,. "N IA: i yr Iai4 Weather 1-iUgi ,Colder Vol. LIV No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3 ,1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Jeffries Is Victorious in See-Saw Election I; n Red Forces Drive Nearing Dnieper Head Nazi Troops Forced Into Retreat by Heavy Red Crimean Smash LONDON, Nov. 2.-(P)-Red Army troops, having sealed off the Cri- mea, accelerated their westward drive across the Nogaisk Steppe today, cap- tured the important Dnieper river crossing town of Kakhovka and raced to within 30 miles of the Dnieper mouth port of Kherson. Directly across the Dnieper from Kakhovka, which lies in the mud flats on the east bank, is the town of Berislav. From Berislav roads ra- diate in many directions through the Dnieper bend area, in which large German forces already are being slashed and forced back from the north. All Around Attacks. The Germans' harrassed Dnieper bend armies thus were faced with as- sault from the east and south as well as from the northwest, the north, and the northeast. The Soviet column closest to Kher- son, racing theredirectly from the east, captured the steppe town of Bolshaya Mayachki, 30 miles east of the big Dnieper port. This Russian force and also that in Kakhovka each were entrenched tonight only 70 miles east of Nikolaev, Bug river port of 170,000 peacetime population which until only recently was report- ed used as the German army's main southern front headquarters. Crimea Unmentioned The Moscow daily communique, which reported the fall of 70 other towns and villages east of the lower Dnieper, failed to. mention the Cri- mea, which was sealed off at its two northern entrances in a week of. spectacular Soviet drives. The German High Command, how- ever, in its Tuesday communique, re- ported a Red Army landing on the Kerch neck of the Crimea jutting eastward toward the Caucasus. Forces of "considerable" size attacked both above and below the town of Kerch, Berlin said, one group being anni- hilated but the second managing to maintain a toehold. Berlin said the second group was cordoned off. Enemy Morale Growing Worse Moscow Conference May Speed Crack-Up WASHINGTON, Nov 2-()-The morale of German soldiers on the Russian front is reported to be wors- ening steadily, and some authorities see a possibility of an enemy crack- upin the not too distant future. This weakening of the will to fight may be speeded by the military re- sults of the Moscow three-power con- ference, which are interpreted here as promising an unprecedented degree of unity between Russian and Anglo- American forces in the final assaults on encircled Germany. Lewis Strides Into UMW Meeting A determined expression on his face, John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers Chief, strides into a meeting of the Union's Policy Committee in Washington amid an ovation from committeemen as most of the nation's 374,000 soft coal miners laid down their tools to await develop- ments in the long-standing dispute over a contract. :k e 'Back to Work' Order Withheld By United Mine Workers Leaders. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-(,P)-The United Mine Workers leadership to- night withheld "back to work" orders for the nation's coal miners amid in- dications that the vast majority of the miners would observe the union strike code and ignore President Roosevelt's call for a return to the pits tomorrow. Union president John L. Lewis and Secretary of Interior Ickes, U.S. mine boss, attempted' meanwhile to come Enrollment in Nurs*gng School Breaks Record Numbered among the more than 9,000 students who enrolled in the University Monday were 225 women in the nursing school who enlisted in the U.S. Cadet Nurse program. The total enrollment in the nurs- ing school is the largest in the school's history and the 150 women in the freshman class make up more than the whole complement of stu- dents for the entire year. The women in the Cadet Nurse Corps have pledged themselves to work as nurses after their gradua- tion for the duration of the war. The Cadet Nurse Corps was organ- ized to provide 10,000 new nurses for essential nursing fields. The present class in the nursing school is one of the largest in the country. To meet the demands of a wartime nurse shortage, the school has cut its program from 36 to 30 months of training. The standards have not been lowered, nursing officials point- ed out, but the program has been condensed in keeping with the Uni- versity policy of accelerated aca- demic training. The six months after graduation will be spent in practical training in accredited nursing institutions. V to some agreement on the terms of government operation. They will hold a third conference early tomorrow,3 and UMW district presidents will re- convene at 11 a.m., to hear the re- sults, if any. Another Day's Wait] Cancellation of a scheduled policy committee meeting late today sig- nalled at least another day's wait for conclusive union action on the strike. Under the UMW's technique, the continued suspension of work is tacitly understood to be in effect un- less contrary instructions are given. Interviews in the mining regions strongly supported the belief that most of the miners would stand by this traditional polUcy-. Meetings Not Discussed Neither Lewis nor Ickes discussed their two meetings but Ickes prompt- ly issued an order forbidding dealers to deliver fuel to any householder who has more than a 10 days' sup- ply of coal in his basement. Erich Leinsdorf To Conduct in First Concert Cleveland Orchestra To Feature Shubert's C Major Symphony Under the baton of its new con-' ductor, Erich Leinsdorf, the Cleve- land Orchestra will open the Choral Union Series for 1943-44 at 9 p.m. Sunday with Bach's Choral Prelude,' "O Haupt Voll Blut und Wunden." The concert which will feature the great C Major Symphony of Franz Schubert will be carried by standard broadcast nationally and by short wave to the entire world. 'Porgy and Bess' Is Scheduled Scheduled for its Ann Arbor pre- miere on the varied program which the Cleveland Orchestra is playing is Robert Russell Bennett's Sym- phonic Picture, "Porgy and Bess" based on the themes of George Gershwin's folk opera. The skill which Erich Leinsdorf gained as conductor of the Wagner- ian wing of the Metropolitan Opera Association for the last six years will be called into play when the orches- tra performs Siegfried's Rhine Jour- ney from Richard Wagner's "Die Gotterdammerung." Sokoloff Was First Conductor Founded in the other wartime of 1918, the Cleveland Symphony has had only two other permanent con- ductors throughout its entire his- tory. Nikolai Sokoloff was the first from 1918 until 1933, when Artur Rodzinski took over this position. Rodzinski relinquished it la t year to become musical director of the New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. The Cleveland Orchestra came into being through the initiative of Mrs. Adella Prentiss Huges, who had brought Cleveland's interest in sym- phonic music to a very high estate by presenting internationally famous orchestras in some 150 concerts un- Key Positions Across Italy Won by Fifth Clark's Salerno Army Wins in Matese Area; Nazi Resistance Strong ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN ALGIERS, Nov. 2.-(P)-Launching a heavy attack on the core of the German defense line across Italy, the Fifth Army has captured "im- portant positions" on towering Mas- sico Ridge and Matese Mountain in the face of fierce enemy resistance, the Allied command announced to- day, and a spokesman described the Nazi wall before Rome as "severely shaken." American troops of Lt.-Gen. Mark W. Clark's Salerno Army, fighting forward through rugged, rain-soaked terrain, won a good part of Matese, the lofty peak that dominates the upper Volturno Valley, while British units advanced four miles in the Mediterranean coastal area to seize the town of Casanova, high on the steep slopes of Massico Ridge. Reports from the front did not indicate exactly how much of Matese Mountain, which sprawls over an ex- tensive area, had been occupied by the Americans, but they said a good part of the whole ridge and some of its highest points were cleared of Germans. An Allied officer said the gains were "very encouraging.' Although it was emphasized that the Nazis were defending their mountain stronghold savagely and had yet begun no general retreat to their next natural barrier, the Gar- igliano River, there were reports that they were laying extensive mine fields and booby traps in the inter- vening area-usually a good, sign that a withdrawal is contemplated. (The British Radio, quoting a cor- respondent with the Fifth Army, re- ported that the Nazis had flooded the coastal areas between Massico Ridge and the Garigliano River. Yanks May Bomb Nazis From Russia LONDON, Nov 2-(P)-The opera- tion of American heavy bombers from Russia-thus laying Hitler's European fortress wide open to pre- cision aerial assault from the west, south and east--might result from the Moscow Tripartite Declaration for closer coordination of American- Russian war strategy. Whether such a decision actually was taken, and it necessarily would have to be the result of a Russian in- vitation, will be known only when and if bombs start falling from Unit- ed States daylight bombers on Hit- ler's "Eastern Ruhr." But already the Germans either are anticipating it or have launched a familiar fishing expedition seeking information. Spanish correspondents in Berlin have sent word to Madrid that it is rumored Russian front airbases will be available for the American Air Force and that the Germans are wor- ried about additional air attacks frpm a new direction. It would be entirely possible for the Americans to operate from Rus- sia providing the Russians were will- ing that planes, men and supplies be moved in. Although in effect it would mean building up a new airforce with all related problems of supply and maintenance, prospective military re- sults are considered sufficient to out- weigh the difficulties. Japs Repelled By Navy at Bougainville Enemy Tries To Stop Invasion Operations; Solomon Base Invaded ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Wed- nesday, Nov. ,3-(P)-Allied naval units have repelled an attempt by Japanese warships to interfere with the invasion operations on Bougain- ville. Headquarters announced today that a Navy fight occurred Monday night from which a Jap cruiser and destroyer force had to withdraw. The landings on the west coast of that last big enemy base in the Solo- mons had occurred at dawn the same day. Expecting just such a move, Gen. Douglas MacArthur had said he would welcome any attempt at inter- ference by the Japanese navy and was prepared to throw "everything" in his power at the enemy. Headquarters supplied no 'addi- tional reports today on ground ac- tivity at captured Empress Augusta Bay. AU' Groups To Sponsor Prom Proceeds To Be Given To Scholarship Fund Combining to present the first fall social event, the Union Council and Bomber Scholarship Committee will sponsor the Fall Prom to be given from 8:30 p. m. to midnight Satur- day, Nov. 20, in Waterman Gym. Roy Boucher, member:of ,the Jun- ior Executive Coun. of the Union and general chairman of the dance an- nounced yesterday the plans for the informal prom to be held the night of the last home game with Ohio State. Working with Boucher will be Ru- pert Straub, tickets; John Clippert, publicity; and Jean Bisdee, arrange- ments. Dictated by war-time necessity, decorations and attire for the dance will be strictly informal. Due to the large number of servicemen stationed on campus the dance is being given primarily for them and they are espe- cially invited, according to general chairman Boucher. Admission will be three dollars per couple, and the entire proceeds from the dance will be donated to the Bomber Scholarship Fund. The Bomber Scholarship Fund has been established to help men and women serving in the armed forces to return to the University and complete their education after the war. (Continued on Page 5) Tryouts To Be Held For Daily Columnist Anyone interested in trying out for the position of Daily columnist should turn in three sample col- umns to the editorial director to- day, tomorrow or Friday at the Student Publications Building. These sample columns may be written on topics of current inter- est, or they may be humorous sketches. They should run from 600 to 800 words. it'has been the policy of the Daily in the past to feature a col- umn on the editorial page two or three times a week. Incumbent Is Elected In Close Mayoralty Race Record Vote Estimated in Bitter Campaign Over Turbulent Race Problems, Iabor Issue By The Associated Press DETROIT, Wednesday, Nov. 3-Mayor Edward J. Jeffries' re-elction to a third term was conceded early today by his opponent in yesterday's non- partisan municipal election, Frank Fitzgerald, who had led in the count of early returns. With 975 of the city's 1,057 precincts reported, Jeffries had a lead of nearly 18,000 and uncounted precincts were in areas where the mayor's strength lies. In the 975 precincts, the vote was Jeffries 180,652, Fitzgerald 162,661. The mayor had trailed in the e Fitzgerald's edge reach the runaway p Lt. Gen. Spaatz Made Head of New 15th AAF I Heavy Bombers Batteri Messerschmitt Plant i At Wiener Neustadt f ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN ALGIERS, Nov. 2.-('P)-Creation ofr a new U.S. 15th Army Air Force,r teamed with the veteran 12th in anr All-American Mediterranean aerial r fleet under Lt.-Gen. Carl A. Spaatz, ' was announced tonight a few hours, after its heavy bombers had battered the Messerschmitt assembly plant at Wiener Neustadt. Aimed to "increase greatly airZ power in this theatre," the an- nouncement from Allied headquar- ters said the 15th Air Force will con- centrate on long-range, strategic bombing against Germany and mili- tary targets in occupied and satellite countries." Wiener Neustadt, 27 miles south oft Vienna, falls well within that defini- tion of targets. A large number of Flying Fortres- ses and Liberators plastered the Wie- ner Neustadt aircraft factory for the third time in an attack which re- t turning pilots described as highlyt successful. "They encountered clear weather over the target and the bombs were seen to explode on the target," a communique said. "Preliminary re- ports indicate the attack was highly successful." Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Al- lied Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean, in announcing the appointment of Spaatz, said the 52- year-old Pennsylvanian would head all American air forces in the Medi- terranean war zone. Glass Endorses Moscow Plans WASHINGTON, Nov 2-GP)-Sen- ator Carter Glass (D-Va) 85-year-old League of Nations advocate, dictated from a sick bed today a recommenda- tion that his colleagues "endorse spe- cifically the language of the Moscow conference" rather than any of the pending post-war resolutions. His statement hailed the Moscow pact as "plainly proposing a League to maintain peace after the war." "For the reason that not only we, through our representative at the conference, Mr. Hull, but the three great powers with whom we are asso- ciated, have subscribed in clearest words to this principle," Glass de- clared, "the Senate might well see fit to endorse specifically the lan- guage of the Moscow conference in- stead of any one of the pending re- solutions." The ailing Virginian, recalling his staunch support of the League of Na- tions and the World Court, said his health would prevent his participat- ing in the Senate postwar debate and possibly even prevent his getting to the floor to vote. Officials Discuss State Milk Shortage DETROIT, Nov 2-(MP)-Increased consumer prices and higher subsidies to farmers were two of the suggest- tions offered today by representatives of a dozen Michigan cities who met, on the invitation of Governor Kelly, to consider remedies for the State's arly count, although at no time did roportions of his vote in the primary. It was not until 850 precincts had been counted that Jeffries forged to the front. Record Vote Cast Stimulated by such issues as the partisan participation of organized labor, racial problems and post-war planning, Detroiters today cast what probably was a record off-year vote in choosing between Edward J. Jef- fries, incumbent, and Frank FitzGer- ald for mayor of this great industrial center. The ballot was non-partisan. Election officials late today esti- mated the total vote would approxi- mate 435,000-more than twice as many votes as were cast in the pri- mary a month ago and about 17.000 more than were tallied in the 1937 election, previous high off-year mark. Labor Backs Fitzgerald FitzGerald, who captured every predominantly Negro precinct in the primary, had the endorsement of the United Automobile Workers (Co) and some American Federation of Labor affiliates. Jeffries was sup- ported for a third two-year term by part of the AFL affiliates and by the city's three English-language daily newspapers, which charged that the FitzGerald candidacy was an attempt by organized labor to take over con- trol of the city government. This was denied by labor union officials. Besides a mayor, a nine-man City Council, City Clerk and City Treas- urer also were elected today. The city's 1,057 polling places remained open until 8 p.m., Eastern War Time. Partisans Fight Nazis in Bosnia Russians Press Drive To Restore Sevastopol LONDON, Nov. 2.--(P)-Yugoslav partisans fought on bitterly today against the Germans as Russian armies driving into the Crimea brought nearer the restoration of Sevastopol as the Black Sea base of the Soviet fleet and as a possible springboard for a thrust against Rumania and Bessarabia. Today's communique broadcast by Gen. Josip Broz' (Tito's) partisans declared that heavy Nazi attacks- part of an offensive of considerable scope-had been beaten down in Montenegro and that determined German assaults had been thrown back in both Bosnia and Croatia. Two hundred and fifty Germans were killed in Montenegro near Kol- asin, the war bulletin said, a German attack with tanks in eastern Bosnia was beaten back, and Croatian units captured a village in western Bosnia. RAF, RCAF, Raid France, Holland LONDON, Nov 2-()-RAF and RCAF Mustangs and Typhoons con- tinued their round-the-clock offens- ive sweeps over France and Holland today, destroying three enemy air- craft and damaging a number of lo- comotives, a communique said. Other Typhoons and fighters at- tacked two enemy merchant ships off the Brest Peninsula in France this afternoon to score hits on both ves- sels and set them afire. An Air Ministry communique said that one fighter was missing. A few German planes penetrated the outer London district in a brief raid tonight and dropped a bomb on a golf course, causing no casualties. In the Thames Estuary section, how- ever, at least one person was killed and several were injured. One enemy plane was destroyed. a ROYAL QUANDARY: Italian Future Rests in Hands Of Weary KingEmannuel_ By WES GALLAGHER Associated Press correspondent SOMEWHERE IN SOUTHERN ITALY, Nov. 2.-Italy's political fu- ture hangs today in a delicate bal- ance which may affect her history for centuries to come. In a dilapidated villa overlooking the sea, tired old King Vittorio Emanuele, ruler for 43 years, holds the key to his country's political soul. Twenty-two years ago he held a similar key and turned it over to a rabble-rousing young politician nam- ed Benito Mussolini and thereby plunged his nation into the deepest shame of its long history. Now after two decades the little man on the big throne is reaping the harvest of that fateful decision. Badoglio Returns Twenty-two years ago General Ba- doglio, then in his prime, offered to smash the Fascists with a single regi- parties, or continuance of his reign with a feeble government composed of little-known men. Facts Are Gathered These are the political facts as as- certained by this writer from five day's travel in every major city of southern Italy and talks with Badog- lio, Lt.-Gen. Mason A. MacFarlane, head of the Allied Military Mission; and Italian party leaders: Twenty-two years of Fascism have rotted Italy's political society to a point where only a great wave of hope can bring the people out of their apathy into a fighting and vigorous nation. No trained public functionaries are left except those who held office as Fascists. Because there are none trained to take their places, many Fascist offi- cials still hold their jobs and are only kept in line by representatives of the Repatriates Line Teia Maru's Rails 4 :: °> .b.