PA(Ni,l TWO TH E 1 31 .0. 4. a -. .'. .. ; . L . . A - i t A I I.."' a I1P J N-JAN, ,1944 . .. __. .. ... .__ .r..a_ .in . i" n .o \! 4.In. 4. w.1 1- . Al.w Il. A id-urwhn raihj Fifty-Fourth Year i 1I The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON Samuel Graftons Pd Rather Be Right SN A IA IT y Lichty .1 ,I "'" "E[ M cn Wl" - "iTKLM c W 51V A w . y Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Editorial Staff Marion Ford . .. Jane Farrant . . Claire Sherman . Marjorie Borradaile . Eric Zalenski . . Bud Low . . . . Asso Harvey Frank . . . . Assoc Mary Anne Olson . . . Marjorie Rosmarin . . . Ass Hilda Slautterback . Doris Kuentz . . . Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director EtCity Editor Associate Editor . Sports Editor ciate Sports Editor ciate Sports Editor Women's Editor 't Women's Editor . Columnist . Columnist Business Manager Ass't Bus. Manager Ass't Bus. Manager Mlly Ann Winokur Elizabeth Carpenter Martha Opsion A. A Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: DORIS PETERSON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. OMINOUS NOTE-* No-Strike Law Would Endjger Civil Liberty WARREN ATHERTON, national American Le- gion Commander. sounded an ominous note yesterday when he advised Gen. Marshall that the United States Government suspend labor's right to strike for the duration. We could take issue with this refnark on the grounds that constitutionally it would be im- po sible or that the war effort wouldn't be furthered by forced labor, but more funda- mentally, such a move would endanger the freedom of the individual. Should labor lose this fundamental right, a great injustice will be done a large segment of our population. Such a move would throw out the window the advanced place labor has achiev- ed in American industry in the last 50 years. Some people have seized upon the war emer- gency to further their own ends. Business has found it expedient to throw on labor the blame for whatever production troubles have .arisen. What of inefficient management, swollen war profits, faulty production (Anaconda Wire), and foreign collusion (Standard Oil)? The whole picture cannot be ignored for the sake of a desired portion. Should such stringent measures be put into effect, it is difficult to think where such abridg- ment.of personal rights would stop. It seems conceivable that other groups, on the pretense of the war effort, would press for further suppression in other areas. The answer lies not in extremes one way or the other. Liberty and freedom have to be tempered to the times to justify themselves. If we asked Mr. Atherton to give up what the Legidn has called "our God given right" of free speech because somebody thought his remarks were seditious, we dare say he would defend labor's right to strike. -Stan Wallace PESSIMIST-IC: Jar is Not Best Cure f-or World's P'ro bleiiis, "J\OTHING would preserve our way of life bet- ter than war," Prof. Leslie White of the an- thropology department said Wednesday in a speech sponsored by the Post-War Council. This theory has been explained to a certain extent. Anthropologists, it is said, regard war as the operation of a natural law, namely, the survival of the fittest. The reasons which Prof. White gave as causes for war are not so controversial. That wars are a result of international rivalry-a fight to preserve the existence of a nation or to gain some of the resources of nature-are causes active in this war where opposing ways of life are at stake. However, that "our system of life has no cure for these diseases during peace time." and that a single world political unity is a necessary basis for peace are not just theories which are pesimistic and bad for our effort to win the WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-For the first time in history, the U.S. Government will crack down on two members of the British House of Lords when it brings a giant anti-trust action against Im- perial Chemical Industries, Ltd., and the Du Pont Company on Thursday. The two noble gentlemen are Lord McGow- an, chairman of Imperial Chemical Industries, and Lord Melchett, its director and leading scientific genius. Their company will be charg- ed by the Justice Department with conspiring with the Du Ponts to control the chemical markets of the world. Lord McGowan is also a director of General Motors, which is owned by Du Ponts, and in addition has worldwide chemical connections, being head of African Explosives and Industries, and a director of Canadian Industries, Ltd. Lord McGowan once made a speech in the British Parliament critical of the Sherman Anti- Trust Act. asking when business might expect to be freed from its restrictions. He got an immediate reply from Eric John- ston, president of the U.S. Chamber of Con- -merce who stated publically that the Sherman Anti-Trust Act had the support of American business and was on the law books to stay. A more belated but very definite reply comes this weekwhen Lord McGowan will be cited along with his company for violating the Sher- man Act. Just how the Justice Department will get serv- ice on the two noble lords is not known. Im- perial Chemical Industries has an office in New York and therefore can 'be served. But their Lordships probably, are outside the Justice De- partment's jurisdiction-until Lord McGowan comes to New York to attend a meeting of the General Motors board of directors. Scandal Revealed .. . It has been kept very hush-hush by the Army and Maryland politicians. but a major scandal recently was cleaned out at Camp Ritchie, Md. Maryland boys, some of them from blue-blood families, some of whom were pals of Maryland politicians, were detailed to Camp Ritchie, within a few miles of their own homes. Camp Ritchie is just outside Frederick in the rolling foothills of Maryland where Barbara Fritchie staged her famous defense of the flag. Some of the boys living in Frederick got themselves stationed at Camp Ritchie and enjoyed life last summer playing tennis at home in the afternoon and getting back to work at camp in the morning. However, when forthright General George V. Strong, head of Military Intelligence, heard about the situation, he moved in immediately. Investigators sent to Camp Ritchie.informed him that a much larger proportion of Mary- land men were at the camp than from other States, in comparison with Maryland's popula- tion. So .he abruptly transferred about 200 Maryland men to other camps. Maj. Gen. Milton Reckford, commander of the 3rd Corps Service Area in which Camp Ritchie is located, who was former commander of the Maryland National Guard, also has been trans- ferred. although the War Department states that he had no knowledge of the situation and that he is on more important duties. Crowley Unsuccessful? Last summer President Roosevelt amalgam- ated all the economic warfare agencies of the Government-Board of Economic Warfare, Lend Lease, together with the State Department's and Jesse Jones' economic warfare agencies-and put them all under one head. That head was Leo Crovley, also Alien Property Custodian and Fed- eral Deposit Insurance Administrator, No recent move toward government reorgani- zation was better-at least on paper. And the President described Leo Crowley as one 01 the ablest administrators in the Government. Approximately six months have passed since then, however, and it is the consensus of Gov- ernent experts that both Crowley and his organization have been a dismal flop. Morale is shot to pieces. Resignations are taking place wholesale. Instead of a forthright, go- getting organization which an economic war- fare agency must be, the Federal Economic Adnministration is simply marking time. Crowley has tried to run all of the many agencies under him and at the sane time has put imself in the highly untenable position of remaining as head of one of the biggest utility corporations in the country-Standard Gas and Electric, which has paid him a salary of around $60,000. To do this, he brought in as his chief admin- istrator Henry W. Riley, who helped him run the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Riley is a former bookkeeper, and excellent routine man, and did a good job in insuring bank depos- its, where the banks themselves really handled things. But in a dynamic economic warfare job he has been a fish out of water. (Copyright, 1944. United Features Syndicate) SAWDUST AND OYSTER SHELLS THE CROSS LINE HEAD in yesterday's letters to the editor department column reads, "Coed Dislikes 'U' Food." The implied sub head might read, "Dieticians Blame Slop on War." The Daily's informant suggests. "We don't want to deprive o1' boys' who have the priorities. but . . She continues, "Must we independent coeds continue to' waste away from lack of food and well cooked food at that." (That University wo- men are or have any prospect of being independ- ent is an obvious fallacy but so it stands.) The kernel of this girl's complaint is ob- viously that the war is not sufficient reason to be served inedible food. There are a lot of us who've been considering this and allied prob- lems for a long time. What will be the reac- tion, we've wondered, to such slogans as "It isn't the war anymore." We've been asking ourselves for instance, if our appetites are ever going to get back to nor- mal satisfactorily when it isn't patriotic any more to eat macaroni and potatoes at the same meal. Having made bread sandwiches a standard item of diet in the absence of meat (i.e., two slices of bread with another slice in the middle) we have long worried over the possibility that serious nation wide digestive difficulties might not arise when the market is again flooded with baloney. The waitress problem presents itself as even more difficult of solution. What will meekened America do when all human virtues seem no longer to be embodied in the appeal with a smile to the waitress or when it's considered manly again to report the girl who spilled cream on your lap to management or better still when the management will give a damn. We remind The Daily's correspondent that there are other problems which might well arise from conversion to peace time plenty. For instance what when nylon stockings are made available again. Will the nation's women revert to odious and dependent feminism? FEELING that this is a very real problem and its solution may very well influence our post- war adjustment to a world at peace and since we ourselves cannot exactly remember a time when there was no war and since it seems dif- ficult for us to imagine now that any of these Utopian principles may actually be put into ef- fect, we called upon some friends of ours whose attributive judgments may throw light on the situation. Mr. J. 11'. Spitwell is a restaurant owner and has only lately been received in Ann Arbor society. He suggests that Roosevelt be pre- vailed upon to overlook the necessity for de- claring the country no longer in a state of emergency. Miss Suzanne F. Shipshier, a local seamstress, seemed to believe that peacetime conversion could be made simple by gradually increasing edibles after the fashion of well known liquor cures. A philosopliy professor suggests that a na- tion-wide nature cult might possibly be set up in order to encourage the original Frontier's- man virtues. Someone, for no apparent reason, suggests we murder Henry Ford. So it goes. Will we make the adjustment? One answer is as good as an- other. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. from one correspondent that the peo- ple of liberated Italy are lethargic. They are selling gimcracks to the troops, and showing little interest in anything else: business as usual, even if there is a hole in the roof. Well, maybe the spirit of expedi- ency is catching. If we can make Victor Emmanuel and Badoglio our partners. which, in Italian political terms. is a form of business as usual, the people of Italy, observing us, may also decide that business is business. that a deal is a deal, and that the best thing they can do is to knock off an honest dollar here and there. We Are Against Ecstasy We have set our faces against ec- stasy. Ecstasy is against the law in Southern Italy. No more than five ecstatic people are allowed to gather in one place, to argue for a better Italian government and a hotter war.r So it is not only by example., but actually by command, that we have established the mood of placidity and non-excitement for free Italy. It is argued that this is the only safe manner in which we can proceed. We need order. Badoglio and Victor Emmanuel stand for order. But if we glance across the narrow Adriatic to Yugoslavia., we won't see much order, but we will see 250,000 Parti- sans, who are horsing the Nazis, but good. The Partisans are plenty ecstatic, and a quarter of a million of them have gathered out of nowhere, whereas we won't permit a gather- ing of more than five Italians. 'I will admit that one big massj meeting was permitted in Naples, ziUr 1 l. 1 ii iII .liiU n A41t which a% Sh 's head over heels in love! She's quit drinking, she's quit tobacco. she's quit swearing-all for his sake!" mass meeting. one paragraph. The general order against other meetings; still stands.) They Were Not Always Lethargie I don't know why We have so easily! and casually accepted the principle that order is what we most need in liberating a country. Very few cru-' sades in tie history of man have been won by order. Thestrange thing is that these same Italian people, who are now a(pitiused of lethargy. were once as unlethargic as could be, in Naples itself. That was just before we arrived. The population there played a grea? part in ejecting the Nazis, and even boys of 13 and 14 made heroic records for themselves because we don't let more than five Italians congregate anywhere, and 40,000 would clearly be a violation of our lure. The Book We Never Opened Mr. Churchill has stood out against popular movements in the past, on tie ground that we cannot tolerate disorder; it would slow us up. Yet see how the Nazis are dying of dis- orcie in Yugoslavia. As to what the Italian stony might ihave been if we iad not spent time negotiating with the King and Badoglio for the sake of 6rder, if we had given the Italian people their heads, and had accepted their Six Parties, and had let their enthusiastic members fight with our troops, like the Partisans, we shall never know. For that is a book we have never opened. We are proceeding in the cold spirit or order, slogging for- ward, mile by mile, in the hard mechanical way, pausing only to nail proclamations against ecstasy to every telegraph pole. (Copyriglht, 1944. N.Y. Post Syndicate) We hear I .... S I'N, ,.. N . A iI f 4 " 4 .lt t'/ 6I - IN, 1;'y t 6 under careiui suPErIVso01 . AA{1 speakers were even allowed to de- fin the bloody three days mand the abdication of Victor Em- entred the city. before we manuel. But that was 'only once. I think it was thrown in just to make it harder, and to force commentators to write clumsy sentences, explaining that while most gatherings are ban-1 ned, there was one free meeting, etc. Let this paragraph stand as a sign' that I know about that meeting. One [o/eo io /iloP Letters to the Editor must be type- written, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only and signed with the name and address-of the writer. Re- quests for anonymous publications will hmt If there is lethargy in Italy or order: call it whlat you will) it seems. curiouslL enough, to arrive with us., A party of 4.4)000 disorderly Italian gueirilas is operating up North, where we are not. and making lots of trouble for the Nazis. But if we were there, they would not be operating, DA I LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRJOAY, JAN. 7, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 47 All notices for the Daily Official hul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day precveding its publica-- Lion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. L. A. Walter be mJb. Bacteriology Seminar will meet Food Atain . today at 5:00 p.m. in Rm. 1564 East Notices Medical Building. Subject: "Atypical JHOEVER Disgruntled may be, I Faculty Tea: President and Mrs. Pneumonia." All interested are in- have come to the conclusion that'vited Ruthven will be at home to members sihe (a) has a terrifically weak stom- of tile faculty and othler townspeople her ta Biological Chemistry Seminar will acl or sb) had, up to the start of on Sunday, Jan. 9, from 4 to 6 college career, eaten only what )&so'clockCalrs may park in the re-meet today at 4:00 p.m., in Rm. 319 0 West Medical Building. "Biochemis- scientifically and carefully prepared stricted zone on South University try of Lipoidoses" will be discussed. by the best chefs of the country. If between 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. All interested are invited. Disgruntled had cited a specific case KEEPS QUIET: Dewvey Still Betting on Deadlocked Convention STILL SILENT on national and international issues, Governor Thomas E. Dewey is main- taining his policy of making no attempt to ac- tively gain the Republican presidential nomin- ationwaitingIon'r an anticipated deadlocked con- vention to hand it to him on a silver platter. Meanwhile the Governor, in order to enhance his popularity, continues to make his admin- istration one of the most efficient and wide- awake in the history of the state. His pro- posal yesterday, in opening the state legisla- ture. to freeze New York's 150 million dollar surplus as a fund to create post-war employ- ment opportunities is a fine example of good government and also, it might be added, smart politics. If Dewey's courage to make a progressive stand on major national and international political issues were equal to his courage in destroying political machines, we would have in him a man worthy, in every sense of the word of being President of the United States, At present, however, there can be seen only a man whose aim is to follow that old saying: "It's better to keep quiet and let people think you're a fool. than to open up your mouth and let them know what a fool you are." -Monroe Fink i I I { 7 i J 4 I 4 { i where she was forced to leave the table with little more in her stomach than when she sat down, I might be inclined to give her a cluck of sympathy. But since she wites only in generalities, I am more inclined to think her just another person who wants her gripe spread a little furth- er than the next fellow's. The food served in the dorms may not be as pleasing as the food we get in our own homes, but that is true of any food prepared in large quantities for large numbers of people. It may be possible that the meals are not perfectly bal- anced tnot being a dietician, I wouldn't know), but no one is go- ing to get into a crucially weakened condition because the dorm tables consistently lack some necessary vitamin or protein. I have yet to go hungry at the University of Michigan because the food served was so poorly prepared I could not stomach it. But then food has to be pretty foul, in my estimation, to be termed "slop." If Disgruntled's personal likes andl dislikes in food have so weakened hen'that she is suffering from flu and i about to flunk out, it certainly is a shame, and it is also quite obvious that she has not yet learned that the world and its inhabitants do not function exclusively for her. f -Joan Fiske To the Membeiirs of the Ukniversityf Council: There will be a meeting of Events Toda the University Council on Monday, Jan. 10. at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham All Civilian Students playing at the Amphitheatre. The agenda will in- Northwestern - Michigan basketball clude: Report of the Counselor toNrn Foreign Students: Report of the game tonight will wear the Univer- Committee on Cooperation with Ed- sity Band uniform. Report at Yost ucational Institutions; Election of a Field House at 7:15 p.m. Senate member to the Board of Dir- ectors of the Michigan Union, Mem- The Congregational-Disciples Guild bers of the University Senate are will hold a Friday-Nite Frolic at the invited. Congregational Church tonight, 8:00- Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary I 11:00. Games, dancing, and refresh- Applications in support of irsearch projects: To give Research Commit- vited. tees and the Executive Board ade- quate time to study all proposals, it Wesley Foundation: Bible Class qwith Dr. Brashares tonight at 7:30 in is requested that faculty members Rm. 112 in the.Methodist Church. having projects needing support dur- ing 1943-1944 file their proposals in The Hillel Foundation will hold its the Office of the Graduate School by Friday evening services at 7:30 to- Friday. Feb. 18. Those wishing to night in order to permit those who wis t aten D. ranisMaMa- renew previous requests whether now wish to attend Dr. Francis Mae.a- receiving support or not should so indicate. Application forms will be Interviewing for Orientation ad- mailed or can be obtained at Secre- visers for the Spring, Summer and tary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham Fall Terms will be held today from 3 to 5 and Saturday from 9 to 12 in Building. Telephone 372. the Undergraduate Office at the C. S. Yoakum League. Sign up for time of inter- view on the sheet posted on the bul- zA sfYf.ff 'fd-bletin in the outer office. a I Faculty, 'ollge of Literature. Sci- ence, and the Arts: Mid-seester re- ports are due not laten' than Satur- day, Jan. 8. Report cards are being distributed Attention, Freshman Women: In- ten'viewing for the '47 Corps will be held today from 3 to 5 and Saturday from 9 to 12 in tine Undergraduate Office at the League. Positions open !are eneral clhiiman. assistant BARNABY By Crockett Johnson L