i iw i,
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iAt I!tr
4 ait t
Russians Sweep
Iiles into Old Poland
* * *
* * *
17,000 Idle
In Strike at
Big Shipyard
Union Asks Control
By NaVy as Production
Ceases at Cramp Co.
By The Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA,, Jan. 6.-A strike
by 17,000 employes closed the great
Cramp Shipbuilding Company yards
tonight, halting production of war
craft for the Navy, and the strikers
voted to remain away from their jobs
until "all grievances" against the
company are settled or the Navy
takes over.
Jammed into a meeting hall, mem-
bers of Local 42, Industrial Union of
Marine and Shipbuilding Workers
(CIO), roared approval of a state-
ment that "it is high time for the
Navy to seize the plant."
Herbert Moyer, Local secretary,
said the 17,000 idle employes would
return at once if the Navy assumed
control and "if anyone refuses we will
drive him back with a club if neces-
The union's action was the out-
growth of a dispute involving 42
Marines Slay
600 Japs in
New Britain
Friday.-Six hundred Japanese have
been slain during heavy fighting now
in progress in dense jungle country
at invaded Cape Gloucester, New Bri-
tain, as both sides brought up artil-
lery and 'strafing Aoerican planes
supported the attacking Marines.
Bringing total enemy losses to
more than 2,000 since the Marines
landed Dec. 26, the latest casualties
were inflicted during a slow, arduous
push against fierce resistance in the
eastward direction of Borgen Bay.
A spokesman for General MacAr-
thur, in announcing today the pre-
liminary results of the battle, said the.
bitterest type of fighting has been go-
ing on since the Marines swung to the
offensive in that sector. Previously
the Marines at Borgen Bay had been
on the defensive against sharp coun-
terattacks while other landing forces
oyerran Cape Gloucester's two air-
fields and consolidated their Cape
Covering developments through
'Tuesday, the spokesman said the Ma-
rines had made some advances
against a strong force of Nipponese.
M a)j. Brown To
Speak at AC
Show Monday
Maj. Mary Agnes Brown, executive
officer and military advisor to Col.
Oveta Culp Hobby, will be one of the
principal speakers at the WAC Re-
cruiting Show to be given at 8:30 p.m.
Monday at Hill Auditorium.
Before entering the service she was
an attorney in the Solicitors' Office
of the Veterans Administration and
president of the Womens' Bar Associ-
ation of Wash., D.C. She attended
WAC officer candidate school and
was commissioned as a second lieu-
tenant Sept. 12, 1942. She was pro-
moted to major Aug. 21, 1943. Maj.
Brown formerly was staff director to
the Commanding General, Eighth
Service Command, Dallas, Texas.
Lt. Gertrude Fatjo Lund, one-time
mess sergeant with the WACs in
North Africa, will tell of her exper-
iences in that theater.
* .*
WAC Official
Arrives for Drive
WA*C Lt. Minna V. Nunn and Lt.
David H. Zimmerman, both of Fort
Sheridan, Ill., arrived in. Ann Arbor
yesterday to give advanced publicity
to the new WAC Recruiting Drive
which will begin Monday.
T~nia fha .n'u W Anlistment
Allies Hit Nazis at 'Siegfried Line'
Associated Press correspondent
giers, Jan. 6.-American and Brit-
ish infantry, plunging forward in a
new offensive on a 10(l-mile front in
the mountain maze before Cassino,
advanced an average of a mile with
the first momentum of their assault
and are smashing into concrete
pillbox defenses guarding the Ger-
mans' new Italian "Siegfried Line,"
headquarters announced today.
All along the rugged front
from Venafro to Rocca 6'Evan-
dro and astraddle the Via Casil-
ina. to Rome the Nazis fiercely
resisted the attack which was
launched in a cold, driving rhin
before yesterday's daybreak.
American doughboys of Lt.-Gen.
Mark W. Clark's Fifth Army bore
the brunt of the assault north of
the Via Casilina, while British in-
fantry struck south of that main
traffic artery to Cassino and the
Eternal City, 70 miles beyond.
From noon yesterday, when the
clouds lifted, waves of American
A-36 Invader dive-bombers roar-
ed low over the front at 300 miles
an hour, strafing and, bombing the
War Loan Drive.
SetsU' Goal
At $160,000
Coeds To Be Supplied
By JGP as Solicitors
In Campus Campaign
A quota of $160,000 has been set
for the University in the fourth war
loan campaign which will run from
Jan:'18'through Feb. 15. . .
Miss, Deborah Parry, '45, is in
charge of the work which the JGP
will do on the drive. JGP will pro-
vide solicitors for the campus drive.
Coeds in the group will be on call at
all times to take orders and deliver
Mr. R. Gordon Griffith, associate
investment officer, is chairman of
the University War Bond Committee
for purposes of this drive. Mr.
Charles J. Jamison, professor of bus-
iness policy; Miss Ethyl McCormick,
social director of the League; Dr. H.
Marvin Pollard of the medical facul-
ty, and Mr. Arkell B. Cook of the
University Hospital are on his com-
Detailed University plans for the
drive will be announced soon.. The
Ann Arbor quota for the drive is
$4,725,000. Washtenaw County's
share of the $435,000,000 Michigan
quota will be $7,477,000. The nation-
al quota is $14,000,000,000. Warren
F. Cook is head of the county War
Finance Committee.
In the Third War Loan Drive,.
which was held in September, a total
of $9,857,000 worth of bonds was
purchased in this county. In the
April drive $11,210,000 worth was
Quota Exceeded
For Blood Bank
Quotas for the January Union
blood bank were exceeded yesterday
with 205 Navy men and 128 Civilians
signed up to donate blood Jan. 13
and 14, Roy Boucher, '45, general
chairman, said.
The quotas were set at 122 civilians
and soldiers and 200 naval trainees
from a total of 322 men. The entire
quota for.Washtenaw County is be-
ing drawn from University students
this month.
The registration period, originally
planned to last until. Jan. 10, was
closed yesterday because no more
donors can be taken care of this
month. However, Boucher urges
those who did not have a chance to
register this time to sign up in Feb-
Those in charge of registration
were: Bob Precious and Bob Lindsay
in the West Quadrangle; Paul John
and Roger Walker in the Union.
Reuters Prbedicts
said, with Amerian troops in
possession of approximately half
the place.
The British centered their at-
tack at a point justwe s of Rocca
D3Evandro, where thet .Ga.rigliano
River bends westward, and in their
first rush bagged 47 Nazi prisoners,
most of them youths of about 20.
Canadian forces on the Adriatic
coast consolidated their positions
on "Point 39," an elevated strong-
point about three miles north of
Lt. Gen. Oliver:William Leese,
newly-appointed commander of
the British Eighth Army, told his
first press conference that "we
are up against the enemy's win-
ter line now, and he is fighting
like hell."
He asked the correspondents to
"see that they realize at home that
we are up against a hell of a prob-
lem in fighting now."
Supporting the Eighth's hard
struggle up the Adriatic coast, the
British destroyers Jervis and Janus
steamed in close and shelled the
Port of Pesaro, an important sup-
ply point for German troops fight-
ing below Pescara.
Reds Close on Dneippr Bend Forces
SWEDEN ..RUSS........A
.../ gramion's Army
-'LATVIA / 'Scores New Gains
LTUANIANevel Rzhev
Border Smolensk
194) 1939-~
" """"Orel
Warsaw N
arny O Drive Imperils
Nazis Make Voin P/ Oevs Nzsi ed
Counter Attacks f/ KIEV
/erdichey Bel K k
CZEcHip 6k- erkove'
z aNikpol ..-:
K/~fY///'~ ~' /' Odessa..:.:: .
Gen. Nikolai Vatutin's Soviet Army has smashed 10 miles into old
Poland with the capture of Rakitno in the Sarny area, while other
drives to the south threaten the Warsaw-Odessa railway. The Nazis
have intimated that the Russians have also encircled a large part of
the German Army in the Dneiper Bend.
Reds Close on
Vital Railway
To Warsaw'
-Associated Press Photo
enemy's emplacements and in some
instances causing the Germans to
scatter wildly.
Violent hand-to-hand fighting
was in progress through the ruins
of the village of San Vittore, six
miles from Cassino, headquarters
RAF Bombers Trick Nazis;
British Planes Get to Stettin
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 7, Friday.-RAF
bombers roared toward Europe again
early today, crossing the moon-lit
channel in a staggered two-hour pro-
Shortly afterward the Berlin radio
left the air, indicating that the flyers
were heading for Germany.
The ihw attack came 24 hours af-
ter the RAF feinted the Germans out
of position with a light force of mos-
quito bombers which jabbed at ruined
Berlin while the main force of giant
Lancasters and Halifaxes attacked
the Baltic port of Stettin, 75 miles to
the northeast with more than 1,000
tons of bombs.
The Air Ministry disclosed that the
Germans fell for the scheme, rushing
their.fighter packs to protect what is
left of Berlin and leaving the route
wide open for the heavy bombers to
get through Stettin. The city is one of
the chief supply centers for German
Dr. MeMahon's
Talk Postponed
Dr. Francis McMahon, who was
scheduled to lecture today as the
first lecturer in a series sponsored by
the Student Religious Association,
will be unable to be here.
The lecture may be given tomorrow
or next Saturday.
"Unforeseen duties in connection
with Dr. McMahon's new post at the
University of Chicago made necessary
this postponement of his lectuie,"
William Muehl, acting director of
Lane Hall, said yesterday.
"Announcement of the date for the
lecture will be made through The
Daily as soon as a new time has been
set." he said.
armies on the Leningrad and Finnish
fronts. Residents in areas around
Stettin could see the fires merging in
a red glow visible a half-hour's flight
The Air Ministry itself said the
Germans seemed hopelessly confused
by the mosquito stab at the capital
since the route taken by the main
force was such'that'at almost any
point it could have been directed at
The German fighters came racing
to Stettin just as the last bombs were
AAF Discloses
'Rocket Plane'
Yank, RAF Engineers
Design Secret Weapon
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.- () - 1
Cloaked in high secrecy for years, a
new "rocket" plane has emerged
from British-American engineering
laboratories, capable of extreme
speeds at high altitudes without us-
ing standard propellors.
The disclosure was made today in
a joint statement by the U.S. Army
air forces and the RAF.
The plane is powered with jet pro-
pulsion engines. No details were giv-
en. Jet propulsion is generally con-
sidered in aviation circles to be a
series of short, sharp explosions of
the rocket principle, hurtling the
plane forward. Aviation authorities
have said that today's airplanes have
just about reached their limits in
speed at close to 500 miles an hour
by use of propellors and that the jet
propulsion or rocket principle is the
next logical step to greater achieve-
Walker Asks,
Firm Democrat
Foreign Policy
National Chairman
States Necessity for
Clear, Concise Planning
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-Asserting
that the Democratic party is going
to "stand or fall on the job we do of
winning the war and planning the
peace," National Chairman Frank
Walker called today for election of
a Congress pledged to "support an
international policy that means
In an interview outlining his views
on the issues of the political cam-
paign, Walker criticized the Repub-
lican leadership for what he de-
scribed as its failure thus far to dis-
play any disposition toward agreeing
with the Democrats on a post-war
foreign program.
"The important thing in this coun-
try right now is to adopt an inter-
national policy that is worthwhile
and plan for the peace," he said.
Walker, who has said he does not
know whether President Roosevelt
intends to seek a fourth term, de-
clared he regarded the election of a
Congress determined to avoid the
mistakes of the Versailles Treaty as
equally important to the election of
a President with the same views.
"Whoever is President ought to
have the support of Congress for an
international program on which the
country is agreed," he said, adding:
"I say that as an American who is
interested in the future of his nation
and not as a politician."
Expressing belief that the country
will "demand" that both parties fash-
ion a uniform international program
before the campaign is over, Walker
said he could see no signs "that the
opposition is showing any leadership
in trying to bring this about."
Student-Group 1
Organizes To;
Fight Fascism
Official Name To Be t
Michigan Youth for I
Democratic Action (
The Student Victory Committee, at i
a meeting last night in the Union, t
adopted a constitution and program i
of action, and voted that the officiala
name for the group will be Michigan
Youth for Democratic Action.M
The MYDA elected the following f
officers for the year: President, Aga-
tha Miller '46; Secretary, Belle Ros-
enthal; and Treasurer, Alice McKen-
zie. Committees were set up to take
care of the business of correspon-
dence, finance, education, publicity,
and action.
The first activity which the MYDA
will undertake is cooperation with
The Daily in a poll of campus opinion
of the Federal soldier-vote bill.,
The pr6gram of action adopted by
the membership is as follows: "Thet
organizational committee supports
the following program and recom-a
mends it for study and action by theN
MYDA. A-Winning the War-1. An-
ti-inflation measures including sub-t
sidies. 2. Unity of United Nations andc
popular movements in all countries.t
3. War Service Activities. 4. Coopera-1
tion with all other groups that sup-x
port our ideals. 5. Opposition to fas-
"B-Post-War-1. International co-
operation as proposed in the Teheran,r
See STUDENT, p. 4t
Toledo Plans
Ganiling Studyt
TOLEDO, O., Jan. 6.-(IP)-Prose-
cutor Joel S. Rhinefort declared to-
nighthewould askthe Lucas CountyJ
Grand Jury to investigate gambling
here following the death of an ad-
vertising executive who said he lost
$30,000 to gamblers.
Rhinefort's statement was coUpleds
with a warning from Gov. John W.
Bricker that the Attorney General1
would launch an investigation unless
all gambling establishments were1
closed and kept closed.
The prosecutor said the Grand Jury
would convene next week and that he;
would present a full report of an
inquiry into the apparent suicide of1
George D. Wilcox, 48, of Detroit, who
was found dead in a Toledo hotel
Gov. Bricker also asked for a com-
plete report and said if an investiga-
tion by the attorney general's office
were necessary he would seek to de-
termine "the failure of local officials
to enforce the laws."
Dr. Moyer, Health
Soviets Add Reserves
As Germans Report
Fierce Dniepr Battle
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 7, Friday.-The
Red Army swept 10 miles into old Po-
land yesterday with the capture of
Rakitno, killed 3,000 more of the ene-
my's retreating troops, and also
plunged southward to within 39 miles
f the Warsaw-Odessa rail lifeline to
the German Dnieper Bend army.
Dnieper Battle Reported '
Berlin intimated early today that
part of Germany's huge Dnieper Bend
rmy, estimated at between 500,000
nd 750,000, already was fighting for
ts life against a Soviet pincers move-
ment by the Red Armies of Generals
NTikolai F. Vatutin and Ivan S. Konev.
A Moscow communique last night
announced the capture of Rakitno in
a fanwise sweep by General Vatutin's
army, which Berlin said numbered
750,000 men besides "the reserves that
still are moving up."
But Berlin broadcasts said the So-
viet Army pushing toward central Po-
and mostly are "marking time." Axis
ommentators were far more con-
erned, it appeared, with the massive
swing southward toward Rumania
and southeastward into the Dnieper
Bend. This was the first time a com-
munique mentioned a specific local-
ty. Moscow, however, did not men-
tion the frontier, a subjecof dispute.
Rakitno Area Described
It described Rakitno as a "district
center of the Rovno region." Rovno,
or Rowne, is one of the principal ci-
ties in the western Ukraine in terri-
tory acquired by Poland after the
first World War and lost to Russian
occupation in 1939.
The Russians were sweeping to-
ward central Poland on a 32-mile
front. At the lower end they captured
Gorodnitsa, about a mile from the old
frontier, the communique disclosed.
* * *
F R Heralds
.Lend-Lease Aid
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6-()-Pres-
ident Roosevelt today credited Lend-
Lease equipment from the United
States with playing a macor role 'in
the savage Red Army offensive which
is hurling the Germans out of -Russia,
and in the devastation of German
War Centers from the skies.
It will be an equally big factor in
the Anglo-American plunge into Eur-
ope in this year of "decisive actions,"
the President told Congress in his
13th report on Lend-Lease since the
program was started in March.
In 33 months, to Dec. 1, 1943, Lend-
Lease aid to the Allies has totalled
$18,608,000,000, the report shows,
reaching its peak last August and
tapering off somewhat since.
Russia received through last Octo-
ber a grand total of 7,000 planes,
3,500 tanks and 195,000 motor vehi-
cles which were used effectively in
the Red Army.
Production Will
Be Cut in 1944
.WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-(P)-Cut-
backs in the production of small arms,
bullets, non-combat planes and anti-
aircraft equipment, plus a nearly .40
per cent slash in aluminum produc-
tion, were predicted today by the Of-
fice of War Information in a report
The decreases will be more than
offset by boosts in warplanes and
some other muitions, OWI said, and
"no considerable curtailments" for
the purpose of resuming civilian goods
manufacture can be scheduled for
1944 unless the European war erida
by June or July.
The document was the first com-
prehensive account of production
curtailment from official sources.
1,000 Greeks Slain
By Nazi Conquerors
Cat.Cook Relates European Raids
Veteran of 51 flying missions
that included everything from
bombing Nazi sub pens in France
to "milk runs" over Bizerte, Capt.
C. R. Cook told a University lec-
ture audience yesterday of his ex-
periences as one of the first navi-
gators to fly in the European and
Mediterranean theatres.
Flew B-17
Capt. Cook flew in one of 12
B-17 bombers which participated
in the first all-American, high alti-
tude, daylight raid over France.
"This mission was started with a
flat denial by the English press
that it would be successful," he
said. hoase the RAF had tried
they had shot down more of our
planes than we had in England at
the tihe."
Their squadron, now considered
one of the best, flew to Africa with
the invasion in November, 1941and
operated from Algiers. Capt. Cook
navigated for nine missions in 11
days, flying the so-called "milk
run." Every day, exactly at 11 a.m.
the planes would appear over Bi-
zerte and "it got so the Germans
began warming their guns up at
10:45 so they could make it warm
for us when we appeared. You
could set your watches by our arri-
val, it was so regular."
Invented Game
"For a while in North Africa we
nlavd a cme rc11ed "T'l bomb
....~sss:s e~a::~msmnm~se