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January 16, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-16

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Changes To Be laps Pull Out of Sio Mission in New Guinea
Made in State _ ___

Hull Sees Need for
Newt Machinery To
Wage War, Win Peace
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-A "far-
reaching" reorganization of the State
Department, designed to prepare it
for the responsibilities ahead in win-
ning the war and making a secure
peace, was promulgated tonight in a
departmental order by Secretary
Cordell Hull.
Top officers of the Department are
to be relieved of administrative du-
ties to somfie extent in order to con-
centrate on vital world affairs, the
Department announced, while new
divisions ark created to deal with
new problems of international nature
which arise from this country's
weightier world role.
Overlapping jurisdiction is elim-
inated and clearer lines of responsi-
bility established through a regroup-
ing of functions, the Department
The work of high departmental of-
ficers is to be coordinated more
closely through two new committees
on which Hull will serve as chairman.
The first, on foreign policy, will
concern itself with the full scope of
American international relations.
The second, a committee on post
war program, will formulate and
submit to the President recommen-
dations on post-war foreign policy.
Leo Pasvolsky, Hull's advisor on
post-war planning, is named execu-
tive officer of this committee.
French Troops
Drive Germans
Back in Italy
giers, Jan. 15,-IW) --French forces
staging a comeback on the battlefields
of Europe have fought at least two
miles forward into the left flank of
the German fortifications in Italy
guarding Cassino, capturing Acqua-
fondata and three high points near
it, Allied Headquarters announced to-
The hamlet of Acquafondata lies
seven miles northeast of Cassino.
American troops stand less than four
miles southwest of Cassino.
Attacking incessantly in their Ap-
penine offensive, the French have in
the past three days advanced from
two to five miles against stiff oppo-
sition and over some of the roughest
country in Europe. They have cap-
tured 250 prisoners.
This advance of the French was a
significant gain in what appeared
to be an encircling movement toward
the northeast fashioned by Lt. Gen.
Mark W. Clark to lighten the task
of American troops.

Aussies Occupy Last Enemy Base;
Marines Hit Strategic Hill 660

Ground Crew Puts Out Fire in Plane of 'World Series' Pilot

By The Associated Press
day, Jan. 16.-Japanese defenders of
Sio mission, last enemy base on
northeast New Guinea's Huon Pen-
insula, apparently are pulling out as
best they can before the determined
onslaught by Australian jungle vet-
Rush'ng Ends
As 350 Coeds
eceiie Bis
Upperclassmen Will
Pledge This Afternoon;
Freshmen Must Wait
Ending the formal rushing season
for 1943-44, more than 350 women
have received bids to join sororities.
Pledging for upperclassmen will be
held at 3 p.m. today, but freshmen
receiving bids will not be pledgedf
until second semester when they havet
made their grades. Every woman is1
bound to the house from which she
has been bid.
Alpha Chi Omega: Patricia Abell,t
Syracuse, N.Y.; Betty Bacco, Coral<
Gables, Fla.; Doris Chapman, Grand
Rapids; Marie Clancey, Ann Arbor;1
Lois Cothran, Detroit;, Del Elliott,f
Ann Arbor; Nina Goehring, Steubin-
ville, Ohio; Marilyn 'Holtom, Battle
Creek; Lavonne Haslett, North East,f
Pa.; Lila Makima, Detroit; Joan My-t
ers, Toledo, Ohio; Ruth McGuiggan,
AlexandriaBVa.; Jane Merrill, 'Hui
ington Woods; Betty Pockock, Tole-
do,O.; Suzanne Rhoade, Albany, N.Y.;
Alyce Spicer, Decaturfl.; "lMarilyn
Thomas, Grosse Pointe; Harriet
Thomy, Ann Arbor; Betty Willemin,
Ann Arbor; Betty Watson, Pontiac;
Joanne Worrell, Orleans, Ind.; Dor-
othy Proefke, Detroit.
Alpha Delta Pi: Lois Bockstahler,
Larchmont, N.Y.; Helen Douglas,z
See RUSHING, p. 61
Senate Amendst
Revenue Bill
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. - (AP) -
Working through a maze of technical
language, the Senate wrote into the
new revenue bill today an amend-
ment fixing penalties against individ-
uals who operate "hobby" enterprisest
such as horse racing stables at a loss1
for five consecutive years.
Cltfaracterized as the "Marshall
Field" amendment by Senator Clarks
(Dem. Mo.), the proposal was adopt-
ed by ,a 37 to 26 vote affirming itst
previous approval by the finance

erans, Gen. DouglashMacArthur's
spokesman indicated the enemy is
fighting a rear-guard, delaying ac-
Japs Try To Escape
The Japanese, trapped between
the Australians and the American
invasion forces at Saidor to the
northwest, are trying to escape by
barges moving up the coast at night
and best indications are that no de-
termined enemy stand will be made
until the outer defenses of Madang,
100 miles farther up the coast, are
Paralleling the drive against Sio
is the American Marines' struggle to
take strategic Hill 660 on the western
tip of New Britain. The fall of this
promontory, named for its altitude,
is believed imminent.
Fighting Is Intensified
Marines, which landed with the in-
vasion force at Cape Gloucester Dec.
26, started the assault of Hill 660
last Tuesday and today's communi-
que said that "fighting is intensi-
The Japanese have built up a pow-
erful network of pillboxes and mor-
tar positions around the crest of the
hill and Marines scrambling up the
steep, dripping slopes are facing the
"worst fighting in the world-worse
than Guadalcanal" according to one
Guadalcanal veteran.
If the Marines gain control of the
hill they will command the entire
Borgen Bay defenses of the enemy
on the east flank of the Cape Glou-
cester beachhead. The most power-
ful Japanese forces are believed en-
trenched in the Borgen Bay sector.
Union To Hold
First Suday
Social' Today
The first Union "Sunday Social",
which will be held from 2:30 to 5:30
p.m. today in the North Lounge of
the Union, has received enthusiastic
comment from servicemen.
The affair is planned especially for
the benefit of servicemen and their
dates. The Union has irecently sup-
plemented its collection by the addi-
tion of more than 30 new recordings,
which will be played this afternoon,
and there will be bridge tables, cards
and other types of games.
"Something that is bound to bring
Army fellows stationed on campus
closer to a pre-war Sunday atmos-
phere," was the remark of Pvt. Allen
Finkenaur of Company B. Howard
Snyder, a civilian student said, "For
weeks I have been virtually rummag-
ing around for something really 'hot'
to do on Sunday afternoon. This
Union social is plenty sizzling for
All of the spokesmen agreed that
there has been a definite lack of
Sunday afternoon entertainment.
Hank Olshanski of the Marines said,
"Previously on Sunday afternoons no
one has had anything to do.
Earthquake Hits
Argentine Cities
BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 15.-W)-
Unofficial and unconfirmed reports
tonight said that an earthquake
which was felt in many cities of Ar-
gentina and Chile destroyed a large
part of the Andean city of San Juan,
75 miles north of Mendoza.
Mendoza residents were reported
near panic as the quake broke wind-
ows, stopped clocks and broke tele-
phone communications temporarily.
Fire-fighting apparatus and first
aid equipment were rushed to San
Juan, a city of 30,000 inhabitants.
Most communications with San Juan
were broken but messages reached

Mendoza asking for aid.
One report said half of the houses
in San Juan were damaged and most
buildings over one story destroyed.
Kraus To Address

Ground crew men extinguish fire in Flying Fortress which 2nd Lt. Jack W. Watson, Indianapolis,
Ind., piloted back alone to England from attack on Onchersleben, Germany. He ordered crew to bail out
when plane caught fire. Watson is the pilot who stunted a Flying Fortress over Yankee Stadium during
1943 World Series.

Investigation of
Reportei Urged
Grand Jury To Probe
Activities of Morris
LANSING, Jan; 15. -(W)-Grand
Jury investigators todlay pressed a
new investigation into activities of
-Frank-, Mori i;^D. oit'^Tien Tre-s:
paper reporter, as Circuit Judge Le-
land W. Carr convicted him of crim-
inal contempt of court by exposing
Grand Jury secrets.
The Court, conducting both the
current Grand Jury investigation of
state government and the hearing of
Morris, held in abeyance the pro-
nouncement of sentence, and an-
nounced an investigation was being
made of a report that Morris had
attempted to pry into Grand Jury
secrets by interviewing a Grand Jury
witness whose name was not disclos-
ed. Morris told news men he did not
recall such an incident.
Judge Carr spoke sternly from the
bench in reply to a written answer
to the contempt citation filed by de-
fense counsel, which pleaded a lack
of intent to do wrong and claimed
that there were mitigating circum-
Mustering Out
Pay Is Debated
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.- (A) -
A bi-partisan bloc rallied today be-
hind a drive to increase servicemen's
mustering out pay above pending pro-
posals as legislation affecting those
in the armed service took top priority
on the Congressional work sheet.
"Why be niggardly?" remarked
Representative Lemke (Rep., N.D.),
spokesman for a group fighting for
a discharge pay scale ranging from
$100 to $700. The Senate passed a
measure for a $200-$500 scale, while
the House Military Committee re-
commended a range of $100-$300.

RAF Sets Record in Raid
Over Nazi City of Brunswick

By The Associated Press
LONDON,, Sunday, Jan. 16.--The
RAF shattered industrial Brunswick
in central Germany Friday night
with 2,000 long tons of bombs drop-
ped in -23 minutes, and last night
returned to the continent to keep its
offensive rolling with attacks on nor-
thern France.
. Coastal observers saw searchlights
operating in the Calais area and
Rubinstein To
Play Beethoven
Sonata Tuesday
The "Appassionata Sonata" of
Beethoven will be the feature work
performed by Artur Rubinstein, fam-
ous Polish pianist, at the Seventh
Choral Union concert, to be given at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditor-
Works by Schumann and Brahms
will also be heard on the classical
first half of the program, while the
second half will present selections by
the modern composers, De Falla and
A favorite of concert audiences for
almost 40 years, Rubinstein's playing
has been described by Olin Downes,
music critic of the New York Times,
as "the utterance of a poet and a
Since the fall of Poland, he has
been actively working to restore his
homeland's independence. While on
his eleventh concert circuit of South
America, which began in May, 1940,
and lasted for five months, Rubin-
stein served as a goodwill ambassa-
dor for his defeated country.
On this, his seventh coast-to-coast
concert tour, Rubinstein will appear
in over 50 American cities. In all he
will play over 75 concerts.

heard rumbles across the channel
early this morning after the planes
went over.
The Brunswick raid, aided by Mos-
quito feints on Berlin and Magde-
burg set a record bomb concentration
of 87 tons per minute.
Record Concentration
In American weights, that equals
more than a ton-and-a-half per §ec-
The big bombers battled through
skies aglow with Nazi fighters' flares
and.rocket shells to hammer the city
-one of five prime targets of the
massive American raids on Tuesday,
-producing Messerschmitts, artillery,
motorcycles, tractors, and railwayj
1,000 Bombers Out
On the basis of the bomb tonnage,
it was estimated that the fleet strik-
ing Brunswick alone amounted to be-
tween 600 and 700 four-engined
planes and a total 'of approximately
1,000 bombers was out during the
Relays of RAF fighter-bombers and
fighters continued attacks on the so-
called "rocket-gun coast" of France
on a smaller scale this afternoon.
Although the RAF force was of
great size, resistance was late form-
ing and the fleet shot down just four
German night fighters.
Lewis' Mine
Workers May
Return to AFL
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. -(A') -
John L. Lewis' United Mine Workers
may finally get back into the Ameri-
can Federation of Labor next week.
Such a development, of major labor
significance and potential political
importance, is widely expected in la-
bor circles here. The U3MW has had
an application for reaffiliation on file
since last May and it is due for new
consideration at the winter meeting
of the AFL executive council, open-
ing in Miami Monday.
One reason why favorable action is
anticipated by many labor men is the
dissatisfaction among railway union
executives over White House hand-
ling of their wage case.
Wage Dispute at End
Brotherhoods Say
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-A)-
Three railroad operating brother-
hoods which had held out on signing
a wage agreement entered into by

Soviets Drive
West Toward
Polish Border
Berlin Reports Two
New Russian Drives
In Leningrad Sector
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 16., Sunday-Soviet
mobile units in southern White Rus-
sia dashed westward yesterday to-
ward the old Polish border, 55 miles
away, while Red Army forces in the
Ukraine killed 2,000 Germans coun-
terattacking against the Red Army
threat to Rumania, Moscow disclosed
Berlin reports, meanwhile, told of
a major Russian drive near Lenin-
grad and in two other n0orthern sec-
tors, reawakening that .fl n iactie
Take Kalinkovichl
Gen. Constanti k
forces, pushing west and nr
from captured Kalnkovlchicnd
?yr, fought their way forwar
through the Pripet marshes, "inflict
ing enormous losses on th enemy
without giving him a chance to re-
organize his forces," said the Moscow
midnight broadcast communiqu re-
corded by the Soviet Monitor
The Russians, last repored at
Skrigalov, 20 miles west of Kalinko-
vichi, were headed for Pinsk 115
Midles to the west.
Midnight Bulletin
The midnight bulle i, dio not
identify seve; al localiti declared
won in the new advance, bt sad
that in the fighting 1,500 Ge mans
were killed and 16 tanks ndiguns
destroyed. One entire clumn of
Germans was completely routd by
:Soviet cavalrymen. Twenty,-eight
guns, three military stores, 40 rail-
road cars, 200 cars and other war
material were captured.
Russian airmen patrolling the fro-
zen marsh area destroyed an arm-
ored train with direct bomb hits, the
bulletin said.
Soviet Reply to Polish
Overtures Expected Soon
LONDON, Jan. 15.--P)-A Soviet
reply to Polish overtures toward ne-
gotiations for a complete settlement
of differences between Poland and
Russia is expected within a short time
because the speed with which the
Red Army continued to push west-
ward lends urgency to the question of
Russian-Polish relations.
The policy proposal for examina-
tion of all outstanding questions with
British and American mediation was
already under study at the Kremlin,
and affirmative answers appeared
o hinge on whether Moscow would
agree to deal with the exiled govern-
ment it has previously criticized.
Prof. Nelson
To Lecture On
Trip to Mexico
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor-
Director Emeritus for foreign stu-
dents on campus, will speak on his
goodwill trip to Mexico at 7:30 p.nt.
today in the International Center.
The trip to Mexico was a gift from
the students and Prof. Nelson's as-
sociates upon his retirement last
summer. He and Mrs. Nelson spent
six weeks at the end of the summer
in Mexico, where, according to all
reports, they had a "thoroughly en-
joyable time." They are now living
in Ann Arbor.
Prof. Nelson will give a brief re-

view of this trip in his speech today.
When from out the paleface
From behind the staring moon-
; face
Comes the slow and solemn four
Telling that the evening spii
Wanders o'er the woods and
Lights thp ca.-T",, -
Then the Michigamua wa: a
In their feathers and thi:
Soon will gather round the

Fifth Annual Michigan Pastors'
Meeting To Open Tomorrow

"Problems That Challenge the
Church" will be the primary con-
sideration of three hundred religious
leaders and educators when they
meet for the Fifth Annual Michigan
Pastors' Conference opening tomor-
row at the Rackhani Building.
One of the outstanding programs
of the conference will be the panel
discussion on "Effective Means for
World Order and Peace," which will
be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. One
of the panel members, Dr. Edwin
Witte, is specialist on social' security
and director of the War Labor Board
in Detroit. He will maintain that
economic security is needed for a
permanent peace. Former executive
director of the Social Security com-
mittee in 1934 and 1935, Dr. Witte is
head of the economics department of
the University of Wisconsin.
Speaking on the same panel will be
Prof. Preston Slosson, specialist on
European and Asiatic history. He
will maintain that a proper political
instrument is the chief essential for

George Haynes, executive secretary
of Race Relations, Federal Council of
Churches, and of business, John Lov-
ett, executive secretary of the Michi-
gan Manufacturers' Association.
The principal speaker for the con-
ference will be Dr. Hornell Hart, pro-

All Servicemen's Orders Will
Be Turned over to University

Plans for the University bond drive
are now completed, and all orders
taken from servicemen will be turned
over to the University, R. Gordon
Griffith, chairman of the war bond
committee, announced yesterday.
More than $1,000 worth of bonds
has already been bought by service-
men, according to Lt. Melvin G.
Flegal, who is in charge of the Army

cember, will have no special cam-
paign. However, a part of whatever
orders are given will be turned over
to the University drive. Most of the
naval trainees also have monthly
allotments for the purpose of buying
There will be no special messenger
service to the hospital because of the
distance, Griffith said. All orders
from the hospital will be taken at the

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