PAGE TWO Tl' tE MIII S A L FRIDAY, JAN. 14,19,1 . ..-- n--- ..o --- _ t Women's War Council To Help OPA Survey Volunteer Girl; lNe d td To Aid in Government hIterviewin g Work In response to the urgent call for student volunteers to assist in OPA surveys, the Women's War Council has made the work one of its pro- jects, Gerry Stadelman, '44. person- nel administrator, said yesterday. Women may volunteer for the work Monday in the Office of the Social Director at the League. The hours have not been announced as yet. The work is of a purely volun- teer nature and participation will count as credit for activities. As many volunteers as possible are wanted. Miss Stadelman said. She emphasized that this is actually gov- ernment work and as such deserves wholehearted cooperation. The work consists of interviewing terchants for the filling out of ques- tionnaires to determine whether OPA ceiling prices are being violated. Each interview takes from 20 to 25 min- utes, and workers will be asked to attend a meeting where they will be instructed in the procedure. Every retail store in Ann Arbor will be covered in a series of surveys to be conducted in the next few months, according to Mrs. Anita C. Branson, price clerk for Washtenaw County. Atpresent a check-up of meat being conducted and a sur-' vey of grocery stores will begin next week. The first call for student volun- teers was issued Tuesday through the business administration school, but there were no volunteers. This is the first time that students have been asked to do the work, volunteers hav- ing come from the Office of Civilain Defense in the past. Center To H1ear Nelson Sunday Retired Counselor to Discuss Mexican Trip Prof. Nelson, thetCounselor-Direc- tor Emeritus of the International Center, will speak on his goodwill trip to Mexico at 7:30 p.m. Sunday .epiiblicas Gatlu in Chicao - Supreme Court Denies Appeal To Dombrowski LANSING. Jan. 43. 1P- The State Supreme Court today denied the motion of State Representative Stanley J. Dombrowski to appeal from the prison sentence of 311'2 to 15 years he now is serving for giving false testimony to a grand jury in- vestigating the legislature. Dombrowski, a Detroit Democrat, was sentenced to the state prison of southern Michigan Nov. 30 in the Ingham County Circuit Court here when he pleaded guilty. to a perjury warrant. The court nade no com- ment in denying the appeal. Later he appealed to Circuit Judge Charles H. Hayden to set aside the sentence and grant him a new trial, accusing the court of many errors and declaring he had pleaded guilty under a misapprehension that the charge against him was contempt. The sentence resulted from his re- pudiation of testimony he had given Circuit Judge Leland W. Carr, one- man grand jury investigatnig char- ges of legislative graft. MkesPlans State Grants to Local Governments Rejected LANSING, Jan. 13. -(P)- The State Planning- Commission declined today to recommend state grants to local governments to assist postwar public works plans and, instead, en- dorsed a system of loaning assistance funds to the cities. counties and school districts. A majority of the Commission balked at the outright grant plan,, which had the tentative approval of Governor Kelly and had been sub- mitted by the Commission's trans- portation sub-committee. A SOLDIER REFLECTS: 'The Kid' Is Just Lonely, AoiAfrgid By KENNETH L. DIXON Associated Press Correspondents WITH THE AEF IN ITALY, Jan. 5. -The kid lay on the hillside fighting to. control his trembling nerves. The planes had gone. Their bombs had fallen several hundred yards down the valley. Their bullets had been closer. Methodically, as though it were an old battle, the kid pulled himself to gether. He shook a crumbled cig- arette out of his packet, stuck it intoF a pair of lips surrounded by fuzzy beard patches blackened by mud. He pulled out matches whose red white and blue cover said "invest in the USA, buy war -bonds," and lit the cigarette. His words were unexpect- ed. 'You got a tough job," lie said. "Nothing you can write can make the folks back home understand what it's like. It's impassible. They can't understand, and it isn't their Tricks Youths fault. Nobody coild understand . unless lie's been through if." "It's funny," he said. "bnit',his the loneliness that always gets rae. I've never thought about that. I knew I'd be afaid. Everybody is But I never thought about being loely." Lying there. the relief of sti:l being alive flooding over me in strengthen- ing waves, I knew what he meant. Other soldiers had said it before, oft- en with puzzled tones and on the slopes of San Pietro I had learned again and again what loneliness can' be. I had been the same a few mo- ments before when the planes came' and the ack-ack gun shook the hill- side and the valley. First there was 'blind panic as I scrambled frantic- ally for cover. There was none. Then panic went away and left only fear- a sensible fear which, like the sense of pain, can save your life. Then, lying there waiting for bul- lets, bomb fragments or flak which seemed sure to strike my exposed back, suddenly even fear disappeared in the face of the most terrible lone- liness I've ever known. "This is it," I thought. "And you didn't think it could happen to you. Even the grass under your nose looks foreign, doesn't it? You're all 'alone, completely for- gotten-a million miles from every- body you know-and they're prob- ably going right on with their ev- eryday lives now and you're going to get it now on ahillside in a foreign land you don't give a damn about." of Pride because when dcalth seemed to be sweepin: inevitably up the val- ley on the win g oi a strai'ing plane I wasn't as afraid al the end at I always thought I'd be. But most of all.1, was ire lonely than I've 1ver been beicre. "That's what gets you." said the kid. "It's the feeling that 'ou're going to be killed and not a 1oul in the world knows about it. How can you make people tindr':tan;d that feeling?" "Once, when I ,was a kid," the kid said slowly, "I dreamed I was being pushed ull' a chib', but down underneatlh I kew it was a dream all the time so I .just juit holding back and juwpcd--and woke up. It was like tha: the other day; like a dream or a game. I knew it wasn't real, so I stood un and shot, But how can you write about an unreal feeling like that so people back home will undetstand. ,It doesn't make senst. It stil didul, mak sense next morning when I met. the litter bear- ers bging the dad down the ra - vine and layng thm beside the trail for the iruck to pick up. I knew the kid was among them eve before I asked t he sergeant. lie po nted at the blanket ('overed bqdi&s Only tLeir feet howd--muddy dshoes pointin upwa Nobody knew how hb ot it- whether it was suddenly ai flash of uneity,1i - or siovlyb afievvaiting cout. allaloae n U.S. Senator C. Wayland Brooks (left) of Illinois, pauses to light a cigaret as he talks with Herbert K. hyde of Oklahoma City, Okla., (center) and Russell Sprague (right), New York national committee- man, in Chicago, Ill., as Renublicans met to select a site for their 1944 nominating convention. 300 PASTORS MEET: Problems Challengin- Church T o Be Discussed a Con icrence Representatives for three econo- mic groups and the racial minorities1 will address 300 pastors and laymen on "Problems that Challenge the Church" in the Fifth Annual Michi- gan Pastors' Conference to be held at 8 p.m. Monday in the Rackham Building. Representing the farmers will be Ernest L. Anthony, dean of agricul- ture at Michigan State College. George Haynes, executive secretaryk of the Department of Race Relations, Federal Council of Churches, will present the racial problems, while John Lovett, -evecutive secretary of the Michigan Manufacturers Asso- ciation, will represent business and Tucker P. Smith, member of the C.I.O., will discuss labor's problems. All students, servicemen and towns- people- are invited to attend. W. Schloerb, pastor of the Hyde Park Baptist Church, Chicago, and Bishop Ralph Spaulding Cushman of the Methodist Church, Minneapolis. Among the churches representedj will be the Baptist, Congregational,- Disciples, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, United Brethren, Evan- gelical Association, Evangelical and Reformed, Dutch Reformed, and the Church of God. Mingled in with that loneliness was a quick regret that I wouldn't T u n ever do all the things I've wanted to; -a wish that my wife wouldn't take it too hard and even a touch ) ihd at the Center. Lecture Series Planned The trip was a gift from the stu- Also planned for the conference dents and his associates upon his is a series of addresses by Dr. Hornell retirement last summer. He and Mrs. Hart, professor of social ethics at Nelson spent six weeks at the end of Duke Divinity . School. At 4 p.m. the summer in Mexico where, it is Monday he will speak on "The reported, they had a "thoroughly en- Church and a Warless World." On joyable time." They are now living Tuesday he will discuss "In Christ in Ann Arbor. There Is No Racial Discrimination," He will speak Sunday on customs and his final lecture, to be presented in Mexico, conditions there, and in at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday will be con- general, the things l;ie and his wife cerned with "The Reality of the noted during the goodwill tour. Kingdom of God." This lecture will Refreshments will be available aft- be open to the general public. I4 +{+ I t i i 2 The Conference which will con- Members let loose a blast at the tinue for three days, is sponsored proposal, contending it encouraged jointly by the Extension Service of lack of local initiative and resource- the University, and the Michigan fulness among local governments Council of Churches and Christian and would tend to make them look Education. to the state for help at every turn. Kenneth Black, Lansing, attacked the grant plan, declaring "any com- 1 bs ,O q munity which cannot be prodded enough to raise 2 2 per cent of what a project would cost to prepare plans, dshouldn'teven be thinking about it at all." Two of the five women who have p. J. Ioffmaster, State Conserva- completed the Petroleum Geology tion Director and member of the Curiculum this year are now work- committee which recommended the ing on the west coast and will be grants, declared planning on the lo- unable to work for the oil companies cal level was falling down for finan- with wbich they have jobs until cial reasons and that "in addition to March 1. prodding with one hand, maybe the opertingstate ought to hold out a little bait A petroleum corporation operating with the other to get some action." in Texas has already hired two of the N other women While Speaker Howard Nugent of The women who take this special the House of Representatives warned ized training in geology are the pio the legislature "will never approve neers of their sex in the oil business. such a plan" Rep. John P. Espie Since the advent of World War IT Chairman of the House Ways and male geologists have entered the .Means Committee, blasted munici- armed forces, thus giving members palities which assess property at 50 of the opposite sex an opportunity to to 60 per cent of their value,.rest un- enter a field that was formerly open der a 15-mill tax limitation and then to only a few women. ; look to the state for financial aid. After the prerequisite Geology 11 - ___ and 12, the course may be completed Cap . BridgesFeles in one year. The course in these four.g cases has led to a position with an oil firm. Two semesters of intensiveBC training and a session at summer camp will entitle a girl to a certifi- Capt. William H. Bridges, com- cate in geology, and will give her manding officer of Company E, of credit to complete her university the 3651st Service Unit, entertained course and receive a degree later. members of the company's chain- Frank W. Stark (above), 21, of Saginaw, Mich., persuaded four youthful would-be hold-up men in California to give him their gun while he showed them how it was done, claiming to have been in that business before the war. Stark held them until police arrived. Edmonson To Talk on WJlI Readex' Addled, 'o'' Library New Machine Iv iigne. For Reading Microprint The "Readex," a machine designed for the reading of microprint, is a new acquisition of the General Li- brary. It will be put at the disposalI of all those qualified to use it, mak- ing possible the study of rare docu- ments which are impossible to obtain in book form. The machine will be placed in the microfilm room on the fourth floor. The printed page. which has been reduced to a small enough size that a hundred pages can be reproduced upon each side of a single sheet of 1 paper. when placed in the "Readex" is again enlarged to regular size for easy reading. Thus far, the microprint material acquired by the library reproduces the British Sessional Papers from 1820 onwards. It is expected that four million pages will be supplied before this project is completed, and that other rarities will be obtained in this way. ,! Il f The Wranglers' Club, which be broadcast from 2 to 2:30 Saturday over Station WJR. will p.m will While the flu epidemic M Ann Arbor was 'a in, men of Cmpany G entered the mess hail and had a thermometer thras in to th eir mouths, which was taken out. and read, when the men 1]eached the end of the "chow" line. This was a precautiona-y measure taken by Lt. Samuel ReizTan, com- pany commander., to stop the spread of flu through the company. It is also a measure that many company commanders took during World War I to check the spread of influenza. Any member of Company G who had a temperature was put to bed until the temperature was gone and the danger of the deveopinent of flu was passed. In this way, many flu eass wre discovered in their early sages. and many more cases pre- vented. Now that the danger o an epi- demic is reported passed, the men no longer have thermometers as appe- tizers for their meals. "If anpther epidemic should occur, the same measures will be taken," stated Lt. Reizman. SA E Elects Officers It was announced yesterday by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity that the following members have been elected officers for the coming year: Bob Gardner, president; Bob Harris, vice-president: Alan Holcombe, sec- retary; Bob Holbrook, herald; Don Le Van, treasurer, and Bob- Hixson, warden. INic IGA er the speech. William Collier Dies BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.. Jan. 13. -P)-William Collier, Sr.. 77, vet- eran of the stage and screen, died at his home today. WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE Coutinuous1 'r1 111 P\.M. Week Days 25c to 5 P.M. Today and Saturday-- ~Al/ 11fTA A q J K - O ~NfERTMAT, 1 AN WYNN - MICHAEL DUANE Also 1LUM AND A N "lost) " A13vis i Many Churches Represented Of particular interest to students and townspeople as well as to re- ligious leaders, will be the panel "Ef- fective Means for World Order and Peace." Open to the public, this dis- cussion will be led by Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department, and Edwin E. Witte. head of the De- troit War Labor Relations Board. Prof. Slosson will speak on "The Po- litical Instrument Essential," and Dr. Witte will maintain that "Economic Security Is Needed." Also planned for the Conference will be addresses by the Rev. Rolland Azt The Mlichigain "Gangway for Tomorrow," the new picture which opens at the Michigan today tells the story of five war workers who never had any idea of the private lives of the others until one brief moment in eternity. In the film. Margo. the noted stage and screen actress is cast as a refu- NUT d'NIBBLE 339 South Main Phone 2-4832 MICHIGA I ONE NIGHT ONI i ICNDAY , JA1N. 7Lh ' 1 have as its theme "Education for Democracy." The guest speaker will be Dean James B. Edmonson, of the educa- tion school. In response to many requests the men will discuss the reconstruction of education in schools and colleges after the war. The broadcast will be led by Prof John L. Brumm of the journalism department. The others on the pro- gram are: Professors Harold M. Dorr political science; Norman R. F. Mai- er, psychology; Willard C. Olson; education, and Clarence D. Thorpe English. -J . } CLASSIFIED DIRIECTORIY i9 1 ' gee. John Carradine plays the part of a hobo and Robert Ryan a racing driver. ; "Gangway for Tomorrow" com- bines five stories in one, since it deals almost individually with the lives of' each of its five major characters.: The picture attempts to show the obligation which every citizen of each of the United Nations had toward winning the war. At The State. Ted Lewis. the "Medicine man of' the Blues." and his clarinet are fea- tured in "Is Everybody Happy." the new picture which opened at the State yesterday. The story is based on Lewis' life. It shows how he formed his band and the struggle he had to gain recog- nition until by a desperate maneu- ver--playing on the sidewalk of Manhattan's "Great White Way" be- fore the famous Rector's restaurant -he won his first engagement and' became an overnight sensation. In "Is Everybody Happy." Ted Lewis revives eighteen of the song hits which have made him famous. Included are: "Cuddle Up a Little Closer," "Pretty Baby," "It Had To Be You" and "Am I Blue." pionship basketball team at a, ban- quet Monday night at the Allenel Hotel. Company E's basketball team won the championship for all the ASTP companies on campus, and also de- feated the Navy V-12 basketball team. Members of the team who were honored by Capt. Bridges were: Par- ker, Davis, Smith, Lindy, Oliva, Sa- torro, Leichton, Subaysik, McBride, and Brock. First Sgt. Engel was also one of the guests of the Captain. Six States To Meet LANSING, Jan. 13-UP)-Michigan is one of six states invited by the U.S. Office of Education to participate mi a study of community counseling services for veterans and disabled workers, George H. Fern, director of the State Board of Control for Vo- cational Education, said today. FWA Approves Building Plans Plans for constructing community recreation buildings in Wayne and; Garden City at a cost of $84,000 each' were approved Wednesday by the I Federal Works Administration at a meeting of the Recreation Commit- tee of the Michigan Office of Civilian Defense at McKenny Hall, Ypsilanti. The Federal Security Agency de- cided after a survey of Michigan thata Wayne, Garden City and Inkster were most in need of buildings which would provide wholesome recreation and a meeting place for civilian war workers and families. Downing E. Proctor, of the FSA, reported that the area comprising Wayne, Romulus, Belleville, Inkster and Garden City with a population of 100,000 has as its only sources of community recreation at the present four movie theatres, three bowling alleys, three schools gymnasiums and 75 licensed beer gardens. ' LOST and FOUND LOST - Brown and gold Scheaffer pen engraved with name Clara Sowulewski. Lost in or around An- gell Hall. Phone 22521, ext. 262. HELP WANTED-MALE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER PART TIME NOW FULL TIME LATER A NEW Electronic type non-destruc- tive hardness testing machine that is now and will continue to be in great demand after the war is soon to be put into production. We are an entirely new 'company and we need an energetic electrical engin- eer to spend a limited amount of spare time now learning the es- sentials of the machine to superin- tend later manufacture and future development. This is a most ex- ceptional opportunity and it will require an eitceptional man. Please give full details about yourself in writing -- state eligibility under WMPC. Your letter will be strictly confidential. Alfred B. Hard Co., 602 First National Building. 11111...- _.-oI s PLEG lp- I IN fSo, 4/f cIVa4 Ar You at BUY wanted for part-time work. Call iri person at RADIO Record Shop between 10 and 5:30 p.m. TWO boys wanted for work in kitch- en for luncheon and dinner for board of three meals a day. Please phone Mrs. Rowles at 2-3279. MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S State. kI M I(MAIJ' III 111111l I - ,.Ic,,, ,,nU W11M tn HIM It