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December 31, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-12-31

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FKrkA; DEC:31, 1943

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Fifty-Fourth Year




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday dbring the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
* The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford . , . . anaging Editor
Jane Farrant . Editorial Director
Claire Sherman . _ City Editor
Marjorie Borradalle . . . Associate Editor
Eric Zalenski . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Bitd' Low * . . Associate Sports Editor
Harvey Franks. .Associate Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . Women's Editor
Marjorie aosmarin . . Ass't Women's Editor
Hilda Slauttterback . . Columnist
Doris Kuentz Columnist
Business Staff
Molly Ann Winokur Business Manager
Elizabeth Carpenter . Ass't Bus. Manager
Martha Opsion . . . Ass't Bus. Manager
Telephone 23-24.1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.



1omas Asks for New
Program in Education
WHEN JUSTICE BLACK was a United States
senator he attempted to get federal aid to
states in financing education but to no avail.
This. year Senator Thomas of Utah, taking up
Black's fight, introduced bill S. 637 calling for an
appropriation of $300,000,000 to assist states in
financing their systems of public education.
-At the present time, this bill is being opposed
by Senators Langer and Taft, who have intro-
duced an amendment in the name of "civil liber-
ties," which has led to the defeat of S. 637.
The need for a program such as Black and
Thomas' have ,introduced has- been felt for
some time. This need has become even more
acute during the war. We are rapidly ap-
proaching a crisis in the classroom.
At present there is a shortage of about 7,000
teachers throughout the country. This means
that 3,000,000 school children are without teach-
The average annual salary of rural teachers
is $900, comxnared to $1,900 for government em-
ployees, and $2,000 for employees in manufac-
turing industries. Many of the states, because
of their financial embarrassments, cannot do
anything to remedy this condition without fed-
eral aid. Those states that are least able to pay
teachers well, are the states that have the most
children to be educated.
In those states where there is segregation in
education, S. 637 guarantees that the amount of
funds to states will be divided proportionally to
the number of Negroes in the total population
of the state.
Senators Taft and Langer, acting under the
cloak of protecting the negro, introduced an
amendment to provide that the funds be equal-
ly divided among the races. Their trick worked
and the bill was killed, in the. name of civil
liberties. As an editorial in "The Crisis" puts
it: "politicians win, education loses."
The only remedy for the present crisis in na-
tionwide education is federal aid to states for
education. Nevertheless, a group of reactionary
senators, who are jealous of state rights and
strength, have blocked this vital and necessary
aid to education. -Agatha Miller
FDR Pulls No Punches
In Handling Rail Crisis
THE PRESIDENT has shown in his handling
of the railroad crisis that the policy "Dr.
Win the. War"' is his prime concern.
All brotherhoods have now called off the strike
formerly scheduled for yesterday. This is due
largely to the prompt announcement by the
President that the railroads would be taken over
by the government and the equally prompt ful-
fillment of this promise.
ie pulled no punches in handling the situa-
tion. "The war can't wait and I can't wait,"
he said.
Thus, a railroad strike which would have ser-
iously handicapped our war effort has been
u.T ~r*rY.,ruir~tn thektpel wrers 2afin-

WASHINGTON, Dec. 31-Post office officials
have been checking into the thousands of post-
age-free letters which Congressman James Mor-
rison has been scattering over Louisiana, to see
whether he has violated the franking privilege.
Morrison, nicknamed the "'synthetic Huey
Long," is running for Governor of Louisiana
and, despite the paper shortage and over-bur-
dened postal employees, has deluged the State
with about a quarter of a million letters-
all of them free.. .
The letters contain an appeal by Morrison to
vote for him for Governor. The appeal has no
subterfuge about it. "I am writing you this
letter," says the would-be Governor of Louisiana,
"to ask for your vote and your support in the
coming Governor's election."
This appeal for votes, taken by itself, would
be in violation of postal laws when sent under
a Congressman's franking privilge. However,
the gentleman from Louisiana very cleverly
inserted in the same envelope an excerpt from
the Congressional Record containing one of his
speeches entitled "Our War Heroes Deserve the
By slipping this speech into the vote-seeking
letter, Morrison seems to have got under the
Politics, Sectional Groups
Hinder Success in Issue
IT BEGINS to look as if at least some of our
politicians are giving up hope of ever getting
Congress to pass effective legislation on the vote
for soldiers. Wednesday Michigan's Governor
Kelly cane out With a proposal to move up the
-statewide primary from Sept. 12 to July 11 in
order to allow sufficient time for the distribution
and collection of the service ballots.
If Congress persists in leaving the adminis-.
tration of servicemen's ballots in the hands of
the states, such action may aid at least a lim-
ited number of those in service in exercising
their franchise. But Kelly's action seems more
significant as an indication that the House will
adopt its own counterpart of the 1VMaLelar-
Rankin bill which the Senate already has pass-
The entire pioceeding on this soldier vote
Issue has been a triumph of political prejudice
and sectional pressures. The dubius honor of
having contributed one of the most disgraceful
bits of statesmanship seen in a long time goes to
Rep. John E. Rankin of Mississippi, who fell back
oi tirades against the Negroes, the New Deal, the
Jews, the newspapers, and the President, and
invoking obscure Congressional rules as he led
the fight against the Green-Lucas bill in the
Senate and a similar measure in the House.
It is for good reason that Rankin fears what
might happen if the soldiers were enabled to
vote on any large scale. By the use of poll
taxes and other means of disfranchising a
good-sized portion of the people it was possible
for Rep. Rankin to be elected in 1942 by less
than three percent of the population of his
home district. If the Federal government Ad
ministered the voting of soldiers, Rep. Rankin
might be in danger of losing his job.
The substitute measures passed by the Senate
and now before the House are impractical be-
cause of the complicated machinery of the states.
Each of the 48 states has a different set of rules
for absentee voting and any widespread partici-
pation in the coming elections would be next
to impossible.
Only seven of the state legislatures are sched-
uled to meet this year and none of the remaining
states can pass any laws before the next presi-
dential election unless the governors call for
special sessions.-
When Gov. Kelly issued his proposal to
change the primary date, he also called a spe-
cial meeting of the Michigan Election Study
Commission to consider his plan and-to prepare"
a soldier vote program by Jan. 14, when the.
caucus of legislative leaders will lay plans for
the special session of Jan. 31. Michigan is one
of the few states to already call such a special
meeting of the legislature.
If Congress decides to leave the voting fate

of the some 11,000,000 mSen and women in uni-
form up to the various states, the election win-
ners may be actually minority candidates, but
action such as that being taken by Gov. Kelly.
will help ease the situation,
-Betty IKoffman


legal wire. The Post Office, after carefully
studying the matter, has ruled that this distri-
bution of a Congressional speech, even when
accompanied by an appeal for votes, falls within
the riihts of a Congressman as far as free mail-
ing privileges are concerned.
Capital Chaf .. .
Ma Perkins was lopping ihd because she. as
Secretary of Labor, wasn't kept informed of
several important moves made in the rail wage
dispute ... The War Department is keeping a
watchful eye on the labor policies of hard-work-
ing Lt. Gen. Robert C..Richardson, commanding
officer in Hawaii. He is suspected of playing in
too close with the big sugar barons ..Hard-
working "Muley Bob" Doughton, chairman of
the Ways and Means Committee, is standing like
a Rock of Gibraltar a'gainst putting profits back
into war by stopping Army-Navy renegotiation
of contracts. He seems sorry now that his com-
mittee let down the bars a bit . . . The Russians
plan to relieve Leningrad without firing a shot-
chiefly by a drive through Latvia and Lithuania
to the Baltic Sea. This would cut off the Ger-
mans around Leningrad unless they could exe-
cute a Dunkirk . . German reconnaissance
planes are already crossing the English Channel
looking for the concentration of boats and barges
which will announce the coming of the long-
awaited second front ... Despite this, Churchill
is reported to have hung back at Teheran and
wanted to examine other military moves. To
this Stalin replied with one word, "Nyet! "-
meaning "No."
Back to Peacetime Industry...
Donald Nelson is engaged in a behind-the-
scenes race with Elder Statesman Bernie Baruch
to work out plans for the reconversion of Am-
e ican industry and see who can get it done
first. This was behind the War Production
Board meeting last week when Nelson called in
his top aides and outlined a big post-war pro-
gram of civilian production.
Nelson wants plans for the change-over of
industry to begin at once. This does not mean
the actual reconversion of factories, since a lot
of them may be busy on war orders for some
time. But it does mean full speed ahead on
plans for reconversion.
This may provide one clue on how soon the
Administration expects the war to be over in
However,.insiders who know something about
the personal rivalries of Washington, see in it
also the desire of Donald Nelson to grab the ball
away from Baruch and "Assistant President"
Jimmie Byrnes. These two long have wanted
to get Nelson out, and at one time FDR actualy
signed a letter appointing Baruch chairman of a
special committee to take over all war production.
Fie Insurance Lobby.. -
While most Congressmen have put their tails
between th'eir legs and run from the big fire-
insurance lobby, at least two men have stood up
to give the insurance executives a tough battle.
One is forth'right Senator Joe O'Mahoney of
Wyoming. The other is a former Congressman
from Maine, Edward Carleton Moran, Jr., former
commissioner of the Maritime Commission, now
an insurance executive.
The issue is whether the fire-insurance com-
panies should be exempt from the Sherman
Anti-Trust Act. The Government claims they
shouldn't, that rates would be reduced if there
was more competition. The fire-insurance
companies claim otherwise, have promoted
legislation exempting themselves from the
Anti-Trust Act,
Senator O'Mahoney, a fighter for free com-
petition, recently received a copy of a letter
written by ex-Congressman Moran, chief battler
for free competition inside the insurance com-
anies. Both men believe free.competition means
lower insurance rates. Moran, when recently
'asked to display some posters about rate reduc-
tion, wrote to the National Board of Fire Under-
writers, Dec. 15, 1943:
"We can't display the posters which you are
now distributing because, in this locality, it is
not true that there has been a 46 percent saving

in fire-insurance rates. In fact, there has not
been a reduction of one single cent in dwelling
rates in Maine during the last 20 years.
"Very truly yours, E. C. Moran Co., Inc."
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate)


ON SUNDAY afternoon, Dec. 19,
the University Musical Society
presented its annual Christmas con-
cert with a performance of Handel's
"Messiah," and gave the entire au-
dience a feeling that they certainly
had been in the presence of some of
the world's greatest music.
Agnes Davis, soprano; Williamn
Miller, tenor; Lillian Knowles, con-
tralto; and William Ezekiel, bass;
were the four guest soloists for this
year's concert. In the light of var-
ious other years, they were some-
thing of a disappointment, but
nevertheless they seemed to do a
fairly accurate job.
The Choral Union, however, was
magnificent, and certainly was the
most outstanding part of the entire
performance. Every member of the
chorus knew the music and his own
part so perfectly that there could be
little fault with the group as a whole.
The blending ofbthe voices too was
the best it has been in. several years
and the effect produced by those 300
voices was thrilling.
Hardin VanDeursen of the School
of Music gave a splendid perform-
ance as did Palmer Christian who
was at. the organ.
Despite various imperfections the
"Messiah" is always one of the most
enjoyable concerts of the year and
certainly one of the University's best
Christmas customs.
-Jean Athay
Samuel Grafton's
19d '.Ra -ther,
Be Right .

"That's mighty nice of the company-allowing the night shift ten
minutes of silence at midnight to celebrate the New Year!"



NEW YORK, Dec. 31--The need
for unity - is our excuse- for current
disunity in Italy. :..In the 'name of,
unity, the Italian King must be kept
"in" the picture. So, almost every
other Italian of consequence is left
outside the picture.
Italian students try to hold meet-
°1g, for forwarding the cause of
wit, against the Germans, and'free-
dom for- Italians. These meetings
are anti-monarchist. So they are
suppressed, in the name of unity.
Italy's students are dispersed, into
separated atoms;' having no coi-
tact With each ,other; and this is
an odd way to further the cause of
A Most Exclusive Unity
We have finally reached the ab-
surd situation in which, in the name
of unity, no more than ;five persons.
are allowed to gather in one ..place
in all Southern Italy.
We realize that something is wrong,
so we allow Benedetto Croce to write
articles against the King in the only
legal newspaper of Naples, "I Risor-
gimento"; we even permit the Naplesi
radio to broadcast Signor Croce's ar-
guments. Permission to protest is
therefore granted. But permission
to protest is not the answer; Cr'oces
and Sforza and their followers want
permission to participate. To put
conflicting points of view into one
newspaper is not unity; that is mere-
ly n ia ,an amiable, a democratic
method for freezing disunity. To
have unity, we must put conflicting
points of view in one government.
From Pardon to Power
We have decided that certain
characters, such as the King and
lAdoglio, cannot be thrust out of
Italian life. Therefore re have
concluded that they must rule Ital-
ian life. We jump from a two-
ounce premise to a two-ton conclu-
sion. It would be wrolng to send
them into exile, therefore (and this
is our preposterous logical leap)
they must be In -charge: We have
to get along with% them,-therefore
they must rule. We cannot ignore
them, therefore they must be boss.
Italians must not be cruet to them,
therefore they must serve under
So, in the name of unity, the six
major Italian- non-fascist parties,
gathered into the Italian Committee
of National Liberation, are kept out

FRIDAY, DEC. 31, 1943
VOL. LIV No. 43
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
president in typewritten forni by 3:30
m. of the day preceding its pblica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no"
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Rflthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 5, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
Faculty of the College of Ltera-
ture, Science and the Arts 'will meet
in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall, on Monday,
Jan. 3, at 4:10 p.m. Notices of this
heetiig and the proposed agenda
and reports have been distributed
through campus mail.
Edward H. Kraus
To All Dormitory Directors, Soror-
ity Chaperons, and 1louse Ucads:
The closing hour for wome 'on Dec. 1
31, New Year's Eve, will oe 1:30 a.m.
No late permissions for out of town.
Jeannette Pcrry,.
Asst. Dean of Women
Coral Umon, Members: Members
of the Chorus are requested to return4
their copies f:"Mesiah" and to re-
ceive in exchange new music, before'
the next Choral Union rehearsal,
,Tuesday evening, Jan. 4,
Charles A. Sink, President
To Students of the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts: Stu-
dents of this college who were ad-
vised by the University Health Ser-
vice to remain away from classes
Dec. 20, 21, 29, 30, should apply at
1220 Angell- Hall for excuses which
they may present to their instructors.:
E. H. Walter
Senior' Engineers: Representatives
of General Electric Company, Sche-
nectady, N.Y., will interview senior
mechanical, electrical, chemical en-
gineers and physicists, Monday and
of the government. This is the kind
of unity that keeps the - majority
waiting outside the door-while'earn-
est speeches are made wilhin,;to the
effect that everybody has to he al-
lowed to participate.
We are learning in Italy that
merely to utter the sacred word
"unity" solves nothing. There are
big unities and little unities, dis-
torted unities and logical unities.
And if we do not create the reality
of unity, the word "unity" comes
to have as little meaning as the
word "boojum."
Unity in aPhone Booth
There are four thousand different
kinds of unity, and even after we
have adopted the policy of unity, we
still have to go ahead and work it out
in practical detail. We have to
choose between the kind of unity that
will solidify and awaken Italy, and
the kind, of unity that, is merely a
reprieve for the King. The Six Parties
have swallowed their loathing of the
House of Savoy sufficiently to con-
sent to a constitutional regency, built
around the King's six-year-old grand-
son. If they are going to, have a
King without convictions, they pre-
fer one who is young enough to have
an excuse for his political blankness.
The Six Parties offer a platform for
unity large enough for the whole na-

Tuesday, Jan. 3 and 4, for employ-
ment after graduation.
Interviews will be held in the Elec-
trical Department on Monday, Jan.
3, and in Rm. 214 West Engineering
Building on Tuesday, Jan. 4. Stu-
dents may sign the interview sched-
ules posted on the bulletin boards of
the Electrical and Mechanical Engi-
neering Departments.
Academic Notices s
B3iological Chemistry Seminar will
meet today at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 319
West Medical Building. "The Serum
Proteins" will be discussed. All in-
terested are invited.
.Bacteriology Seminar wil meet on
Saturday, Jan. 1, at 8:30 am., in Rm.
1564 East Medical Building. Subject:
"Bacterial Toxins." All interested are
History 1, section 9, will meet in
Rm. 338 West Engineering instead of
in Rm. 101 Ec., Friday, Dec. 31, 9:00
a.m. Dwight C. Long
Freshmen, College of Literature,
S'cience, and the Arts: Freshmen
may not drop courses without "E"
grade after Saturday, Jan. 1, 1944.
Only students with less than 24
hours credit are affected by this reg-
ulation. They must be recommended
.by their Academic Counsellor for
this extraordinary privilege.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
Concerts: The University Musical
Society announces the following con-
certs after the Christmas vacation
Choral Union Series: Tuesday,
Jan. 18, 8:30 p.m.-Artur Rubinstein,
Pianist; Sunday, Jan. 30, 2:30 p.m.-
Marjorie Lawrence, Soprano; Thurs-
day, Feb. 10, 8:30 p.m.-Mischa El-
man, Violinist; Thursday, March 6,
8:30 p.m.-Ezio Pinza, Bass. A lim-
ited number of tickets are available,
tax included: $2.75, $2.20, $1.65
Fourth Annual Chamber Music
Festival: The Roth Quartet: -eri
Roth, violin; Michael Kuttner, vio-
lin; Julius Shaier, viola, and Oliver
Edel, violincello, will participate in
three concerts, Friday, Jan. 21, at
8:30 p.Mf. and Saturday, Jan. 22, at
2:30 and 8:30 p.m. Series tickets, tax
included, $2.75, $2.20 and $1.10; sin-
gle concerts. $1.10 and 55c-on sale
at offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Events Today
Wesley Foundation: Party tonight
at 8:30. At 11:00 p.m. we will join in
the church Watch Night Communion
University Lutheran , Chapel will
have a New Year's Eve Service to-
night at 7:30. The Rev. Alfred
Scheips will'preach on "Christian
. Preparedness."; The subject of the
sermon in the 11 o'clock service Sun-
day will be, "Our Father."
The Lutheran Student Association
will have a Watch Party in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall tonight begin-
ning at 9:00, and at 11:30 the group
will go to the Zion Church for a short
devotional service. The regular Sun-
day evening meetings of the Associa-
tion will be resumed on Sunday, Jan.
2. at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.



By Lichty

If you want me to box with
you, son, you'll have to recall
what you did with the gloves.
Did you take them upstairs?

By Crockett Johnson




Well where did you leave them?
They're not in you room. .. In the
cellar? On the porch? Outdoors?
Mr. O'Malley, my
Fairy Godfather,
must heve taken{
them away, Pop.'

P -

Copyright 1943 fixld Nbjmwi.-

John.-I!thought you picmsed
Barnaby you'd box with him.
Mr. O'Malleytok
the boxing gloves.
Before it began, I was prevoiled
upon to engage in an exhibition
* * ~ -11 A.VJ


Returning your boxing gloves,
m'boy. They've been used in an


- I

LL-m - -

You won' believe this
h['Snic,,ra#/c.,ni rhom* nn


I couldn't believe it, either;
when they told me dbout it

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