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January 09, 1944 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-09

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Navcl, Marine










Bob Chester's
Orchestra To'
Play at Formal
Officers, RONAG on Campus,
Enlisted Personnel Are Invited
To Affair by Dance Committee
Taking time off for a few hours of
,pleasure and relaxation, the V-12
Naval and Marine Unit will hold its
"Ship's Ball" from 9 p.m. to midnight
Saturday, Feb. 5 in Waterman Gym-
The sailors and marines have ex-
tended an invitation to all V-12 medi-
cal and dental students, the Reserve
Officers Naval Architect Group, and
all Naval and Marine officers and en-
listed men stationed on campus to
join in the festivities. Tickets will go
on sale this week, it was announced
by John Laursen, publicity chairman.
Bob Chester and his Orchestra will
be featured at the dance, one of the
few war-time formals to be held on
campus this year. Allen MacTier,
Regimental Commander of the unit,
is the general chairman of the affair,
and he will be assisted by a committee
composed of two men from each bat-
Clifford Myll is secretary of the
committee and ticket sales will be
handled by Charles Dotterer. Harold
Wescoat and Pat Trahan are in
charge of entertainment and refresh-
ments in addition to making the ar-
rangements for the orchestra. Pa-
trons and guests will be invited by
Bill Snell while Robert Pear and
James Martin will arrange the loca-
tion. In charge of decorations are
Carl Nichols and George Hach.
Tutorial Committee.
Needs More Coeds
To Teach Students
Students interested in tutoring are
urged to register with the Tutorial
Committee in the undergraduate of-
fice of the League. The committee
requires that the student have a
grade of "B" and preferably "A" in
the course in which he plans to tutor.
~.Tutors will receive 75 cents per
hour and will be informed of stu-
dents desiring tutoring by the com-
j;ittee. There is a large demand for
tutoring in mathematics, chemistry,
and especially German.
Any further information relative
, ,o tutoring may be secured from
Adele Kraus, 2-2591. Those who wish
to be tutored may call Jane Faggen,
the committee chairman, at 2-2591.
Rushees may pick up their pref-
erence slips from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00
pam. Tuesday in the lobby of. the
League, according to Mary June
Hastreiter, '44, president of Pan-

WAC Show Will
Be Tomorrow,...
(Continued from Page 1)
south on S. Main to Packard, and
then to the American Legion Mem-
orial Home where it will disperse.
The military parade will consist of
three sections: Army, state and local.
Police escorts, an ASTP color guard,
an ASTP band, an ASTP company,
mechanized equipment, Col. 0. F.
Rogers, WAC officers, and other Ar-
my officials will compose the first
section. State officials will be next.
The American Legionscolor guard, a
police platoon, Mayor Young and
other civic leaders will complete the
Dinner To Honor Kelly
A dinner in honor of Gov. Harry
Kelly will be given at 6 p.m. at the
American Legion Memorial Home.
Invitations have been sent to 90
guests. Col. S. D. Ringsdorf, First
District of Sixth Service Command at
Detroit; Col. Ralph Wilmuth, com-
manding officer at Fort Custer; Col.
William Boyd, commanding officer at
Selfridge Field; Maj. Gen. Aurand,
and Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Ruthven
will be among the guests.
Henry Barnes, Jr., executive officer
of the local WAC recruiting commit-
tee, explained the real purpose of the
WAC rally when he said, "The pur-
pose of the show is to educate the
people in our state as to the Army's
urgent need for a large number of
recruits for the WAC and to inform
women who are qualified of the many
advantages both during and after the
war of enlisting in the WAC now."

Women's Page Invites Coeds
To Learn Journalistic Ropes

Tryout Meeting Will Be Had
Tuesday for All Newcomers
For all women interested in jour-
nalism, the Women's Staff of The
Daily offers comprehensive training
in the fundamentals of newspaper
work and procedure.!
In addition, the accelerated Uni-{
versity program, which causes a rapid
turnover of personnel, gives each try-i
out better opportunities for advance-c
ment this year than at any previous3
time. Furthermore, the hours devoted3
to work on The Daily are credited as
hours spent in war activities.
Each tryout is thoroughly oriented
in basic Daily style. Meetings are
held weekly to acquaint her with the
essentials of page make-up, with'
writing news and feature stories, with
rewriting and editing copy and with
headline-writing, as well as desk
Progress Is Recorded
A record is kept of the interest, co-
operation and progress of every try-
out, as soon as she attains a certain
degree of proficiency, she is advanced
to the sophomore staff.
As a member of the sophomore
staff, she is assigned specific beats to
cover from which news and feature
stories may be written, and she is en-
couraged to contribute whatever ori-
ginal material she may be inclined to
The sophomore staff also assists on
night desk but in a more responsible
position. As each woman shows her
ability, she is given a chance to act
as trial night editor under the super-I
vision of junior staff members. AsI
trial night editor, a sophomore gains'
Hospital Asks
For More Coed
Volunteer Aid
An appeal for volunteer workers to
serve as ward helpers, tray carriers,
and to aid in the operating linen
room is being made by St. Joseph's
Hospital, according to Barbara Stern-
fels Levy, '44, chairman of volunteers
for the hospital.
Volunteer work at St. Joseph's is
considered under the category of war
work, and a record of the hours serv-
ed by each woman is kept and turned
in to the War Council.
Volunteers may report to Miss
Wanzig at the hospital who will take
care of assigning them to where they
will be most helpful and who will
keep the record book in which women
may sign in and out.
Tray carriers are especially.needed
during the hours from 12:45 p.m. to
2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. until 6
p.m. These hours do not conflict with
regulation meal hours throughout the
It is not required that a regulation
uniform be worn by the volunteers,
but it is requested that each woman
wear a light-colored blouse, said Mrs.

further practice in page make-up,
with particular emphasis on page lay-
out, rewriting, copyreading, and news
Junior Staff Qualifications
Having reached this stage of ad-'
vancement, she becomes eligible for
an appointment a's a junior night
editor which entails the coverage of
a more extensive beat and the turning
in of more than the minimum of edit-
orials, features, and special articles,
plus complete responsibility for page
lay-out once a week.
The senior editors are selected from
the junior staff members, and the di-
rect control of the page is in their
hands. Junior and senior positions
are paid positions, because they re-
quire more time and attention.
Women interested in joining the
staff are invited to attend the tryout
meeting at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the
Publications Building or by contact-
ing Mary Anne Olson at 22591 or
Marjorie Rosmarin at 23119.
Lt. Barbara Bethell's
Marriage Announced
Announcement is made of the re-
cent marriage of Lt. Barbara Ann
Bethell, WAC, daughter of Mr. Rus-
sell Bethell of New Orleans, La. and
the late Mr. Bethell, to Mr. Milo A.
Rogers of Jackson.
The bride attended the University
and joined the WAC early in 1943.
She is in charge of WAC recruiting
BASKETBALL: 7:30 p.m. Tues-
+ day; Zone VI vs. Washtenaw
House; Zone IV vs. Alpha Chi
Omega. 8:15 p.m. Thursday: Mo-
sher I vs. Zimmerman House; Day
House vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi.
7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Mosher
II vs. Jordan I; Zone III vs. Zone
VIII. 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Jordan
IV vs. Betsy Barbour; Cooperative
Houses vs. Couzens Hall.
Monday in the fencing room at
Barbour Gym.
FENCING: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
the correctives room at Barbour
ING CLUB: 6:15 p.m. Tuesday in
front of Barbour Gym.
RIFLE: 5 p.m. Tuesday - and
Wednesday at the Rifle Range in
the WAB.,
BADMINTON: 8:30 p.m. Tues-
day and Thursday in Barbour Gym.
LA CROSSE: 4:30 p.m. Wednes-
day at Palmer Field.
MODERN DANCE: 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday in the dance studio at
Barbour Gym,
SWIMMING: 7:30 p.m. Wednes-
day in the pool at Barbour Gym.
CROP AND SADDLE: 6:15 p.m.
Thursday in front of Barbour Gym.
8:30 p.m. Thursday in the dance
studio at Barbour Gym.
BALLET: 4:00 p.m. Friday in
the dance studio at Barbour Gym.

WAA To Hold
First 'Rec-Rally'I
In Barbourr aym
A "Rec-Rally," which means in
WAA Board parlance, a social eve-
ning of games and dancing, will be1
sponsored by the Board from 8 p.m.
to 11:30 p.m. on Saturday at Bar-
bour Gym.T
All servicemen stationed on the
campus are cordially invited to at-~
tend and it is possible for both men
and coeds to come singly or with;
dates (as long as a small admission1
charge is paid). This is the firstl
"Rally" of the semester.j
Ping-pong, badminton, volley ball,
deck tennis, bowling, shuffleboard,1
and darts willl be in progress from
8 p.m. to 10 p.m. and from 9:30 p.m.1
to 11 p.m. barn dancing will be in
To Do Folk Dances
All kinds of folk dancing will be
carried on; couple dances as well as
the popular square types. Howard
Liebee, of the Department of Physi-
cal Education for Men, has promised
waltzes, reels, schottisches, polkas,
and perhaps even a conga or a rumba.
Expert or even elementary knowl-
edge of these dances is not necessary
because instructions will be given
along with the dancing. Dances from
the American West, South and Can-
ada will be featured, accompanied by
a three-piece Grange orchestra.
Special guests of the evening are
Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss Ethel Mac-
Cormick, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Crisler,
and Mr. and Mrs. A. Eggerston.
Chaperons will be Miss Marie Hart-
wig and Mr. Leibee.
Function Is Informal
The WAA committee, sponsoring
this Rec-Rally, is headed by Barbara
Fairman, '46A, assisted by Phyllis
Present, '44, finances; Helen Masson,
'46, equipment; Ruth Edberg, '45,
personnel; Barbara Wallace, 45Ed,
Girl Reserves Need
10 Coed Volunteers
To Lead Activities
Ann Arbor's Girl Reserves need the
leadership of interested coeds, ac-
cording to Marion Baskette, '44,
chairman of this banch of the activ-
ities of the League's child care com-
Ten volunteers, emphasized Miss
Baskette, who are willing to give two
hours a week to working as leaders
and assistant leaders, can solve this
problem of recreation for girls of
high school and junior high school
"While experience in such fields as
dramatics, music, games and crafts
is useful," Miss Baskette said "inter-
est in young people is the only essen-
tial requirement."
Miss Baskette requested that vol-
unteers leave names, addresses and
telephone numbers in the under-
graduate office of the League during
the coming week.

Theme of IFC
Ball Stated
Fraternity Shields To Highlight
Decorations of Saturday Dance
Interfraternity Ball, which will be
held from 9 p.m. to midnight Satur-
day in the League Ballroom, will
have as its theme "Michigan Frater-
nities," Hank Schmidt and Dave Up-
ton, co-chairmen of the eleventh an-
nual Interfraternity dance, have an-
Active fraternities will hang their
shields on the walls covered by a
huge canopy which will be high-
lighted by blue and yellow streamers
attached to the center of the ceiling.
Ball favors will be blue leather pro-
grams with yellow Interfraternity
keys inscribed on the covers.
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will
provide the music for the evening,
and he' has made new arrangements
of popular song hits for the affair.
Patty du Pont and Billy Layton will
The committee has also revealed
that refreshments will be served
throughout the evening.
Assisting the co-chairmen on the
central committee are, A. B. Green
and Jim Pettapiece, tickets: Sherman
Massingham, publicity; and Bill
Fead and Pete Smith, decorations.

JQP To Aid
In University
Bond Campaign
A corps of "Bond Belles" will be on
call throughout the working day to
take orders and deliver war bonds to
University employ e s during the
fourth war loan drive which starts
Tuesday, Jan. 18, it was announced
yesterday by Deborah Parry, chair-
man of Junior Girls Project.
The coeds will be stationed in the
office of the League Social Director
and anyone on the University payroll
can call at any time during the day
and a "Belle" will come in person to
take an order for a bond and make
an appointment to subsequently de-
liver it. You will know a "Bond Belle"
by her identification tag, which each
girl will wear while on duty.
"Because of the very fine help JGP
has given in previous drives, we're
letting them take it over themselves
this time," Mr. R. G. Griffith, chair-
man of the University War Bond
Committee, said yesterday. The coeds
are in charge of delivering form let-
ters to University employes, taking
orders for and delivering the bonds,
and putting out posters and other
Mr. Griffith yesterday expressed
hope that all University employes
would make, use of the JGP service.



Donors Needed
Seven more blood donors are need-
ed to complete the quota for the
League Blood Bank which is to be
held Thursday and Friday at the
Registration' which is taking place
in Miss Ethel McCormick's Office at
the League will close at 5 p.m. tomor-
Girls who are under 21 must have
a Red Cross release form signed by
their parent in order to donate blood.
The Mobile Unit of the Red Cross
comes to Ann Arbor' from Detroit.
This traveling Blood Bank *enables
the service to visit many more places
than would be possible otherwise. It
carries all essential equipment and is
manned by doctors and nurses, skill-
ed in this type of work.
The Michigan Dames will hold a
general meeting at 8:15 p.m. Tues-
day in the Russian Tea Room in
the League. Hua Tin and Yho Tsao,
Chinese students, will speak.

ffFFi '+. 9'"::2".'
Just right..,for those trim
tailored suits you'll make
a spring uniform. Soft,
flexible calfskin fashioned
into shoes whose very
keynote is smart flattery.
k :

posters; and Margery Hall, '45, pub- The Interior Decorating Division
liThe function is strictly an informal of the Faculty Woman's Club will
affair;sweters anskirts, cotnm meet at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 11
affair; sweaters and skirts, cotton at the home of Mrs. L. R. Schru-
dresses, blue jeans and plaid skirts ben, 920 Baldwin Avenue. At this
will be appropriate wear. Tennis time a demonstration lecture will
shoes are required for badminton and be presented on the subject, "How
volley ball participants, but any kind To Make Slipcovers."
of shoe'can be worn for the dancing.
june Qua/liy
THESE COLORFUL CORK MATS will save on your
laundry. Moreover, they will protect your table-mats
w ihall designs that do double duty.
Always Reasonably Priced
_____Mf4RJLYN SHOPPE_ _ _
THIS YEAR a smooth
tailored SUIT is the one
fashion you can bank on
.. The cardigan neck-
line you favor for to-
day's clean-cut look. A
New Year fashion find
worn in tailored man-
ner or dressed up. Tur-
quoise, beige, green,
navy. Sizes 12 to 20.

II . -,I

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slim dark

frocks... New .. Young
. Flattering. . . Perfect
Choice for now. . . and
for months to come.
Navy with White
nll-IIwith WhiteI

: >




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