THE MICHIGAN DAILY WED14ESDAY, NOV. 3, Fityirdlg BaYea Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Miehign under the authority of the Board in Controj 6f Student Publications. Published every fniorning except Monday during the, regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- licationrof all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Off ic~ at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rer $4.25, by mail $5.25. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI31-NG By National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO *.BOSTON "LOs ANgELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff Marion Ford . Jane Farrant . Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradalle Bty Harney. Business Molly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter. . Martha Opsion . . Telephone ll 4 . . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . . . City Editor Associate Editor * .Women's Editor" Staff . Business Manager . Ass't. Bus. Managers . Ass't. Bus. Managers 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN RICHARDS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ELIGIBILITY: Honor System To Give More Self Government LOOKING OVER the new eligibility rules, it seems that at last University students are going to be treated like adults and not like high school students who need constant supervision. First semester freshmen are to be allowed to participate in activities and eligibility cards will no longer be required. According to Dean Burs- ley, the program will be operated purely on the honor system. This means that we are getting a certain amount of student self-government. There is no reasgn why this program cannot be suc- cessful, for any student who is not capable of accepting the responsibility involved does not belong at a university. Such a program as this is especially needed at the present time. Because of it freshman girls will be able to take over the work formerly done by the ground crew, and many other campus organizations will be able to continue operations despite the shortages of students on campus this fall-. HEN the present emergency is over, this plan should be continued. Michigan has long been noted for its utter lack of any self-govern- ment. Students have been treated like puppets, incapable of exercising independent judgment. College seems to be a logical place to learn how to budget our time and to put important. things first. Michigan students have been subject to too much regimentation. The difference between America and totalitarian countries, is that Americans are allowed to think for themselves. America now more than ever needs citizens who are capable of intelligent, independent thinking. The new honor system seems to be designed with the purpose of training students towards this end. Let us hope that the University will see the need of free thinking citizens after the war as well as now and that this fine system will be continued. - Doris Peterson PENNY WISE? House Committee Toys With New Tax Question FROM the way the House Ways and Means Committee is going about the tax question, many Congressmen are wary of their scalps come next eletion time.. Haggling over a one-cent increase in post- age rates, and varying degrees of increased taxe on liurious living doesn't add up to a pot of beans in paying for the battles we have fought and must fight to win the war. It seems that our Congressmen don't think the American people will be willing to dig deeper into their war money and pay the price the war is exacting. Maybe they think it is so nice to occupy-a Washington office that they don't want to arouse the anger of their constituents by vot- ing higher personal income and corporate taxes. Any man with only a vague sense of money matters realizes that you don't get anything for nothing. The economy minded Congressmen have come to the same conclusion, no doubt, but POLL TAX BILL: Does Congress Have Power To Interfere? N THE LAST CONGRESS, an anti-poll tax bill progressed as far as the Senate, where it was filibustered out of the picture. Now it is being debated again in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The argument is centered in the question of whether Congress has power to interfere with State-enacted qualifications for voters in Fed- eral elections. The Constitution rules that voters for Repre- sentatives or Senators "shall have the qualifica- tions requisite for electors of the most numerous- branch of the State Legislature." The State, then, has the right to set the prerequisites for its voters. This power is limited only by Consti- tutional amendments forbidding the State to deny suffrage to citizens because ofrrace, color, previous condition of servitude, or sex. The Southerners have a basis for the f objection to the legality of the poll tax abolition by Congress. HOWEVER, the poll tax is, in effect, a means of limiting suffrage in eight Southern states. Many Negroes and poor whites are denied the right to vote by a qualification of a monetary nature. The increase in the number of ballots cast in states after the repeal of the poll tax (i.e. in Florida a 100% jump) is proof of this. The need for a reform is recognized among upholders of democracy; the means of putting it into effect is questioned. Congressional in- terference would violate the Constitution. The separation of powers isone of the checks and balances that the Fathers instituted to pre- vent the seizure of government by one party. If Congress abolished the poll tax, it would set a -precedent which creates the power to dis- criminate against a particular grpup on a na- tional scale. The solution to the problem would be, it seems, an amendment to the Constitution stating that no State may impose a property qualification or a poll tax for the electoral privilege. Thus basic control of the franchise would be preserved to the States and dictatorship would be prevented. The right to vote, then granted equally and without prejudice, would be the instrument of democracy-in-action. - Pat Cameron MONOPOLISTIC? Anti-Trust Laws Should Bust Insurance Units XTTORNEY GENERAL Francis Biddle recent- ly expressed his opposition to a Senate Bill, now in the hands of a Senate Judiciary Sub- committee, which states, in effect, that the Sherman and Clayton anti-trust acts should not be applied to the regulation of the business of insurance. Biddle cited many cases of illegal and mon- opolistic practices of various insurance compan- ies. These companies, although operating as part of a vast interstate s6heme, cannot be prosecuted since they are under the authority of state laws. Among the cases were examples of high and discriminatory premium rates, elim- ination of competition and of lobbying in state legislatures. Insurance companies provide a valuable and useful service which reaches out into the life and personal interests of every citizen just as public utilities do. Surely it is no more reason- able to allow insurance companies to practice price-fixing and to make agreements contrary to public interest than it is to allow a water- works to charge exorbitant rates. A TTORNEY GENERAL BIDDLE states: "To condemn a combination formed to prevent competition in the furnishing of the materials used in the construction of a house or in the work of its erection and yet uphold a combina- tion that will prevent competition in insuring those materials or the house tonbe constructed is to lose sight of substance and to pursue a shadow." The American spirit of fair play and fair competition is entirely incompatible with the unfair practices of these insurance companies.- - Jennie Fitch N-Th t "Ihleg t-p, Ol I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Nov. 3-1. You cannot test the new Moscow Declarations merely by feeling your pulse and asking yourself whether you like them or not. There will be a great deal of this kind of political baby-talk. But the real tests are: Will these agreements shorten the war? Will they help us to win the peace? The answers are yes. The Declarations are a great triumph. 2. The Moscow Declarations are more than a mere accommodation among the interests of the great powers. They represent the formal adoption of a new foreign policy by the west, a foreign policy of winning and preserving the peace by collaboration with Russia. This is the famous meeting at Munich in reverse. This ends an era. This cancels Munich. 3. The Moscow Declarations are an instru- ment for winning the war. They indicate that an agreement has been reached on the invasion of the Continent. WE HAVE FOUND OUR CHARACTER 4. The Moscow Declarations are more than a mere technical improvement in our past for- eign policy; they represent the adoption of a foreign policy of an entirely different kind. For one, so long as we had the conception that strong men (or weak men, whom we might make strong) were needed to keep order in Europe, we were afraid of the people of Europe. Now that we have found the courage to go to Moscow, in de- cent, manly, self-respecting style, we seem, rather than having lost our character, to have regained it. We have- thrown away many sickly fears; we are full of vitamins we seemed to lack not long ago. 5. The Moscow Declarations are our first formal appeal to the people of Europe to help us win the war. Specifically, the Moscow De- clarations promise freedom to Austria, but warn Austria that her future will depend on the extent of her aid to the Allies. The Declar- ations draw a line between Nazi officials who are guilty of atrocities, and those who are not; they warn the latter not to join the former. The Declarations promise the people of each country in Europe the right to punish Nazi officials guilty of atrocities in their lands. The Declarations promise Italy that all vestiges of fascism will be erased, that there will be free- dom of speech, worship, political belief, press and public meeting. These are hard blows in the field of political warfare; sharp, aimed, directed. All of them summon the people of Europe into partnership, as allies to shorten and win the war. THE RESOLUTION COMES ALIVE 6. The Moscow Declarations give new mean- ing to the Connally resolution in the United States Senate, which can no longer be considered apart from this new development. Passage of the Connally resolution now means endorsement of a particular way of life among the nations, a way of life already in effect and operating. The Moscow Declarations pull the Connally resolution out of its vacuum, 7. The Moscow Declarations put into cor- rect perspective such questions as those of the independence of the small nations, the precise delimitation of borders in Europe, etc. Peoples which rise and fight against Hitler are en- titled to more than are peoples which remain inert and do not; countries which show a de- sire, on the battlefield and in their political struggles, to join the free world, shall have recognition that shall be denied to countries whose leaders sit tight and depend on "his- torical claims." The Moscow Declarations say that the history which counts is being made now. THE GREAT ADVENTURE 8. The Moscow Declarations are more than just another set of agreements. The new three- power European Advisory Commission to sit in London; the new commission on Italy, which includes the French Committee; the decision to fight together and make peace together, to search for an international authority together; these are not dead clauses but living organisms, capable not merely of interpretation, but of growth. They cannot be fully analyzed in ad- vance any more than life itself can be analyzed in advance. This is the great adventure of our time. Those who hold back from it will be dead men, in several senses of the word. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) JOB-FREEZING: Wages Must Be Fixed To End Shifting Labor PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S announcement that job-freezing will probably come in the near future is another test for wartime labor. Left up to the honor of the individual, war- time jobs in industry have failed in part. This failure has been great enough to set back the production of airplane and munitions factories. The shifting of workers from one factory to another was not stopped by searing them with thirty days of unemployment. Making a dol- lar an hour instead of fifty cents an hour paid them in the long run. rTHESE have been evils of wartime labor. In all probability the flow of workers from fac- tory to factory will be stopped by job-freezing; however, these labor leaders, company execu- -,Cu agecy o FTmeInc. "-and to my old and valued cook, hulda Smorgasbord, who has served me well and faithfully for seven weeks, I leave $10,000." "YOFFICIAL BULLETIN GRIN AND BEAR IT (Continued fr m Page 3) Sigma Society. The public is cor- dially invited. University Lerre: Dr. Eugene R. Kellersberger, fonrier medical mis- sionary in the Belgian Congo, will lecture on the subject, "Tryano o- miasis (African sleeping sickness) ", illustrated, in the Amhitheate, sec- ond floor of the University Hospital, on Friday, November 12, at 1:30 p. m. under the auspices of the Hygenic Laboratory. The public is cordially invited.1 Oratorical Association Lecture: Course: The season ticket sdle for lecture course tickets is now taking place. The- Fill Auditorium bo df- fice is open daily -from 10 to' 1ad from 2 to 5. The complete course is as follows: Nov. 18-Will Rogers, Jr., "The United States min oreign Affairs;", Dec. 1-Fulton Lewis, Jr., "What'si Happening in Washington;" Dec. 1-3 -Burton Holmes, "Our Russian Al- lies" with motion pictures; Jaa 13 - Louis P. Lochner; "What About Ger- many?;" Jan. 25Leland Stowe, "What I Saw on the Russian Front;" Feb. 22-Burton Aolmues, "INorth Af- rica" with motion pictures; March 8 -Madam Wellington Koo, "What China Is Fighting For;" March 23- Burton Holmes, "The Italy We] Knew" with motion pictures. Good seats are still available. Academic Notices The Medical Aptitude Test of the I Assoiadon of Anierican Colleges, a normal requirement for admission to practically all medical schools, will be given on Friday, Nov. 5, through-E out the United States. The test, which will require about two hours,t will be given in Ann Arbor in the1 Rackham Lecture flail from 3 to 5 p.m. Any student planning to enter a medical school andwho has iot-pre- viously taken the Atitude Test should do so at this time. You are requested to be inyur seats prompt- ly and to bring with you t'Wo well- sharpened pencils. The fee of $1.0 is payable at the Cashier's Office through Nov. 4. ''C. S. Yoakum Program in Regional Administra- tion and ReconsructOln in tine Divi- sion for Emergency T-aining-Course 303-Seminar 'in yidd1e Eu rope. In- tensive study of certain aspects of a region within the larger area of Mid..- dle Europe and of the life of the peo- ple living therein. The seminar is designed to folloW the course 203 (Survey and Analysis of l tiddle Eu- rope) which was given diuruig the summer term. This course may be elected by those who were enrolled in Course 203 and by graduate students and seniors who are majoring in one of the social sciences and who have adequate backgroUnd, with the ap- proval of ther adises, of the i- structor, and of a representative of the Division for Emergency Training. Tuesday, 7-9, Hostie Room 308 Li- brary. First meeting Tuesday, November 9. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science ad the rts: By action of the 'Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must, elect ?hysical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and will r__ t-_ a.«~+ ...4 h so Hall); by all other studenits to Assis- tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of the Fall Term.- The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Engineering First Term Civilian and V-12 Students: The Carngie Foundation Pre-Engineering Inven- tory battery of tests will be given today in the Lecture Room, the Rack- ham Building. Report at 8:50 a. m. and 1:20p. m. These tests are required for first- term civilians and V-12 engineering freshmen. No others may take the tests. A. D. Moore Pro-seminar in English Drama, 211c, will meet Wednesday, - in 2211 4H with Professor Tilley - N. E. Nelson English 211e Pro-seminar in Lit- erary Criticism will meet Thursday, 3-5, in 3223 AH. N. E. Nelson Graduate Students in Speech: Ex- ploratory examinations will be given tonight at 7:00 in room 4203 Angell Hall for all applicants for higher degrees in 'Speech who have not pre- viously taken the examinations. Anthropology 157, Evolution of Culture, will meet in Room 215 Eco- noTics Building, MWF at 10. Leslie A. White Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held on Fri- day, Nov. 5, at 4:00 p. m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dictionaries may be used. Math. 135, Topics in Differential Geometry and Higher Geometry, is meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8. o'clock and Saturdays at 9 o'clock in 3201 Angell Hall. G. Y Rainich Political Science 273: Organization medting on Thursday, Nov. 4, at 7:00- p. m. in room 215 Haven Hall. Psychology 63 will meet in Room C, 'Haven Hall. Math 300. Orientation Seminar. frelimmnary meeting today at 4 o'clock in 3001 Angell Hall to decide hours. G. Y. Rainich Psychology 207 will meet for organ- ization on Friday, Nov. 5, at 4:00 p. mh. in Room 2127 Natural Science Bldg. Concerts Choral Union Concerts: Ten con- certs will be given by the University- Musical'- Society in the Sixty-fifth annual Series in Hill Auditorium, as follows: Cleveland Orchestra, Erich Leins- dorf, Conductor; Sunday, Nov. 7 at 9 p.m. (This concert will be broadcast over the Mutual System). Marian Anderson, Contralto, Monday, Nov. 15. Yehudi Menuhin, Violiist, Tues- day, Nov. 23. Claudio 4rrau, Pianist, FI'riday, Dec. 3. Boston Symphony, Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor, Wednesday, Dec. 8. DonrCossack y Lichty 101ERRY1 '0- ROUND r sy DREW PEARSON , WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 - Hand- some, platinum-haired Ed Stettinius, Acting Secretary of State, telephoned "Assistant President" Jimy Byrnes, asked that he call a meetihg of the War Mobilization Cabinet to consider cancellation of war contracts where foreign countries are involved. Al- ready various war contracts are be- ing cancelled, and soine of the can- cellations, especially those involving the purchase of metals, mean break- ing commitments to foreign govern- ments. Byrnes agreed, called the meeting for M1onday, Oct. 25. On Monday morning, Stettinius phoned again. "We've got to call off the War Mo' bilization Cabinet meeting," he said. "Why?" asked the puzzled Anyrnes. "Feis has resigned," replied Stet- tinius. "He's the expert on foreign war contracts." He was referring to Herbert Feis, Economic Adviser to the Secretary of State. "Well, can't you come to the meet- ing and present your views to the cabinet?" suggested Byrnes. "No," replied Stettinius, "Feis is the only man who knows anyting about the subject." The special' cabinet session was postponed. Note: Herbert Fels, related by marriage to the late President Gar- field, is a distinguished "liberal economist appointed by Secretary of State Stimson under Hoover. His resignation was haide4I Hull shortly after the resignation of , Sumner Welles, at which time Hul) began to sweep out liberals. Wh newgapers revealed this clean-oi 1uil lield up acceptance of Feis.. resignation, left word that it bean- nounced while he was in Moscow Relief to Europe,... Tomorrow (Nov. 4) Herbert Hoover is scheduled to testify before a Sen- ate Foreign Relations suk-conriittee on the question of priyate Amierican relief to occupied European countries -France, Bielgium, -1o-fl0and-under the same system as relief to occipied Greece. This will' be one of the very rare occasions 'the ex-President of the United St-ates has set foot ini the Cap-; itol since he exited a decade ago. Mr. Hoover may nwt know it, but he was originally scheduled. to ap- pear' in other distinguished com- pany; including ex-Seeretary of the Navy 'Josephus baniels a1 e- Undersecretary of State- mner Welles. At the last minute, how- ever, something mysterious hap- pened. They were not invited. Here is the inside story. Last spring Senators Taft of Ohio and Gillette of Iowa (1 Dem.-1 ep.) - introduced a resolution approving priv"ae feed- ing of occupiedl countries on the Greek plan. By. this plan food is sent in Swedish ships, distributed by the International Red (ross (Swiss), which guarantees that no food goes to Germany. The U. S. goyernment pays nothing. All summer the bill gathered dust in a Senate Foreign kelatins pigeon- hole. Pushed by Senator illette, hearings finally were ordered by a sub-committee under liberal Elbert Thomas of Utah. On Gillette's sug- gestion, Senator Thomas agreed to invite Hoover, Clarence Pickett, How- ard Kershner-three Quakers experi- enced in private foreign relief. Senator Gillette also proposed leading Catholic, Protestant, Jew- ish witnesses, plus Daniels, Welles and others. Welles, as Undersec- retary of State, had certified that no Greek relief food went to the- Nazis. Then suddenly, a week or so be- fore the hearings, Senator Thomas refused to invite Daniels, Welles, et al, as proposed by Gillette. Mysteri- ously silent about his reasons, Thomas says officially he doesn't want the hearings to drag too long. But other members of the Foreign Relations Committee intimate he has orders from the State Department and White House. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.) COME enterprising soul of humanity at heart who has the interests could make himself a small fortune by opening a well-ventilated cheery restaurant and serving digestible food to hungry and foot-sore University students. Eating places on campus are packed at break- fast, lunch and dinner by unfortunate students' who have no place to eat, waiting patiently for' food that shouldn't be served to dogs. It's no wonder that Health Service is beseiged with stu- dents suffering from malnutrition. New York manages to feed its seven million decent and inexpensive food. Why can't Ann Arbor? You can't buy a satisfactory meal at any price in this town-as the students who are forced to eat out will testify. The few-oh how few!-restaurants where you can get a half-way palatable dinner have lines curling from here to Main Street. If you don't be- Memorial Tower, daily, except Sun- day. On Sunday, Nov. 7, the Hill Auditorium box office will be open from 2 to 5 in the afternoon, and after 7 on the night- of the concert. Charles A. Sink, President Filents Today U. of M. Girls' Glee Club tryouts today at f:00 p. m. in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan League. Tutorial Committee meeting today at 5:00 p. m. in the League Under- graduate Office for anyone interested in working on the files. Coing Events The Institute of Aeronautical I