pAC0. IGUR THE MICHIGAN fDAILY FRIDAY; J.N 14, 1944 . 0 a aat"" x a a v a x-a x ",. a.r"x-a a i a ' ..... 1' Fifty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- tier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Editorial Staff Marion Ford Jane Farrant . Claire Shermnan Marjorie Borradaile Eria Zalenski . Bud Low . . Harvey Frank . Mary Anne Olson, Marjorie Rosmarin Hilda Slautterback Doris Kuentz . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director * . . .City Editor . Associate Editor . .. Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor . Associate Sports Editor * . . .Women's Editor . . . Ass't Women's Editor . . . . . Columnist . . . Columnist Business Staff Molly Ann Winokur . . .B Elizabeth Carpenter . . As, Martha Opsion . . . . Asa Telephone 23-24-1 Business Manager s't Bus. Manager s't Bus. Manager NIGT EDITOR: BARBARA HERRINTON .editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. WAR WORKERS: Students Fail Dismally To Help OPA Surveys HE APPEAL made Tuesday through the busi- ness administration school for volunteer price panel assistants to help in OPA price ceiling surveys has apparently fallen on deaf ears. The Ann Arbor office needs these assistants desperately. The work involves interviewing ,Merchants for the filling out, of questionaires. A large number of volunteers is needed because many surveys, including inspection of prices of meats, canned goods and clothing, are plan- ned in coming weeks. The Women's War Council, which is doing a splendid job of coordinating other war activ- ities such as surgical dressings work and sale of war bonds, has now made the OPA surveys one of its projects. This vital work is just another example of the many ways we can help in the war effort. -Jennie Fitch AT IT AGAIN: GOP Jumps at Labor Draft as 4th Term Bid P RESIDENT ROOSEVELT wants to run for a fourth term. The Republican Party says so. The Republican Party bases its statement on the President's speech Tuesday in which he asked Congress to enact legislation allowing the draft- ing of men and women for war work. The President was not thinking of the war effort when he laid down his five-point program. He was thinking of a fourth term. Obviously, the GOP believes that drafting labor will appeal to thevoters of this country. It seems a little difficult to imagine the voters going to the polls next November and voting for Roosevelt because "he had my wife drafted to work as a snot welder." It's just hard to believe. But Roosevelt's request for a labor draft was a bid for a fourth term in 1944. God bless the Republican Party. -Bob Goldman REALISTIC PLANS: Work, Denials To Come After Victory Is Won RECENT magazine advertisements paint glow- ing pictures of an automatic, gadgetized post- war world with a refrigerator in every American home and a population traveling leasurely from resort to resort in luxurious streamlined trains and heliocopters. A large number of Americans are likewise building castles in the "after-duration" air, dreaming of beefsteaks, new automobiles and a life similar to the one they left behind in the "good old days." More people are saying, "After the war we'll take a trip to California" than are saying, "after the war we'll do without as long as is necessary so that America can help Europe and the rest of the world to recover."- DREW PEARSON'S MERRY-00-ROUND WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-The most potent, backstage big-business lobby in Washington now plugging for lower taxes happens to be financed by the gracious exemptions of the United States Treasury. The lobbying job is done by members of such organizations as the United States Chamber of Commerce and the Committee for Economic De- velopment, and they operate so successfully be- cause the contributions which maintain them are tax exempt. Any corporation which has profits in the 90-per cent-excess-profits class can make contributions to United States Chamber of Commerce or Committee for Economic Develop- ment practically without sacrifice. Since the donations are deductible, 90 per cent 'of their ionations are paid, indirectly, by Uncle Sam to lobby against his future tax take. On the other side of the ledger is the un- fortunate fact that a fund for liberal causes is not tax exempt. Federal tax Courts have just ruled that the endowment created by Robert Marshall to advance the cause of labor unions and civil liberties is interested in "promoting legislation" and therefore not deductible. But if you are promoting legislation for lower taxes, it's another matter. That can come out of your income tax. Dairy Diseases... Everybody is aware of the butter shortage, but not many are aware of the fact that dairy herds are being depleted by State and Federal slaughter at the rate of 10,000 hedd a month in order to wipe out Bang's disease. This is now the worst and most widespread disease among all U. S. cattle. Department of Agriculture officials claim they havereduced Bang's disease 50 per cent in the past 10 years, yet it still stands at the top of an unhealthy list, with mastitis next, and tuberculosis was down the line. Ten thousand killed a month is a lot of cows, yet officials defend the slaughter campaign. They say most of the cows are "old cast-off ani- mals" no longer profitable for dairy production. ,Also, they point out that owners are given the privilege of keeping any animals Which may be productive, even though diseased. The disease produces undulant fever in hu- mans, which caused the death of Edsel Ford. Even more difficult to combat is mastitis, an infection of the udder. Officials of the Agri- culture Department have ample opportunity to observe mastitis close at hand, for the herds of the Soldiers' Home and St. Elizabeth's Hos- pital are both infected. These herds have the best care, and are not pushed for utmost pro- duction, as are commercial herds, yet the dis- ,ease is persistent. In fact, the combination of Bang's disease and mastitis is making a serious, situation on a na- tionwide scale. Merry-Go-Round.. Isolationist Senator Gerald Ny is facing a bough race for re-election in North Dakota. The decision will rest largely with the Non-Partisan League's nomination in February. If he gets the League, he can swing the State, and he is reported flush with funds and spending a lot of money to swing League delegates his way ... The Leader, organ of the League, recently print- ed a first-page letter from Quentin Burdick, son of Congressman Usher Burdick of North Dakota, calling Nye the "No. 1 American Fascist." (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) SAWDUST AND OYSTER SHELLS 12Y 12.epaa ANYBODY now who sits on his duff and says that things are going to get back to normal after this war, that eyerything is going to be just as it was and we can pick up again where we left off on December 7, two years back, is either a blind fool or a stupid escapist. The government is taking over education just as fast as it can. There never again will be a generation that will be educated the way we were. Liberal education has been dying for a long time, but from here on in it's dead and it's time enough now to realize it. We're the last generation that's ever going to give a damn whether all Gaul was divided into three parts or a hundred and three. Already you can go back and look at the high schools in your home towns. If you come from a little town, the high school has become an agricultural center and Smith Hughe's funds have financed a home economics, experimental kitchen and a manual arts department that looks like a miniature bomber plant. If you come from a city, the commercial wing has taken over the Latin rooms and the new class valedictorian is a shorthand expert. AT TWENTY or twenty-one or twenty-two we're already the older generation. We're I'd Rather __Be Right_ - By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Jan. 14.-If the policy of scaring the American people into the shakes is good for their morale, then the best little morale workers among us are Senators Wheeler and Chandler. Senator Wheeler has just called the opening of a second front "a tremendous gamble." He has been glooming to the Washington report- ers about our coming casualty lists. To be sure, Mr. Wheeler did brighten up a bit at the thought that if enough Americans die, President Roosevelt will be defeated for re-elec- tion. Never say that Senator Wheeler sees noth- ing good in this war. THE HEEBIE-JEEBIE LINE But before our liberals line up to attack Sen- ator Wheeler, they ought to remember that he is only saying, a little more violently, and a little more venomously, what some administration of- ficials themselves have been saying. They have been warning us of coming casualties, in order to "shake our over-complacency." And Senator Wheeler warns us of casualties. Is it good when Mr. Byrnes does it, and bad when Senator Wheel- er does it? He has merely carried the heebie- jeebie propaganda line one stage forward. Mr. Wheeler has reduced this propaganda line to an absurdity, by making it an argument against the second front itself; but the fact that he has been able to reduce the woe-is-us line to an ab- surdity merely proves that it was faulty in the first place. Our other little helper is Senator Chandler of Kentucky, who is reported as describing the coming second front as "a mammoth Tarawa," which would be "little short of mass murder." Well, then, you can't accuse Senator Chandler of being complacent. To that extent he is a good boy, according to some of the adminis- tration's crude manglers of morale. But is it the aim of the administration, by harping on dangers and casualties, to reduce the general population to the state of mind of Wheeler and Chandler? WE CAN'T ALL USE IT As things now stand, the Germans are using the propaganda line that a second front will mean huge American casualties; two anti-second front Americans, Senators Wheeler and Chand- ler, are using it, and the American government is using it. Somebody must be making a mistake. It can't be a good line for all three. The administration is making the mistake. It is criminal nonsense to suggest that the American people, with 11,000,000 of their blood kin in the services, are not thinking of casual- ties. Of course they are thinking of casualties. If, in spite of that thought, which lives with the American people day and night, they are still able to conduct themselves with a good approximation of steadiness and cheerfulness, then our people have won a profound victory over normal human weakness and are to be congratulated upon their fortitude. Actually, if the American people felt as some recent Administration speakers have tried to make them feel, it would be necessary to insti- tute a morale program at once, to get them back to feeling the way they feel now. THIS IS OUR STORY Our major morale job is quite simple; it is to tell the truth about the enemy, which is fascism; to tell it over and over again; to make sure that the free and intelligent American people under- stand the nature of the job we are about to do, and its importance. They should be helped to see the second front, not only as the death-blow to fascism, but as an evil job which has been in- flicted upon us by the past activities of the very same isolationists who are now making political capital of the deaths that will be required to cor- rect their own errors. That is the story to tell, and we are not telling it. If our officials will not tell that story, let them keep silent altogether, and not embark on the bizaare enterprise of reminding mothers that they ought to be concerned for their sons. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) to come because we're never quite going to be able to realize what happened to us. Just what we're going to be doing with our forty hours of philosophy when our engineer- ing kid brother is out rebuilding Pearl Harbor. is hard to say. It may well be that at a dazed and unhappy thirty we'll be beginning an ac- celerated course in drill press operation at the University of Columbia night school. The change is already apparent even here in Ann Arbor. Freshmen and sophomores who came here since the war have no notion at all of what it meant to be one of the old college boys. We "date" ourselves with everything we say. It doesn't really matter about our parents. They've lived long enough now to be able to live the rest of their lives looking backward. But with us it's different. We've got thirty years to live before we're old and through all that time everything we've learned up to now is going to be just so much excess baggage. It's a pretty sad thing when you think about it. We're the lost generation. We're the last of the dilettantes and the last of the college boys; already we're outmoded. All the world be- longs to the guy who starts high school next fall. Letters to the Editor must be type- written, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only and signed with the name and address of the writer. Re- quests for anonymous publications will be met. Views on Labor .. . YESTERDAY'S Daily carried a sharp criticism in the form of an anonymous letter to the editor de- ploring my alleged inconsistency and narrow liberalism as regards the la- bor question in the scheme of our war effort. A casual reading might lead one to agree with "A Serviceman," but a more careful analysis might lead us to press a counter charge of incon- sistency against the "serviceman." It is charged that I hold two points of view (a) that labor strikes hurt the war effort, and (b) that labor strikes do not hurt the war effort. The former conclusion the serviceman draws from my editorial opinion justifying the government's action in the railroad controversy and the latter is derived from my statements concerning the Ameri- can Legion's proposal that labor's right to strike be suspended for the duration. My position is fundamentally this: We are now fighting the greatest titanic struggle in the history of the world. It is a fight for the life of every American. The successful com-R pletion of the task at hand demands the unbended effort of all.l But, we are also a democracy' fighting this war and belief in the principles of that democracy im- poses upon us certain limitations. The premise of a total war can not be used by any one group as an excuse to further their own selfish ends. The premise of a total war effort doesn't permit one segment of the population to press their in- terests to the disadvantage of an.- other., I am convinced of the value of trade unions as an instrument in pro- moting democracy. It is complete- ly unjust for us to listen to the charges of management without in- vestigating the position of that group. The total effort demands a give and take policy on the part of all groups. To date management has taken and not given. Is it possible, serviceman, to ignore the scandal of Standard Oil with their German car- tel, or the anti-Negro policies of Packard Motor Company, or the in- dictment against Anaconda Wire for producing defective wire cables? 1 These events also contribute to what you call a hinderance of our1 war effort and a slowing of battle strategy.s Following your point of view, serv- iceman, we are also supposed to ig- nore the enormous profits manage- ment is reaping as an excuse for speedy production. Or is the Presi- dent blowing his top in asking Con- gress for a firmer renegotiation law? TES, strikes do stop war produc- tion and the news of them does irk the fighting man at the front. But so do management's blunders hinder the war effort, but why don't, these same servicemen agitate against them? The point is simply this: look at the whole picture without ignoring tlat portion of it which is adverse to your point of view. Considering this, let us proceed to another point: that forced labor would not further the war effort and would impair the freedom of the in- dividual. Psychologicaly, it is true that more can be accomplished by vol- untary means than by coercive methods. A man who is made to feel that he wants to do something will accomplish more than he who is forced to a task. Reflect your own feelings on this point, service- man. But the fault up to now has been not that the laborer is unpatriotic and wants us to lose the war, but rather, since the whole situation of production controls and price ceilings has been so bungled, Labor doesn't have the will to forget its rights when it sees those of others enhanced at its expense. I wouldn't disagree with the re- cent proposal of national service if everyone was put on the same basis, but if it worked to the ad- vantage of management and the disadvantage of labor, I would cry out against it. The laborer on the home front is as patriotic as the serviceman on the battlefront, but we can't make a fair comparison of the two because they are not on the same level. No matter how much we desire the civilian at home to have the same point of view as the soldier on the firing line, it presents a situation inconceivable of achievement. THrP PERSON who has not seen his best friend killed before him, or who hasn't been forced to actually kill another human to save his own life and the civilian who hasn't actu- ally experienced the hell of war and all that is attached thereto, can't pos- sibly hold the same feeling that the soldier does. Because of their experience in the bombing, the point of view of the British citizen is different, but here the war is still a .distant thing and so long as that remains the case we can't fairly compare the thinking of the fighting man and the civilian war Worker. Both groups want the same eid- victory, but their feelings are viewed in different lights. Another bone of contention which "serviceman" raises is my fear that the freedom of .the individual will be impaired by suspending the right- to strike or the freedom of action that is inherent in our phil- osophy of government. However dearly we love our free- doms, we can not ever forget the fact that war time exigencies provide a very receptive ear for their curtail- ment. Many of the prosecutions under the Sedition laws during the last war prove,: clearly enough that once an inroad, is made into personal lib- erties, it is difficult to go back. Precedent has always been a strong force in shaping the way we live and interpret affairs. Should a precedent be established curtail- ing the civil liberties of any group --in this Instance labor-that prec- edent will tend to become a guide to future actions aril not, as serv- iceman chooses to think, a matter of temporary existence. A smattering of American history will bear out the significance of precedent in shaping developments. Yesterday's letter pointed out that if an advancement for labor be coin- cident with furthering the winning of the war, I would 'be in favor of it, and that if the opposite be the case I would be against it. ERVICEMAN, put this charge in the terms of management or pro- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 53 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of'the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 21:30 a.m. Notices School of Education Faculty: The regular meeting of the faculty will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 18, in the University Elementary School Li- brary. The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. A representative of J. E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. in Lawrenceberg, Ind., will be here to interview people who are chemists, bacteriologists, engi- neers, lawyers, psychologists, business administrators, orexecutive secre- taries on Friday, Jan. 14. They have plants in Kentucky, Maryland, Indi- ana and Ohio. February or June graduates who are interested call ex- tension 371 for appointments or stop in at 201 Mason Hall. All womnen students attending "Ai- da" and "Life with Father" will have one half hour permission from the time the performances end. Special permission from the Office of the Dean of Women is not necessary. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing Civil Service Examinations: City of Detroit: City Planning Ana- lyst, $104 to $154 per week; Police- woman, $3,042 per year; Police Ma- tron, $38 to $55 per week. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices English 211e will meet Saturday, 9-11, instead of Thursday. N. E. Nelson Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held today at 4 p.m., in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "Gastro-In- testinal Factors in the Utilization of Vitamin A and Its Precursors" will be discussed. All interested are in- vited. GRIN AND BEAR IT . _:., . F ' '- - rYii in.rl.w":r.n, . .rii .. re, rw rr. - ,Y.... ,o,.w By Lichty night?-WE'VE got a job to do!" "Do you gents have to stay alli l fessional men, and. from your reason ing, can we not come to the conclu- sion that whatever benefits manage- Concerts ment, coincident with the winning of; the war or not, would be satisfactory. The University of Michigan String Orchestra, Gilbert Ross, Conductor, No, I say. Whatever measures are will present a program of composi- instituted ..fora our common effort t n b adeprsoa diStai- should be shared by all. That is the ionsBach andel, Frecoaldi, aSta- point involved in my editorial opin- p.m., Sunday, Jan. 16, in the Lydia ion. ' Mendelssohn Theatre. Ruby Kuhl- At the risk of laboring the point, man, pianist, will appear as soloist. my conscience impels me to answer The public is cordially invited. the charge of my being out of service. IS unfortunately was born with a Events Today visual handicap. You can be sure that it wasn't my choice to be reject- Dancing lessons will be given every ed from service, and had fate dealt Friday evening, 7:00-8:00 in the the cards differently, perhaps, serv- USO club. Beginners' class tonight. iceman wouldn't be here as such. We are on the same level. Wesley Foundation: Bible Class r Y Serviceman is correct in assuming that I am physically unfit for mili- tary service, but that is not a matterl of. my choice. The fact that I am not now in uniform has played a very definite role in shaping my life, and I in training for work over- seas after the war. My convictions come not only from a mere consideration of the experi- ences of the war emergency, which granted are extremely important, but they spring also from a consideration of the peace after the war. A military victory will" be anI *empty one if the peace is not worthj while and it is axiomatic that the with Dr. Brashares tonight at 7:30. Coming Events The University of Michigan Sec- tion of the American Chemical Soci- ety will meet on.Monday, Jan. 17, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 151 of the Chemis- try Bldg. Professor Herbert E. Carter of the University of Illinois will speak on "Nutritional Significance of the Amino Acids." The public is invited. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 8:00 to 10:00 Saturday evening, Jan. 15, if the sky is clear or nearly so. The planets Mars and Saturn will be ".'.1.-1-.gipc," hefre our ntime~ and ifor forty years uiu. U5J.Cb U ""-'"' "'- '- - - - - - --A-- +. . - ' BARNABY ByCrockett Johnson I1 Ir ... a ten-pound prime rib roast- 1 [ No ... You see, the next day's Yes ... Take five or six pounds I. e I and, er, oh yerslices of I I I f I I