t " Alp 4qmLooqw 4ail Weather Warmer VOL. LIV No. 56 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 18, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Yank, French Troops Close In on Cassino U.S. Attempts To End Red- Polis Dispute State Departnent Gets Slapped as Arbiter in New Misunderstanding, By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. - The United States government stepped gingerly but hopefully into the dis- pute between Russia and Poland to- day to find itself buffeted by a new wave of misunderstanding between Moscow and London. The latest upheaval in Russia's stormy relations with her European allies was brought on by the publi- cation in Moscow of "Cairo Rumors" that two British officials had con- ferred with German Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop on condi- tions of a separate peace. American officials, frankly puzzled by the way in which the rumors were played up in Moscow, kept silent on this score. Secretary of State flull told a press conference that the good offices of the United States had been made available in the interest of restoring diplomatic relations, between Russia and Poland. This action was taken at the re- quest of the Polish government, whose ambassador, Jan Ciechanowski, ar- ranged to see Undersecretary of State Stettinius this afternoon. The American response to the Pol- ish request apparently did not go so far as the Poles had desired. Iull said that Ambassador W. Averell Har- riman in Moscow had been told in a dispatch sent Saturday evening to inform the Soviet 'government of the willingness of .this government to offer its facilities for opening discus- sions between the Russians and the Poles with a view to resuming of- ficial relations between them. Hull also ekpressed the hope that some satisfactory means could be found for the resumption of friendly rela- tioils::between :hCe Moscow govern- ment ,and tle Polish government-in- exile. Dearborn Bus San Juan Destroyed by Earthquake But He Can't Vote.. . Allied Forces Corp. W4lter Bodt's squad was spying out jap positions in the Pacific. We needed information badly. The squad got it, but was cut off from our lines. Using handker- chiefs tied to ayonets, Marine Corp. Bodt wigwagged the information back. He lost an eye, sustained other wounds from furious nemy fire, but his message was urgent. He stuck and got It through, winning the Navy Cross. Clip This Out, Send It to Your Loitgrce isatn Inmediately: A federal bill guaranteeing our fighting soldiers their right to vote has already been turned down by the Senate and by the House ilection Committee. The issue is now in the hands of the House Rules Committee. As a citizen of the United States, I, the nidersigned, demand itnediate Passage of a federal soldier-vole bill that will give the 11,000,000 men and women i i service a voice in the governmient of the country for which they are sacrificing so viuch, University of Michigan Reach Rapido River in Drive Gen. Wilson States Rome Is Immediate Objective in Italy By EDWARD KENNEDY Associated Press Correspondent ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AL- GIERS, Jan. 17.- American. and French troops, smashing at the Naz- is' Gustav lines along a 30-mile front, reached the Rapido River and other points favorable for launching an attack on the key city of Cassino today as their new . Commander-ln- Chief, Gen. Sir Henry Maitland Wil- son, declared that the Germans would be hit wherever and whenever the opportunity offers on the Medi- terranean front. Rome, itself, is the immediate ob- Jective of present Allied operations in Italy, Wilson said at his first press conference here, adding that he was "optimistic" that the eternal city would fall to the Allies before long. Promising easier terrain for Allied troops once they break the enemy's present defenses before Cassino, the man who has been nicknamed "Jum- bo" because of his' size said that, given luck, the Allies might win the war this year-"but whether we'll finish it this year is another thing," he added. Another g'eat river battle ap- peared to be shaping up as American forces consolidated their positions.on newly-captured Mt. Trocchioi, tust east of Cassino, Kelly's Youth, rt These Aro Congressmen on Rules Cominittee Estimates of the number of deaths caused by four earthquakes which devastated the Andean city of San Juan, Jan. 16, have reached 5,000 as rescuers continue to dig among the ruins, Ninety per cent of the buildings in the city were entirely destroyed and those left standing are uninhabitable. The material loss has been calculated at 75 million dollars., Rep. Adolph J. Sabath (D., Ill.) Chairman Rep. Earl C. Michener (R., Mich.) Representative from this district Rep. Eugene E. Cox (D., Ga.) Rep. Howard W. Smith (D., Va.) Rep. Martin Dies (D., Tex.) Rep. J. Bayard Clark (D., N.C.) Rep. John J. Delaney (D., N.Y.) Rep. William M. Colmer (D., Miss.) Rep. Joe B, Bates (D., Ky.) Rep. 1Ham Fish (R,, N.Y.) Rep. Leo E. Allen (R., 111.) Rep, Charles A. Halleck (R., Ind.) Rep. Clarence J. Brown (R., 0.) Grash IKills 3;. 57 Are Injured DETROIT, Jan. 17.-(P)--The toll of a suburban bus crash rose to three dead and 57 injured tonight with the death in Eloise Hospital of Wilmer Ford, 16-year-old Fordson High School. student. The other dead and many of the injured also were school children, homeward bound .on a crowded Dear- born city bus. which sideswiped an automobile and crashed head-on into a tree near Ford Road and Outer Drive in suburban Dearborn. Five of the injured were in critical condition at Eloise Hospital, near Dearborn Robert Drake, of nearby Garden City, was dead when he was removed from the wrecked bus. Betty Krause, 17, died at Eloise Hospital soon after- ward. Both were en route to their homes from classes in Fordson High School. Sheriff's officers held the bus driv- er, Alvin Roy Sweet, 31, of Detroit, for questioning. Pravda Reports British-German Peace Rumors London Officials Deny Unofficial Red Claim Of Secret Negotiationsg By HENRY C. CASSIY ta Associated Press Cortespondent MOSCOW, Jan. 17.-The Com- munist Party organ, Pravda, today published a report which, although plainly labeled as a rumor from Cairo, amounted to an unofficial accusa- tion that Britain was sounding out Germany on. the possibility of a sep- arate peace. The 10-line dispatch, published at the top of Pravda's foreign news page under a Cairo dateline and credited to "a special correspondentof Prav- da", said two British officials had met secretly with Joachim vonRib- bentrop, German foreign minister, with the "aim of finding out the conditions of a separate peace with the Germans." It said, "It is understood the meet- ing did not remain without results" --a phrase which carried to Russians the positive connotation that it had met at least partial success. Allied quarters were incredulous. British officials said they could not understand either the report or the publication of it, and that they did not believe it. * * * Rumor Denied by British LONDON, Jan. 18., Tuesday-(IP) -The British Foreign Office de- clared flatly last night that "there is no truth" to Pravda's British- German peace talk rumor and the London Daily Mail today bluntly called the report "an insult to the British people." San Juan Quake Kills over 900, City Is in Ruins Rescue Squads Still Are Digging, Rain Adds to Discomfort BUENOS AIRES,. Jane .-U- Rescue squads have recovered 900 bodies from quake-stricken San Juan and are still digging in the ruins of the city, it was officially announced tonight. Estimates of the total num- ber of dead have ranged as high as 5,000. The 5,000-figure was contained in a dispatch by the San Juan corre- spondent of the newspaper Critica. Fresh reports also boosted the toll of the injury from about 5,000 to more than 13,000. The Government Press Bureau said it was too early for an accurate cal- culation of the material loss but esti- mated it would reach at least $75,- 000,000. Another quake of short duration last night toppled some walls still left standing. Rain added to the dis- comfort of the survivors. The gov- ernment announced additional doc- tors, nurses and medical supplies were arriving in a steady stream by plane and train. President Pedro Ramirez left for the quake zone after a cabinet meeting which drafted plans for relief in the stricken zone. WorldNe In, Brief Chrysler Foremen Strike DETROIT, Jan. 17. - (,) - Chry- sler Corporation officials said to- night that a strike of members of FOURTH WAR LOAN: Bond Belles,' Minute Men' Open 'U' Bond Drive Today The University War Bond Com- mittee, workIn# through the "bond belles" and the 3651st Service Unit, with its "minute min" are poised to get off to a flying start, today in the opening of the 'V6irt4 Vr~Loan drive. Men of Company G. which started its campaign before the official open- Pre-Invasion Stage Set, Says Eisenhower LONDON, Jan. 17.-()-With con- fident good humor, Gen. Dwight D.' Eisenhower declared today he had found the pre-invasion machinery rumbling briskly when he reached Britain, and disclosed that Lt.-Gen, Omar N. Bradley was senior Ameri- can general heading the great and swiftly mounting numbers of U.S. ground troops in the United King- dom. Eisenhower, giving his first Lon- don press conference as supreme Al- lied commander in the West, went no further in defining Bradley's role, but disclosure of Bradley's presence was widely accepted as tantamount to announcement that the zero hour would find him commanding all Am- erican landing soldiers, just as Gen. Sir Bernard Montgomery will head all the British. ing date, have already contributed $1,200 for war bonds. Each man in the company is urged to purchase at least one $18.75 bond during the drive, and one sei viceap has al- e dy. p ;'o sed dzbon l iv, rnaturty value of $300. Those who are unable to buy bonds are being asked to in- vest in as many war stamps as pos- sible. The "bond belles" have distributed. special letters to the members of the University staff which read in part: "This letter is to tell you how to buy War Bonds, not why to buy them. Certainly by now the real necessity for everyone's supportin these War Loan Drives has been made clear to all." The letter explains that messengers to pick up bond orders and money may be obtained by a telelphone call to 2-3251, extension 7, during the working day. Bonds are on sale at the Michigan League and at the Cashier's Office, University Hall. President Ruthven To Talk about Trip President Alexander G. Ruthven will speak today at 4:00 p.m. to the students of Political Science 93 on his recent trip to England. Tomorrow he will Journey to Lan- sing to address the faculty of Michi- gan State College on his findings in England on adult education and post- war planning. MYDA Will Discuss Solier Vote, Subsidies New Campus Group . o Hold Meeting Tomorrow in Union Action on the results of the soldier vote poll taken on campus last Thursday will be the main topic of discussion at a public meeting of Michigan Youth for Democratic Ac- tion at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union. In this poll 1732 students and ser- vicemen voted for the Green-Lucas Bill and 95 opposed it. This meeting of the anti-fascist group formerly called Student Vic- tory Committee will be held tomor- row Instead of Thursday as was pre- viously announced. Also on the agenda of the meeting are a forum on the. 18 year-old vote with Mort Rosenthal presenting ar- guments for the affirmative and Vir- ginia Long, the negative. Charles Sabat will discuss subsidies. There will be general discussion from the floor on these topics. Every- one interested is invited to attend. "W 7 Kr-aus To Give Taflkhrsda Post-War Council To Hear Lecture on War "War and the Conflict of Ideal- ogies" is the topic of a lecture by Prof. Wolfgang Krause of the politi- cal science department scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union. One of a series of weekly public discussions on vital topics of the day, this meeting is sponsored by the Post- War Council. Questions from the floor will be in order after Prof. Kraus's speech. Program Asked LANSING, Jan. 17.--(AF-A con- certed, non-partisan campaign to se- cure legislative adoption of Governor Kelly's 17-point juvenile delinquecY program was urged today at a cofi - ence of the governor's Youth AdV sory Council. Dr. Howard Y. McClusky, assistant to the vice-president of the Univet- sity of Michigan, and Mrs. James C. Parker, president of the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers, warned the conference that the cor- rective program faces its biggest hurdle, legislative enactment. McClusky, demanding a coumis- sion be created for long-term plan- ning in youth guidance, declared "the problems of youth, while accentuated now by war, will be more acute after the war." Ann Arbor Boy Hit By Speeding Car Carl Soll, nine-year-old boy living at No. 4 Parkview Drive, was unavoid- ably struck down by a car last night at Main and Huron as he was return- ing home from a music lesson. Carl was rushed to St. Joseph HOs- pital where his injuries were diagnos- ed as "not serious." He has a few su- perficial abrasions and a mild cere- bral concussion, the attending physi- cian reported. 300 PASTORS ATTEND CONFERENCE: Wishart Pictures Church as 'Crusading Fighter' PIANIST TO PERFORM: Rubinstein Will Play Varied Program inc Concert Today A-varied program of music, featur- ing -Works by Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann, Chopin, DeFalla and ShctdkoVich will be performed by tArtr Rubinstein, world famous pia- nist, 'at 8:30 p,m. today in Hill Audi- torium.I The concert will open with a ren- dition of the Appassionata Sonata of Beethoven. The Sonata in E minor and Capriccio in C major by Brahms in addition to the Symphonic Studies of Robert Schumann will make up the remainder of the first half of the program. Two short works, the Ritual Fire the Foremen's Association of Am- By VIRGINIA ItOCK erica (independent) which began Labeling the Gerald L. K. Smith's, Friday and spread to other plants the Father Coughlin's, and the Frank today had sharply affected the pro- Norris's as outright defiers of Chris- duction of war material. Robert H. Keys, president of the tianity and democracy, James Wis- union, estimated that more than hart, research director of the United 900 foremen had quit work in two Automobile Workers, CIO, declared Chrysler - operated De Soto plants last night that labor locks to the and two Dge pchurch as a crusading fighter who stands behind the best in man and Labor rDaft aeiiowic e hates the forces that would destroy WASHINGTON, Jan. 17,.-(IP)- the foundations of freedom. Senator Vandenburg (Rep,, Mich) The application of Christian declared today that federal legisla- principles is one of the primary tion outlawing "in unequivocal needs today, he pointed out to the terms' all interruptions in war pro- 300 religious leaders attending the duction would be preferrable to the fifth annual Michigan Pastors' National Labor Draft Act, proposed Conference. by President Roosevelt. Representing labor on the panel dealing with "Problems that Chal- Russians Smash Ahead lenge the Church," Wishart declared that "we do not consider it a part of goverrnent requiremen ts or by arti- ficial labor policies, he maintaimed. The war is being fought to imain- tain individual's rights, to do away with totalitarianism, he said. "We Free business, free speech, and free religion are insolubly linked together, Lovett stated. If an individual is not free to make his own economic fu- ture, then how can he keep his free- don of religion or speech? Ministers Job The ministers, he stated in con- clusion, should acquaint -themselves with the problems of the community, be it agricultural, labor, or business., Dr. Geerge Haynes, executive secretary of the Department of Race Relatiois, i presenting rac- ial problems, pointed out that there are two basic ideas control- ling our attitude toward minority groups - inferiority and segrega- tion. Not only do we include the Negroes in these attitudes, but al- so the American-Japanese, the Mexicans, and the Indians, lie said. Denounces Discrimination Negroes have no confidence. It is the church's job to build up a new concept of personality," he conclud- ed. Speaking for the farmer, Ernest Anthony, dean of agriculture at Michigan State College, declared that the role of the church in the future should be to attempt to un- derstand the farmer and 1Is prob- lems better. Featured at the conference will be a p x lnfl on "Effective Means for World Order and Peace" to be held at 7:10 p.m. today in the Racl ham Building. Dr. Edward Witte, direct- or of the War Labor Board in De- troit, and head of the economics de- partment of the University of Wis- consin, will speak on "The Excono- mic Security Needed." Served on Committees Former executive director of the Committee formulating the Social ::,: .:.v uti -- .....