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January 21, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-21

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Fair and Warmer



Intrigue Told
By 'Countess'
Steps in Education for
Espionage Revealed as
Spy Ring Trial Opens
DETROIT, Jan. 20.-(P)-Chicago
Grace Buchanan-Dineen, self-styled
countess, began a story-book tale of
international intrigue from the wit-
ness stand today, as the trial of two
men accused with her of conspiracy
to spy in the United States for an
enemy power got under way in U.S.
district court.
Six persons have pleaded guilty to
the conspiracy charges. Standing
trial are Dr. Fred William Thomas,
Detroit obstetrician, and Bertrand
Stuart Hoffmen, former merchant
Countess Is Chief Witness
Miss Buchanan-Dineen, slender
and dark-haired, was heralded as the
Government's chief witness. She be-
gan a recital of the steps in the edu-
cation of a spy-telling of secret
inks, codes and orders-which she
will continue tomorrow.
She told of meeting Sari de Ha-
jeck, an acquaintance, on a visit to
Budapest in 1941 and of receiving a
proposition to furnish information
about war activities in the United
States to the German government.
Goes to Berlin
A trip to Berlin followed her ac-
ceptance, she said, and there was
laid the groundwork for her mission.
"What were you to receive?" asked
Assistant District Attorney John W.
"I was to get $500 a month," she
Other witnesses were Augustus B.
Kinzel, New York chief metallurgist
of the Union Carbide and Carbon
Co., research laboratory; Miss Nadya
GArdner, Bermuda, member of the
British Office of Censorship; Harry
Kobel, Detroit, special investigator
with the Detroit Office of Immigra-
tion and Naturalization.
Ten women and two men, with two
women alternates, compose the 12-
person jury. The trial will re-con-
vene Friday morning.
Mrs. Wlliams
ykse. r o
Mystery Shot
Victtm, Dies
CHICAGO, Jan. 2.-(')-Mrs.
Frank Starr Williams, 55, victim of
a mysterious shooting in her luxur-
ious Drake Hotel apartment last
night, died tonight at St. Luke's hos-
The wealthy and socially promi-
nent wife of a Washington State De-
partment attache was shot through
the head last night, Police said, by a
mysterious woman who secreted her-
self in the hotel room and fired at
Mrs. Williams and her 28-year-old;
daughter, Mrs. Patricia Goodbody.
Death occurred at 7:45 p.m., the hos-
pital announced.
The theory that the slaying might;
have been inspired by a revenge mo-
tive was advanced today as Assistant
States Attorney Wilbert F. Crowley
"It appears to be a revenge shoot-
ing. We have learned Mrs. Williams
had some enemies."
He said relatives and friends would.
be questioned further in an effort to
learn the names of persons who could
be regarded as enemies.
Chicago avenue police reported

they had learned that Mrs. Williams
had cocktails with an attractive,
dark-haired woman a few hours be-
fore she was shot. They began a
search for the woman, who was re-
ported to have met Mrs. Williams
just before she went to a hairdresser.
She was described as middle-aged,
five feet, two or three inches tall,
weighing about 130 pounds, wearing
a short Persian lamb coat or jacket,

'U Graduate Credited with 35 Rfltids

Berlin lasted in New Raid;

R~ed Army Seizes



Capt. Harold A. Eisele, USMC, (above) a former University student,
has completed his second tour of duty with 200 hours and 35 raids and
patrols in a combat zone in the South Pacific. Capt. Eisele, who was
enrolled in the College of Engineering from 1936 to 1941, was in one of
the first Marine fighter squadrons to land on Munda Field, a former
Jap airbase on the northern tip of New Georgia Islands in the Solomons.
His squadron also played an important role in the offense and occupa-
tion of Rendova Island and Vella LaVella in the Solomons. On strafing
raids his squadron accounted for the destroying of every plane on
Kilhili Field on Bougainville Island. Escorting Marine dive bombers,
Capt. Eisele saw them sink five Jap ships. The 25-year-old flyer from
Fowlerville was a member of the Aviation Pilot Training program while
he attended the University. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in Feb-
ruary, 1941, and won his wings in January, 1942.
University Bond Drive rfotals
Take Leap with $5,000 Sale

The University War Bond 'drive,
sparked by Junior Girls Project's
"bond belles," is "gaining moment-
um day by day," according to R."
Gordon Griffith, chairman of the
University War Bond Committee.
The totals took a leap yesterday
morning as belle, Jean Loree, '45, who
never realized she was a super-sales-
man, told a member of the University
faculty, "Yes, we do have $1,000
"Well, how shall I buy?" he asked
casually as Miss Loree, somewhat
surprised, said it was up to him.
"Would five be enough," he asked.
Upon being told that would be "just
fine," he wrote out a check, and the
League bond office had to send for a
new supply of $1,000 bonds, which
have been going like a B-17.
The "bond belles" claim they will
go anywhere for an order . .. if the
purchaser will call the League be-
tween 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on week
Totals for the Army are also climb-
ing hour by hour. Latest reports
show that $4,200 have been invested
in War Bonds by the men stationed
on campus. This figure is the actual
cash value of the bonds and not the
maturity value.
Of this amount $2,625 has been
from the state complement and
Roth Quartet
To Play Today
Three Concerts Will Be
Presented at Rackhan1
The first concert of the Fourth
Annual Chamber Music Festival, with
the Roth String Quartet as the solo
organization, will be given at 8:30
p.m. today in the Main Lecture Hall
of the Rackham Building.
In all, the Festival will consist of
three concerts, the other two of
which will be performed tomorrow.
The Quartet in E-flat major of
Hadyn and the Quartet in D minor
of Schubert, as well as one modern
composition, the Quartet in F of Mau-
rice Ravel.
One of the last works of Beethoven,
the Quartet in F major, Opus 135,
will be the feautred selection on the
second program to be presented at
2:30 p.m. tomorrow. The final con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, will be
highlighted by a performance of
Schumann's Quartet in F major.

$1,387.50 actual cash from Company
G. Reports from the other companies
have not yet been turned in, but
all have received orders, according
to Lt. Melvin G. Flegal, in charge
of the Army's share of the drive.
The Army campaign is being con-
ducted by "minute men," one to ev-
ery 20 men in each company.,
Civilian employes of the Army are
also participating in the drive. Ninety
percent are deducting at least one-
tenth of their salary each month for
the purchase of bonds.
Three $1,000 bonds have been sold,
Lt. Flegal said. Most of the sales
are in the E series.
The first audit of Washtenaw
County bond sales, made yesterday,
revealed that $448,622 of the $7,477,-
000 goal has already been contrib-
uted. This audit included all types
of bonds purchased in the county
from Jan. 1 to Tuesday noon. Sales
will be audited each day.
Post-Wa*r Job
Plans Outlined
City Group Acts To
Provide LI111)ployi mn
A sixteen-man committee headed
by Alderman Cecil 0. Creal, met yes-
terday to outline plans for meeting
post-war employment problems.
The committee is composed of
University, city and public utilities
Alderman Creal stated that vari-
ous local agencies have proposed
nearly a dozen post-war construction
projects which will aid in providing
employment for workers and return-
ing soldiers who may be unemployed
during the reconversion period im-
mediately after the war.
Creal stated that public construc-
tion as well as private construction
work has been curtailed since the
outbreak of the war. Because of this
curtailment there will be a construc-
tion boom which will probably last
two to three years. It is during this
period that provisions must be made
to assure returning servicemen and
laborers, now employed in war
plants, uninterrupted employment.
Creal added that the state legisla-
ture would be asked for funds for
post-war work. Approximately $55,-
000,000 will be requested of which
the University wishes to obtain about
$8,000,000, Creal declared.

Soviet Troops
Press Forward
To Trap Nazis
fly The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 20.-The Red Ar-
my's six-day-old northern offensive
today toppled the ancient bastion of
Novgorod, hiked the enemy's dead
and captured toll to 44,000, and
crushed forward steadily to engulf
many scattered German units which
now are being wiped out, Moscow an-
nounced tonight.
Take City by Storm
Two powerful Soviet armies were
engaged in a huge nutcracker opera-
tion which might trap 250,000 Ger-
mans southeast of Leningrad, dis-
patches said. Some of these enemy
troops apparently already had been
cut off.
Gen. K. A. Meretskov's troops, at-
tacking 100 miles below Leningrad,1
crossed the frozen Volkhov River andi
Lake Ilmen, surrounded Novgorodj
and then took that stronghold byl
Troops Join Forces
To the north, Gen. Leonid Govor-
ov's troops were within 13 miles of
Krasnogvardeisk, a rail junction
controlling a network of lines radiat-
ing to Leningrad, to the Baltic states,
and eastward to the Tosno area.
where huge German forces hold a 'V'
salient which is being hit from both
sides by the Russians.
Indicating great danger for all the
German forces in the Leningrad
area, the daily Soviet communique
said Govorov's troops fighting south-
westward from Leningrad had joined
forces with other units advancing
southeastward from the Oranien-
baum bridgehead 20 miles west of
Leningrad on the gulf of Finland.
Reiieg otgoons
Ap)proved by
Seae Group
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-(W)-
The Senate Finance committee to-
day abandoned several proposals to
ease the war contracts renegotiation
law and unanimously agreed to a
compromise slated for consideration
in the Senate tomorrow.
The action was an obvious victory
for Senators Warlsh (Dem., Mass),
Connally (Dem., Tex) Lafollette
(Prog., Wis) and Lucas (Dem., I),
cormnittee members who issued a
minority report sharply critical of
five of the amendments previously
approved by a majority of the 21-
member group. All five of the
criticized amendments either were
thrown out or materially modified.
The revisions were written into the
pending $2,275,600,000 tax increase
bill, all other features of which have
been approved by the Senate.
The committee gave up its plan
for mandatory exemption from rene-
gotiation of contracts for standard
commercial articles, such as bolts
and truck axles and electric motors.
As in the House bill,exemption of
such contracts would be discretion-
ary with the War Price Adjustment
World News
In rielf..
By The Associated Press
Prtmes Hit We ak , . ,
More than 150 Allied planes
srtuck Japanese-held Wewak on
northern New Guinea with 133
tons of bombs, General MacAr-

thur's headquarters reported to-
day, while other raiders continued
to hammer the enemy's shipping
base at Rabaul, New Britain.
[Union Leaoders Meet .
MIAMI. Jan. 20.-The AFL execu-
tive council today set next Monday
to consider the proposed reinstate-
ment of the United Mine Workers as
news was disclosed of a secret meet-
ing on the issue between the es-
tranged presidents of the two or-

March of Dimes' Drive
To Begin Here Monday

"Students of the University are
asked to contribute a minimum of a
dime-a-day during the week of the
March of Dimes drive which will
begin Monday," Jim Plate, '45, chair-
man of the University committee,
announced yesterday.
To facilitate these daily contribu-
tions "March of Dimes" boxes will be
Soldier Vote
Bill Approved
Senate Elections Group
Okays Union Federal
Ballot, {Qualification
By The Associated Press
compromise soldier vote bill pro-
viding for a uniform federal ballot,
but empowering state and local
officials to decide voter qualifica-
tions and validity of service men's
ballots, was approved by the Sen-
ate Elections Committee late to-
Designed to meet the objections
of legislators who want the states
to retain control of election ma-
chinery, the revised bill of Senat-
ors Lucas (Dem., Ill) and Green
(Dem. RI) won a 12 to 2 majority
on the Elections Committee and is
to be hurried to the Senate floor
next week.
Senators Tydings (Dem., Md)
and Lodge (Rep., Mass), authors.
of alternate bills to set up a federal
balloting system, announced they
would withdraw their proposals
and support the amended Green-
Lucas measure.
Ca ,)uPaper
Drive Opens

placed Sunday in every University
residence on campus. Further plans
for the campus drive include a special
"Dime Daily" which will be sold Tues-
day for at least a dime.
More People Stricken
The National Foundation for In-
fantile Paralysis points out that be-
cause of the high cost of the 1943
"Polio" epidemic this year's drive
is of special import.
Virginia Schumacher and Mrs.
Carl Rehberg who are co-chairmen of
the Washtenaw County campaign,
revealed yesterday that plans for the
local drive have also been completed.
Local Plans Completed
There will be "March of Dimes"
boxes in all the local theatres and
stores, and in some of the factories
and stores where there are several
employes a box will be passed around
accompanied by a scroll. All those
employes contributing will sign the
scroll which will be sent to President
Roosevelt with wishes for a happy
In accordance with Governor Kel-
iey's proclamation that the week of
January 22 to 30 is "Theatre's March
of Dimes" Week a short feature by
Greer Garson will be shown at all
local movie houses.
The collections in the movie houses
will be made by University coeds,
local high school girls, and by mem-
bers of a University alumnae group.
House Moves
T o Cut Down
Representatives Claii
Ratification Needed
For U.S. Participation
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. --()-
Amid cries that America must guard
its own interests, a move was
launched in the House today to cur-
tail a proposed $1,350,000,000 contri-
bution to a United Nations "kitty"
for aiding the peoples of war-devas-
tated lands.
A group of legislators critical of
administration policy served early
notice of that intention and of a
plan to spell out in exact terms the
scope of a pending measure ratifying
participation by this nation in the
United Nations Relief and Rehabili-
tation Administration.
Representative Jessie Sumner;
(Rep., Ill.) and Representative Gear
hart (Rep., Calif.) argued that the
agreement for U.S. participation ii
UNRRA constituted a treaty which
should be submitted to the Senate
for a two-thirds vote of approval.
Rep. Fish- (Rep., N.Y.) told the
House that several amendments
would be offered, among them:
1. Reduction in the ceiling on the
American contribution for UNRRA
from $1,350,000,000 to $675,000,000.
2. Restriction against use of any
of the funds for educational pur-
3. A clause to assure relief for the
people of India.
4. A guarantee that 90 per cent of
the American contribution would be
used for supplies purchased in this
5. Stipulation that UNRRA work
would be devoted exclusively to re-
lief, with none of the funds going to

U.S., British
Planes Attack
Rome Suburbs
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Friday, Jan. 21-Royal
Air Force night bombers hammer-
ed Berlin last night, it was official-
ly announced early today, in the
eleventh massive attack on the great-
est of German targets since the ex-
termination campaign against the
Reich capital began Nov. 18, 1943.
A continental radio blackout last
night suggested that a strong force
of night bombers was out, probably
hitting more than one target. First
announcement of the Berlin raid
came from the German radio.
Germans Inflict Losses
"The German defense inflicted
losses on the attacking bombers," the
German Transocean Agency said in
a broadcast dispatch. "Details have
not yet been announced."
British bombers last conducted a
major operation on Jan. 14, when
Brunswick was hit. The last pr-
vious heavy blow in the obliteration
campaign against Berlin was Jan. 3,
when 1,000 tons of explosives were
dumped upon the Nazi capital. There
were subsequent Mosquito attacks
against Berlin.
Rome Hit
The Rome gadio yesterday reported
an Allied attack-the second in two
days-on the outskirts of Rome.
Nazi-controlled stations in Ger-
many, Holland, Poland, and Czecho-
slovakia went off the air and the Ber-
lin station was shut down for almost
two hours, which-is a signal the
RAF was over Europe-indicated the
attack was in'force.
Earlier the Rome radio announced
that British - American squadrons
which "came from the north" had
attacked targets on the outskirts of
the Italian. capital.
Tonight 'there' was' a ysterious
flurry at the Rome radio station. As-
sociated Press monitors said that
over the voice of the announcer, a
woman broke in saying "we are con-
tinuing a broadcast which had been
interrupted for technical reasons."
IUni1On Will Hold
New GI Stomp
Coeds Will Serve as
Hostesses Tomorrow
The G1 Stomp will be -repeated
from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow and every
Saturday for the remainder of the
semester in the north lounge of the
Union, it was announced yesterday.
Nearly 400 women and servicemen
were present at the Stomp last.,Sat-
urday, which was termed a "huge
success" by one Union spokesman.
Primary purpose of the entertain-
ment is to give women and service-
men a chance to become acquainted.
Members of Delta Gamia, Alpha
Delta Pi and Alpha Phi and resi-
dents of Betsy Barbour have been
specially invited to act as hostesses
this week, but all women are wel-
come. Music for dancing will be pro-
vided by juke box tunes, which in-
clude 30 new records recently added
to the Union collection.
The Stomp, sponsored by the Un-
ion Social Committee, was originated
last summer as a means of bringing
women and servicemen together. It
proved so miccessful that the com-
mittee has decided to resume the
program this winter.
CIO Leaders
To Meet Here

A three day conference of 30 union
leaders from UAW-CIO Ford unions
in this area designed to teach prin-
ciples of group discussion and back-
ground material in subjects of im-
portance to labor unions 'will be held
in the Rackham Building next- Fri-
day, Saturday and Sunday.
All of the Ford Motor Company lo-
cals of the CIO will participate in the
course, with the bulk of the group
coming from Local 50 at the Bomber
Plant, Local 600 at the River Rouge
plant, and Local 400 at Highland
Park. They will be aided in their
work by the University Extension

Head New


The second campus waste paper
drive to help relieve the critical na-
tionwide shortage will start today
under the joint sponsorship of Assem-
bly and Panhellenic and in conjunc-
tion with the current Ann Arbor cam-
Next Friday collections will be
made form all sororities, dormitories,
league houses and cooperatives by
representatives of the Washtenaw
County Salvage Committee.
In the December drive over 45 tons
of waste paper were collected on
campus. Doris Barr, president of As-
sembly, stated that the same sys-
tem would be used of bringing col-
lections to centrally located league
houses and sororities where they may
be picked up at one time.
Waste paper should be packed into
boxes to make it easier to carry
while newspapers and magazines
should be tied in bundles about a foot
Many of the nation's paper mills
have had to restrict production be-
cause of the waste paper shortage.
Manufacture and shipment of prac-
tically every form of military supplies
are dependent on an adequate paper
supply to package goods before send-
ing them to the front lines.

and having a red decoration on
hat or hair.


ICC To Hold
Forum Today
The future of the cooperative
movement will be the topic for dis-
cussion at a public forum-social to
be held at 8:15 p.m. today in Unity
Hall in the Unitarian Church by the
Inter-Cooperative Council.
Participating in the forum on "Are
Cooperatives Merely a Means to an
End, or an End in Themselves?" will
hb Prnf .JohnS henard of the nsvch-

Con fiet Between Fascism ,
Democracy Is Discussed

Bunyan's Axe Is Swiped

"This war is a clash between the
fundamentally different ideologies of
fascism and democracy," Prof. Wolf-
gang Kraus of the political science
department said yesterday in a lec-
ture sponsored by the Post-War
Contrasting the democratic em-
uhasis on "the safeguarding of hu-

The essence of democracy, he said,
is "rational participation in the af-
fairs of state by equal members,"
while fascism relies upon "irrespon-
sible leaders representing the na-
In discussing Russia's position on
the side of the democracies, Prof.

Paul Bunyan hasn't got an axe to

fact, one report, said coeds were seen

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