THE~ MICtHt~v DAIL i'1~fT TTHWT~ AAU Swimming Meet Has Largest Entry List in Its 11 [istory i 3," a r _ 1 1 LOWdown on Sports . by BUD LOW Associate Sports Editor Graham To Lead Northwestern In Conference Opener Here Friday By BILL MULLENDORE 145 score The Wildcats laved this I slight favorite it looks as if the jinx t i . s' 1 e W olverine Sui To Dominate w i Compulsory vs. Voluntary Physical Education ... ATHLETIC DIRECTOR George F. Veenker announced yesterday a new. voluntary athletic program for Iowa State, a move which to us is1 extremely significant at this time. Since the war, the tendency of the iajority of institutions of higher learning, especially those who have mil- itary personnel attending, has been towards elaborate physical education programs for all and sundry. Director Veenker's idea would be a# good one, the best in our opinion, if it would work. We won't go out on the limb and predict that it won't materialize because personally we think that the attitude of America's youth should be voluntary participation in sports, but past experience has shown that only a small minority of men will of their own accord participate in athletics either as a conditioner, or for their own enjoyment. Here at Michigan, for instance, where P.E.M. is required of all male students physically capable, there are scores of men who do everything imaginable to get excused from physical education. It was that way before the war, it is that way now, and it probably will continue to be that way after the war. In our opinion it ruins the proper spirit that one should have to compete in athletics by making physical education compulsory. But what can you do when healthy, red-blooded young men refuse to prop- erly condition themselves of their own volition? Physical education direct- #r$ are in the same position as the father who said while spanking his son, "Tlis is going to hurt me more than it is you." The Northwestern basketball squad which Coach Dutch Lonberg will bring to Ann Arbor to meet the Mich- I igan Wolverines Saturday night ap- pears to be one of the strongest in Leading Performer At several of the smaller men's aeleges in the East every student *ees out for at least one varsity sport each year, and at Hamilton College it is the aim of the school te have every man earn at least *ne varsity letter before gradua- tion. This, of course, would be im- possible at a college or university tsat had a male enrollment of over a thousand, and even that might be too much since Hamilton's stu- ,body never exceeds 400. ttethink Fritz Crisler and his associates have hit upon the ideal lutIon for a school as large as Wchigan. Men, both civilians and 4herwise, taking P.EM. for the first time go through a rigid-pro- gram involving calisthenics, ob- stacle courses, and other toughen- ing activities prior to making their own selection of the sport in which they desire to participate. One thing that Veenker said can not be disputed, "to build that com- bative spirit you can't beat a good game where you have teammates, loyalty, a goal to fight for and the spirit to win." And it is along these lines that the physical fitness pro- gram at Michigan stands out the greatest. A schedule of athletic events has been set up for both the Army and Navy. At present there is a series of basketball games which will eventually determine the champion in each branch. Sev- eral weeks ago there was an all- star cage tilt which found the Army downing the Navy 25-23. game minus the services of their scor- n ing ace, Otto Graham, or it might have been a different story.f Coach Lonberg is an advocate of a a slow-breaking, short-passing offense a based on a series of definite set plays. His teams rarely use a fast break, but seek to work the ball slowly and con- trol it as much as possible. Their of- fense should prove to be a sharp con- trast to anything previously seen on the Yost Field House floor this sea- son. Graham Is Key Man Key man in Lonberg's plan is the versatile Graham, who was selected on several All-American football ele- vens this fall at a halfback position.. For the past two seasons Graham has been runner-up for Conference bas- ketball scoring honors and is in a good spot to combine another fine re- cord during the current campaign. In his first appearance against Notre Dame Graham amassed 16 points, and also gained eight against the Sailors of Great Lakes. Michigan fans will undoubtedly remember Otto's performance in the season's finale against the Wolverines last year, in which he racked up 19 of his team's 41 points. Graham Plays Two Spots Graham. plays at a forward posi- tion nominally, but occupies the pivot spot on offense. Teaming with him at forward will probably be 6 ft. 2 in. Ronnie Schumacher. The center po- sition has been occupied by towering George Felt who is the team's tallest player at 6 ft. 4 in. Bernie Schadler, sophomore -from Benton Harbor, Mich., is one of the nation's highest scoring guards to date and is certain to get a starting call. Another sopho- more, John Ward, will probably hold down. the other guard berth. Besides these men Lonberg, has many capable reserves who will see plenty of action. These include Nick Vodick, guard, Duane Sickels, guard, James Schmidt, forward and Everett Nelson, center. Game Is Big Ten Opener The game Friday night will be the Big Ten opener for both teams. Mich- igan, in addition to tackling one of the stronger Conference members, will be battling a jinx by which they have dropped the Conference opener in the past four years. Since the Wildcats will undoubtedly rank as a may extend through another season. Yesterday in preparation for this ormidable foe Coa ch. Oecrbaan again drove the squad through another lengthy scrimmage. There Grianit ,'enter The largest field of entries b meet's history, totalling 120 fr colleges, high schools and at clubs of Michigan, will compet urday night in the annual A.A.U. swimming and divingc pionships at the varsity pooli Sports Building. Coach Matt Mann of Michiga entered a full team and it isa pated that the Wolverines will inate most of the title compe Western Michigan College of mazoo also has entered a full as have the Kronk Athletic Clu the Boys Club of Detroit. Nu state high schools also hav mitted entries. Western's Broncos are coact one of Mann's former pupils, Petty Officer Tom Haynie, Big Ten and National Collegi and 440-yard freestyle cha The conference records he lished in these two events sto five years until last season.1 is stationed at Western in th program and has organized tI swimming team in the schoo tory. One of the outstanding ev the meet, scheduled for 8:1 Saturday, will be the 50-yar style in which Michigan's four stars will be matched. As thi compete in different heats preliminaries it is likely thato will battle it out in the finals. Topping the list is MertonC defending Big Ten champion distance who also was second Title Competition n the event in the 1943 National Colle- om 14 giates. lb princial competition will hletic be from tem Ae A e Cry. Chuck ,e Sat-e iulakus. The four state will swim together later in the meet as Michigmns ent ry in the 200-yard chamn- rclaG. in the an hasSRevised antici- Coach Malt Mann of Michigan's dom- swimming team yesterday announced etition. that two meets with Great Lakes Kala- have been added to the Wolverine 1 team schedule. The schedule now reads: ub and Northwestern at Evanston. Jan. 14; merous Great Lakes at Great Lakes. Jan. 15; e sub- Great Lakes here, Jan. 22; Purdue here. Jut. 29: Northwestern here, hed by Feb. 22. A meet here with Ohio State Chief also will be arranged. The Big Ten former championships will be held Feb. 19 ate 220 at Evanston and the National A.A.U. tampion. meet is scheduled for Ann Arbor estab- March 31 and April 1. od for Haynie . e- V-12 MiesK " tn, deserve he first l's his- Wries ei l.iu ents of Troubles seem to be going Coach 5 p.m. Ray Courtright's way as the eve of d free- the first wrestling match with Ohio sprint State this Saturday draws near. Dick icy will Kuhen, reserve wrestler, was injured in the last night while at practice. He was all four taken to University Hospital, but there will be no report forthcoming Church, on his condition until morning, when at the the doctors will have had time to in the diagnose his case. HIS WEEK four Navy teams will compete in the Michigan AAU swim- in a special 200-yard freestyle relay. Later on it is hoped that there can be a regular meet arranged between the soldiers and sailors. The following week, Jan. 15, Coach Chet Stackhouse is conducting in inter-service track meet which promises to show just how much P.E.M can do to improve one's ability on the cinders. All Army and Navy personnel are eligible to compete except those Navy men who are now on the varsity track squad. The attitude that the Michigan coaches have assumed agrees in part with that of Director Veenker-that new men coming here must be tough- ened in a hurry, but there the agreement stops. The staff here realizes the value' of simultaneously conducting cpnditioning and competitive ac- tivities. OTTO GRAHAM the Mid-West this winter and has been mentioned frequently as a fa- vorite to cop the Big Ten title. .. To date the Wildcats have played three ball games, winning two and dropping the other. The victories were scored over Notre Dame, 48-32, and Great Lakes, 54-36. Both of these wins were convincing triumphs over teams that rated very favorably in pre-season speculation. Wildcats Lose One The Irish are always strong while the Bluejackets are considered to have the best service team in the country. Northwestern's only defeat came at the hands of the giant-kill- ing Western Michigan five by a 47-r GEORGE FELT were no especially outstanding stars, but the team as a whole seemed to be in top shape and in good spirits. The play was hard and fast, and the shooting, although somewhat spotty, was good as a whole. The workout gave every indication that the Wol- verines will be in top shape for the big game. The greatest excitement of the eve- ning was furnished by a foot race around the Field House track between Elroy Hirsch and Tommy King, both extremely fast men. The race ended in a virtual dead heat and served to bring out the fact that the Wolver- ine cage squad has plenty of speed in the starting lineup. Question: What is wrong in this EMPTY ROOM? Lowrey To Start RevisedLineup I By BARBARA LINEHAN ! Saturday when the Michigan hoc-1 key team takes the ice Coach Eddie Lowrey will have a new forward line; to replace the one which did not sat- sify him in the game a month ago. Lowrey said last night that he is almost sure of the starting combina-I tion for Saturday. Playing at center1 will be Captain Bob Derleth. In the first game Greer had this position but now Lowrey intends to use him in1 a wing slot on the first line. Along with Derleth and Greer at forwards] will be Johnny Jenswold, who as yet has not played in a game here, but had lots of experience before he came to Michigan. Strong Second Line Lowrey is building a strong second string of forwards to use as alter- nates. At one of these forward spots will be Gordie Anderson, who was a regular last year and played nearly all of this year's opener. Jackie Ath- ens will have a spot on this line, but football Causes 10 Deaths i '43 LAFAYETTE, Ind., Jan. 5.-(IP)- There were only ten deaths charged to football in the United States in 1943, and not a single one of them was due to injuries suffered on col- lege gridirons, Dr. Floyd R. East- wood, Purdue University professor, reported today. Dr. Eastwood, who has compiled statistics on football fatalities for 12 years, said nine of last season's deaths were reported by high schools and one by an athletic club team. It was the second time that no deaths had been charged directly or indirectly to the college ranks, and the first time there were no fatalities in the sandlot classification. This year's total was a 67.7 per cent decrease from the 31 deaths in 1931, the year the survey started, and demonstrated, Dr. Eastwood said, that marked progress had been made in safeguarding the gridiron players. Most football fatalities, Dr. East- wood said, are due to head injuries, and he suggested that a committee of football coaches and college ath- letic officials explore researches mAAP by the A mericannandEl nelish Lowrey said he is not sure whether the third place will go to Herb Upton or Phil Brightmeyer. Probably he will switch this position between the two of them. Abbey's Absence Felt The absence of Vince Abbey is very noticeable but the squad is trying to make up for it. They are getting on aswell as they can with this hole in the forward attack. Lowrey feels that the trio of Derleth, Greer and Jens- wold together can make up for the loss of Abbey. The defense is grng to remain the same as in the first game. Bob Hen- derson and Ton Messinger will hold down the back line, being backed up by Dick Mixer at goalie. The defense was satisfactory in the first game and if this new front line lives up to Lowrey's expectations the Maize and Blue should make a better showing this time. -Practice sessions 'have been built around drill of back- checking and poke-checking and they are beginning to ccordinatc the way Lowrey wants. Red Wings Trade Egan for Holet In League's Biggest Deal of Season BOSTON, Jan. 5.-(P)-In the biggest deal of the National Hockey League season, the Detroit Red Wings today acquired William (Flash) Hollett from the Boston Bru- ins in exchange for Martin (Pat) Egan. Both are defensemen. It was a straight player transaction. Hollett was scheduled to join De- troit tomorrow in New York for the game against the Rangers. However, expressing surprise at the deal, he was reported undecided whether to join the Wings. He was said to have ;>acked his bags to leave for his home in Toronto. Hollett is 31, six years. older than Egan, whose short stay with the Wings wasn't exactly a happy one. Egan, known as the skating boxcar, was acquired by Detroit two years ago when the Brooklyn Americans disbanded, but he wasn't available until two months ago when he re- ceived a medical discharge from the Canadian Army. While scoring 18 points on three goals and 15 assists, Egan has fallen short of manager Jack Adams' stan- dards of defensive play. Answer: The light has been left burning though the room is - unoccupied. And while that isn't serious in normal times, today such thoughtlessness means a GOLFS IDE RIDING STABLES waste of coal, transportation, manpower and other critical resources. All of these things are necessary to manufacture elec- tricity, and the Government has asked for voluntary conservation in your use of electric power. Every time you snap an electric switch, you have an opportunity to SAVE-in your home, store or office. Electricity is not rationed and there is no shortage in this area. But conserving fuel and critical resources is vitally important today. Con- serve wherever you can, as much as you can. The Detroit Edison Company. l/ i~i BEFORE the war Bell Laboratories' scientists put quartz crystals to work in such a way that twelve conversations are carried on two pairs of Long Distance wires at one time. Now with strategic metals so scarce, the Bell System is using only 6,000 tons of new copper a year instead of 90,000. And these tiny crystals are helping to provide more communication for each pound used. They serve on the battle fronts, too. Western Electric has manufactured some eight million quartz crystals for use in the dependable communications equipment Bell .qv~Atm rereanreh k iving the armed forces. PA*NCAKE E A K fAS~T RI D E t 1' 1 $ '_ t 4 Published in cooperation with the i i