0 '"A'717 7.7^ you a y x a. d s 76- t:r A , s1 +yJT. 7,' --- / 1,77 ,A7-,71 _I- -. mommommomm fai 6 Edited andn mnnagerl by students of the University of Michigan under the mhority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Puhlished (rery morning except Monday driing tho regular Univerity yer, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesda y u1ring the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associntld Pre ir elsively entitled to the uso for republicntiOn of al news d1smftelif credited to It or 'otherwise credtei in in newspaper. All rights of repib- Ucation of ai herein also reserved. Entered at tP.o fie at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail mat te., Subscriptions (luring the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail Member, Assocated Collegate Press, 1943-44 Editorial Staff Marlon Ford Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradile Eric Zalenski Bud Low . Harvey Frank Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Hiulda Slautterback Doris Kuentz Molly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion - .Managing Editor . Editorial Director City Editor - Associate Editor - . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor *Women's IEditor Ass't Women's Editor Columnist Columnist Bus5'flC.s S (aif . . Business Manager Ass't Bus. Manager Ass't Bus. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MONROE FINK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. STILL CITIZENS: Large Ma jority in Favor Of Federal Soldier Vote 'M STILL a citizen." This is the comment of a serviceman, participating in the poll on campus opinion of the federal soldier vote bill taken Thursday by the Michigan Youth for Democratic Action and The Daily. The results of the poll-1,3 for and 9 against-show that an overwhelming majority of a representative portion of the campus are in favor of the federally-controle balot for servicemen. Conunents like "That's the kind of democracy we're fighting for" from a serv- iceman, and "I feel that they should at least have a voice in the government they are giving their lives to defend" from a civilian-reflect the general attitude prevalent on campus. Of the 95 people who cast votes against the federal soldier vote bill a majority expressed the fear that states' rights might be injured if the bill were passed. The best possible answer to all such criticisms is the statement by a service- man that. "State control of service voting will amount to no voting." Even the Secretary of War has said that it will be impossible for the Army to administer 48 diferent absentee voting systems. One unexpected development which the poll introduced was the 18-year-old vote issue. Com- ments from many people used the "old enough to fight---old enough to vote" argument, while others specifically metioned that they thought "the age limit for voting should be reduced to 18." The overwhelming support which the campus gave to the federal soldier vote bill is a clear indication that ssi dents and servicemen believe that it is every eiti n' right and duty to take . part in the governing of the nation. Voting by 18-year-os, proposed by so many, indi- cates that many students feel that the priv- ilege of the ballot ought to be extended. With such an obvious mandate on this vital issue, it is our duty to do all we can to see that Congress observes the will of the majority and passes the federal soldier vote bill. -Kathie Sharfman H HAGUE MACHINE LonCo tlase L xemhlfis Jersey's Ow justice THE STORY-of John Longo's arrest and con- viction by the Hague political machine in Jersey City sounds preposterous, but is neverthe- less proven true by evidence from many sources, including the testimony of Governor Edison of New Jersey. Longo's only crime was that of opposition to the Hague political machine. He was accused of changing the voting registration books, which, incidentally, were never present at his trial. Not only was Longo's trial unfair, but it was called in such a hurry that his attorneys, Raymond Chasen and Julius Lichenstein, were unable, to study the case sufficiently in order to present a defense. The injustice done to Longo and six other men by the Hague machine, has been called to the attention of Attorney General Biddle by DRSW MERRYG0-ROUND WASkiINGTON, Jan 15.-Courteous Soviet Ambassador Gromiyko dropped in to see Relief Administrator He'rbert Lehman, ex-Governor of New York, thue other clay andt said to him "I want you to meet. your new deputy general, Mikhail Alekseevich Meshikov. " Governor Lehman murmured that lie was de- lighted, chatted pleasantly for several minutes. Then the two Russians left. Afterward, Governor Lehman, who is slight- ly hard of hearing got to wondering about the "new deputy general." lie wasn't quite sure that he had heard Ambassador Groiyo cor- rectly. Particularly, he wasn't sure of wha organization Menshkov was to be deputy gen eral. Was it, by any chance, iJNRRA (iUnited Nations Relief and Rehabilitation ilm iniistra- tion) for which Lehman is supposed to appoint the deputies. So Governor Lehman called in his assistant, Phil Hammer, and asked him to find out. Leh- man had already appointed Roy Hendrickson of the Food Distribution Administration as one of his deputies, and Sir Arthur Salter, British economist and shipping expert, a another. He did not know that he was to have a Russian deputy also. Hammer invited Mnshikov to lunch. During the lunch, he did his best to work round to the point diplomatically. Finally, he found out. Menshikov had been appointed by the Russian Government to serve under Lehman as deputy general of UNNRRA. The Russians either had been very naive in sending Menshikov over without any advance announcement, or else this was their way of gently notifying Governor Lehman that his organization was going to be one of the most important in the world and that they wanted Russia represented in a high-up post. Whichever is correct, there is no question about the tremendous political power of the Relief Administration. By withholding food and clothing from Greeks who oppose the Greek king, for instance, Lehman could exert influence as to who would be the ruler of Greece. By sending food and clothing to Titos followers in Yugoslavia, or by favoring Mik- hailovitch's men, UNRRA could change the whole political picture in Yugoslavia,. No wonderthe Russians carefully picked their man to sit at Governor Lehman's right hand and promptly sent him to Washington. (Copyrit, 1944, Uni ed Features Syndeate) BASICALLY the question comes down to this: do you agree with the aristocratic Alexander Hamilton and his theory of a Tory government by "the rich, the wise, and the good," or do you follow Tom Jefferson, the author of the Declara- tion of Independence, and believer in a demo- cracy based on "government by consent of the governed." In this war year of 1944, three of the issues most important to the people today are not military at all. They concern the question of who shall vote: the Green-Lucas Service- men's Vote bill, Marcantonio's HR7 Anti-Poll Tax bill, and the I8-year-old vote bills being brought up in state legislatures this year. The trouble in discussing these issues is that most of us have forgotten that qualifications for voting have been constantly changed during the history of America. A simple contrast is that between limitations of the electorate in 1940 and those in 1787 when delegates were being elected to write the Constitution. The rules varied from state to state, but in almost all there were property qualifications, from ownership of sixty pounds in money, to 50 acres of land. In Connecticut one had to be: 21, a freeman own- ing a personal estate worth 40 pounds, and being of "quiet and peaceable behavior." In Georgia one had to be a "white male, owning property valued at 10 pounds or being of a mechanical trade." Since that time most property qualifications have been repealed, although in some states it took a long and hard fight. The suffragette movement began even before the Civil War, but didn't succeed until 1920 in giving the vote to women. The Civil War brought with it the freeing of slaves, making them citizens, and abolishing restrictions against their vot- ing. However, these gains were first nullified by "grandfather clauses" in southern states, and when these were declared unconstitu- tional, poll taxes were set up. In the eight poll tax states, approximately 6,000,000 poor whites and 4,000,000 Negroes are prohibited from voting because they can't "af- ford to pay the tax. (The average per capita in- come in these states in 1940: $310.) From 3 to 14 percent of the citizens elected 78 Congressmen to represent the whole group of 24,000,000 in the Congressional Election of 1940. In "free" states r}- Pe d -Be Right e lt -By SAMELst GRAETON NRIW YORK, Jan ii -To jump up and down and shout and roar and demand that we have Our own way. iS. n a foreign i pocY ti i merely a tempel i atrum, Ami c ns,.i er h> I ly wrting a blank k chfilCk , lthe 1'o0i s govrnient- in-exile, have lioseni to defend is trriioria claim in this fashion. aitornating their crea is by beating lustily on the heads of the opposition with the Atlantic Charter. Now the London Times comes along. with a careful report showing that, as of the last reliable census. in 1931, there were not more than 2,500,000, Poles in the Polish provinces east of the Curzon line, out of a population of 11,000,000. Of the 8,500,000 non-Poles, some were Lithuanians, Germams, rmechi. and Jews but most were Russians, At this point;, I suppose, hle opposition may now come racing onstage, to beat our anti-Rus- sians on the head with the Atlantic Charter in its turn, wielding that invaluable document like a comedy beef-bladder. SWAYING IN THE BREEZE I imagine that a notice may now be posted in certain editorial sanctums, reading: "Hereafter, don't defend the right of self-determination in any territory until we find out who lives there. (Signed) The Boss." There are even indications that the Polish government-in-exile, which oes face a hard situation, may come to a compromise settlement with the Russians. This would leave a couple of American editors as the lasi of the intran- sigeant Polish patriots, swaying slightly in the breeze as they sit out there on the end of the linb. IN THE WRONG PLACE I think this should be a lesson to all of us against trying to solve hard problems in foreign policy by going red in the face and threatening to choke. History is nobody's mother, and doesn't care if you do choke. She has seen furious men before, screaming their anger, and the spectacle leaves her wholly unperturbed. The way to avoid these senseless rages, and to oppose them, is to know where we are going. Foreign policy is a business of accommodation among the possibles, based on the principle that we must cultivate our friends and isolate our enemies. I don't know what.business those men were in who were trying, as recently as last week, to steam up war against Russia, but they were not in this business. WAY OFF THE COURSE Much worse, some of them, with their pleas that we had better prepare to make war against an ally, came perilously close to coming out in Hitler's Chancellery. And this is what happens when you forget what the real world is like, and decide that you must have your own way because, well, because you want it. You find yourself in the weirdest places. You don't know how it happened. The last thing you remember, you were hating Russia and Roosevelt, the way you always do just before dinner, and look, you woke up on Unter den Linden. We may sometime (I whisper this) even have to make concessions, as well as get them, to build the kind of world it will be safe to live in. It is more fun, I guess to bang one's head against the wall in a passion of self-will, and to scream denial. But nothing much happens. The sound dies down. The world steps over you, and moves on. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) not having the tax at least 50 per cent cif the people voted. IT IS NOT SURPRISING that the people who say soldiers won't know enough about what's going on to be able to vote, and that 18-year- olds are too young to understand the complex affairs of state, are the SAME MEN who have been sitting in Congress these many years elected by one out of ten of their constituents. The campus showed quite clearly its interest in securing the vote for servicemen, whether it meant a decrease in "states' rights" or not. Actually we are beginning to discover that, while that theory was propounded to increase democracy, (Jefferson, for instance, felt that the state governments, being closer to the peo- ple would be more pliable to their will), at the present time it hinders and in some cases shackles the extension of liberty. Few doc- trines are absolute, most are changed by changing conditions, and certainly this is true of the doctrine of states' rights. As to the 18-year-old vote,. perhaps after thinking it over, we will all come to the con- clusion often expressed on the poll, "If one is old enough to fight and perhaps die for an idea and a state of things, then one is old enough to help set up and maintain that state of things." A large electorate-compOsed of all those now voting plus those who shall soon be allowed to vote, (if we work hard enough for it): servicemen, Poor Southern Negroes and whites, and 18-year-olds-such an elec- torate is- nothing to fear. After 157 years it surely is time to go back to the real beginning of America, and to a government based on the consent of the gov- erned. Letters to the Editr ~umust be t-pa- tit i, dou-isip^c , on one ,a of t" pae only nn snmd nit th n¢ an a ire of te wri r ie P estqfor annvTnoi. puio Go jar. IT .IS TIME enough that rationally .minded Americans take in sail and view the recent proposals of our Pres,- iden, to Congress as an iLlmegral whole.- Unfortunaely, plbli opiiliOn has preoccupied itself with the pro- posed National Service legislation to the exclusion of the other port iolis of the plan.- For it is apparently ad- vrntageous for le eneiaies of the administration to center their efTort s arouid the mobilization and strike issue and to dry w attentuion away% from the issues which indicate the spirit and philosophy of the Presi- dent's message, The President's plan calls for the achievement of two primary objec- tives: the complete and most ef- ficient use of our natural resources. and the sharing of the burdens im- posed by the war on all groups in a fair and equitable manner. The passage of a national service bill, a more realistic excess profits tax, the renegotiation of war contracts, and the stabilization of prices and wages, would not only provide thel economic requisites for a speedy, total victory, but make an end of "business as usoal," wildcat and illegal strikes, and the unrealistic complacency of the American peo- p~e. - -S _ _ _.._. By Lich ry c - 4 .tlP.. Y'l' "So pop's n iaae a . rgeant?-he must spunk and lnen sn wors ur didn't know eh, il/li " have had some anything about, trial unrest and by adjusting ;riev- ances that losses to production can be minimized and denmorays main- tamed. 'he probei of stGike'., mnd man- power inobilizt ion.m herclun i if timately connecemd wi P he ,)twr potin of tin Prsde '.s plan, if The national service law has un- es fortunately been dubbed a "slave la-' efort p it is ~ls e aceptedasi- bor" plan, a device to completely pro- hodent Espropactle, denicpt cntr hibit strikes. As a matter of fact whole. El ect v , ro onlt o a British experience with strikes and ver labor and proportiolyi. of ac- lockouts has shown that the control rf eae al Cr vi;.t of the nation's manpower merely -Egie L Gomb'rg puts teeth into the operation of com- pulsory arbitration machinery If,, Bus i'B6)r- Strikes have continued to take place on a considerable scale in Britain. However, in certain instances, where strikers have violated the arbitration process, by either failing to submit the dispute to the Minister of Labor, observe the waiting period of three weeks, or comply with binding de- cision of the Board,. imprisonment has occurred. Fortunately, this weapon has not had to be used o1ten, but where necessary the stern- ness of government action has eil'ec- Lively wiped ot both current and the prospect of future wild cat strikes. But we have another lesson to learn) from our Blritish allies. 'Clhe basic solution of strikes is not ab- solute prohibition and suppression. The conditions under which a strike may take place must be rigidly en- forced, but it is only by getting at the fundamental causes of indus- BEING :tust males, the sane as Mr. Hal Miller, we too wish to stick our noses into the tolic Of the day-- dorm food. At the outset of this drawn-out discussion. we were great- ly amused, but this amusement ha slowly bt surely I urned to disgu.l Our iraton is not of the :61 di ~ tita te~ eeoid Inu a' iet know-we work at Stokwell. rir. Miller mentions severn I girls who lhave sought outside n ork so that they would not have to eat in the dorms. However, we have taken .iehs at SIO('iCh .iust so that we may eat there. Mybe thee girls do like to expose their (igestive systems to tOe food they can find, in town, but we have lound from personal experience that Stockwell food is as good as, if not hetter than, any other food procurable in Ann Arbor. And it's much less expen- sive, too. 1he girls here get all three daily meals for $1.12; there's no other place in town where one zan eat three decent meals for such a low price. Natirlly we're not too well in- formed about vitamins and minerals, but we do know that we do not have cabbage seen days a week (thank goodness!). Since Dec. 1, cabbage Imhas been on the menu only nine times, and six of these times it was as part of a salad. Instead of berat- aug the cooks for improperly prepared m-eals, we,,tha