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January 20, 1944 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-20

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'Mr. Dooley Jr.'
To Be Given
Here Jan.28, 29
Children's Theatre
Of Speech Department
Will Play in Comedy
"Mr. Dooley, Jr.," by Jane Lewin
and Rose Franken, will be given by
the Children's Theatre of the speech
department for two matinee perform-
ances at 2:30 p.m. Friday and Satur-
day, Jan. 28, 29, in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
This production will be the first
presentation of the children's group
this year. "Mr. Dooley, Jr.," is a
comedy centering about the owner-
ship of Mr. Dooley, Jr., a dog whose
winning ways are the complete in-
Toing of Tommy and Janie.
The action of the comedy is occa-
sinedl whei Hthe children determine
that they will buy the pet, even
thnig Hwy experience parental ob-
jection a. well as financial compli-
cations. The couphieations which
arise lead to [he wild ideas for rai:,-
jng money which form the central
humor of the play. The intervention
of their good friend Gus, the police-
man, saves the children and Mr.
Dooley, too..
Tickets for the plays will be placed
on sale in all schools this week and
reserve lseats may be obtained at the
Lydia Mendelssohn boxoffice Jan.
Union Card
1y. Le /~/ Set,
Registration for servicemen's com-
plinentary Union membership cards,
Tom Bliska, '45, announced yester-
day, will be carried on at the follow-
ing times:
Throughout the noon and night
messes today at the Navy barracks
in East Quadrangle; during the
noon and night messes tomorrow
in East Quadrangle, and through-
out both messes Saturday at the
Union and Victor Valughan.
The complimentary memberships
will be good for the duration of the
holders' stay on campus. There will
be no special registration after Sat-
urday, but servicemen may register
as usual from 3 to 5 p.m. each Wed-
Contrary to a previous Announce-
ment, refunds will be made only to
those servicemen who purchased
Union memberships this semester
and not to those who registered last
summer. Refunds may be obtained
today through Saturday, Jan. 29 at
the Union main desk and only dur-
ing this period.

Latest Styles from Gloucester

Koella To Talk $1,900 in Bonds

After wading throtgh the stinking muck of New Britain's hot,
st eany jungles, U.S. Marines in the Cape Gloucester area loll near their
foxholes awaiting the call to battle. The Leatherneck at the left has
solved the sticky weather problem.
New Co. A Includes Veterans
From South Pacific Battles

Today on Role
Of SiieiLand
Gkrad ai of ita tici
Discuses Position o
Country in War World
Prof. Charles E. Koella of the Ro-
mance Language Department will
discuss the role of Switzerland in a
world at war in the second of the
series of French lectures at 8 p.m.
today in the Assembly Room of the
Rackham Building.
Prof. Koella was born in Lausanne,
Switzerland and received his educa-
tion there, graduating from the Uni-
versity of Lausanne.
In discussing the speech he will
give today, he explained that Swit-
zerland is bound to neutrality by
treaties. Switzerland was given offi-
cial neutrality in the Treaty of West-
phalia in 1648. This was confirmed
in the Treaty of Vienna in 1815.
'Neutrality Not Effeminate'
He said that though Switzerland
has had no major quarrels with
other nations since the time of the
French Revolution and though neu-
trality is a time tested policy of the
Swiss, "there is nothing effeminate
about Swiss neutrality."
Switzerland's role in this war con-
sists mainly of four things, he said:
(1) Shelter for political refugees. It
is estimated that there are 300,000
German refugees in Switzerland now.
(2) Switzerland acts as an instru-
ment of the International Red Cross.
In this capacity the Swiss investigate
the treatment of war prisoners and
help in getting messages to and from
civilians and prisoners in Europe.
(3) Switzerland is in charge of
national representation in enemy
countries for the countries at war.
(4) "The greatest role of Switzer-
land now," he said, "is the lesson the
Swiss teach that there is no hope
outside of democratic procedure.
Theyteach complete acceptance of
equality or rights of all people; they
have no religious or race prejudices."
Swiss Pro-Allied.
He said the bulk of the Swiss peo-
ple are pro-Allied, and added that
the Germans twice have asked to
send troops through Switzerland and
twice Switzerland has refused.
Tickets for the lecture may be
secured from the secretary of the
Romance Language Department or
at the door at the time of the lecture.
All servicemen are invited free of
charge. to all lectures.
JGP Plans Program
Dance routines and a take-off on
a certain radio "swooner" will feat-
ure an entertainment program being
planned by the skits and songs com-
mittee of Junior Girls Project, it
was announced yesterday by Barbara
Heym, '45, committee chairman.

Are urchadsed
By (4 ipiah
Oia tiii rYtiii day ofl uit i'Oiui L
War Loan Drive Compmny G Of the
3651st Service Unit has subscribed
for war bonds with a maturily value
of $1,900.
Company G started their bond
drive early, and before the drive
started officially had collected over
Members of the medical alI( deu
tal unit of the ASTP on campus tim
to surpass all other comniues of ihe
3651st Service Unit. During the
Third War Loan Drive, Company 0
was in the upper half of contest
among ASTP companies. This time
they hope to outdo their own previ-
ous record as well as all others.
Each member of the company is
asked to purchase at least one $18.75
bond with a maturity val ce of $25.
One company member has alreadv
purchased a bond with a m:i ija
value of $300.
Contest 0OpW11
To M sieiatir
Announcement is made of a con-
test under the auspices of the Ameri-
can Guild of Organists in which J.
Fischer and Brothers is offering a
prize of $100 plus royalty, for an or-
gan composition.
The competition is open to any mu-
sician residing in the United States or
Canada. The winning composition
will be played at the Spring Feslval
of the A.G.O. in New York City li-
ing the week of May 14.
The composition should not exced
five or six minutes in length. Th
manuscript, signed with a norn de
plume or motto, with the same in-
scription enclosed in a sealed en-
velope containing the composer's
name and address, must be sent te
the American Guild of Organists; 030
Fifth Avenue, New York 20, N.Y., not
later than March 1, 1944. Return
postage should be enclosed.
Stamps To Be Collected
All war stamp representatives from
dormitories and auxiliary dormitor-
ies are to turn in their money and
pick up stamps from 3:30 to 5:30
p.m. today in the League Social Dir-
ector's office, Rosalie B'runo, '45, co-
chairman of dormitory stamp sales
announced yesterday.

ihn our
January Clearance





ICC To Hold Forum-Social Tomorrow
The future of ihe cooperative move- the discussion on "Are Cooperatives
iA illIe ebseusse iin a foru- Merely-Means to an End or an i
Isl.:Ii the Inter-Cooperative n Themseives?" Prof. Shepard and
meAnoho"r suer "C o
1, t i iJImt rlian uii ici DIck Rosenni an president o a i,
i 'i-i o lai l iepard of hlie teSYC l f CC, w ll act as chairman fo the
o y depatrtment. and A. K. Stevens meeting and fr Statler is Ii charg
id a le EnglPh department will lead of the social.

Among the men in the new Janu-
ary class of Co. A several have served
with distinguished records in many
of the hotly contested battles in the
South Pacific,
The men in the new class come
from more than 40 colleges and
universities throughout the United
Dressings Unit
Is Open Today
At 1 p.m. today the League Surgi-
cal Dressings Unit rooms will be
open for volunteers to work on either
the 2 x 2 or the 4 x 4 dressings.
According to Jean Whittemore,
head of the unit, the policy of per-
mitting the volunteers to choose
their own type of dressing was in-
augurated because so many women
expressed their inability to handle
one type as well as the other. In
the present system the volunteer is
asked to choose the size of dressing
that she is most efficient at making.
Working hours each week are from
1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Fri-

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States, Mexico, Canada, and Europe.
There are 22 officers and warrant
officers in the new group making a
total of 34 officers in the company.
The company has been expanded so
that it now occupies two floors of
Tyler house in addition to the two
floors of Hinsdale house which the
company formerly occupied.
Amazed by Facilities
"The new men are amazed by the
splendid facilities of the University
and especially by the housing facil-
ities," Capt.. George Spence, com-
manding officer of the company, said
He continued by saying that every
one of these men was interviewed
prior to his assignment-here to make
sure that they had the. educational
and intellectual qualifications as well
as the natural ability, personality,
and ambition necessary for the course
"We hope to arrange the men's
study so that they'll have time to
give vent to their natural talents,"
Capt. Spence said, "but the men must
be soldiers first of all.
Intensive Training First
"Their military training program
has already started and for several
months they will receive very inten-
sive training. Their opportunity to
find an outlet to their natural talents
will be subjugated to their studies
during this period."
"As many of the men have not
received prior training in the Army,
they will receeive a course here which
is even more intensive than regular
basic training but spread out over a
longer period of time," he said.
International Center
Holds Tea Today
Another of the informal afternoon
teas will be held from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
today in the International Center.
The teas are held every Thursday
and provide a social hour of conver-
sation and exchange of ideas for for-
eign students on campus and their
American friends.
Students of all nationalities gath-
er at these teas. Representatives from
China, Turkey, Italy, and the Latin-
American nations may be found dis-
cussing educational trends together.
Or a student from Nigeria may dis-
cuss the future of the British Em-
pire with a fellow student from Can-
To the People
of this Community
There is no such thing as a "little"
investment in the Fourth War Loan.
Your $25 or $50 or $100 Extra War
Bond may not have great importance
in your mind
in makingup a
5/ billion dol-
lar total for in-
But multiply
r M i yourself by
and then you
see in real perspective how truly great
each citizen becomes in massing na-
tional strength against the Nazis and
the Japs.
Capt. Maurice Witherspoon, Navy
chaplain aboard the Carrier Wasp
when she sank, tells of a rescued
wounded sailor, who, as he regained
consciousness, asked: "Did I do my



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