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January 23, 1944 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-23

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F f ty=Fourth Year

Edited and managed b students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Assciated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it qr
otherwise credited in thils newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other ms.tters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subspriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, V.y mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

Report on Drew Case
THE WHITEWASHING of Patrolman Drew of
the New York Police Force by a special three-
man board appointed by New York's Mayor La
Guardia does not prove that Drew is innocent of
the charges brought against him.
Since the ease against Drew was a compli-
cated one, involving alleged connections with
subversive and anti-semitic organizations, it
is hard to understand how an adequate invest-
igation could have been made by the board in
the short ieriod of time it spent on the case--
namely, two weeks.
Perhaps the Mayor only wanted to cover up an
embarrassing situation in the police department
since he failed to take action on the report sub-
mitted by Commissioner Herland, charging Drew
with connections with subversive groups. Her-
land also charged the police with tendencies to
minimize such incidents as common acts of
neighborhood hoodlumism, and named eight
specific cases in which the police failed to take
action to punish anti-semitic outbursts.
A nasty situation still exists despite the in-
vestigations of the board. For recently the
police released, without questioning, four
members of a gang that had openly partici-
pated in the beating up of several Jews and
the wrecking of Brooklyn poolrooms.
It is hard to understand why the Mayor re-
fused to back up Herland's case against Drew,
and why he did not take drastic action in the
Drew case. Perhaps Police Commissioner Valen-
tine's order, forbidding policemen to affiliate
with anti-semitic organizations, which has not
been enforced yet, would be the answer to the
menacing state now facing the New York Police
Force. Agatha Miller


al Staff

Marion Ford
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradalle
Eric Zalenski
Bud Low .
Harvey Frank .
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz

. . . Managing Editor
.. Editorial Director
* . . City Editor
. Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . Ass't Women's Editor
« . . Columnist
* . . . Columnist

Business Stafff
Molly Ann Winokur . . . B
Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Ass
Martha Opsion . . . Ass
Telephone 23-24-1

usiness Manager
s't Bus. Manager
s't Bus. Manager

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Students Should Gjve to
'March of Dimes' Drive
ONE PART of the nation-wide battle against
infantile paralysis is being waged right here
in Ann Arbor.
The local chapter of the National Founda-
tion for Infantile Paralysis is lending a help-
ing hand so that "Polio" cases may receive
adequate medical treatment, while funds di-
rectly from the National Foundation are sup-
porting research at the University Department
of Public Health in an attempt to find out
more about the disease.
The campus "March of Dimes" drive begins
tomorrow. Due to the high cost of last summer's
epidemic, funds are needed this year more than
ever before if the work which the Foundation
has been carrying on is to be continued.
By contributing at least a dime a day to
this cause during the week that the drive is
in progress and by purchasing the "Dime
Daily" which will be sold Tuesday all over
campus, each student can join in this battle.
Let's start the army of dimes marching so that
the American offensive against infantile paral-
ysis will result in an overwhelming victory.
-Louise Comins
Student Hedge Hoppers
Should Keep Off Grass
MUST BE getting old. I can remember when
there was grass on campus."
That was one soldier's cryptic comment as he
walked along the sandy desert that used to be a
fairly beautiful University campus.
Students and servicemen stationed here
have suddenly discovered Euclid's proposition
that the shortest distance between two points
is a straight line. If all the paths that have
been made by hedge-hopping students were
converted into paved walks, the campus would
be cemented together, but beauty would be
sacrificed forever.
Starting tomorrow MP's will get down to the
root of the situation by keeping Army men from
trodding on what once were lawns. Let's hope
students will .take the hint. -Ray Dixon
House Beefs To Block
Rehabilitation Program
ALL YOU planners-for-the-peace, you with the
post-war blueprints and the plans for inter-
national cooperation, can now put away your
pretty programs and sharpen your rifles for the
next war instead.
A group of House Republicans has decided
to put a monkey-wrench in the work of the
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Ad-
ministration. Crying this week that the United
States "must guard its own interests," these
legislators sought a restriction of UNRRA by
reducing the American contribution, prohibit-



WASHINGTON, Jan. 23-Friends who have
talked to Herbert Hoover recently say he has
virtually become unofficial campaign manager
for Governor Tom Dewey. However, Hoover
readily admits that Dewey will have a fight on
his hands to get the Republican nomination.
Shortly after Alf Landon, the GOP 1936 nomi-
nee, indicated that Dewey could win the nomi-
nation on the first ballot, Hoover told Landon
that it was foolish to assume that Wendell Will-
kie, whom Hoover considers the "man to be
beat" at the GOP convention, would not offer
formidable resistance.
However, Hoover scoffs at the idea that
General Douglas MacArthur will get anywhere.
The former President still accuses MacArthur
of trying to shift the blame to him for the
bloodshed that occurred during the famous
"Bonus March" on Washington, while Mac-
Arthur was Chief of Staff under Hoover.
"There is no way to introduce General Mac-
Arthur to the country under circumstances that
would justify his nomination," Hoover tells
friends. "Unless he retires from the Army-and
r don't think he will in time for the campaign-
it would appear that he was putting personal
ambition ahead of his job in the Pacific in order
to become a Presidential candidate. I am sure
that the General has no such intention."
When Hoover gets wound up on the subject, he
adds something that has stuck in his craw since
the "Bonus March."
Hoover believes that MacArthur's strict sense
of military discipline got the better of him on
this occasion and that the bonus uprising could
have been put down without filling Pennsylvania
Avenue with tanks and burning the pitiful per-
sonal belongings of the veterans.
Another gnawing antipathy in the ex-Presi-
dent's breast is British interference in Amer-
ican politics. Hoover never overlooks an op-
portunity to relate a story, which he insists is
first hand, about a trans-Atlantic phone call
which Lord Beaverbrook is said to have made
to New York newspaper publishers after the
1942-Congressional elections.
According to Hoover, Beaverbrook told the
publishers: "You should stop these attacks on
President Roosevelt. We will need him as a
World President after the war."
Wisconsin Rejects Wallace ...
The few high-up Administrationites who know
the whole story, consider recent happenings at
the Wisconsin Democratic convention extremely
significant. The chief fight among Wisconsin
Democrats was over Henry Wallace as running
mate on a Roosevelt fourth term ticket.
Inside story of what happened is this. Demo-
cratic National Chairman Frank Walker and
Federal Economic Administrator Leo Crowley
asked Congressman Howard McMurray of Mil-
waukee to go out to Wisconsin and make a
fight for Wallace with his fellow Democrats.
The fact that these two high-up Democrats

P'd Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK, Jan. 23-Let us not forget that
a political deadlock accompanies the military
deadlock in Italy. We have asked the Italian
people to hang briefly in the air, somewhere,
between fascism and democracy, while we swept
out their country for them. That process is
taking longer than we expected; as a result the
Italian people are hanging in the air longer than
they expected. The pause is becoming a way
of life. The interlude is becoming an era.
The entire point of our deal with Badoglio
and the King was that it would enable us to do
the joh, quick, quick, quick.
In spite of the great and humbling gallantry
of our men, and Britain's, we are doing the job
slow, slow, slow. The point of our original politi-
cal strategy ha now completely disappeared,
but we are still stuck with the strategy.
Our plan was to use Badoglio and the King
briefly; to take the country over from them in
orderly fashion; then drop them. Brevity was
the soul of wit, in this conception. But we don't
have Italy; we have only Badoglio and the King.
We are still dealing with the two men,
though the basis for the deal has quite evapo-
rated; and the two men are still keeping store,
though they have nothing left to sell.
But in politics, nothing really stands still; if
progressive changes do not take place, disinte-
grative changes will occur. These are occurring.
They are occurring among us, for one thing.
We used to be a little breathless and ashamed
about dealing with Victor Emmanuel and Mar-
shall Badoglio, and with their incredible fascist
generals and admirals. But now it is an old
story; we see them every day; we walk down the
streets of Italy's towns with them in broad day-
light; our brief affair is turning into a marriage.
The fascist crown prince, Umberto, tears
around behind the lines, like the chairman of a
clambake. His hat is set at precisely the same
jaunty angle as when he was Mussolini's glamor
boy, a year ago; and the aspirations of the
Italian people to pull it down over his ears are
Changes are taking place among the people
of Italy, too. The offer by the Six Parties to
accept a regency for the six-year-old Prince
of Naples, Victor Emmanuel's grandson, was a
temporary offer, a bargain offer, good for to-
day only. We have kept that offer on ice for
four months and it isn't fresh any more.
I have a feeling that Count Sforza had to work
hard to get the leaders of the Six Parties to
consent to the regency; they found it difficult to
swallow, but they swallowed it. To have that
offer turned down must stun them. The Italian
volunteer movement seems to have come to a
dead stop. The Italians see Badoglio putting
royal insignia on the shoulders of the troops he
has drafted, and they see us doing nothing about
it, and they gape at us. We have propped up
the dead Italians in fighting posture; and we
have sat on the energetic ones.
The Italians do not feel that they understand
us any more. We made more sense before we
arrived. Soon they must look for new friends.
And, listen, from the east, there comes a strange
sound; the Russians are beginning to make
anti-Badoglio noises.
If we were winning the war quickly, we could
explain everything. But we are not winning
quickly. So our lips open and close silently
and no sound comes forth; we have nothing
to say. Can't we swallow our pride of opinion
and declare that, whatever the merits of the
original detl with Badoglio and the King,
the situation has so changed that the old argu-
ments no longer apply; that while we may
have needed turncoats for a midnight surrend-
er, we now need popular support for a slow

How long can we sit in that stalled car, with
that fake, gleeful expression on our faces, as
of men trying to convince themselves that they
are going like the wind?
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
both went down the line for Wallace is con-
sidered significant in itself. It puts to rest
ideas that FDR is veering toward Jimmy
Byrnes as a running mate.
When Congressman McMurray got out to Mil-
waukee, he encountered tough sledding. Old-line
Wisconsin Democrats were delighted to pledge
for Roosevelt for a fourth term, considered him
the only man with a real chance of winning.
But they could not take Wallace. The battle
against him was led by State Senator Tony
Gawronski of South Milwaukee, Senator James
H. Carroll and ex-Senator Harry W. Bolens.
The battle continued until late in the evening.
But the old guard, frequently called "Post Office
Democrats" because their chief objective has
been patronage, stood pat.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)


SUNDAY, JAN. 23, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 61
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by ":30
p.m. of the daiy jreceding i15 j,ihliva-
Lion, except on S "IEIr "" wh "n ""h mit-
tices soui be subinitted by 11:30 am.
Fourth War Loan Drive: To buy
War Bonds, call 2-3251, Ext. 7. A
"Bond Belle" will pick up your order
and deliver the bond the next day.
Use this service and help the Uni-
versity meet its quota.
University War Bond Committee
To the Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of
the University Senate on Monday,

this semester who have not added
present elections to their records,
please come in as soon as possible
to do this.
Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall
Registration Materials for Spring
Term: Colleges of L.S.&A. and Arch-
itecture; Schools of Education and
Music: Registration materials for
the spring term should be called for
now. Architect counselors will post
a notice when they are ready to
Robert L. Williams, Asst. Registrar
Application Forms for Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1944-1945 may now be obtained from
the Office of the Graduate School.
All blanks must be returned to that



U Says
AS AMERICANS, we are inevitably
bound by circumstance and mor-
i to the Russian people in their
present strugg le and united with
them in post-war planning. One of
the major fields in which Russian
and American citizens need to com-
pare their systems of government
and their emotional reactions is that
of religion. What are the changes
which have recently been taking
place? They are 10 in number.
(1) The Russian Orthodox clergy
and congregations have been given
freedom to worship. (2) One hun-
dred and fifty clergy prisoners have
been released. (3) The school
manual has been revised to remove
attacks upon religion. (4) "A God-
less Union," a publishing project,
has been suspended. (5) For Pol-
ish soldiers, Roman Catholic clergy-
men have been made chaplains. (6)
The sale of religious symbols has
been legalized. (7) Public posts,
that is, political offices, have been
opened to priests. (7) Premier Sta-
lin has approved the restoration of
Metropolitan Sergius to the status
of Patriarch. (9) The Archbishop
of York was invited to Moscow for
conference with the Orthodox lead-
ers. (10) Civilian rights have been
restored to the clergy.
A discussion of this statement is
available in the Information Service
sheet of the Federal Council of
Churches in America for December
11 and December 18, 1943. An ex-
tended discussion is recorded by Ber-
nard Pares in Religion in Russia, July,
1943, 640 pp., printed by Foreign Af-
fairs, New York.
Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious

t +J.i rrrrr'l4t'K 1

y Lichty

be presented by the Oratorical Asso-
ciation on Tuesday evening, at 8:30
in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Stowe's sub-
ject will be "What I Saw in Russia."
Tickets may be purchased Monday
and Tuesday at the Auditorium box
office which will be open Monday
10-1, 2-5 and Tuesday 10-1, 2-5,
University Lewture: Miss Freya
Stark, author and traveller in the
Near East, will speak on "A Journey
into Yemen in 1940" (illus.) on Wed-
nesday, Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in tie
Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture
will be under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts. The public is
Academic Notices
Admission to the School of Busi-
ness Administration: Students who
have completed 60 hours of college
work may be eligible for admission
to the School. Application for ad-
mission in the Spring Term should
be made prior to February 10. Appli-
cation blanks may be procured and
arrangements made for interviews
with a member of the Admissions
Committee at Room 108 Tappan Hall.
Bacteriology Seminar: Tuesday,
Jan. 25, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 1564
East Medical Building. Subjects:
"Separation of The Products of Bac-
terial Fermentations," and "A New
Type of Lactic Fermentation." All
interested are invited.
Latin 81, Roman Comedy: The
class will not meet Monday, Jan. 24.
Frank . Copley
Events Today
International Center: Professor
Carl E. Guthe, Director of the Uni-
versity Museums, will speak at the
International Center today at 7:30
p.m. on "Indians of the United
States." Honorary chairman for the
evening will be Dr. Gabriel Atristain
of Mexico, President of the Latin-
American Society. Refreshments at
9:00 p.m.
The Roger Williams Guild will
hear Dorothy Pugsley, the Michigan
delegate to the National Intercol-
legiate Christian Conference at Wor-
cester, Mass., today. She will speak
on "What Christians Are Saying.'
The meeting begins at 5 o'clock in
the Guild House.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet in Zion Parish Hall this
afternoon at 5:30 for its regular
meeting. Supper will be served at 6
o'clock and the program following
will be in the form o a question and
answer period on religious topics and
will be led by. Rev. Stellhorn and
Rev. Yoder.
A Duplicate Bridge Tournament
will be held today at 2:00 p.m. in the
USO Club (Harris Hall). All service-
men are invited as wellas townspeo-
ple. Come with or without a partner.
Each week is a complete tournament
and prizes are given to the winner.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a supper meeting this
afternoon at 5:30 at the Lutheran

"I'm glad to say that I was never taken in by
folders describing ,Sunny Italy'-"

those travel


Jan. 24, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, for the consideration
of a revision of the Regents' by-law
concerning dismissal, demotion, and
terminal appointments.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Parking Permits: Campus park-
ing permits are now ready for distri-
bution. Please apply at Information
Desk, Business Office. For the pur-
pose of expeditious identification by
those who must check cars on the
campus, please attach to front, not
rear license bracket.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
All students registered with the
Bureau of Appointments previous to

Office by Feb. 15

in order to receive
C. S. Yoakum

Civil Service Examination An-
nouncement (State of Michigan) for
Bridge Designing Engineer III with
entrance salary of $280 per month.
Applications must be turned in not
later than February 2. To see com-
plete announcement, come to 201
Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments
Mr. Hill of Bausch & Lomb Opti-
cal Co. in Rochester, New York, will
be in Ann Arbor on Wednesday, Jan.
26. He is interested in interviewing
mechanical engineers, chemical engi-
neers, physicists and chemists.
Make appointments by calling Ext.
371 or come to the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
French Lecture: Professor Rene
Talamon, of the Romance Language
Department, will give the third of
the French lectures sponsored by the
Cercle Francais on Thursday, Janu-


By Crockett Johnson




Keep that up for a few hours, Gus ... Until I work
out plans of the big O'Malley Dam for Congress to
approve. I want to submit complete blueprints-
Are YOU going to make

Barnaby, your Fairy Godfather
has designed the me t talked
about dams in the country. All
of them have been sensational!
. . . Williamsburg ... The South
Fork Dam above Johnstown e. .

... Walnut Grove, in Arizona ..
Austin. .. The St. Francis Dan in
California ... Oh, they didn't all
turn out to be sensational right
away. It took several of them
years to make the front pages .. .1




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