PAGE FOrn - - - - - --- -, - : --- 7z - - - - - - A-i i C fit 4, ,,v 1 i4 A I f. ' ', he ;t. _________ . - - -. a t .is.Fa12., i. vi.- "a-s.cRl, -1 A-7 Y_ aYYJ I W LB Begins To Air Crucial CIO=GM Battle Red Cross Worker Uses Out-Rigger Canoe in Fi ji Islands Relations in Future DETROIT, Jan. 3.-(P)-A three- man panel of the War Labor Board began hearing here today a labor dispute whose settlement may well blueprint the pattern of manage- ment-labor relations in this area for the duration of the war. The dispute is that between Gen- eral Motors Corp. and the United Automobile Workers (CIO) and in- volves such issues as the union's de- mand for cost-of-living increases and a 48-hour guaranteed work week and the corporation's insistence that un- ion maintenance of membership be eliminated from the contract and that the union abandon its opposi- tion to incentive methods of pay. The corporation, in a statement issued coincident with the opening of the hearing asserted that compliance with the union's economic demands would increase wage costs of Gen- eral Motors' war production more than $400,000,000 a year, and raise the average factory wage per factory employe to $4,200, against a 1943 average of $3,000 annually. Many of the issues presented in present contract renewal dispute een the United Automobile orkers (CI) and General Motors hiave been raised in similar cases handled by the regional War Labor Board. Ruling on a dispute between the union and the Briggs Manufacturing Qo. last week the regional board de- nied a demand for a guaranteed 48 hour work week or 48 hours pay and also for an industry-wide stabiliza- tion agreement. The regional board termed the de- mand for a guaranteed 48-hour week as one looking forward to the end of the war. Russian Relief Sets 1944 Goal The national committee of the Russian War Fund has announced through Prof. John L. Brumm, chair- man of the Ann Arbor division of the group, that the goal for 1944 will be $21,000,000 worth of relief supplies. Of this approximately $9,000,000 will be given by the American people through the War Chest. The goal for the new year is 30 per cent greater than that of last year. The local.committee is asking the people to contribute clothing, watch- es, seeds, medical textbooks and to form sewing and knitting groups. The supplies should be turned in at the Russian Relief Room at the Univer- sity Hospital. Several million families will be asked all over the country to make emergency kits which will contain food, medical supplies and household supplies from their own homes. The Soviet Red Cross has announced that there is a desperate need for these kits and it is hoped that they will help to make good will between the individual people of the two coun- tries. New Broadcast Planned Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, of the journalism department, will broad- cast the "World Today in Books and Magazines" at 2:45 p.m. each Mon- day over station WKAR, Lansing, it was announced yesterday. Student Victory Group To Hold Cw alti IaSCt leOut Will d)01( n ass orgm:izational meeting at 7 :3 p.m. Thursday in the Union. The temporary organizational committee of this group announced that the agenda for the meeting will include voting by the members on a constitution and program of action. Officers for the coming year will also be elected. The organizational committee ur- ges that "all those interested in the formation of an active student group to study and take action on issues vital to the preservation and exten- sion of our democratic society attend this meeting to help formulate the group's policies," Navy Entertains Civilians at Tea Coeds, U Officials Invited to Functiolll A Navy tea, given to entertain Uni- versity officials, townspeople and co- eds from residence halls, sororities, and the USO who had invited Navy men out to dinner or had otherwise entertained them, was given by the V-12 unit here Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. at the West Quad- rangle. Approximately 850 persons attend- ed, according to Lt. George Jennings, who was in charge of arrangements for the tea, and they were given an idea of what the life of an average Navy V-12 is like while receiving training at the University. Regent Alfred Connable, Jr. and Sen. George P. McCallum were among those attending as well as Dean Blythe Stason, Dean Edward Kraus, Dean Samuel Dana, Dean Al- fred H. Lovell and Dean Erich A. Walter. Capt. R. E. Cassidy, USN, and Lt.- Corn. R. F. Scott were there to receive visitors. Fielding H. Yost and ath- letic officers attended and Col. F. C. Rogers was also present. The Navy V-12 14-piece orchestra provided music and wives of Navy officers and University officials poured tea and coffee for theI occa- sion. Miss Pristine Richards, Navy UIrnell .k IMatthews of Lansing, Mich., Ited Cross Field Supervisor. uses an out-rigger canoe to reach an isohated U. S. outpost in the Fiji Islands. ALL-OUT FOR TRAINEES: Union Plays Important War Role NO MISFITS: New Army Psychiatric Plan Developed by Dr. Waggoner ji A w DF airidesignled to t iS cover more accurately emotional anid psychiatric misfits at Army induc- tion centers has been developed by Dr. R. W. Waggoner, director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute of the Uni- versity and is being put into opera- tion all over the country. The increasing number of dis- charges from the armed forces at- tributable to psychological causes prompted Selective Service officials to investigate the "matter more thor- oughly last summer,- Appointed Consultant Dr. Waggoner was recently ap- pointed psychiatric consultant to the Director of Selective Service and is directing the new testing program. The new program known as "The Medical Survey Program," employs school records and social and institu- tional reports. It attempts to discover possible psychological ailments be- fore the prospective serviceman goes to the induction cehter. Four distinct savings are expected to accrue from the new method which screens out young men whose minds Post-War Council To Meet in Union "Are Wars Inevitable?" is the topic of a lecture to be given by Prof. L. A. White of the anthropology depart- ment at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 316 of the Union. The Post-War Council is sponsor- ing this speech as one of its regular weekly public meetings on post-war issues. There will be a question peri- od after the lecture. Discussion will center around the following outline: 1) The difference between a popular and a scientific inquiry into the causes of war; 2) War as a natural phenomenon or as an expression of free will: and 3) The possibility of eliminating war. Help Shortage Critical At St. Joseph's Hospital An extremely critical help shortage at St. Joseph's Hospital was described yesterday by Sister Phillipa, per- sonnel supervisor. "Ward helpers, tray carriers and persons interested in working in the operating linen room will be paid $.50 to $.55 per hour," she said. Volunteer nurses aides are also bad- ly needed. Workers may report to the front office of the hospital for in- structions or call 2-3411 for informa- tion. ficient iitary service. Selects Rest soldiers! 1) It gives the Army the mtin who will make the best soldiers. 2) It reserves for society those men who might better fit into the pattern of war work. 3) It saves the individual from en- during months and in some cases years of maladjusted living. 4) It means a money saving to the tax payer who paid an average of $30,000 to take care of every men- tally ill soldier after the last war. To whatever degree the new system cuts down the number of nervous cases it means a tax saving. Company A... (continued from Page 1) which was given by the company, and from "Oklahoma." Attendance at the ceremony will be by invitation only. The men will receive certificates from the University giving them cre- dit for the work done here. After the graduation exercises the entire company will go on furlough. The May class will return here to continue their course while the Jan- uary class will go to an advanced base for officer candidate training. At the time that the May class re- turns from furlough, a new class will arrive. At this time the company will be expanded. Co. A Grateful To Ann Arbor "On behalf of the men of Co. A who are graduating I would like to thank all the people in Ann Arbor who have helped to make their stay here a pleasant and profitable one," Capt. George G. Spence, command- ing officer of the company said. "Special thanks should go to the churches of Ann Arbor, Dr. Edward Blakeman, chairman of the chaplain committee, Rev. Loucks, company chaplain, the Ann Arbor chairman of commerce and to Warren Cook, head of the county bond drive, for the help they have given the com- pany," he said. "We would like also to thank-MrM. Ethel J. Hastings, secretary to the business office of the University, Col. Frederick C. Rogers, Mai. J. P. War- ner, The Daily and the Ann Arbor News for their cooperation in every project the company has attempted" Capt. Spence stated. With the campus virtually "taken over" by olive drab and navy blue, the Michigan Union, traditional cam- pus center for men only, has gone all-out in providing facilities for Uni- versity service trainees. The Union ballroom, former set- ting for regular Friday and Saturday night dances to the music of Bill Sawyer's band, has now been con- verted into a mess hall, serving 700 Army ASTP students. The main kitchen is being used. as a cafeteria counter, and the small ballroom and terrace have also been converted into mess halls. The first floor main dining room, crowded even in normal times, is at present being used as an officers' mess hall for the noon and night meals. The regular Union staff is carrying the full load of the work of feeding the Army and Navy men as no Army or Navy personnel are em- ployed in the Union kitchens. Units Occupy Rooms Most of the Union rooms, in past years quarters for visiting alumni and guests, are now being occupied by two special service units-the naval architecture unit and the Army civil affairs unit. Because there are so few rooms remaining, visitors are likely to find themselves on a long waiting list. Third floor rooms, previously used for banquets and campus meetings, HOLDS FLYING CROSS: Capt. Cook To Speak Thursday "Navigating a Bomber over Europe and Africa," will be the title of the University lecture to be given by Capt. C. R. Cook, at 7:30 p.m. Thurs- day in the Rackham Amphitheatre. enemy territory, Capt. Cook has been awarded the +Distinguished Flying Register I IsiMonth Registration for new USO junior hostesses will take place from 9 to 12 a.m., from 1 to 5 p.m., and from 8 to 10 p.m. tomorrow and every Wed- nesday during the month of January, Mrs. Robert Burton, director, an- nounced yesterday. Junior hostesses must be from 18, to 30 years of age and must present two letters of recommendation, preferably one from a minister, in order to receive their cards. Interviews for the two positions on the USO Council will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Cross, the Air Medal, and 11 Oak Leaf Clusters. He is now with the Army Air Corps Engineering division and is stationed at Wright Field, Dayton, 0. A native ofT'Xas, Capt. Cook was graduated a year ago last summer from the Army Navigation School at Kelly Fiell. He was with the first group of heavy bonibers to reach Eng- land from this country and partici- pated in the first all-American raid over Germany. Transferred to Africa, he was with the first group of heavy bombers which fought Rommel. Capt. Cook has been officially credited with bringing down two German fighter planes. It was while serving as a gunner, since it is the duty of the navigator if he is not also bombardier to serve as gunner when .the ship is in combat. are now classrooms for Army lang- uage students, The Union swimming pool is being used by both the Army and Navy for their classes in physical education throughout the day. However, the pool is still available to all Union members from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursday night mixed swimming has had to be discontinued. Facilities Widely Used A quick walk through the two main lobbies, always crowded, will prove that servicemen have been quick to make use of Union facilities. The second floor billiard room and the cafeteria, where servicemen stop in to eat a bite between classes, are especially popular. The cafeteria also is used by Army language groups as a general meeting place to hold con- versational practice. The Union main desk,long a cen- ter of campus information, continues to offer its many services. Approxi- mately $75 worth of postage stamps are sold each day at the desk. The Union barber shop also functions at full capacity. The Pendleton Library on the second floor serves as a recre- ational reading room for servicemen with current issues of most maga- zines available. Co. G Plays Host To ASTP Mene Company G will be hosts to all ASTP men on campus in their dining room at Victor Vaughn House this week. The Victor Vaughan House dining room will be the only dining room open this week, because many of the companies of 3651st Service Unit will be on furlough.. Although many of the men of Company G did not know until yes- terday that they would be the only ASTP company not on furlough this week, they do not feel sad because they have just returned from a fur- lough. When asked how it felt to be the only company on campus many re- plied, "I'm indifferent." "It won't make much difference to me," replied another, "for I never see anyone out of my company, since I spend all of my time at the medical school, the hospital, and my barracks. I don't have much time to notice any- thing else." Navy Needs More T1rained Specialists The Navy needs officers for duty in connection with servicing, main- tenance and repair of internal com- bustion engines aboard ship, Lt.- Com. F. S. Sims, of the Office of Naval Officer Procurement in the Book Building, Detroit, announced recently. Civilians who apply should be be- tween 24 and 50 years of age and have a degree from an accredited college as well as five years experi- ence in the field of machinery manu- facturing, installations or service. Without a college degree, men must have at least ten years experi- ence and have had a responsible charge of work in the above men- tioned fields. FOR CAREER-MINDED WOMEN " That bright future you've dreamed about-College education plus Gibbs triiginsures it!I SPECIAL MIDYEAR COURSES BEGIN FEBRUARY 14 dietician, was in ments. charge of refresh-, Troo Leaders Needed Troop leaders for 10 Girl Reserve Units are urgently needed. All women who are interested are invited to at- tend a mass meeting at 5 p.m. today in the League. FOR A LIMIT E D TIME ON LY WAA Notices The first games in the badminton doubles tournament for women will be played at 8:30 p.m. today at Bar- bour Gymnasium, Madeline Vibbert, '44, manager of the Badminton Club, announced. The tournament will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. throughout January and the beginning of February. The regular meeting of the Bad- minton Club will be held at 8:30 p.m. Thursday. Men are invited to at- tend as guests of the club. Members of the Rifle Club will meet at 5 p.m. on their respective days, today and tomorrow, at the WAB, Ginny Weadok, '44Ed, has an- nounced. All those women who in- tend to shoot when the ROTC range is opened to them must be present at this discussion meeting. Rev. Schloerb Will Present Address The Rev. Rolland W. Schloerb, pastor of the Hyde Park Baptist Church, Chicago, will give the con- vocationsaddress on "Implications for Christians in the World Today" to open the fifth annual Michigan Pastors' Conference Monday, Jan. 17 at the Rackham Building. This three-day conference will bring about 300 pastors to Ann Arbor to confer on such problems as "The Church and the Unchurched," "The Church at Worship," "The Church and the Child," and "The Church and the Home." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) partment of Internal Medicine and Donald Katz of the Department of Chemical Engineering. Mortar Board meeting tonight at 7:30 in the League. All members urged to attend. Post-War Council meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Union. All members urged to attend. Coming Events IJANUARY CLEARANCE, at DILLON'S A splendid chance to save dollars on your wardrobe needs: Because our January clearance offers real sav- ings on Winter's success fashions - long-term clothes with seasons of wear. Broken sizes, styles and colors of course - but everything from regular stock. Included are furred coats, casual and date dresses, suits, over- coats. Chesterfields, Skirts, Slack Suits, Jumpers. at Reductidon to 1/2 Off Orig§inal- Price'' THE COATS ... Originally were from $35.00 to $89.95 THE SUITS ... Originally were from $25.00 to $65.00 THE DRESSES ... Originally were from $7.95 to $35.00 Sizes 9-17, 10-44. COLORFUL JUMPERS at $4.48, $7.00, $10.00 SKIRTS at $3.95, $5.90, $7.00 JACKETS at $5.00, $7.00 SLACKS at $5.00 and $7.00 TUSSY WIND AND WEATHER LOTION Helps guard skin against roughness and chapping, Also a foundation base. . . . . . . . . $1.00 sizes for 50c Dorothy Gray SPECIAL DRY-SKIN MIXTURE Ideal emollient and softener for dry skins $2.25 size for $1.00. a n d fo r ro u g h n e ss . . . . . . . . . .$ 1-BL S O T H EWiT T BLOSSOM TIME SOA P BUY BONDS TAP RCATRIe AC it I i {