PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DbAILY, I~hLIINAVJAN. 20O, 1944 _ _ a . l* Mid1gan Bail Fifty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Editorial Stafff Marion Ford . Jame Farrant . Claire Sherman Marjore Borradalle Eric Zalenski. . Bud Low . Harvey Frank . Mary Anne Olson. Marjorie Rosnarin Hilda lautterback Doris Kuentz . . . . . Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . Associate Sports Editor . Associate Sports Editor .* . . Women's Editor . . Ass't Woren's Editor Columnist . . . . Columnist Business Staff Molly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion . . . Business Manager . . Ass't Bus. Manager . . Ass't Bus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: EVELYN PHILLIPS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are writen by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ACT TODAY: Soldier Vote Ballot Tests Individual Democracy Y CLIPPING out the ballot on the front page of The Daily and sending it to your Congress- man, demanding the immediate passage of the Federal-Soldier-Vote Bill, you can prove that you believe in the privileges set aside for the in- dividual in a democrac. This is not a matter to be passed over lightly, A democracy can only endure if everyone is willing to participate in its functions, and does participate. It is true that everyone cannot vote in Congress, but by letters, wires, and petitions one can influence the passage of legislation. We are supposedly fighting to preserve the privileges of a democracy. One of the ways to preserve these privileges is by using them. Writing to your Congressmen right now, with- out further delay, demanding the passage of a bill to guarantee the right of all servicemen to vote by federal baHot, would be one way of showing that you, too, are fighting to preserve democracy, even if you are not on the battle- fields. Now is the time to act, not when you get around to it. Send it now, and prove to the boys overseas that you are behind them and,are help- ing to preserve thos ideals for which they are fightig. -Agatha Miller ENLiST NOW February Graduates Should Join WA VES THE WAVES are here on campus again in a re- cruiting drive, setting up an office in the League to dispense information to women who might be interested in this service unit. Their special aim is to contact women who will be graduating in February, As usual, this drive has had ample adver- tisement around campus and most of the wo- men have seen the details about the drive in The Daily, in the League and various other places. But precious few of them have thought the war a matter of enough personal import- ance to take time out to inquire about the WAVES. ° But it is a matter of personal i0portance and responsibility in winning this war as anyonlA else. The WAVES want them and the WAVE need them. Evelyn Phillips - C ELECTIONEERING: National 5r rice Plan Is No Political Measure TIHE PE SIDENT' ircquel for a wtion al erv- ice law often has bee criticized a smacking of socalism. However, lenratol Johnson (DIe1lnl, C(ol) , Tues day termed it an attempt to 'Pr issianize" the American peopie Ile asked, "Why must the President listen to these military reactionaries in the conduct of civilian affairs? . .. Have 'mil- :.x,... o nn vv f. + dPY oamcnv" THe WAR GUILT: German Leaders Must Pay for Their Crimes NOEL COWARD wrote a song called "Let's Not Be Beastly to the Hn," and it is one of the most popular songs in England today because of the bitter sarcasm it contains. An editorial appeared in The Daily recently that said the same thing, but wasn't sarcastic. It slammed those who propose war guilt trials for German war prisoners, saying they would be "fundamentally the most primitive kind of revenge" and that it would be impossible to try the cases of hundreds of thousands of pris- oners. Since when is it "degrading to our moral standards" to punish criminals for crimes they have committed against society? We do not feel a moral sense of shame when we send a gangster to the chair for murder. Why should we feel differently about gangsters who operate against the whole world and commit mass murders on a national scale? It is true that the whole German race could not be brought to trial, but we should consider the cases of their leaders, humble them to keep them from becoming martyrs and, if found guilty, punish them for what they have done. There is a difference between "primitive re- venge" and punishment. Revenge is futile. Pun- ishment is common sense. -Ray Dixon SAWDUST AND YSTER SHELLS --- ELL, we're moving again now. Our landlady is going to Jackson and the guy who bought the house says that lie's going to build it over into five new modern apartments. He says he's going to build five new bathrooms and put in five new refrigerators. He's a big guy and lie says that everybody's got to get out by February first. This is not the first time we've moved in Ann Arbor., in fact, by this time we've gotten to know the floor plan of almost every dirty, cold water rooming house in town. We've been camping around so long, that there are boxes still tied up that we haven't opened since we were a freshman. People come to us as an authority on the special psychology of Ann Arbor landladies. But the house we're leaving now is different. We've been saying for months that all we need is a skylight to feel like Rossetti and Burns Jones live just across the hall. As the house stands. it's three floors and one bathroom with a furnace underneath that was put in when the house was built and never quite yet has gotten around to heating the up- stairs rooms. Some fast talking salesiman back in '22 sold the sorority that lived here then a shipment of 41 swivel chairs. They're still here, two in every room. You can get awfully attached to a swivel chair, We have a big front window that looks down on South University. It has initials and dates scratched on tle left hand of the glass going back to J, C. 1893. And we have an overstuffed chair with 17 separate cigarette holes which go down through the stuffing. Our landlady, in the six or seven mmouths that we've lived here, has shown no sptiia neurotic tendencies which as everyone knows makes her stand out as a landlady of extra- ordinary virtue, APART from the bright blue varnished kitchen wallpaper and an apple green linoleum car- pet, the color scheme here has never bothered us past endurance. We still remember the land- lady we had the first half of our sophomore year who was just coming into her lavender period. She specialized in ordinary kitchen table desks painted lavender with yellow bumps on their leg. The lhose that we're moving into next has red iron bed, a red wooden desk, an orange chair and a plum colored carpet, Something gets into tese women. Something also gets into the taxi drivers who see in a trunk, a radio, and a typewriter the- chance of a life-time to buy mama a fur coat, What with having paid all we could manage on a month's *nt in advance, we're still willing to make a deal. It' I1Cree books for every ten that le ovre' To make this day a perfect one we got a letter which came in al enveope on which was printed "Lady Luck can never cross the path of the man who provides no Vath t or her to cross.7" The writer, a New LMexico real estate dealer, otiers us, hat is racticalty guarantees us, $1,000 for every 14 dollars which we put down to lease a 40-acre tract of New Mexico oil land -presmay the nath for lady luck. Ic says Iic's givn ' 1 a ci,1ce to "get right mn where , t I g; boy are rushing to gain a foothold,"' and o make muatt ers more simple b- has cise a:; :c on wurth $11. The hell of the matter is that we're so gosh darn broke. I'd Rather BeRight NEW YORK, Jan. 20.-Chew betel nuts and win the war. Cut the budget from 99 billions to 75 billions and win the war. Less money for war will win the war. But higher food prices will also win the war. More money for the farmer will win the war., Save more and win the war. Spend more and win the war. Keep calm; this is your Congress- man, screaming. Have a nut? Cut out all non-essential ex- penditures and win the war. This is no time for social welfare frills; we must win the war But, also, return 4 billion dollars in confiscated excess profits and win the war. Why not? It's only a billion more than we ever spent for work relief in any one year at the bottom of the de- pression. Want another nut? ANYWAY, KEEP COOL More unity Wiill win the war. But a nationa service act will not win the war; a nationa service act is slavery. An anti-strike law wil win the war; an anti-strike law is not slavery it is unity. But always remember, never se class against class. Have a nut, friend? Look here, who says we need a national serv ice act, anyway? Aren't we producing the goods But what are we going to do about Madam Perkins? She says we're producing the goods when everybody knows we're not, on accoun of strikes. We ar so. We are not, Well, maybt it depends on what bill is up, THIE NON-STOP FLIGHT Want a nut? The thing about the Presiden is, he's always electioneering. Look at his annua message; see, electioneering; he wants to mak everybody work harder and pay more taxes Pretty smart. Down with electioneering! DowI with taxes, too. Anyway, remember that thi is an election year, and we must keep our head clear and both feet in the air. Have another nut. Yes, sir, that was a fourti term message. He's only got both labor feder ations against him as a result of it, What we have to do is plan ahead, see. Big- ger corporate reserves will-win the war. What's that? Increase social security taxes at a time like this? This is no time to pile up reserves. Let's postpone it to when we can't do it. Want a nut? The thing is, the Treasury will never tell u what it wants. It doesn't give us enough guid ance. How are we to know what to do whe the Treasury won't tell us? What? The Treas ury wants 10 billions in new taxes? Say, w don't have to listen to those fellows. We ca hire our own tax experts. THAT'S THE WHOLE STORY Have a nut, friend? The thing is, lie doesn' pay enough attention to the home front. Ani another thing, he tries to control eveiyt hing oi the home front with these darn bureaucra That's why the production thing is so mixed u TIhen he goes over to Europe, and plans a bit land offensive, when everybody knows we'r producing enough planes to win from the a I hope I make myself clear, friend; the nuts ar In that box. Anyway the soldiers will take care of him whun they get to vote, If we let them all vote, he'l% control their votes, get it? So have a nut. After all, the big thing is not to change thin country while the soldiers are away. We wan them to find it just the way they left it whet they come back. If we can only repeal som of these social welfare laws that were passed i 1935, that ought to do it.'These nuts mak mighty good chewing, don't they? (Copyright, 194, New York Post Syndae) JOBS NEEDED: Veterans Must Have More Than Uand-O~uts TS WEEK the bill to provide discharge vas for war veterans is tieing tossed around tb( House of Representatives. Suddenly a lot of Congressmen are trying to out-do each other in raising the sum which is to be given to the vets; The bill which was approved by the iOuse Military Committee sets the amount at $300, but amendments are being'considered raising it to $700 or possibly $500. Our Congressmen are getting very generous in their plans for mustering-out pay. Few will deny that the veterans of this wai will more than deserve any amount given [c theni at the time of their discharge. No sum however great, can repay the servicemen and women for their sacrifices. But it is cuestion able that arguing over a difference of a few hundred dollars is the best thing our repre= sentatives can do for the neople now in uniform Discharge pay is but a token, it can only tide the returning soldier over temporarily. What the veterans really need and will appre- ciate is a post-war opportunity to make a decent living. And that means that the most worthwhile thing for Congress to do is to in- sure that chance by holding the cost of living within reason and by pr'eventing labor's en- emies from using the war as an excuse to weaken' the uosition of the umons. -Betty Ann iKoffman 4ERRY*-GO PEARSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-If you are thinking twice about how much money you should invest in Govern- ment bonds. consider the experience of Governor Ernest Gruening of Alaska. Some time 'ago. Governor Gruen- ing visited St. Lawrence Island, a long, narrow strip of land in the Bering Sea so near Siberia that you can look across on a clear day and see the coast of Asia. It is the most northwestdrly area of the United States populated by humans--- a ser- ies of Eskimo villages. Gruening, the first governor of Alaska ever to visit the islamd, wanted to elp p'repare them to resist possible invasion from Ja- pan. A group of governmenmt offi- cials had been there before, and asked the Eskimos to help throw up earthen fortifications. So they had helped, to a man and including some women, in building up the island's fortifications. Governor Gruening, arriving lat- er, distributed rifles not only for resisting the taps but also for hunting, and gave the natives a series of talks every evening about civilian defense and what the war was all about. Finally, he ap- proached the subject of war bonds. "Those big planes you see in the sky," he explained, "cost money. Those rifles we have given you also cost money. Uncle Sam pays for .them with war bonds.'Every Ameri- can citizen buys war bonds-usually each citizen gives about one-tenth of his salary." Then he sugges ted that the tribe's community fund had some money on hand (a total of $15,000) and the tribe might wish to buy war bonds with part of it. The Eskimos held a whispered conference. Finally, a grizzled chief reported to Governor Gruening: "We buy 15,000." "That's very generous of you," replied the Governor, "but that is your entire fund. Perhaps you had better reconsider and save some of that money for an emergency in case of sickness or lack of food." Again there was a whispered con- sultation. Again the chief came back and reported: "I talk to my people. They say, 'Uncle Sam been very good to us. We give $15,000-and we shoot ,lap too." That ended the matter. (Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate) GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty "You post-war brides will be mighty lucky-"you'll have a chance at a coUple million mc"i wlmoove traveled widely, been trained ii tidiness, and ave a grat appetite for home cooking!" Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor must be type- in regard to the charge that it written, double-spaced, on one side of was mismaaged, this was defi- the 1a per only and s-igned with the ltY tt(I.cs 'ieflow iiaiiieatid ddry not time case Thme fellows nme and address of tiw wrile, 10- quests for anzonzymzou hclations Hi over at the Uniomm are doing very ue set. well, but they are lmwaia1 and can only do so much. Instead of grip- legg nterfered . inig so miuch, why don't, you get over there and help them out? DID IT EVER OCCUR to the four llurthermore, there is more to the gentlemen who wrote the letter situation thaim mere apathy. The printed in Wednesday's Daily that Social was eld from 2:30 to 5:30 there may have been other reasons -the same time as sorority pledg- for the apathy towards the Union ing This would account for the Sunday Social than those they lack of support. If the event were wished to see? repeated without this competition, In the first place the alfaiir was it wold be a success. well advertised. The Hour of Fun The trouble with this campus is and the G.I. Stomp were both adver- that there are entirely too many tised in exactly the same manner people ready to gripe about every- and they were both successes. There thing and never do anything about was no mention made of the Social it. It's so easy to sit by and find being only for servicemen and dates fault with the other fellow. I would and anyone who gathered that from also like to see the Union repeat the the caption: "Union members, ser- Social and T'm certain that they will viceme, and dates" has a gret make a success of it this time. imagination. -Jim Plate i _ ,r 't DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . BLONDIE By Chic Young' THURSDAY, JAN. 20, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 58 Al notices for the Daly Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Offle of the President In typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publlca- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices eT COMEONa OF COUR E 1 DAGW'OP T aLONDI E ,YO GIVE NOW ,',~NNAVE-ALL FOR OUR, ' ~"aMY IP ENI~NG FLIThRE p To the Members of the University Senate:There will be a meeting of the University Senate on Monday, Jan.24. at 4' the Rackham Amphitheatre, for the consideration of a revision, of the Regents' by-law concerning dismissal, demotion, and terminal appointments. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary Seniors in Aeronautical and Me- chanical Engineering and Physics: A representative of the National Advis- ory Committee for Aeronautics (gov- erineilt agency) will be in Arn Arbor on Thursday. Jan. 20, to inter- view seniors for positions in the NACA laboratories at Langley Field, Va.; Cleveland, 0., and Moffett Field, Calif. Interested men will please sign the interview schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board, near Rm. B-47 East Engi- neering Building. Interviews will be held in Rm. 3211 East Engineering Buildhig. Seniors; College of L.S,-A, and Schools of Education, Music and Public Health: Tentative lists of :seniors for March graduation have been nosted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4, university Hall. If your name is misspelled or the degree expected incorrect, please notify the Counter Clerk. R. L. Williams Cadidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for Febl ary 1944: Please call at the Office of the School of Education, 1437 University Elemen- tary School, today from 8-12 or 1:30 to 4:30 to take the Teacher's Oath. This is a requirement for the certifi- cate. y Crockett Johnson Lectures French Lecture:'Professor Charles E. Koella. of the Romance Language Department, will give the second of the French Lectures sponsored by the Cercle Franicais entitled: "Le role de la Suisse dans un mnonde en guerre" today at 8:00 pm. in theI Assembly Room in the Rackham Building. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Languages (Rm. 112, Romance Lang- uage Building) or at the door at the time of the lectures. All servicemen are admitted free of charge to all lectures. Lecture: The Student1 Branch of A . Ais swonsoririg a lecture (illus. by representatives of Libby, Owens, Pord Glass Co, on Friday, Jan. 21; at 3:30 pm. in the auditorium of the School of Architecture and Design "Glass in Construction in 194x," will be discussed by Mr. H. Creston Don- er, and "Glass--The Key to Post- War Designing," by Mr. 0. F. Wenz- ler. The public is invited. Acatentic Notices Physics, Courses 25 and 45: Extra Examination, for those absent with excuse on Jan. 12 or Jan. 13, will be given today at 4:00 p.m.. in Rm. 202, W'(et Physics Over Chanters 4. 5. 6 the 1'oth Strin- Quay-tc t consisting of eil Roth, and Michael Kuttner, viol n., eJhit r.; hI i ir, viola, and Oli- ver 15:0, villoncelo, in three con- certs on 1Iridyi and Saturday, Jan. 21 and 22w in the ain lecture hall of th e Rachw Building. The pro- graml' to be lcaid a"re as follows: Friday, 8:30; Quartet in E-flat major, llaydn; Quartet in F, Ravel, Quartet in D minor, Schubert. Saturdqy, 2:30: Seven Chorale Preludes, Bach; Qu'artet in F major, Beethoven; Three Pieces for Quar- tet, Casella. Saturday, 8:30; Quartet in F ma- jo r, Schumann; Quartet No. 2, Har- old Mo'ris; Chorale and Fugue, IBrahmus; Italian Serenade, Wolff, A limied niitmber of tickets are still available for the entire serie; or for inddua oncrts, and are on sale at tha ofices of the Unversity Musical Society in -hiton Memorial Events Today Varsity Glee Club rehearsal to- night at 7:30 at the Union. Tie Surgical Dressings Unit of the Hillel Fomdation will meet today frm 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Volunteers will we washable blouse Tea at Intermiatomial Cemiter is served each week on Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign students, BARNABY