, but mocst of
theme refused to admiit it becas_
they didn't want it," Lt. AlwynA V.
Freeman, a memabcr of the 15th Off i-
cers Class of the Judge Advocate
General's School, said recently,
Lt. Freeman, a Michigan alumnus,
studied for three years in Geneva,
Switzerland just before war was de-
clared. He also spent some time in
central France, Switzerland, Bel-
gium and Holland. He was about
eight miles from the German 'border
at the time of the Munich crisis
when Belgian troops were being mo-
Deceived AFJobt
"As early a 1935 almost everyone
in Genevawa predicting that the
war would com e," he said. "In Amer-
ica we were too~c busy trying to solve
our domestic problems to pray any
attention to the possibility of a war."
"While I w a,, in Europe I got into
journalism by chance. The Asso-
ciated Press wanted an American in
Geneva who could speak French to
become assistant to Joe Sharkey, its
Geneva representative. As I wa£
studying in Geneva at the time, I
got the job.
Almost a Classic
"One of the most interesting ex-
periences I can recall is seeing the
League representatives from so many
different countries meeting together
in one small corridor. When you see
all these famous men together, you
realize that after' all they're just
human," he continued,
O~f all his interesting experiences
Lt. Freeman likes best a story on
himself which just missed becoming
To SartFriday7
Two matinee performances of "Mr.
Dooley, Jr." will be given by the Chil-
dren's Theatre of the speech depart-
nent at 2:30 p.m. Friday and Satur-
day, tin the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
Thefis production by the Chil-
dren's Theatre of the. year, "Mr.
Dooley, Jr." is a comedy written by
Jane Lewvin ar oslT?( e Franken. Mr.
Dooley Jr. is a dog whose. winning
ways cause plenty of trouble for
Tommy and Janie who are complete-
ly captivated by his charms.'
The children decide they will buy
Mr. Dooley, Jr. and then they en-
counter parental objection' and fi-
nancial difficulties.

J<<},7 at)icallys> a ig I at it ii
inepin fanea V lirhthr
nevr hardsuh wistingan
s re's appeaAnce. S-,C-. fII ore-o
certinlyWas CWS Eulnu;.0111 lZ
ptid4ameCage to 71 he Al'.
I e e a e r ....__.,

of London in 1940 as the publishing
company burned to the ground
Alter li e had returned to this cou-
tcry. the State Department sent him
to MleXico as a member of the United
States and Mexican Agrarian Claims
4Commission which was to settle
claims of American citizens whose
property had been expropriated by
f he Mexican Government.
IHe entered the Army in November
o' 1942 and seryted in the Signal
Corps before comning here
Lt. Freeman received his degree of
B~achelor of Arts with "Distinction"
front Michigan in 1930. While here
lie was a member of Phi Epsilon P,
rc'e(!''el an "AMA" in baseball, and
)Nor eikd on The D~aily.
grna Rho 'Tau
cwt Toda
IDelating Club To Talk,
On Post-War Inidustry
ielr' wa Rho Tau, Engineering de-
1 a t inc club, will meet at 7:30 p.M.
toiday in their room in the West En-
incering Building to continue dis-
eo 1,, ;on of the subject they have cho-
1:: for I is year's work--the conver-'
sion of industry in the post-war era.
In their regular bi-monthly meet-
igs this year they will take up spe-
F'al ;: pecas of their topic including
i' es'coti tjon1 of government con-
tracts, labor, reconversion of govern-
mev5~it owned plants to pr.vate owner-
hiip al.. the management of those
ph' oR :; which remain in government
hanfls. new automotive engineering
developments and the financial prob-
1em'; which will face the engineering
Pro....Abbot Leaves
orFM. 01nfe reiice
PoWaldo Abbot o the speech
ala i radio department has left to at-
tendV a series of FM (frequency mod-
uhai on) conferences to be held in
New York City from tomorrow
through Friday.
The probable development of an
:t'al educational network throughout
Michigan, also the commercial pos-
sibilities of FM will be discussed at
the conference when proposed ques-
tions on the Ann Arbor set-up will be
Commissioner Fly of the Federal
Communications Committee, and a
numbeir of technical staff members of
the (onuission will be present at
the conferences.
Swimnriig: 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the pool at Barbour Gym.
Tap and Musial Comedy: 7:30 p.m.
Thu arsday uin the dance studio at Bar-
bour Gym.
Ballet: 4 p.m. Friday in the dance
studio at Barbour Gym.
There will be no more meetings of
the Fencing Club until further notice,
according to Pat Dillenbeek, '45Ed,
club manager.
$! .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (n-
crea se of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1,00 per 15-word insertion for

'hi'ee, or more days. (In-
creseof 25c for* each
additional 5 words.)
(' 'oxtract Rates on Request
'Jj ATlichlp wanted: Experienced
worker for book binding. call Un-
i,;i'sity 4121, ext. 757.
PATHE help wanted.: Sandwich
makrwaitresses, waiters, dish
xaler.Good pay, University
r !l(. William Street, third door
fro SttePhone 9263.
VMiEvTOGRAPIXING: thesis binding.
)B Lrfield and Brumfield, 308 S
~A S'' ~lckzipper' handbag in Hill
A' W Iorim Tesday night. Tr
twotse pin ad letters and identi-
Pea~in. Reard.Call 22591.
13ki Two Big-Ten Conference
baske 1t ball g:amses somewhere in
Lafayete, hd. Finder please re-

Untion tCards
Are Atailable
Servicce n (;.,IExtrat
Week for Registration
reistration for ser'vicemn's coin -
plIimentary Union memberi'hp cards'
will be extended fr-om 3 to 5 P.m.
every day this week at the Unioni
Student Office, John Clippert, '451,,
announced yesterday.
The extension will give those men
who were unable to register dur'ing
the special three-day period last week
a chance to obtain their free member -
ships. A pamphlet describing the or-.
ganization and facilities of the Union
will be given to the registrants with
their niembersi p carvds.
Se'rvicemenc who paiid for Unlion
minbersh ip cards during (lte emes5-
ter may obtain refunds throughl Sat-
urday at the Union main desk. Re-
funds will be given only during this
~Secontd Sunday Socudf Is
Called Success by UIniont
The second Union Social, held from
2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday in the North
Lounge of the Union, was wecll at-
/tended and proved very successful, a
Union spokesman said yesterday.
'Attendance at the first Sunday So-
cial, Jan. 17, had been termed dis-
couraging because of_ sorority pledg-
ing which was held at the same time.
Purpose of the event is to provide
entertainment on dull Sunday after-
noons, It is especcially for' couples
and no stags aire admitted, Planiis
for a future Social are being made.

Hillel's. Winter.
H1op To Be Hefd
Saturday Night
Pkla hae mm, been comnpleted for
Hillel's tenthl annual Winter Hop to
b~e held fromh 9 p).m. to inidnipit Sat-
urday in the main ballroom of the
Michigan League.
The ballroom will be decorated in
keeping with war-time restrictions
and music will be provided by Dave
IHildinger and his band.
For the first time in the history of
the Foundation the dance will be
open to the entire student body and
no admnission chiarge will be made.
"Wke are asking every couple to
pu rchast c .leastlone Z25 cent war
stap s their ajdission fee." Faye.
Bronistein, '46, chairmain of the affair,
said yesterday.
In keeping wiith a Hillel tradition
of long standing, flowers will be sold
in the foyer of the ballroom cojri-
ducted by. the local Avukah chapter.
A programn of entertainment is be-
ing prepared which will feature mem-
bers of Co. C uinder the leadership
of Corp. Wilkowvski.
The following commuittee chairmien.
are aiding in the preparations for
the dance: flowers, Sally Gotleiv, '46;
war stamps, Rita Hyman, '45; music,
Selma Smith., '44; and patrons, Elis
Gitlow, '44.
JANUARY 14 -31t

American troops of the Allied Fiftb Army are shown bhere boarding
a "'hip atJaItIali;-n polrt enroute to 0,theanw Allied Iandiiigs south of
Rolm ela~ehidierpianlint-c-,intItaly.
Slosson Says.S.ITroops Wil
Play Large Part in Itnvasiont



N ra hoit

of the troops,; for titeAllied ivso
of Europe are 10o be Atnruicai u mre
ly a. rumor as no one but the geinerals
ini charge have any idea lhow many
Ameizcan mein will be ued"Prof.
Preston Slosson of the hi1story de-
pairment said in an iterview ire-
"It is very likely fthat Amrican2
troops will play a larga..part in the
attack because the* United States
has more available manpower and
approximately three times the pop-
ulation of Great Britain," he said.
Prof. Slosson believes that, although
Great Britain and Russia have up to
the present time played the largest
parts in the war, America is just get-
ting started and that her contribu-
tions in the next yNear will exceed
those of her ;alliesi.
Prof. Slosson suppor' te, isn
hower in his belief that the conflict
with the Axis in Europe will bec fin-
ished by the end of this year and
fur ther predicts the fall of Japan
a few months afterward.
When asked if America will be in,
danger from Russia after the peace
is won, he said, "Russia will not da
Speakers' Contest
To End Tomorrow
A contest to determine the chain-
pion speaker from students who won
top honors yesterday in a tourna-
ment of all University Speech 31
classes will be held at 4 p.m. torpor-
row in the Rackham Amipitheatr'e.
The six winners of yesterday's pre-
liminary round are-, Daniel Saulson,
Donald A. Schwartz, Ruth Novik,
Dorothy Murzek, Charles Holland,
and Edith VanAndel.

us anty harm as there is no th atier
in7 wh ich we will conflict. RussTian
propag andla will not be effective here
uneI ss, it already has a foothold with
ini te country. The only problem
v"lt i('lt might cause strife would be
thw annowxtiou of eastern Eur'ope by
Renfigous Talk
"Protestantism and Moral Anar-
chy" will be discussed by Prof. Paul
Tillich of Union Theological Semin-
ary as the second lecture sponsored
by the Student Religious Association
at 8:15 p.m. Friday in the Rackham
An instructor of philosophical the-
ology, Prof. Tillich is recognized as
an authority on the Protestwlt Ref-
ormationi. lie has spent most of his
life in Europe and was one of the
leaders in the Christian Socialist
movement on the continent.
Prof. Tillich's lecture will be an
attempt to answer the charge that
the Protestant Reformation brought
about moral anarchy because it broke
the absolute authority of the Roman
Catholic Church.

i y 1
r A ''
d k


Slnpoirtwear Winners

Newc st, s1'uQothest skirts and
sweaters . , . long on wear,
short on youir budget. Warm
31n0 cndlessly wearabic.
Choose from cardigan and'
slipover sweaters, gored and4
pleated skirts.
Open 9;30.6:.0
M1,1onday 12:00-8:30

345 Maynard Streut




~also - WALT DISNEYa
"Pelican and the Snipe.

At ric 21


Day or Night
Continuous from 1 P.M.
_____Now Praying - -
O~r'ctd bNOhAN A Alt ~W11 'i'

Ernie Pyle: Here
Lelandi Stowe: TI

id/at' i 4Aappenhihf
in the iaopd hdaV?


Is Your War ...........:...3.00

hey Shll

Not Sleep.


Bea rd:

The Republic..... ,.

Arvid Fredborg:
F. R. Stettinius
John Carlson: U.
Se gricd Schultz:
Stanley Johnson:
Paul Hagen: Ge


Steel Walils.

.,. 3.00
.., .. 3.00
.,, ,.. 3.00
.., ... 3.50

Lend-Lease ...
Jndercover ....
Germany W i ll Try It
The Grim Reaper..
ermany After Hitler..



I .2.50
1. .2.75
... 2.00
... 2.50

S alvimini &LaPiana:
Eli Culbertson: Totc

What To Do WithItl
al Peace . . . . . . .

Harold Laski: Reflections on Revolution of our Time 3.50
Alan Hynd:e Betrayal, from the East .....,' .. 3.00





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