" - n T .. , .^ - - J-' DA iLk -.y _ _ __ _.. _..- Fifty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of theUrUniversity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the sugnmer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein sap reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Colegiate Press, 1943-44 Edj Marion Ford . Jane Farrant . Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradalle Eri cZalenski. Bud Low. . Harvey Frank. . Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Kilda Slautterback Doris Kuentz . ®rial S~ staff . .Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . . .City Editor . . Associate Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Associate Rports Editor * .Women's Editor . Ass't Women's Editor . . . Columnist . . . Columnist . . Business Staff Molly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion Teiepkone . Business Manager . Asst Bus. Manager . Ass't Bus. Manager 23-24- NIGHT EDITOR: STAN WALLACE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. LPROLEM: City Fights Waves of Juvenile Delinquency ANN ARBOR'S law enforcement authorities are, at the present time, fighting the worst wave of juvenile delinquency in the history of this city. The Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office alone reported over 250 juvenie cases in the last eight months. One officer at police head- quarters stated that "most of the arrests that amount to anything nowadays turn out to be juvenile cases." It is true that many of the juvenile complaints appearing on the police blotter are not serious, but merely show that minors are up to their age old tricks of stealing fruit, trespassing, and generally making nuisances of themselves. But here are the types of juvenile cases that appear too frequently on the police records: A 17-year-old girl arrested for becoming "tooBfriendly" with soldiers at the Romulus AirBase; A brother and sister, age 15 and 17, appre- hended on Huron River Drive, drinking. When these two were followed by police they were seen entering a bar near Jackson; Boys, ranging from 14 to 17 years of age breaking into drug stores, filling stations, and private homes; Week-end drunk partiesf Children running away from home for a "good time"; Stealing, rape, and teen-age prostitution. All of the cases are too numerous to describe at length. These are the problems that confront our law enforcement officers every day. Arresting minors who commit delinquent acts is' not difficult, but w4en our police see the same youths arrested twice, three times, and at the same time influencing other minors to commit crines a n lead unli4thy s lives, our of- ficials realize that they are witnessing the worst outbreak of juvenile crime in this city's history. The usualhretrt to our delinquent problem runs along the theory that we have opened our doors to the low-class factory worker, and sub- sequently to their children. We pass off the problem by saying that it is these children who seem to be running berserk. But this is not the situation in Ann Arbor. In addition to the so-called "drifters'" chil- dren, there are established Ann Arbor families who have had to resort to strict disciplinary measures with their children, who have been eceedingly "wild.". There you have a brief sketch of Ann Arbor's 1944 juvenile delinquency problem. -Bob Goldman BRITISH IRATE: Peace Rumors Were German PrQpaganda THE BRITISH were angry at Russia again. This time English ire was aroused by Pravda, the official Red Army newspaper, which printed a story claiming that English officials met Ger- many's Von Ribbentrop in Spain, and have made nrn fntward a snarate neace. PLAN IMPRACTICAL: Trade Schools Will Not Solve Educwion Desires IF CERTAIN educators in the State of Michigan have their' way, the schools of the future will be little more than technical training institutions for would-be experts. Certainly those intereted in a "liberal 'edi- cation received an unpleasant Jolt when the State Board of Control for Vocational Education announced its plan for Michigan's post-war schooling. The plan, which is said by educators to he the best developed of any in its early stages, has several unique features. According to its framers, it is based on the realization that education in secondary schools must be re- vised to meet the demands of students in a changing economy. Vocational training has to be placed on an equal plane with the ac- cepted cultural eucation, these post-war plan- ners maintain. And so, with the aim of equality in mind, the educators ask that 30 schools-with the avowed purpose of pure technical training- be established in Michigan. The cost of erection will be borne by the areas served, the State of Michigan, and the Federal government. The tuition would be free, transportation would be provided, and there would be practical admission require- ments. One concession was made when the committee intimated 'that possibly cultural courses may become a part of the curriculum. While such a plan seems practical to the nth degree, it is, nevertheless, based on a series of false assumptions. First, the vocationalists assume that the primary function of education is to provide the student with a job Second, by emphasizing the development of special skills, these educators are assuming that an individual may be divided into segments of a personality, and that one part of him is of greater importance. and therefore should be developed more completely than-any other. Third, the vocationalists believe that schools can best provide technical training. Not only would one find it difficult to prove that the primary duty of education is to provide a job, but one would also be required to demon- strate that all those who have attended either high school or college have as a result found work. It has long been the ideal of liberal-minded educators that higher learning, whether it be the secondary school or the college, should teach individuals to be good citizens, not to be merely effective workers. For if we create schlools designed merely to train skilled work- ers, we will fail in one of our most important obligations-that of educating for democracy. A citizen of a republic must not only be econ- omically self-sufficient, but he must also be capable of understanding others' economic, social, and political problems. In other words, he must be able to think, to examine reports and to choose the truth, to decide what is best for the greatest number of people. The issue we face when we argue the value of establishing purely vocational schools in place of those containing "cultural" subjects is not vocational training versus a "liberal" education; the issue resolves itself to this: are we to turn working automatons out of our schools or intel- ligent citizens, educated for democracy? The vocationalists, by emphasizing the de- velopment of special skills, are thereby separat- ing an individual's personality into segments and maintaining that one part of his abilities should be trained more completely than any other. Would it not seem more logical to strike a happy medium? It is true that in the early days of education, teachers tended to emphasize the cultural, "impractical" sub- jects, while they ignored any application of their teachings to real life situations. There was no such thing as "vocational" training where a student could learn a trade while at- tending school. The recent developments in education are worthwhile, but they can be carried too far. If schools would couple their academic subjects with vocational courses, they would then satisfy both the culturally minded citizens and those interested in practical results. The last assumption would be difficult to substantiate. Business men and manufactur ers have frequently said that they can train their employees better and cheaper than any school. The present war crisis likewise Illus- trates that vocational training can be done- on the job. Consequently, it seems thast to invest millions of dollars in vocational schools would not only be unwise, but also impractical. Should such a plan as the one developed by the Michigan Vocational Board be adopted throughout the United States, American citizens would find themselves faced with a curious dilemma. For they would be trained to perform their jobs with the least amount of time and effort; this would leave more of their day for leasure acttivities. Aied yet, having had only a technical training, many of them would be incapable of putting their free time to worth- while use. We do not deny that vocational education deserves a place in the panorama of education, but we do maintain that it is only a part of the whole picture. Education for democracy can be achieved, but not by turning out machine-men from voca- tional training schools. -Virginia Rock MUI NEW MUSICAL IDEAS, compositions, and in- terpretations are as necessary to the welfare of the art as they are of interest to its followers, but there comes a time when a program of con ventional music affords a welcome relief in the midst of such innovations Arir iubinstein was the pianist who gave us just that relief last night in Hill Auditorium at the seventh :rert of the present Choral Union series. Just why we call Mr. Rubinstein's program conventional must be obvious from the start. He opened his program with the popular Beethoven "Appassionata Sonata," followed by a group if Brahms and the Schumann "Symphonic Etudes," and reached, during the last half of the concert, nothing more startling or modern than a ,mat- tering of Shostakovitch and Villa-Lobos. There was some mention of the fact, in the audience, that the artit was guilty of an "ov- erdose of romanticism." This may- be true to a certain extent, hut the major portion of the program was devoted to works of the romantic period, and when it is considered that Mr. Rubinstein was schooled by members of the late romantic period, romanticism is not un- expected. The overdose was certainly not obvious. In fact, the entire program up to the Chopin, seem- ed to be done no differently than one might have heard it done 50 years ago. And yet despite the relief afforded by such a program and the conventionality of the inter- pretation, we cannot say that the concert, as a whole, was outstanding; it was simply a chance to hear familiar music well done, an opportunity to sit back and relax. The Beethoven and part of the Schumann were the only selections to hit the level of mediocrity during the evening. Not that there were any discrepancies in the artist's technique, but rather that the genuine feeling that filled the re- mainder of the program was lacking. The Brahms group was a contest in this respect, for here there was life and spirit. He revealed subtle colors and shadings that are often missed by those pianists too busy with the technical aspects of the compositions. THE FINEST PARTof the entire performance was without any doubt, the Chopin "Barcar- olle," "Valse," and "Ballade." They were exqi- site in every detail, each shading and pianissimo executed with the greatest possible skill and fin- esse. These delicate rhapsodies and musical im- pressions seemed perfectly fitted to the temper- ament of the artist both because of his birth and training, and the audience sensed this through the manner in which the music was presented for one could actually have heard a pin drop in the hushed auditorium. The program was concluded with the Shos- takovich "Polka" and De Falla's "Ritual Fire Dance," both spirited numbers which the artist did in a sure manner, indicating his mastery of the keyboard. Mr. Rubinstein came back to the stage to do two encores, one for the left hand alone, and the last a selection from "The Doll's Family" by Villa-Lobos. -Jean Athay 1LP.H.1.P3to the &litOr Letters to the Editor must be typewritten on one side of tht paper only and signed with the name and address of the writer. Requests for anonymous publication will be met. Social Is Failure... The Union's Sunday Social yesterday was a dipmal failure because of poor advertising, mis- management, and lack of support. The article in Sunday's Daily, unless very carefully read, led one to believe that the affair was solely for serv- icemen and their dates. The social lacked supervision: the only rep- resentative of the Union Social Committe ap- peared to be*a soldier who kept the record player going. The event was not supported. by any responsible group or by the student body. As a result, there were seldom more than six or eight couples present at any one time. A few couples looked in, but passed by when they saw only one couple dancing, a few others con- versing, and a number of stags. reading the funny papers. And thus the Sunday Social, which might have become a tradition here, failed on its first Uy. Compare this with Saturday night's Rec-Rally at Barbour Gym, which was well advertised, managed, and supported. Many students came and we all had alot of. fun. We would like to see both of these events repeated. The Social, charging no admission and taking place at a less busy time thdn the Rec-Rally's Saturday night, could be a bigger success than the Reec-Rally, if only it were as well organized. -Dick Hines, Ed Blom Dick Cooper, Art Higbee Extravagant spending of money at home re- sults in an extravagant spending of blood in battle. Buy extra war bonds today to keep our casualties to a minimum. Let's all back the attack. W4ERRYn GO ROUNDF By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.- One lobby you don't hear much about, but which is among the most effec- Live in Washington, is the title corn- panies' lobby. With the help of the insurance and bank lobbies, it has held up millions of dollars supposed to be paid, to people thrown out of their homes when the government took over land for Army and Navy camps. The government cannot yet pay many of them under the old, slow- moving system of clearing titles to property. For more than a year, the Justice Department has tried to change this system, but the title law- yers and title companies object. They receive nice, juicy fees for clearing titles, and they don't want new legis- lation which would take away those fees-even in wartime. .Result is that, in many cases, peo- ple who were moved off their land months ago to make way for Army and Navy camps still are unpaid. It is one of the great and little known tragedies of the war. In a total of 120,000 tracts of land taken by the Army and Navy, about one half or around 70,000 still are involved in pending condemnation cases. These cannot be unsnarled under the old-fashioned system of clearing titles. The Justice Department estimates that approximately 300,000 people, equal to a city about the size of Port- land, Ore., are completely homeless yet still unpaid by the government, as a result of the lobby's tactics. For instance, when the Navy took over the land for Camp Peary, near Williamsburg, Va., home-owners were moved out on Sept. 8, 1942. And it was not until well into 1943 that title eviden e was cleared through the slow-movin routine channels, and money started coming in to those forced to move out. Reform Bill Blocked... To speed up this procedure, hard- hitting Assistant Atty.-Gen. Norman Littell persuaded members of Con- gress to introduce legislation permit- ting the government to clear titles by posting notices and publishing notices in local newspapers. If no other claimant laid claim to the property within thirty days, the gov- ernment could then clear the prop- erty and pay the owner. It was at this point that the title- company lobby swung into action, supported by the insurance compan- ies and the bankers. J. O. Bratt of the American, Bankers. Association. H. L. Smith of the American Title Association, Horace Russell of the United States Savings and Loan League, together with the Mortgage Bankers Association, have been the chief operators against the bill. Senator Byrd of Virginia, no radi- cal, has been one of the chief sup- porters of the reform. Impressed by the terrific hardship suffered by resi- dents of Quantico, Va., when the government condemned land t en- large the Marine Corps Base, Byrd has vigorously fought the title-com- pany lobby-so far unsuccessfully. (Copriht. 1944, UE iFeatures Syn.) y Crockeil Johmson The flqh! OFF? i's more hiiportnt7sr thon ever! ... Pail othe nroceeds will DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 57 All notiees for the Daily Official Hu- letin are to be sent to the office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- ticee shold be submitted -by 11:0 a.m. Notices School of Music Assembly will be held today at 4:00 p.m. in the School of Music Auditorium. Seniors: College of L.S.&A. and Schools of Education, Music and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for March graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4, University Hall. If your name is misspelled or the degree expected incorrect, please notify the Counter Clerk. R. L Williams Seniors in Aeronautical and Me- chanical Engineering and Physics: A representative of the National Advis ory Committee for Aeronautics (gov- ernment agency) will be in Ann Arbor on Thursday, Jan. 20, to inter- view seniors for positions in the NACA laboratories at Langley Field Va.; Cleveland, 0., and Moffett Field Calif. Interested men will please sign the interview schedule posted on, the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board; near Rm. B-47 East Engi- neering Building. Interviews will be held in R. 3201 East Engineering Building. Lectures University Lecture: Miss Frey a Stark,authoress and traveller in the Near East, will speak on "A Journey into Yemen in 1940" (illus.) on Wed- nesday, Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture will be under the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts. The public is invited. Lecture: The Student Branch of A.I.A. is sponsoring a lecture (illus.) by representatives of Libby, Owens, Ford. Glass Co. on Friday, Jan. 21, at 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the School of Architecture and Design, "Glass in Construction in 194x," will be discussed by Mr. H. Creston Don- er, and "Glass-The Key to Post- War Designing," by Mr. 0. F. Wenz- ler. The public is invited. French Lecture: Professor Charles E. Koella, of the Romance Language Department, will give the second of the French Lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais entitled: "Le role de la Suisse dans tn monde en guerre" onw Thursday, Jan. 20, at 8a0 p.m in. the Assembly Room in the Rackham Building. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Languages. (Rm. 112, Romance Lang- uage Building) or at the door at the time of the lectures. All servicemen are admitted free of charge to all lectures. Academi c Notices Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution): All papers from the recent examina- tion should be returned for a possible change of grade. Prompt return is necessary. A. FranklinShull Professor of Zoology GRIN AND BE AR I By Liclafy "-and with the season for presidential candidates officialy open, I think it's high time to select a committee to throw out the first mud!" i .1 t f e t ]' 5 Z 1, , n e n e P'd Radbcr Be Right NEW YORK,-11. :1. i.--rfoilowec the State Depaom uent \ Satrday night ra dio pu-o ti iw iti int ere~t Trhe radio i,a wonderful tvenln. You turn a ltle knob, and you can hear, from hundreds o miles away, that the State Departmient was never wrong. They did a lot of talking about some fellow name d Darlan, an O- scure French character whom I seem to have forgotten. An Ad- miral, or something. Ie shot somebody, or somebody shot him, or maybe it wasb oth. It happened in Persia, or one of those places. Anyway, they spent a lot of pro- gram time discussing this charae- ter, and telling how smart we were to deal with him. As a man who is on the radio himself, may . take the liberty of su-gestig to the Department that this was had pro- gram ming? This all happened fou-rteen years ago, or fourteen mont hs, or some- thing, and if you want to hold listen- er attention, you have to stick to subjects that are up to date. For instance, there is a French character around named de Gaulle, and a lot of people are interested in why we are not on good terms with him. But he was never mentioned, on the whole show. I can hardly wait. for future installments of this serial, -when they get out of the part about how smart we were to deal wIth this dead Frenchman, a nd reach ihe place about why we don't gealon better with the live one. I also wondered' a litte bit about the wisdom of putting on an official State Depart-ment radio show to jus- tify the Darlan policy, right noe, when our relations with de Gaulle are so strained, and when Mr. Chur- chill has just spent four hours with de Gaulle at Marrakesh, trying t fix things up. De Gaulle might think eve were rubbing it in. You have to think about these things when you do a radio show. Especially in wartime. I know. I once caught hell for kt- tacking the King of Italy. Besides, a radio script has to have a certain strong logicallt# about it. In this Saturday sho*, they started with the premise that; everything We did in French North Africa was smart, and right. Well, that's good. The audience wilg accept that, near the beginning, to get the show started. But before the show is over, they will want to know why it is so many Frenchmen don't seem to like us. You can't evade that by just sign- ing off with a commercial for Robert D. Murphy. It's not good radio. The building must never fall on Super- man, if you get what I mean. Once you establish a premise, you have to follow through. Your script premise is that this character you're plugging can get along with anybody, no matter if he's a dog (and I under- stand this Darlan was not a high- class type) but then you come to fhe de Gaulle episode, and your audience wonders why your hero doesn't get along with him, too. The listener might reason, well I guss this hero gets along best with the wrong kind of French- man, which would be an unfrtui- nate conclusion, spoiling the polit of the whole script. I offer these tips as a professiol writer who earns his income in- pfi-i vate industry, under the free enter- prise system, but who has no quarrel with government, and is always will- ing to give the agencies a hand. There's a lot can be done with- that script. A couple of- chages I could thinktof in the latter part would pick it right up. (Copyright. 1944, NY. Post Syndicate) in speaking or hearing Italian is wel- come. The Association Music Hour will present the final setion of Bach's "St. Matthew Passion" at Lane Halt. this evening at 7:30. Everyone inter- ested is invited. The Michigan Youth for Demo- cratic Action will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Union (room nimber wilL be on fthe Union lbulle ~tn bard). The sbec.ofri e&meeinrg.will be "The 1R-Yea -Old Vote," and "Sub- sidies and Fedl i So1lier Vote." The public i invite( Coming Events U. of M. Chapter, A.A.U.P.: Open dinner meeting at the Michigan Un- ion Cafeteria Monday evening, Jan. 24, at 6:45. Fill trays and gather at the tables in the Faculty Club. Invite friends who are not members. Piro- gram subject: "The Future of Dem- ocracy," with an address on "lRe- thinkin -' Democracy," v1 Professor Roy W. Sella-s. Come prepared fm, a vote in the annual election of National Officers. For informa).oono ( offices tobe tilled and caddae, ete October or Decembe-r Blletin7. 1943. Please 4 a e y e e. s f s, t e i. :1 S e v t s a 0 i s S BARNABY Gus, we my t vWOi the verse of this calamitous The boxing match! It , flood. I'll direct the rescue work and speak a few will be cancelled now, ..us, e utn vis=t -, s.%e of..i . i -mio, t"e .oxing mathn I "O'McJley Carries Wood Nymph to Sa"t n' . ."Comiortb 1t omele E vents i oday I