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'rntt g; JIM 6, 1944
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority. of the Board in Control
Of Studenit Publications.
Published every morning except..Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitledto the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspapet. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by.car-
rier .$4.25, by mail $525.---
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorial Staff
Miarion Ford . . . . . . Managing Editor
Jane Farrant . . . . . . Editorial Director
Claire sherman . . . . . . City Editor
Marjorie Borradalle . . . Associate Editor
Eric Zalenski - . . . . . Sports Editor
Bud Low. . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Harvey Frank . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . . . Women's Editor
Marorie osmarfn . . . Ass't Women's Editor
Hilda Slautterback . . . . . Columnist
boris Kuentz . . . . . . . Columnist
Business Staff.
Molly Ann Winokur . . Business Manager.
Elizabeth Carpenter . Ass't Bus. Manager
Matha Opsion . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Telephone 23424-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
U. S. Strikes Inetitably
Help Nazi Propaganda
A STATEMENT, attributed to Gen. Marshall,
to the effect that U.S. Labor troubles have
provided fuel for the Nazi propaganda machine
and perhaps delayed revolt iif Europe has created
a frenzy of denial and surprised horror among
labor leaders.
The newspaper, PM, goes to great length to
prove that the -Axis has made little use of Am-
erican labor troubles as propaganda material. It
also implies that Gen. Marshall has an anti-
labor bias and merely wishes to create disunity
between soldiers and workers.
If Iferr Goebbels has not yet seized upon
American labor troubles as grist for his mill,
he is more stupid than we have thought. It is
perfect, pre-digested material for his purposes.
The whole story, told wthout prevarication
would have a psychological upliftijg effect on
the German people and an equally depressing
effect on underground groups in occupied
As for the charge that Gen. Marshall is trying
to antagonize the armed forces toward labor, it is
logical that fighting men should be disgusted
with recent strikes and threatened strikes. It
is not hard to -understand the attitude of serv-
icemen toward workers on the home front who
fail to do their duty. However, Gen. Marshall,
a great diplomat as well as a great military lead-
er, would be the last person to try to drive a
rift between servicemen and labor.
It is significant that Marshall's statement,
which merely referred to the enemy's capital-
ization of strikes for propaganda material, did
not accuse labor groups, did not in.fact specif-
ically mention them.
Then why all this protest over a statement
that "strikes have hurt the Allied war effort?
Without discussing the pros and cons of who is
to blame for recent steel, coal and railroad
troubles, it is pretty obvious to everyone that
labor troubles have hurt and are hurting our war
effort. Why is it so shocking that a high of-
ficial should say so?
,Labor leaders, perhaps suffering twinges of
conscience, are evidently trying to shift blame
to the administration and at the samtie, to
divert public attention from themselves by mak-
ing a big noise-a furor entirely unjustified by
Gen. Marshall's words.
-Jennie Fitch
Civilians Are Needed
To Fill Month's Quota
ECOGNIZINIG the need for donors to them
January Union blood bank, Navy men have
already signed up to fill over half-the quota for
this month.
With 170 Navy men registered, 152 civilians
and Army trainees must make up the remainder
of the quota. The evident negligence on the
part of civilian students in the University to sign
up for the blood bank this month shows a defin-
ite lack of interest in campus affairs.
I'd Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK, Jan. 6.-I am not surprised to
hear Senator Wheeler making a big thing of the
report that the Allied invasion forces will consist
of 73 per cent Americans and only 27 per cent
If Senator Wheeler had not managed to find
an anti-allied moral somewhere in the second
front situation, I would have been left with an
incomplete feeling, something like waiting for
him to drop that other shoe.
Fer an old familiar strategy is at work; it is
merely using new tactics.
It is not as if the men who are trying to make
a scandal about the division of troops on the
second front had no records. They have long
records of opposition to Great Britain and to
Russia and to our other allies.
It is not as if they had suddenly heard of a
supposedly unfair division of soldiers, and had
clapped their hands to their heads, and moved
in to stop it. The real truth. is that whatever
the issue has been ,they have managed to squeeze
an anti-allied meaning out of it.
This is no isolated squawk. This thing has
roots. When theissue was that of fortifying
the Atlantic islands, these same men "proved"
that Britain was short-changing us, by giving
us mere 99-year leases, instead of permanent
possession, though in a world changing as rap-
idly as ours, 99 years is just about as long as
forever. The same group once "proved" that
Russia's refusal to give us bases would. cost us
1,90,090O casualties; in that instance they used
a scare about American casualties as a point
against Russia; they are now using a scare
about American casualties on the second front
as a point against England.
We have to remember that we have heard these
cries before, we have seen these tears before.
The subject matter changes, but the mood is
But these men always act as if they have no
pasts. Just a bunch of fellows talking about the
second front, you see. A brand-new problem,
and now let's sit down and discuss it. Ah, but
these are not brand-new men. These men who
have always tried to inject nationalistic argu-
ments into a coalition war. They are doing what
they have ever done. On November 11, 1941,
Senator' Wheeler said: "If we go to war with
Japan, the only reason will be to help England."
(The Japanese anti-Pearl Harbor striking force
must already have been assembled). Today Mr.
Wheeler says that we are going to make up 73
per cent of the second front forces, and Great
Britain only 27 per cent.
It is the same man, and the same serial story;
nothing is new, except that another page has
But we must not underestimate the political
power, of, these nationalistic outcries. For Sen-
ator Wheeler says many things that he does
not put into words. By his comments on the
supposed (but unconfirmed) 73-27 ratio of Am-
erican and British soldiers, he murmurs mean-
ingfully, if wordlessly, that American leader-
ship doesn't care about American lives; that
Generals Marshall" and Eisenhower are glee-
fully letting England off easy; or that our
military leadership is inept; or that it is care-
less of its men. And our troops absorb these
hidden meanings, too; a consideration which
has just brought an outraged editorial against
the Wheelers from the Army, and Navy Jour-
It seems to me that we have to make a funda-
mental decision. We have to decide that our
generals are as patriotic as any isolationist Sen-
ator, and are doing the very best they can for
us, or we ought to get new generals.
We have to strike down these hidden meanings
in the nationalist lament. And the chief of. these
hidden meanings, which snarls at us out of every.
complaint, is that our coming casualties will be
due to a man named Roosevelt, not to a man
named Hitler.
(Copyright. 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
Work absences in a Cleveland, Ohio, plant
were reduced by a labor-management drive from
22,000 hours to 8,500 hours in a four-month per-
iod, in spite of increased employment.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-Terrence Burke, e
itor of the Loyola College newspaper, came t
Washington the other day and got an appoin
ment to see the Vice-President. He asked M
Wallace for a statement in the form of advice
the young men of this generation.
Wallace grinned and shook his head.
haven't got anything to say. I never liked
when the old folks handed out advice, and I a:
not going to impose my advice on others."
Theboy stared, puzzled. He had never four
an adult unwilling to tell the young how to b
have. There was a long pause. It looked as
the interview would fold up on the spot.
Presently Wallace resumed. "The only wa
for a young fellow to determine the right cours
is to search within himself. Advice imposed
on him is no good. It has to spring from
Wallace had struck a theme close to his hear
He warmed up.
"A man came in here the other day and aske
for the titles of the ten books which had infh
ennced me most. He was getting the same thin
from a lot of people-the President, Mrs. Roose
velt, Churchill, Stalin, and others. I didn't war
to do it, because books that have influenced m
might not be the right books for others. I neve
like to prescribe for others.
"But I did name the Bible and Plato's Re-
pubic. These two books are full of the idea
of the dignity of the human soul, respect for
the individuat They state it over and over
again. The ancient Hebrews and the Greeks
-the Bible and, Plato. Both civilizations were
based on the dignity of the individual human
Terrence Burke had expected to stay onl:
five minutes. But the Vice-President was talk
ing so earnestly that it was obviously not th
moment to go. He sat like the student at th
feet of Gamaliel.
"The only way to develop your full strength
is to reach out for something greater than
yourself. That holds for a runner in a track
meet, and it also holds for a politician or a
business man. You have got to reach beyond
your grasp, or you will never explore your full
"This is in the Bible time and again. Ther
are a lot of things in the Bible that fit condition
today-even infliation!"
Bible on Renegotiation ...
HERE WALLACE reached for his Bible an
searched through it for the Book of Amos
"Amos was the oldest of all the prophets, and a
real social revolutionary."
The Vice-President started reading from th
eighth chapter of Anios. "'Hear this, O ye tha
swallow up the needy, even to make the poor o
the land to fail . ..'''
Wallace looked up. "Those are the prof-
iteers," he said. "And listen to this. Amos is
putting his finger on the people who don't want
to renegotiate contracts.
Merry-Go-Round ...
"'WHEN will the new moon be gone, that we
may sell corn? Andthe Sabbath, that we
may set forth wheat, making the ephah smal
and the shekel great.' That's inflation-and
falsifying the balances by deceit."
The Vice-President looked at his listener, with
a twinkle behind his silver-rimmed glasses. Then
he read another verse.
"'That we may buy the poor for silver, and
the needy for a pair of shoes; yea, and sell the
refuse of the wheat?'"
"But even this wasnt very popular in those
days," continued the Vice-President. "Amos
was a social revolutionary, and social revolu-
tionaries are never popular. What's more, he
belonged to the wrong kingdom. He was of the
people of Judah, and he had gone up to Isreal
to do his Preaching. And the Israelites didn't
like it, so they told him to go home."
Atlantic Charter,...
"AND OVER HERE in the Book of Micah,
Chapter 4, there's something about recon-
version. 'And they shall beat their swords into
plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks:
Nations shall not lift up a sword against nations
neither shall they learn war any more.'
Yes, Micah even has Rural Electrification,
Farm Security and the Atlantic Charter all in
Letters to the Editor must be type-
written, double-spaced, on one side of
the paper only and- signed with the
name and. address of the writer. Re-
quests for. anonymous publications will
be met.
Coed Dislikes 'U' Food ...
4FTER living in University Resi-
dence Halls, or Dorms, to use the
colloquial expression, for two and one
half years, I have come to the end of
my patience and tolerance of the
horrible slop, or shall we-call it food,
that is thrust at the coeds day after
The food was bad enough before
the war, but it is even worse now.
"We're sorry," we are told by the
distinguished dieticians, "but there
is a war on. Moreover, the Army and
Navy have the priorities, you know."
Yes, we all know there is a war
on, and. we all wish it were over.
But the war and priorities are no
excuse for poorly balanced meals,
and equally poorly cooked food.
All starches at one meal, and all
proteins at another do not make
for well balanced meals. The little
food the dorms. get may be good,
before it is cooked, but one would
never know it to see its condition
after it comes out of the oven.
We independent women have left
the dinner table too often lately so,
hungry that we could eat almost any-
thing. Since many of us are on an.
allowance, or are helping to put our-
selves through school, we cannot
afford to run over to a campus hang-
out for food, simply because we are
forced to leave the dinner table with
our hunger unsatisfied.
Not only is the food poorly
cooked, but you even have to wait
in line for hours just to get some of
that stuff. When you finally get to
the food, you can hardly see it.
And if you can see it, you can't tell
what it is supposed to be.
We don't want to deprive our
"boys," who have the priorities, of
the food they need to become our
'' '
'II '" ., 1.
C..t ;
By Lichty
( 14
t'- [p
{ ! /
......._ i 1 ^ {.
"I'm pretty suspicious of all this post-war planning! Somebody
is sure to come up with an idea for bigger and better schools"
strong fighting men, but we too need=
good food to build up our resistance
against flu and flunking out. One
can't study with an empty stomach.
Neither can we carry 15 or more
hours of class work, plus extra-cur-
ricular activities, which we are urged
to participate in, if wP are hungry or
are not eating well-balanced meals.
We must have well-balanced and
well cooked meals if we are to have
strength enough to withstand the
tough grind we find on campus.
Something must be done and
done soon. Right at this point I
think I would pass out from shock,
if I walked into dinner and found
something appetizing and well
cooked to eat. Must we indepen-
dent coeds continue to waste away
from lack of food and well cooked
food at that? Disgruntled
....... .
.............. ..
Chapter 4. Listen to this: 'But they
shall sit every man under his vine
and under his fig tree; and none
e shall make them afraid.' (That's
s freedom from fear). 'For the mouth
of the Lord of hosts has spoken it.
For all people will walk every one
in the name of his God.' (freedom.
of religion). 'And we will walk in
the name of the Lord our God for
ever and ever.'"
Wallace turned back to the Book
of Psalms. "I don't know whether
e it is faulty exegesis or not. Maybe
t it is finding a text to fit your own
f ideas. Anyhow, here's a passage
that most people use to prove that
Christ, who was spurned and ac-
cursed, came to be the foundation
stone of the Christian religion."
He had found Psalm 118 and he
read Verse 22: "'The stone which
the builders refused is become the
headstone of the corner.' But I see
something else in that verse," he con-
tinued. "I see a reference to all the
rejected peoples-the minorities all
1 over the world. The rejected people
grow strong. They work harder and
hang together and get to be a dom-
inant people.
"That's true of the Jews, and it
may prove true of the Negroes and
even the Japanese-Americans who
are being spat upon today. Gener-
ally speaking, it is true of all re-
jected peoples. That's why there is
so much hope for the minorities. We
used to reject and despise the Chi-
nese, but they may become 'the head-
stone of the corner.'
"That's something we will have
to watch in making the peace," con-
cluded the Vice-President. "It
must be a fair and generous peace,
or the vanquished will become
strong by the very fact of being op-
The young man looked at the clock
and realized henhad been with the
Vice-President of the United States
for half an hour. His head, was swim-
ming. Mr. Wallace had told him he
had no advice for young people, but
his listener's head was brimming with
new ideas. He rose, grateful, and,
went away.
(Copyright, 1944, United. Features Synd.)
By Crockett Johnson
THURSDAY, JAN. 6, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 46
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
Jan. 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The agenda will in-
clude: Report of the Counselor to
Foreign Students; Report of the
Committee on Cooperation with Ed-
ucational Institutions; Election of a
Senate member to the Board of Dir-
ectors of the Michigan Union. Mem-
bers of the University Senate are
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Applications in support of research
projects: To give Research Commit-
tees and the Executive Board ade-
quate time to study all proposals, it
is requested that faculty members
having projects needing support"dur-
ing 1943-1944 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School by
Friday, Feb. 18. Those wishing to
renew previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should so
indicate. Application forms will be
mailed or can be obtained at Secre-
tary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
C. S. Yoakum
All 17 and 18-year-old civilian col-
lege students not in the Armed Ser-
vice Reserve desiring to make appli-
cation for V-5 Aviation Flight Train-
ing should immediately contact Lt.-
Com. E. F. Scott, Executive Officer,
Naval V-12 Unit, at 27 North Hall.
University Lecture: Captain C. R.
Cook, D.F.C., of the Air Corps, Engi-
neering Division, Equipment Labora-
tory, Wright Field, will lecture on the
subject, "Navigating a Bomber over
Europe and Africa," under the auspi-
ces of the Department of Mathemat-
ics tonight at 7:30 in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The public is invited.
Alexander Ziwet Lecture in Mathe-
matics: Dr. Paul Erdos, of Purdue
University, will lecture on "Some
Problems in Additive Number The-
oretic Functions," today at 4:15 p.m.,
in Rm. 3011 Angell Hall.
French Lecture: The lecture of
Professor Rene Talamon scheduled
for tonight has been postponed to
Thursday, Jan. 27.
Academic Notices
Faculty. College of Literature, Sci-
--- ..
semester is D or E, not merely those
who receive D or E in so-called mid-
semester examinations.
Students electing our courses. but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University should be reported
to the school or college in which they
are registered.
Additional cards may be had at 108
Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter
Bacteriology Seminar will meet
Friday, Jan. 7, at 5:00 p.m. in Rm.
1584 East Medical Building. Subject:
"Atypical Pneumonia." All interested
are invited.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday, Jan. 7, at 4:06~ p.m.,
in Rm. 319 West Medical Building.
"Biochemistry of Lipoidoses" will be
discussed. All interested are invited.
Student Recital: Marianne Good-
ing, pianist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the .degree of Bachelor of
Music, at 8:30 tonight in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, with a program of
compositions by Chopin, Brahms,
Tansman, Copland and Schubert.
Miss Gooding is a pupil of Joseph
The public is cordially invited.
Events oda y
All Varsity Glee Club Men: Regu-
lar rehearsal at 7:30 this evening.
As picture for Michiganensian will
be taken, wear white shirts and dark
suits. Attendance is compulsory for
all members.
All dormitory and auxiliary dormi-
tory stamp chairmen: Important
meeting at 4:30 p.m. today in the
League. If you cannot attend, call
Rosalie Bruno, 2-2591, or Betty Wil-
lemin, 2-1528, before Thursday.
The Surgical Dressings Unit of the
Hillel Foundation - will meet today
from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Volunteers
will please wear washable blouses or
Attention, Freshman Women: In-
terviewing for the Central Commit-
tee of the '47 Corps will be held today
and Friday afternoon from 3 to 5,
and from 9 to 12 Saturday morning
in the Undergraduate Office at the
League. Positions open are those of
general chairman, assistant chair-
man, equipment manager, publicity
manager and bookkeeper. Please sign
up for time of interview on the sheet
posted on the bulletin board in the
outer office.
Petitions for Orientation advisers
for the Spring, Summer and Fall
terms must be in the Undergraduate
Office of the League by noon today.
Interviewing will be held in the Un-
dergraduate Office today and Friday
from 3 to 5 and Saturday from 9 to
19 gia m in nr im of n+ vipw
The workout -em taking in our
"gym" every morning really is
making me feel worlds better.
Everybody ought to get some
regular exercise nowadays..
'too, Pop?. .
t .
-Congressmen? Of'icoise. Why
not? ... As a matter of fact, the
congressional physician claims
they're all overworked and don't
get enough exercise ... He also
says they need a month's rest-
J Nf S ~
teppigbt 144 AiOd ikbliteglsi
Mr. O'Malley!: The doctor
in Congress said you need C
a whole month's vacation! .
Be carefui af.r
month of?
And doctor's
orders! Can't
gnore THAT,
-an. , m'boy?
I1 ,_
I - -4- ---
.....:_ . "ees cu e..m..._..__.
Copyright 1944 field P.Wkat4"