FIGHT JANUARY 14-31 Y it: 43UU *aitli I Weather VOL. LIV No. 61 ANN ARBOR, MICMGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 23, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Allies Outflank Nazi Positions in Roosevelt Leadership Hailed by Democrats National Committee Selects Chicago As Convention Site; Leaves Date Open By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-The Democratic National Committee, turn- ing its meeting into virtually a fourth term rally, called on President Roose- velt today to "continue as the great world humanitarian leader" in both war and peace. After selecting Chicago as the national convention site and installing, youthful Robert E. Hannegan, hailed as a "second Jim Farley," as new Na- tional Chairman, the committee members roared approval for a i'esolution declaring the "liberal spirit and far-sighted idealism" of Franklin D. Roosevelt "must be imprinted in the, peace." "We, assembled here, realizing his world leadership and knowing that our allies are praying, with us for the continuation of his services both in war and peace," the resolution con- cluded, "do now earnestly solicit him to continue as the great world hu- manitarian leader." Thus, the resolution stopped s.hort of calling for a fourth term in so many words but there was no mis- taking that the committee members regarded it as a plea for the President the run again. Chicago won the convention with- out making any specific, offer as to money, and over a surprise bid from Detroit. Mayor Edward J. Kelly of Chicago simply promised on behalf of a non-partisan citizens committee that Chicago would meet expenses of the convention. The Republicans, who will meet in Chicago in June, were guaranteed $75,000. It is understood, however, that civic leaders have given assur- ance more money will be forthcoming If this does not cover costs. The Democratic committee left the date of the convention up to Hanne- gan, 40-year-old Missouri Irishman who succeeds Postmaster General Frank C. Walker as national chair- man. Convoy Defeats German Attack Two Ships Damaged In Sub, Plane Assault LONDON, Jan. 22.-(P)-German planes using new radio-controlled glider bombs and a great swarm of U-boats attacked an important At- lantic convoy in another "Battle of the Bay of Biscay" recently, but were decisively defeated with damage to only two of the convoy's ships, an Admiralty-Air Ministry communique disclosed tonight. The battle in all its phases lasted four days and three nights. At least one submarine was sunk, two prob- ably were sunk, and several others were damaged, and a number of big enemy bombers were shot down. To protect the convoy, the first attacked by long - range German bombers in more than a year, British and Canadian warships were rushed to the scene from all directions and U.S. and British planes were flown into the area from Gibraltar, the newly obtained bases on the Azores and from England itself. Bolivia To Declare War Against Axis WASHINGTON, Jan. 22-(P)-The new Bolivian government disclaimed any link with forces unfriendly to the United States by announcing today that it would declare war on the Axis. The announcement came at a time when two Latin American republics had declared they would not give recogntion to the new government which swept into power Dec. 20 in a swift coup d'etat that unseated President Penaranda. Uruguay had declared earlier in the day that it would not recognize the new government "while present circumstances persist" and Cuba an- nounced later that it had decided to withhold recognition. Campus News Will Be Broadcast over WKAR "Campus Chatter," a new weekly feature of Station WKAR, East Lan- sing, will be broadcast by speech stu- dents through the facilities of Mor- gic Tr e+ >Af40n n m tnmrr. Reds Approach Key Rail Hub Near Leningrad Beaten Nazi Besiegers Flee Before Russians, Leaving 2,500 Dead By The Associated Press LONDON, Sunday, Jan. 23.-The Russiaps, pursuing the beaten Ger- man besiegers of Leningrad, have closed to within six miles of the great rail hub of Krasnogvardeisk controll- ing the trunk railways to Estonia and Poland while other forces to the east have cleared a second Leningrad- Moscow rail route and are advanc- ing to free the third. The Moscow midnight bulletin, re- corded by the Soviet Monitor, said 70 towns and hamlets were captured and over 2,500 Germans were killed in the Leningrad area. In one sector a group of Germans fled in panic when a Soviet advance surprised them and on all sectors many prisoners and much booty were captured. Many Germans laid down their arms and surrendered in the forests west of Nogorod, less than 100 miles south of Leningrad as the Russians cleaned out the last pockets of sur- rounded Nazis. The railway station of Tatino, 20 miles north of Nov- gorod, and two other unnamed sta- tions were captured after a fierce battle, the communique said. Gains were also made in southern White Russia where seven commun- ities were taken as the forces of Gen. Konstantine R ok osso vs k y reached out from captured Kalinkovichi through the Pripet Marshes. The Leningrad fighting saw the day's greatest advances as Gen. Le- onid A. Gorov's forces captured Ko- molovo and Zaitsevo, both six miles northwest of Krasnogvardeisk. President Creates War Refugee Board WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.- (Af')- President Roosevelt created a War Refugee Board tonight and directed it to attempt the rescue of "the vic- tims of enemy oppression who are in imminent danger of death." The board consists of the Secre- taries of State, Treasury and War who are empowered to appoint a full-time executive director to ad- minister the refugee assistance pro- gram. A White House statement said the President's action was designed to bring about immediate rescue from the Nazis of "as many as possible of the persecuted minorities of Europe -racial, religious or political-all civilian victims of enemy savagery." RAF Raid Hammers Magde burg By The Associated Press LONDON, Jan. 22.-The central German industrial city of Magde- burg, twice destroyed by fire centur- ies ago, once more was ablaze tonight after a terrific hammering by the RAF which brought to a climax a mighty 26-hour aerial battle involv- ing perhaps 3,000 Allied planes. Large sections of the city, a rail junction harboring a wide variety of war industries, were left in flames by a deluge of more than 2,000 long tons of explosives and incendiaries drop- ped with saturating effect in 34 min- utes by planes which flew more than 500 miles to reach their targets. The assault brought to at least 6,300 tons the total weight of bombs hurled on Europe by Allied air arma- das in two nights and a day. An RAF assault on Berlin Thursday night and an American heavy bomber pounding of the "rocket gun coast" of France Friday were the other principal raids. While the RAF was pulverizing Magdeburg, 'capital of the Prussian province of Saxony lying on the left bank of the Elbe 83 miles southwest of Berlin, smaller fleets of four-en- gined Lancasters and Plywood Mos- quitos again visited bomb-scarred Berlin, and the Germans unwrapped a new type of night raider to make their heaviest assault in a year against London... The widespread night operations cost the.British 52 bombers, one of the heaviest losses suffered by the RAF, although a total of around 1,000 planes were believed to have been involved so that the losses were probably were kept down to five per cent. Graft Charges Levied Against7 20 Legislators' LANSING, Mich., Jan. 22.-(/)- Circuit Judge Leland W. Carr's one- man grand jury today ordered the ar- rest of 20 members and former mem- bers of the Michigan legislature, and six officials of finance companies, charging they corruptly conspired to ' influence legislative votes on bills in the 1939 session of the legislature. The warrant charges a common law conspiracy by making and ful- filling promises of bribes. The warrant charges that bribes were. paid on three different pieces1 of legislation, one of them regulating small loan interest rates, a second providing procedures for foreclosing1 chattel mortgages and limiting de- ficiency judgments on such mort- gages, and the third a bill to regulatej retail and installment contracts cov- ering motor vehicles. The warrant alleges that the en-1 tire group of defendants "did unlaw- fully and wickedly agree, combine, conspire, confederate and engage to, with and among themselves, and to and with each other, and to and with divers other persons to me unknown, wilfully and corruptly to affect and influence the action of the legisla- ture" on the three bills mentioned and "divers other measures and bills then and there pending." "Promises to accept and receive such bribes, money, and other things of value" were given and made by the respective respondents in viola- tion of the law and the legislators' oaths of office, the warrant charged. B-26 Bomber Downed over German-Occupied Land These remarkable Army Air Forces photos show a B-26 Marauder medium bomber plunging earth- ward in two pieces after being severed by enemy fire while on a mission over German-occupied Europe. On left the tail assembly and part of the fuselage of the Martin bomber hurtle downward on right, the wings, motors, and forward part of the fuselage head for destruction. Willow Run Umon Members To Meet Here Three Day Educational Training Conference Will Convene Friday More than 20 members of Local 50 UAW-CIO at the Willow Run Bomb- er Plant will convene here in a three day educational training conference Friday. All meetings will be held in the Rackham Building and are being staged in cooperation with the Uni- versity Extension Service. This is the first such meeting the Union has ever had and union of- ficials indicated yesterday that the meeting has a two-fold purpose: 1) to train members in directing discussion groups so that they in turn can organize such groups in their own communities and centers. 2) to train qualified men to lead classes in collective bargaining, which is mandatory under the Union by-laws. Those professors to take part in the conference include Prof. Wesley Maurer of the journalism depart- ment, Prof. Howard McClusky, of the psychology department, Prof. Kenneth G. Hance of the speech department, and Prof. Oren Ulrey of the agricultural economics depart- ment of MSC. The conference will confine itself to a discussion of educational meth- ods as applied to Union activity and will explore contracts, collective bar- gaining, workers' compensation safe- ty rules, unemployment compensa- tion and other related topics. 15 Jap Planes Downed ADVANCED A L L I E D HEAD- QUARTERS, New Guinea, Sunday, Jan. 23.-(P)-Destruction of 15 Jap- anese planes during a raid on Ra- baul, New Britain, was reported to- day by Gen. Douglas MacArthur's headquarters. The attackers lost six planes. BENEFIT CONCERT: Bomber .SchoJ Sym honic, S Plans are being made for Michi- gan's most recent innovation, an afternoon of both symphonic and swing music featuring the Michigan Concert Band and- Earl "Father" Hines and his orchestra which will be held Sunday afternoon, Feb. 13, in Hill Auditorium. The program will fall into two parts highlighting the concert band in its winter concert under the baton Stowe To Talk Here Tuesday Reporter Will Describe Russian Battlefields A war correspondent's experiences on the battlefields of Russia will be described by Leland Stowe at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Au'ditorium in a lecture entitled "What I Saw in Rus- sia." Mr. Stowe, who has covered almost every important political and diplo- matic event in Europe and South America, has written a book about his experiences, "They Shall Not Sleep" which was just published last week. Since July, 1941 the noted journal- ist has been in the Far East, sending stories home to his American readers from such spots as Burma, Rangoon, Chungking, India and Russia. He has covered the conquest of Ethiopia, and every important front of World War II, Oslo, Stockholm, Brenner Pass, Moscow, Bucharest, Istanbul, Ankara, Sofia, Belgrade, S lonika and Athens. His ability to forecast the trend of international developments won him the Pulitzer Prize in 1930 for his stories and articles about the Young Reparations Conference. Besides his recent book, he is the author of the best-seller, "No Other Road to Freedom." Individual tickets for the lecture which is the fourth in the current Oratorical Association Series will be sold Monday and Tuesday in the box office at Hill Auditorium. Congress Tackles Soldier Vote Again WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.--P)--A second attempt to get a federal ser- vicemen's ballot bill through Con- gress gathered momentum today amid increasing prospects of a par- liamentary snarl over the controver- sial subject. Briefly, this is the situation: mt , . , , , __ farship Plans win Program of William D. Revelli, followed by an Earl Hines' symposium of swing. This- year's edition of the concert band comprises 75 musicians in- cluding both servicemen and civilian men and women. The entire program is sponsored by the Bomber Scholarship Fund in cooperation with the University Mu- sical Society, the band organization and the Michigan Union Council. The concert band has scheduled their annual winter concert as part *,Of the afternoon program. The Bomber Scholarship- born out of the emergency of the war-is a student fund designed to provide financial assistance for Michigan students to come back to school after the war. The Fund began in the spring of 1942 and to date has collected more than $30,000 towards its goal of $100,000 from campus organizations and individual donations. . Noted for his "trumpet piano style," Hines in recent years has carved a niche for himself in the swing hall of fame. His whole organization including Billy Eckstein and Madeline Greene and the 20-piece orchestra will be on hand for the performance. A combined committee represent- ing the Michigan Union Council, the Bomber Scholarship Fund, the con- cert band organization and The Daily is making arrangements for the program. Waste Paper Drive Opened Starting off in high gear, the sec- ond campus waste paper drive is well underway as students collect old newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes and scrap paper to contribute to the war effort. Collections will be made Thursday by the Washtenaw Salvage Commit- tee. The campaign is under the joint sponsorship of Assembly and :Pan- hellenic and it is requested that the league houses, sororities, cooperatives and dormitories which are partici- pating in the drive bring their col- lections to a certain specified house in their zone in order to facilitate picking up the waste paper. Contributions should be put on the curb Wednesday night as the trucks probably will make the pick ups early Thursday morning. Henry Ford II Elected . DETROIT, Jan. 22. -(0P) - The election of Henry Ford II as a vice- president of the Ford Motor Coi- pany was announced at the company offices here today. The announce- r + con 110 ln 177 Am + n^ _ Italy Yanks, British Make Landing Southof Rome Little Opposition Met In Surprise Attack By Amphibious Troopi By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AL- GIERS, Jan. 22-American and Brit- ish troops by the thousands landed practically without opposition on the beaches south of Rome and moved inland today in a daring, successful seaborne blow that completely sur- prised the Germans and deeply out- flanked the powerful "Gustav" and "Adolph Hitler" defense lines. . The Germans placed the scene 16 to 28 miles south of Rome on a 30- mile flat coast between the Tiber River mouth and the resort town of Nettuno, and they admitted loss of Nettuno harbor. Communications Threatened Allied Headquarters merely said it was south of Rome but officially de- scribed the assault as "another phase in our objective to take Rome." The landings caught the Nazis by "con plete surprise" and "constitute a grave menace" to enemy communi- cations, headquarters said. Troops who splashed ashore net "slight" resistance and are making "satisfactory progress" in their drive inland, it was announced hours after the pre-dawn onslaught. Admittedly a hazardous gamble, the great amphibious stroke that ended the Italian deadlock was timed perfectly with a new general Fift4 Army offensive on the land front which .fully occupied, the stubborn German Tenth Army. (The NBC correspondent in Naples reported the Germans facing the old front in the Liri valley "have started to break, and enemy vehicles now are moving northward.") Nazi Activity Slight While landing craft swarmed onto the beaches of Rome's one-tlme bathing resorts, Allied airmen said German air activity was practically non-existent. The battle-wise British and Amer- ican troops lost no time in taking ad- vantage of the situation by smashing straight inland toward the Appian Way and the roads leading to Rome. Severing of these routes, 12 and 22 miles from the coast, would trap the bulk of the German Tenth Army, 13 divisions strong, and leave the path to Rome itself virtually undefended. There appeared to be little chance that the enemy could bring other divisions southward from the Po Val- ley to protect Rome. Pl a yProduction Picks Comedy Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Er- rors" will be given by Play Produc- tion of the speech department at 8:30 p.m. Feb. 9-12 and at 2:30 p.m. Feb. 12 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. One of the most popular Shakes- pearean productions, "The Comedy of Errors" is a series of farcical situ- ations which are occasioned by the confusion between two sets of twins, Antipholus of Syracuse and Antipho- lus of Ephesus, and their twin ser- vants, the two Dromios. To complicate matters even more, a romantic mix-up aids in furthering the comedy and one error follows another error throughout the entire play. The production is being planned now and announcement of the cast will be made later. An unusual feaN ture of this production is that there will be a matinee performance. Tickets for all performances will be placed on sale at the Lydia Men- delssohn boxoffice Feb. 9 with mail orders being received before that time. Second Union Social Will Be Held Today The second Union Sunday Social will be held from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. today in the north lounge of the Union for the benefit of University men and their dates. This affair has been planned espe- cially for servicemen and their guests 1 Dr. Sink Announces May Festival Artists Starring six major artists of the Metropolitan Opera Association in addition to such instrumentalists as Nathan Milstein, Gregor Piatigorsky and the piano team of Luboshutz and Nemenoff, the fifty-first annual May Festival will be held May 4, 5, 6, 7 in Hill Auditorium, Dr. Charles Sink, President of the University Musical Society, announced yester- day. Soloists Named For the ninth consecutive year, the Philadelphia Orchestra, under the h+atncofRanR Ormnncivnndie- Union will combine with Rose Bamp- ton, Miss Thorborg, Mr. Kullman and Lansing Hatfield to present Mendelssohn's oratorio "Elijah." Salvatore Baccaloni, who received an ovation after his appearance at last year's May Festival, will be the soloist at the opening concert Thurs- day, May 4, while Bidu Sayao, the famous Brazilian soprano, will make her first Ann Arbor appearance at the Saturday evening concert. Youth Chorus To Sing The Concerto for Two Pianos by Carl McDonald with the two-piano team of Luboshutz and Nemenoff as