mmwpw 'm qqq THlE MICHIGAN DAilY I TNh ,IA, 1N 1V k:= *1 I *III Says k'. ,I Ti :or re, Mcu1 , ' , Mt i ). Ja eU (..i h Iviari ,_, ri , 13i0 t. .ave i << Molly E {<.b- , l ; SI4i' ]i j . ,,_, , rT ) r ,.__ I iiru.1 .r ; ,. EV E )CP of temperament on religion is a ias tinig theme. In a stimulating book x hlogy, Dr. William H. Sheldon dis- uss t e types of plersonality: The wasters ho tr down patterns they find either in Ihemselves or in groups; the epimethians, or fol- 01r wo Canl conserve, confirm and aid but not crcat ivc. Theicy fall short in imagination, iiora-L eourpe and inventiveness. The third type 'wnmed after Prometheus, the fire-finder of nay reece. Promethean souls are explor- ..Lx e, able to lead, can bring things to pass, have persoality and are destined, as it were, both to (1reae , new outlook and make their dreams VI'diu is available to all of these, not just lo ti' jpromefians. The wasters will practice loyaity in a weak and irregular fashion, but .ey must be considered within striking dis- a Y of a religion. The followers, that vast majuritjy of mankind, no doubt constitute the 19 soid center of humanity. They give stability r 1 stitt5 and continuity to civilizations. With them, religion becomes a fellowship, a church, a tradition. Such virtues as faith, forgiveness, hariy, magnanimity and love of righteous- ness and truth as well as dominant purpose, w:estviy to the needs of others, social obliga- Sr a sacrifice are aspects of the religion to hih the epimethians aspire and may attain. 'llfI" .. . . . .. . . . 101 I 1' K I As for the promethean members of society, ir religion tends to be erratic, given to con- ions in art, oratory, poetry, invention, re- d r u and other brilliant exploits of the soul. i enjoy the gains they help their ws altaiji br their reach exceeds their grasp. And :11 adventure of ideas is oyerpowered. by 11m awareness that, being isolated from. their fel- lows, they are lonely. Such rare prometheans as Plato, Isaiah, Aquinas or Tolstoy even remake ,a9 (,1 concept of destiny. Achievement tends to L fe a religion. The culture they inevitably (nriel assures them an added humanitarian iaunni arity. 1 2(1/by ..f~i Jsi/f Edward W. Blakeman, Coiselor in Religious Education Ad '> IIJ i F I 1, oUV JU" buk~it rt' L ~ :ja~ tIo r L) e. iii, 52 ' ' ii o:i\I' I Il' ~2 l.a'k I, II 0111 1 1111 at (,I I IiiLily iii II DR EW Ce PEA RSON'S E YO-nROUND WA1~SINGTON, Jan. 16.-On the day Con- eV5 rt(onvened, the President spent almost two Illurs dis(cussing legislative problems with the Congressional "Big Four"-Vice-President Wal- lae, Spaker Sam Rayburn, Senate Majority L ader Aihen Barkley and House Majority Lead- or John McCormack. However, the tone of the meeting was not as serious as the leaders let on to newspaper men when they filed out. There were several good Tup'hs. Roosevelt greeted his Capitol Hill chief- tains with the remark: "Well, I sure am glad to see Congress back in session. Believe it or not, I've missed you." Pd Raither Be Right_ By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Jan. 16 - It is an odd thing, but the de Gaulle movement, to which we have given only a grade-B recognition, is going to turn out to be the strongest of the "exiled" governing agencies in the end. Look what we tried to do for King Peter's Yugoslav government-in-exile! We have held it to our bosoms, we have coddled it with recogni- tion, we have surrounded it with our ministers, we have signed treaties with it. IT IS BREATHING HARD Yet it is breathing with difficulty. On some evenings it hardly looks as if it will last out the night, Two years ago it was the symbol of Yugo- slav unity. Now, no matter how we rub it up, it will not shine. What is this mysterious power which seems to mock our choices among the exiles? It is, of course, the plain people of Europe. Behind the enemy lines, in Yugoslavia, they have formed themselves into the Partisan movement. It is a movement broad enough to include everybody from Communists to priests. As it has broad- ened, with its promise of a federated democratic Yugoslav state, the government of King Peter, though a thousand miles away, has shrunk. The people of Yugoslavia have been able to knock Peter down in London, though they themselves seemed to be prisoners of the Germans. In spite of Hitler they have, in effect, voted; they have voted by fighting, they have voted by organizing. The plain people of Yugoslavia have turned out to be strong enough to veto the plans of both their enemies and their friends. They can con- trol events in London, even while Hitler is sitting on them. NAMELESS MEN SAID "NO!" In much the same way, we have hugged and kissed, cherished and admired, the Greek gov- ernment of King George. We have recognized it; have stamped it with our Great Seals; we have made it as legal as a Bank of England note. And nothing could have seemed less legal, or more feeble than the opposition to King George in Greece. It consists of at least two, maybe three, guerrilla movements, starved by the Germans and currently engaged in fight- ing each other. But because none of these movements wants King George back, the same cloud that hangs over Peter's head, now hangs over George's, too. King George of Greece has had to promise to abide by a plebiscite after the war, and Anthony Eden has ex- pressed his gratification over this decision. The hungry people of Greece have held a kind of shadow election, too; and great men of empire are yielding to the result of it. It is only a few months since Winston Churchill declared, in a speech, that'he favored the restorations of both Kings Peter and George. He held one of these monarchs high, in eah hand, in public. His decisions have been 'revised by nameless men in the Ballgans who do not have a spare pair of drawers they can call their own. A BUSINESS WITH A FUTURE And de Gaulle, whom we have never fully rec- ognized, becomes more legal by the minute. The stone that the builders repected is sitting pretty. That is because the French people want him; an unofficial reason, my masters, but a conclusive one. I offer these data to the heavily liberal think- ers among us, who keep nudging each other with the dismal question: "What are we going to do with Europe?" Europe is a political nothing, they moan; it is a nullity, a vacuum; it is the hole in the power doughnut. Relax, kids. The plan for Europe is going to- come out of Europe. We couldn't dream it up, anyway. Could we, by taking thought, have invented the Partisans? Europe created them, while we were concocting meaningless new federations, etc. Our sole power over the future of Europe is the power to join with the right movements. When we try to join the wrong ones, we find ourselves with no power. And I'm that kind of a democrat, for I think being that kind of a democrat is a business with a future. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) on the southbound train was the engineer, and he was unaware of what had happened to his own train. He had left the cab to work on some couplers which had been pulled apart, thus separating various cars on the train. He did not know that three cars of his train had left the track and were tilted across the north- bound track. Why the conductor did not get word to the engineer,and why the fireman did not succeed in flagging the other train, as he is supposed to do in any case, probably resulted from just one thing-inexperience. The ICC report will probably lay the blame not only on individuals but on a general con- dition in railroading today. The roads are carrying a heavier burden than ever before in history. Yet, instead of having more men on the job, they have fewer. That is one argument sure to be used in Con- gress in favor of a national service act which would freeze men in essential industries and per- mit the railroads to draft more men when they need them. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) s.._, "We'll all be eating food capsules in a few years, Mom, so why should I learn to cook! Maybe I better study pharmacy!" - GRIN AND BEAR IT. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 12 1 .1 :) 0111- >1, 1 an'i 31 I' o: j r,911( .. t _, ... 4 z. ..-...,.,,.. f - I'Q 3c Y' .1 nay lh' y A a 1 a t3 a d n V p v 0 0 t u t _i /° j (E144,Chicago Times, r-~ By Lichty n of all the headaches the President Shad with the last session and the expected pol- Siical tiffs to come, this brought a burst of haugh er. lo Jfze (!!Oditor I, \> le~,, t i~ 15jL, y : g T MV_ 1)9 7-. C'., n ; I d'11( 11' ith fi 1.. 13' 11 - fon:.Y I sys I I " IAh .11 - A ) oct I. _ - li'. ', os c'I' S : had hardly died down, when one Congres- sional leader asked the President if he had read n r epoits about the threatened investigation, I1 Republican National Chairman Harrison lpangler's sponsoring of a political survey of American troops in England. "That fellow Spangler is one of the best friends the Democratic party has," remarked the lader,. "He should be encouraged." 1" osevelt threw back his head and roared. "it's a great break for us that the Republi- can party can't get rid of him until the next (nvent ion," chimed in another leader. "He sioulc do us a lot of good between now and then. Spangler seems more intent on knock- ing off Wendell Willkie as a Presidential can- didate than in beating the Democrats." It sure looks like it," enthused the President, hmiic /JWrck. . . Dospie the Army's high-handed tactics in suppressing details regarding the Atlantic Coast Line wreck (72 persons killed, many more in- jured, the Interstate Commerce Commission is about to lift the veil of mystery. IL now seems'- clear that the wreck was Ia'used because the southbound train, Tami- ami Champion, was manned largely by an in- expe.7rienced crew. The train of 15 cars and 50a : passengers was captained by a conductor only 30 years old, W. W. Carson. The fireman, whose duty it was to get on hecad of the derailed southbound train to warn tile on-rushing northbound train, was J. W. IBateclor, age 31. This is not too young for a fireman, but it is significant that he had had only three years of experience. He was hired on Deca. 27, 1940. On the other hand, thousands of rail work- ers haye been drafted, and the railroads are s rr'by short of manpower. The only veteran SUNDAY, JAN.'16, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 55 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Eligibility Rules for Fall Term: Because of changed conditions on the campus the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs has decided to modify the rules of eligibility for public activities for the current Fall Term. The continuance of the plan will depend upon the success with which it is managed by the individual stu- dent during the coming months. Students will not be required to se- cure certificates of eligibility, but will be personally responsible for checking their own eligibility. First term freshmen will be a lowed to participate but willbhav their grades' checked by their aca- demic counsellors or mentors at the end of the five-week period and at mid-semester. Continued participa- tion after these checks will depend upon permission of the academic counsellors or mentors. .All other students who are not on Probation or the Warned List are eligible. Any- one on Probation or the Warned List is definitely ineligible to take part in any public activity and a student who participates under these cir- cumstances will be subject to disci- pline by the authorities of the school or college in which he or she is en- rolled. Participation in a public activity is defined as service of any kind on a committee or apublication, in a public performance or a rehearsal, holding office or being a candidate for office in a class or other student organization, or any similar func- tion. In order to keep the Personnel records up to date in the Office of the Dean of Students, the president or chairman of any club or activity should submit a list of those partici- pating each term on forms obtain- able in Room 2, University Hall. These records are referred to con- stantly by University authorities, governmental agencies and indus- trial concerns throughout the coun- try and the more complete they are, the more valuable they become to the University and the student. Social Events: The attention of the student body and house directors is called to the fact that applications for social events must be filed in the Office of the Dean of Students on the MONDAY before the event. The request must be accompanied by written acceptance from two sets of approved chaperons and in the case of fraternities and sororities, by writ- ten approval from the financial ad- viser. The Dean of Students reserves the right to refuse permission for parties if requests are not received on time. Approved chaperons are: 1) Par- ents of active members or pledges, 2) Professors, associate professors or as- sistant professors, or couples AL- READY approved by the Office of the Dean of Students. A list of the third group is available at the Office of the Dean of Students. Choral Union"Members: Members of the Choral Union whose records of attendance are clear, will please call for their courtesy pass tickets to the Artur Rubinstein concert on the day of the performance, Tuesday, Jan. 18, between the hours of 10 and 12 and 1 and 4, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering and Business Administration Seniors: Mr. C. S. Phillips, personnel director of Revere Copper and Brass, Inc., Rome, N.Y., will interview seniors of above group for positions in that organiza- tion, on Wednesday, Jan. 19, in Rm. 214 West Engineering Bldg. Inter- view schedule is posted on the Bulle- tin Board at Rin.;221 West Engineer- ing Bldg. where; application forms and bulletins aPe available. Mr. Stephen Nelson, of the East- man Kodak Company, will be on the campus on Wednesday, Jan. 19, to interview people who are engineers, chemists, physicists, and business ad- ministrators (with secretarial and accounting training especially.) He is also looking for women with a minor in physics-12 or 14 hrs. For appointments call Ext. 371 or stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Lectures University Lecture: Miss Freya Stark, authoress and traveller in the Near East, will speak on "A Journey into Yemen in 1940" (illus.) on Wed- nesday, Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture will be under the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts. The public is invited French Lecture: Professor Charles E. Koella, of the Romance Language Department, will give the second of the French Lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais entitled: "Le role de la Suisse dans un monde en guerre" on Thursday, Jan. 20, at 8:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room in the Rackham Building. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Lan-. guages (Room 112, Romance Lan- guage Building) or at the door at the time of the lectures. All servicemen are admitted free of charge to all lectures.i Academic Notices1 Admission to the School of Busi- ness Administration: Students who have completed 60 hours of college work may be eligible for admission to the School. Application for ad- mission in the Spring Term should be made prior to February 10. Appli- cation blanks may be procured and arrangements made for interviews with a member of the Admissions Committee at Room 108 Tappan Hall. Bacteriology Seminar will meet Tuesday, Jan. 18, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "Bacterial Polysaccharides of the Colon - Typhoid - Dysentery Group." All interested are invited. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Artur Ru- Letters to the Editor must be type- written, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only and signed with the name and address of tihe writer. Re- quests for anonymous publications will be met. Serricemn(D nounced O THAT mud-slinging servicema'n I write this note: "Name-calling appeals to prejudices and leads to the formation of conclusions without an examination of the pertinent evi- dence. The importance of this tech'- nique was emphasized after the World War by a propagandist for public utilities. When asked what he would do to bring about the defeat of a Senatorial candidate who fav- ored government ownership of utili- ties he replied: 'I would not try to use logic or reason, I would just try to pin the Bolshevik label on him'." Did you ever stop to consider that Stan Wallace might have brothers, cousins, or friends that are dear to him in the armed service? And did you ever stop to consider that he had their welfare as well as the country's welfare in mind when he wrote those articles? -Milton Budyk The Trite hacs BEING a native New Yorker al- though one who is not always in agreement with the governmental policies of that city, I was roused to action when I read an editorial in The Daily on Sunday, Jan. 9 en- titled Known ProFascist Kept on N.Y. Police Force. Through various channels obviously much better in- formed than Miss Miller's source I found the following to be the true facts of the case. It might be advan- tageous for Miss Miller to note these facts, and in the future be more careful in her analysis of news items. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia did not only "promise to look into the matter when he had a chance," but he found that chance within two days. He appointed a non-political committee of three to reinvestigate this patrolman's conduct. The committee found him not guilty of the charges against him, and therefore he, was completely exont erated. -S. E, D* Brahms, Schumann Chopin, Shosta- kovich, and deFalla. Charles A. Sink, President String Orchestra Concert: :t'he University of Michigan String Or- chestra, Gilbert Ross, Conductor, will be heard in its first public perfor- mance at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 16, in Lydia Mendelsohn Theatre. Ruby Kuhlman, pianist, and pupil of Mabel Ross Rhead, will appear as soloist. The program will consist of works by Handel, Frescobaldi, Stamitz, Bach and Boccherini, and will be open to the general public without charge. Events Today International Center: Professor J. Raleigh Nelson, the former Coun- selor-Director at the Center, will speak tonight at 7:30 in the recrea- tion room on his goodwill trip to Mexico. Prof. and Mrs. Nelson spent six weeks below the Rio Grande and he will describe their experiences. University Lutheran Chapel and Student Center, 1511 Washtenaw, is having "Open House" today, 3:00- 6:00 p.m. The public is cordially in- vited. The regular Sunday evening supper ieeting of Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will not be held today. The Lutheran Student Association will meet this afternoon at 5:30 in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock; program for evening will follow. Miss Cecelia Hoeger from Detroit will speak on "Leadership of Women in the Present Church Work." Roger Williams Guild: "The Book for the World of Tomorrow," a movie sponsored by the Armprican Bible Society, will be shown at the Sunday evening meeting of the Roger Wil- liams Guild at 5:00 p.m. Coming Events Research Club will meet in the Rackham Amphitheatre on Wednes- day, Jan. 19, at 8 p.m. The following papers will be read: "The Territorial Delegate to Congress" by Professor E. S. Brown, and "Michigan Thyroids in an Iodine Era," by Professor C. V. Weller. The University of Michigan Sec- tion of the American Chemical Soci- ety will meet on Monday, Jan. 17, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 151 of the Chemis- try Bldg. Professor Herbert E. Carter e f ' a ~~ RNABY By Crockett Johnson 'i I a ins-' I~ lo (ii II. ~ i --mmossummiz - Gus should enjoy his roadwork ... A brisk five-mile jaunt I round the reservoir and throuah the woods, with a faithful N I == r That dog! After we told him to stick close to Gus!... What Acoojrf 5 iq . ..** SOLO- i