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State Officiahs Revamp
Civilian Defense System
EAST LANSING, Jan. 5.-(A')-
Local defense officials, meeting here
to re-assess Michigan's civilian de-
fense system in the light of current
war conditions, today adopted a 16-
point policy designed to streamline
the program without eliminating es-
sential protective services.
The action was taken after Capt.
Donald S. Leonard, State Civilian
Defense Director, warned that while
changes in the war situation have
reduced materially the danger of
large scale air attacks, the threat of
individual raids on vital areas in
Bouncing Betty
Voted New Yank
Public Enemy
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-(P)-Her
name is Betty, she's neither coy nor
winsome, has only three teeth and a
flat face, and she has been elected
public enemy number one by Ameri-
can doughboys in Italy.
She's not a pin-up girl, this "Boun-
cing Betty"-she's a pin-your-ears-
back gal if you get too close.
Sardonic American humor gave
this name to what the slogging foot
soldiers have found to be the Nazis'
most terrible weapon in hilly Italy-
a small land mine.
The. retreating Germans have been
generous with these little weapons of
destruction which have just about
destroyed the G.I. faith in the old
axiom-"Anything I hear, I can
duck." You can't hear Betty until
she 'blows then it's too late.
Col. William R. Blakely, of Laur-
ens, S.C., brought back to the War
Department the tale of Bouncing
Betty, which the U.S. forces rank
even above tank fire as a hazard.
The mine-the Nazis call it their
S-mine-is buried directly beneath
the surface of the ground. Three
tiny metal teeth protrude, and con-
tact with any one sets off a small
charge which throws the can five
feet in the air. There the main
charge goes 'off, spewing metal hori-
zontally in all directions.
Only occasionally, a soldier can
hear that first tiny, muffled pop and
hurl himself to the ground to escape
the hail sure to follow.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-(P)--This
year's quotas for manufacture of
glass jars and bottles will be about
the same as in 1943, with jars for
home canning still unlimited, the
War Production Board announced to-
Michigan still remained. Because of
this, he declared, "We must guard
against the danger of allowing the
entire organization to disband when
efforts are being made to curtail a
particular activity.
'Bombing Danger Greater'
"I am willing," he said, "to risk
ridicule with the statement that I
believe the danger of enemy bomb-
ing is as great or greater in Michigan
than it ever has been."
In addition to the recommenda-
tions on general policy the defense
officials also adopted suggestions
from the state office for elimination
and consolidation of certain services
in smaller communities, to be carried
out at the discretion of the local
Sole expansion of general activi-
ties, as recommended by the group,
would be the development of a non-
air raid alerting system for mobiliz-
ing special divisions of the Citizens
Defense Corps in case of major dis-
Local Group To Guard Plants
Plant protection, they decided, is
to be carried on at full strength by
local organizations to guard against
sabotage and natural disaster.
Other principal phases of the pro-
gram, as adopted, were:
There should be no let-up or
change in civilian defense activity in
industrial cities and critical areas;
services designed purely for air at-
tack, such as decontamination and
bomb reconnaissance agents be dis-
continued outside critical areas;
shelter and evacuation programs are
to be dropped except in large cities;
emergency medical services should
be maintained as far as possible be-
cause of the shortage of doctors and
nurses; continuation of such services
as auxiliary police and firemen, air
raid wardens, and plant protection
units are to be continued where
necessary. The present air raid warn-
ing system and local control centers,
are to be maintained throughout the
Blackouts Set for Six Months
It also was decided that blackouts
and alert involving public participa-
tion are not to be held oftener than
once in six months, and then on
relatively short notice.
The officials recommended that
for "priority" cities, where essential
production or transportation centers
are located arid for other cities over
5,000 population that the emergency
fire, police, air raid warden, and
emergency medical, divisions be re-
tained, while in cities under 5,000
population and rural counties, only
the basic organization of the emer-
gency fire, police and medical divi-
sions be maintained.l
Roth Ouai et
To A ppear it
Three (coicer-ts
annual Chamber Music
Festival Engages Group
For January 21, 22
The Roth String Quartet will again
appear at the fourth annual Cham-
ber Music Festival to be presented on
Friday and Saturday, Jan. 21 and 22,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Quartets by Haydn, Ravel, Schu-
bert, Casella, Beethoven and Schu-
mann will be heard at the three con-
certs which compose the festival; one
of which is to be given the evening of
Jan. 21 and the remaining two on the
following afternoon and evening.
Organized by its first violinist Feri
Roth in 1922, the Roth String Quar-
tet played with the same personnel
until 1938 when Mr. Roth reorgan-
ized the Quartet and invited two
American artists, Julius Shaier, vio-
linist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, to be-
come members of the group.
The Roth Quartet practices five
hours every day-3 hours together
and 2 hours separately. These hours
are always maintained for, as Mr.
Roth says: "If we don't practice a
day, we feel it; if we don't practice
two days, the critics feel it; and if
we don't practice three days, the
audience feels it."
Student ToGive
Rectirtl Today,
Marianne Gooding, '44SM, will ap-
pear in a piano recital at 8:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
Presented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music, the recital is
open to the public wiLnouU aamission
charge. Miss Gooding is at present
studying piano with Prof. Joseph
Prior to entering the University
Miss Gooding studied with Dorothy
Kendrick Pearcy in New York and
with Horace Alwyne at Bryn Mawr
The program is as follows: Chopin:
Fantasie (Op. 49); Brahms: Two
Rhapsodies (Op. 79) ; Tansman: Cinq
Impressions; Copland: Scherzo Hu-
moristique, "Le Chat et la Souris;"
Schubert: Sonata in B flat.
WPB Order Will Ease
Razor Blade Shortage
BOSTON, Jan. 5.-(M-A recent
War Production Board order affect-
ing the manufacture of razors and
blades does not mean unlimited pro-
duction of these products for civilian
use, the Gillette Safety Razor Com-
pany, said tonight.
SEABEES LEVEL AL E U T I A N R OAD-A heavy bulldozer operated by Seabees J,,.sk
the final section of a two-mile snur road Joining a m-ain highway in thie Alezii
R I T A -Screen actress Rita
Hfayworth models a new costume
she will wear for her role in a
forthcoming motion picture.
--- - -
R A C A M U F F I N D R E A M --Wearing nooses held by "Prime Minister Churehll" and "Press
ident Roosevelt." "Hitler" and "Toao" are paraded in raramuffin parade of a New York boys' club
BATHER - Actress Jin x
)Falkenburg seems to be enjoy-
ing her work as she wears a
bathing suit for a movie scene.
Lovely soft wool SWEATERS
. . . you can never have too
many ... cardigans and pull-
overs in all sizes and colors
L %
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., ;
M ryt'.
Personality SKIRTS . . . cleverly
ness wi/h a 1944 dash.
tailored to give that pre-war full-
Nev SUITS . . . fashion right .
'C R E P PS J U C E' IN A L G-IUERS--Enjoying a glass
of "fresh grepps juce"-as the local vendor conceives,,it to be-
while an Arab lad shines his shoes is Roy E. Myhre, American
Red Cross director in the Algiers, North Africa, theatre. In civ-
ilian life Mvhre was a school teacher in Milwaukee;
LOCOMOTIVE GETS A L I F T-A floating crane car-
ries a locomotive from ship to shore somewhere off North Africa.
American railway equipment has been rushed to North Africa to
hb1ster denleted French rolling stock
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